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Away with the Fairies

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A new house had unexpected problems for Tanya.
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Tanya had been having strange dreams for several weeks now. At the start she blamed her habit for late night snacking; cheese after midnight was renowned for causing nightmares. Except it wasn't nightmares she was suffering from; to be honest she was not sure what she was dreaming about as she had no memory of them when she woke. What she did know was that since she had started having them she had felt extremely sexual.

This was something more than sheer horniness this was more...rabid. She had actually licked her lips the other day when her boss was talking to her about the proposals she was drawing up and as he sat on the corner of her desk she had watched the bulge in his trousers and had to swallow hard because her mouth was watering. Her boss was not attractive in any way, shape or form.

She had thought that it was caused by her break up with her boyfriend, that was a few months ago but they had not had much sex for months before they finished and it hadn't bothered her then. She knew that it all started around the time she moved to her new house but surely with all the work that it needed doing to it she shouldn't have any energy left for anything else.

Tanya was puzzled; she toyed with the idea of seeing her doctor; maybe there was something wrong with her. The thought of seeing the old family doctor who had nursed her through chicken pox as a child was enough to have her changing her mind. She couldn't even think of mentioning sex to him and in her current state she may well try offering herself to him. No, best to be avoided.

Another week passed and Tanya finished her proposal for work, her presentation went well and she asked her boss for some time off. A couple of weeks to get the new house in order and maybe even have some time to relax.

At lunch time on her last day Tanya ran head down into a sex boutique, it was very upmarket and there were at least another dozen women in there examining dressing up outfits and racy underwear. Barely looking around her Tanya picked up a small vibrator from the shelf and started towards the till.

"Tanya, fancy seeing you here."

Tanya went bright red and turned round to see Alison her old friend from school. She mumbled a greeting, the short brunette was clutching an armful of PVC underwear and was dutifully blushing herself.

"Trying to spice up the old marriage." She said with a grin.

"I am trying to go it alone." Tanya said, attempting to brave it out. She hadn't had time to hide the device behind her back and was trying to be grown up about being caught with it when all she really wanted to do was run screaming from the shop.

Alison gave her a knowing nod and took the box from her hand, tossing it back on the shelf she took a large misshapen vibrator from a higher shelf and placed it Tanya's palm.

"Honey, this will save you coming back for an upgrade." At Tanya's horrified look she laughed. "Honey nobody says you have to have it all in one go, and one night you are going to thank me."

She moved away with a finger wave towards rack of sale items.

Blushing an even deeper shade of red Tanya shuffled up to the counter and gave the assistant her credit card.

When Tanya finally got home that evening she pulled the boutique bag from her oversized handbag and dropped it on the table. All afternoon she had been convinced that everyone in the office knew what she had in there and she had ended up checking the fastener numerous times just to make certain its contents couldn't fall out.

Tanya rolled her head in a circle, the disadvantage to moving out to the countryside was the long journeys to and from work. She didn't begrudge it though, she now lived truly in the middle of nowhere. Her garden was two acres of wilderness and the house was ancient, if a little crumbly round the edges.

She poured herself a glass of red wine and tried to ignore the box on the table. After another glass of wine Tanya snatched the box off the table and took it upstairs to her bedroom. She was torn between putting the unopened box into the bin and snatching the device from its packaging and plunging it into her ever moist centre.

She couldn't bear this any longer she thought, she had to do something about this constant state of arousal.

With a fortifying sigh Tanya stripped off her clothes and lay down on her bed in the dark. As she had no neighbours she had no curtains at the windows and the window itself was propped open to allow a cooling breeze through.

The breeze played over her sensitive nipples making her shiver with more than just cold. Putting batteries into her new toy Tanya lay back on the bed awkwardly for a moment wondering where to start. It had been a long time since she had last felt the need to pleasure herself and never this strongly before.

With a growl of frustration Tanya picked up the vibrator, this one was twice the size of the first one she had picked. At least ten inches long and worryingly thick. She remembered Alison's words and she agreed she didn't have to use it all.

With her knees bent and parted Tanya began to rub the length of the dildo over her slit, she could hear her own wetness as the large rubber phallus parted her lips. Tanya let out a shaky sigh which moved to a low moan as she revelled in the sensations of something so firm and wide at the entrance to her sopping pussy. She so needed this.

In the darkness a dozen tiny pairs of eyes watched her with glee, it was working; it was really working. The mare was ripe and ready; she was touching herself. Several tongues licked their lips at the sight; their night vision much stronger than human eyes.

They flitted closer, feeling the heat coming off in waves from the naked woman on the bed. The delicate winged fairies inhaled the sexual energy the new mare was giving off and they fed deeply.

They had been preparing the human for weeks now, every night they would send her into a deep forgetful sleep and they would work tirelessly sucking and licking at her flesh drawing her sensual energy to the surface. They had been weak at the start barely able to crawl from their homes in the skirting boards and floorboards and make the daunting trek up onto the enormous bed the humans so liked. Eight of them at first had slipped beneath the bedclothes and under the mares nightclothes to place their lips to her skin. By the end of the first week some of them had recovered sufficient strength to carry the very weak and fly onto the bed. They were given the prime feeding position and were latched onto the mare's enormous nipples so that they could feed from the desire flamed heat.

With their strength returning the fairies had begun the task of making honey with the mare, this was what they needed to restore their strength and allow them some use of their powers once more. For weeks they had endlessly milked the woman, kneaded her nipples with their mouths and their tiny hands and worked on her honey nub in the same way. Their efforts were rewarded with a stockpile of the juicy sweet honey they savoured; in their weakness however they had been unable to get her to produce the cream that was the one thing that would restore their powers.

It was a magical twist of spite that said that in order to retain their magical powers they needed the cream of the queen mare but without their magical powers they were unable to make it. Without their powers they could arouse the woman but not bring her to orgasm; it seemed that their new mare was about to do this for them.

They drew ever closer and watched as she twisted and writhed on the clean sheets, they licked their sharp tiny teeth to hear the honey slick against the object with which she played. It dipped deeper and deeper, never going further than half way in but it grew wetter and wetter until strings of the thick honey clung to it.

"Quickly, get milking and we shall have cream." Cried the leader of the tiny creatures.

Four fairies flew to her pale breasts, two to each nipple, and began to knead and suck at the enormous raised peaks of flesh. They were rewarded with a rumbling deep moan from the mare who doubled her efforts pushing the huge phallus inside herself. The remaining fairies fluttered down to make skin contact wherever they could, the latching of their mouths drew sexual energy from deep inside the mare making her writhe and moan in ecstasy. They drank the desire fuelled sweat and doubled their efforts.

Tanya couldn't believe how good the new vibrator felt as she worked more of it inside herself. She had barely taken six inches but the girth made her feel like she was full and stretched to the limit. Her breath came in sharp pants and her skin felt like it was on fire, she began to raise her hips to the beastly device, opening herself to its proportions. The cool breeze from the window played across her nipples until it almost felt like they were being suckled.

She gasped and bucked and moaned with waves of building desire flooding through her. She had never felt this wanton before. Withdrawing the rubber dildo nearly fully she rubbed it hard against her sensitive cunt making her knees shake with the desire that threatened to drown her. She stabbed at her core twice more with the vibrator and gave in to a toe curling orgasm that nearly dragged her into foetal position with its intensity. Her cunt clutched at the phallus within her and began to strongly pulse around it causing Tanya to cry out again and again until finally she lay back limp on the sheets.

The group of fairies cheered with delight as the mare fell to sleeping. Her legs were still splayed and the phallus lay pressed against her entrance but lay mainly on the sheet.

"Get the baskets."

With a flurry of wings they hurried to get their water tight baskets to collect their first batch of cream. It was their duty to collect for their King, when he was restored to power he would take control of the Queen Mare and they would never lack for honey and cream again. With that in mind they set about collecting the thick cream oozing from the new mare. They scraped cream from the phallus and into their baskets and then set about cleaning the mare of all her juices. As best they could they separated the cream from the honey but they knew their latest batch of honey would be all the more potent for the traces of cream within it.

Their leader, Sterling, worked himself high inside the mare claiming every last drop of cream. Though he steadfastly dropped it all in the baskets he did allow himself to lick the long delicate fingers of both hands. He cried out in joy as new power surged through him.

The rest of the fairies watched enviously as he shot around the corners of the room at blinding speed. He came to rest at the foot of the bed, taking a breath he began to grow.

Sterling grew from the height of three inches to a staggering two and a half foot.

Watching him with awe the others flew about him and questioned him mercilessly.

"How does it feel?"

"What is it like?"

"Could you poke her?"

At the last question Sterling took hold of his cock with both hands and felt it grow, he gave a sure nod to his men. The cream was promised to the king but they needed for at least one of them to be able to penetrate the mare to secure a new batch of cream.

"Keep one basket so that we may feed, the rest goes to the king." Sterling ordered.

"But shouldn't it all go?" One of them asked nervously.

"I will inform the king myself but we need to boost production urgently." He said sternly. He spoke as though it was a duty to be upheld but in truth he couldn't' wait to penetrate the mare. It had been too many years since they last had a successful mare and the harvest had long since dried up. Their group had nearly withered to nothing; originally there had been over a hundred of them and now there were less than twenty.

He couldn't wait to fill the mare with his cock and milk her for all the cream she could make. Almost as good was the knowledge he would feed her his essence thus making her ever more productive. Their colony would thrive once more.

The fairies carried their heavy baskets back to their hidey holes in the walls and back to their dormant king.

King Buck lay on a bed of mouse skins such was his weak state. He had sipped on the honey from the new mare tentatively ensuring that the workers had most of it to build their strength. Once production was set up he planned to gorge himself. His yellow eyes lit up when he heard the workers return, they were making slow progress and singing celebratory songs. He finally dared to hope that they were truly saved by their new found mare.

They arrived in the corner of the great hall beneath the house each carrying two buckets.

"Sterling, what news?" He coughed.

"My Lord, the mare impaled herself and we have cream." Said Sterling proudly.

The king gasped, there had been tales of such things but he thought them to be myths to sustain them through famine. He gaped as the harvest was set down before him.

"Sterling, take enough so that your men can penetrate the mare I will take command of her soon." King Buck ordered. Unable to believe the harvest before him, he longed to meet this new mare. It had been such a time since he had last been full sized with a cock large enough to make a human woman scream. With the famine rife throughout the fairy kingdoms he may be able to make new allegiances with other colonies of fairies. This mare could bring him great wealth and his colony much respect and power.

He scooped a hand into the nearest bucket of cream and let the spicy sweetness coat his throat.

"Feast quickly men, I want another harvest brought in before sunrise. I will bind her to us tonight."

"But sire?"

"If you feast then you will be able to use human containers and bring them down the trapdoor." Buck indicated the large hatch in the wooden ceiling that hadn't been used for so long.

Giving a sharp salute Sterling nodded to his men to begin, there was a free for all as a dozen fairy folk began to scoop out the creamy contents of their baskets.

When the men were sated and could feel the rippling of their power returning to them they set off. They lifted their wings and set off at a pace they had near forgotten was possible.

"Sterling," Called the king just before he left the hall, "Ensure she takes your seed, it will make her beg for more."

Holding back a grin Sterling nodded formally and dashed to follow his men. Before they entered the bedroom once more they stopped to discuss strategy, Hasp one of the youngest of the group was all for them holding down the mare and forcing themselves on her but Sterling shook his head. As much fun as that was it was not productive for the harvest. He decided to they should weave a spell and make her believe she was dreaming as they had done over the last few weeks if she had stirred. Fairy powers were strong on glamour and they were able to persuade humans to do many things they would ordinarily refuse, better still Fairies could make them enjoy it. With their feast of cream they would be strong enough to perform the necessary glamour.

Tanya roused from her deep sleep her body prickled with delight, she blinked and raised her head from her pillow. She started at the sight of two heads bent over her breasts suckling her, she moved to jerk away as a beautiful man hovered above her. He held her face between his hands and soothed her with his words even though she could barely hear him.

She was dreaming, he told her, she was having the most delightful dream and they were there to serve her every desire, all of them. She looked about dreamily and saw the beautiful little men surrounding her. There were tiny ones the size of Tinkerbelle flitting near the ceiling and a half dozen close to her who were between three and four foot tall.

"We are here to serve your wishes, tell me what you want." Sterling called persuasively.

She looked up at him hovering directly over her naked body, "You." She sighed, partly reacting to the glamour but also the hypnotic pulse of the two small men suckling on her naked breasts. She felt her nipples fill their mouths as their hands kneaded the flesh of her breasts, with each suck she felt herself grow wetter until she began to writhe beneath them.

She frowned up at the man, and looked downwards. He grinned at her.

"Don't worry; it is a dream and we can be whatever size you wish."

Sterling floated down until he positioned himself at the juncture of her thighs. He stroked himself to magical hardness until his cock reached eight inches, the fresh magic that flowed inside him wanted to produce double that but he did not want to frighten or harm her tonight.

Tanya gasped as her dream man began to slide is hardness inside her, it had been so long since she had had a real cock. He felt large and round in her tight hole, she gasped as he pushed the mushroom of its head inside and then slowly began to work in the rest. She was panting with desire by the time he came to rest, his hips to hers.

Slowly he worked backwards and forwards, milking her of honey, as she rolled her head against the pillow he added another inch to his hard cock making her cry out with joy.

Sterling had to fight to keep his eyes from rolling to the back of his head with the long forgotten pleasure of milking their mare. His disproportionate cock glistened with her juices and she had nearly filled the first bowl.

Tanya felt herself begin to shudder beneath her magical man, the suckling on her breast grew in intensity as the others sensed her arousal. She felt hands hold her thighs apart and tickling the sensitive skin all around, in time to the deep thrust of the man inside her. She cried out her orgasm so loudly that she did not hear the little men cry out their own cheer.

As she lay gasping and panting Sterling moved to her head and motioned another to take his place between her thighs.

Tanya shook her head as Sterling offered his hard cock to her lips. She murmured that she didn't like it. He had already shrunk it down to a non threatening size and began to murmur to her again; telling her over and over that would really enjoy the taste of his cock on her tongue.

She cried out as an unknown cock plunged into her, Sterling took the opportunity to place his own on her tongue.

Tanya gasped, chocolate; he tasted of chocolate. She began to suck on him until she had his abbreviated length in her mouth.

Hasp could not control his size in the overwhelming sensations of plunging his cock into the mare, he grew it to seven inches and had to work at keeping it there, he watched in awe as his lieutenant fed his cock into the mares mouth. She was sucking greedily on him, her tongue flicking out to clean his balls. Hasp looked away so that he could concentrate on the task at hand, he focused on the thick creamy honey coating his cock. Their king would feast soon and then he would tie the mare to them so strongly that they would not have to endure the effort of this persuasion again.

Tanya was mindless with desire, she didn't question how she could dream of all these strange men lining up to fuck her, or how incredibly delicious she found this cock to be but she sucked him to the back of her mouth and thrilled at the feel of him. Sterling had already grown twice since entering her mouth endeavouring to be as deep inside her throat as possible. He bucked against her lips as he spewed his essence at the very back of her throat. He held his breath and then released it as he felt her swallow down his cum.

He was a Fairy and as such his essence was a rich aphrodisiac to humans, he held himself inside her mouth for a few moments longer panting and revelling in his orgasm.

It took only seconds for his cum to work its magic; Tanya began to writhe in earnest, grinding herself against Hasp as she began to orgasm again.

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