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BabySitter Audacity

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Sitter learns what audacity is.
3.5k words

Part 20 of the 142 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 06/07/2013
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I was sitting at home one Saturday afternoon. The wife had just taken the kids to the park and they'd be gone for an hour or so. I was watching the game and enjoying a cold drink and generally taking it easy. Then Carly, our baby-sitter, rolled up.

I was a little surprised to see her but invited her in.

"Ah, you're a little early aren't you, Carly?" I suggested.

I had been pressured into taking the wife out for a dinner and a show but we weren't due to go for several hours. Accordingly I hadn't expected to see Carly for several hours.

"I know," Carly said with a sigh, "but dad was on my back over things. The way he carries on you'd think I was eight instead of eighteen. I'm just a little too old to have to explain everything I do and have to get his permission for everything and get read the riot act if I don't kowtow to his every wish. So I told him I was sitting and cut out early. I figured you wouldn't mind if I hung around here for a while."

"I don't mind," I assured her, "but Janet and the kids have gone down to the park. They probably won't be back for a couple of hours. You can chase down there after them if you like, or just come in and make yourself at home."

Carly opted to come in and settled down in the lounge to watch the game. She soon got bored with that and picked up some of my wife's magazines and started reading them. She finally settled down to do the crosswords in them. I've seen some of the crosswords in women's magazines and think that the people who write them have a poor opinion of their client's intelligence.

"Ah, Mr Peters, what does audacity mean?"

There again, maybe they know their clientele.

"Boldness, daring to do the unexpected," I told her.

I looked at her, curled up on the floor, looking as cute as a button. She was wearing yoga pants that were stretched across a very nice pert little bottom, tight enough to show a hint of cleavage down below. In contrast to the tight yoga pants she had on a loose t-shirt. Loose in most areas, but not across the bust line. I gave her a smile.

"Come here for a moment and I'll demonstrate."

Innocent as a lamb she hopped up and came over to me. As soon as she was within easy reach I hooked onto the waist of her yoga pants and took them down below her knees with one easy motion. It was unfortunate that her panties got tangled up in my grip and came down, too, but these things happen.

"Mr Peters," came an appalled shriek. "How could you, you. . ."

"How could I have the audacity?" I asked.

Carly looked shocked.

"Now you know what audacity means," I said, letting her see I was laughing at her. "What I'm going to do now is not audacity so much as a willingness to shock."

Carly was bent forward a little, clutching the hem of her t-shirt, using it like a shield to protect her modesty. I took a hold of the t-shirt just where she was holding it, prying her hands off. Then I lifted the t shirt up, hauling it up over her head while she was still protesting.

Carly squealed again and her hands hurriedly cupped themselves over her mound. She was probably thanking god that I hadn't taken off her bra.

"Now, Carly, I deserve the rewards that go with my audacity," I told her, taking hold of her wrists and moving her arms away from her treasure.

I ran my eyes over her, enjoying the view and letting her see that I liked what I saw.

"Very nice, but the view is spoilt by your bra. Just hold still a moment while I take it off."

Ignoring her protests I turned her around and unclipped the bra, letting it drop away. After that I turned her back to face me and looked her over again, nodding in approval.

"You have a lovely body, Carly," I said. "Well worth looking at. Let's get rid of these completely for a few moments."

With that I finished pushing her yoga pants down, encouraging her to step out of them. My, but she looked a tasty mouthful.

I released her hands and admired her. Twirling my finger I indicated that she should turn around and, red of face, she did so.

"And what are you going to say if your wife comes back and finds me like this?" demanded Carly.

"I'll explain to her how shocked I am. I couldn't believe that you had the audacity to just hop up and strip off in front of me. No, I don't know why you did it."

Carly was blushing and furious, embarrassed, but trying not to show it. She deliberately left her hands by her sides, disdaining to try to cover herself. In my opinion she was putting on an impressive show in an abominable situation and my respect for her rose. So did my desire.

"Now that you've had the audacity to humiliate me like this, may I have your permission to get dressed?" she asked. Such a sweet voice, she used. All honey, with the arsenic hidden away.

"For a start, no humiliation involved. How could there be with a body as fine as yours. Of course you can get dressed again, but that doesn't mean I'm giving you permission. I'd much rather you stayed like that so I can enjoy the view."

She bent down and snatched up her clothes.

"Chance would be a fine thing," she snapped. "If I did you'd promptly start getting the wrong idea."

"No such thing," I defended myself. "I've already got the right idea. Do you really need to rush to put those things back on? I'd much rather you just sat here for a few minutes and let me pet you."

"I'll bet. And I know where you would expect the petting to lead," she muttered, trying to untangle her panties from her yoga pants.

"Then it'll come as no surprise when it happens," I said. "So how about you sit here for a few minutes," patting my lap while I spoke. "If you don't like it we can always stop."

"Do you seriously mean you have the gall to tear off my clothes and then invite me to sit on your lap so you can molest me?"



"The word of the day is audacity, remember. You mean do I have the audacity to invite you to sit on my lap so I can properly appreciate your lovely curves. And the answer is yes, I do. For a start I want to find out if your breasts are as tasty as they look."

Carly was just standing there, clothes in her hand, looking at me as though she just couldn't believe what I was saying. I casually reached over, took her arm, and gently pulled her to me and down so she was sitting on my lap, still looking slightly stunned.

I bent down and took a nipple in my mouth, sucking lightly. I heard her sharp intake of breath but she didn't try to push me away. Satisfied that her nipple was nicely pointing I switched to her other breast.

For the next few minutes I played with her breasts, mouth or hands constantly teasing them, exciting them and Carly. For the time being I had no intention of exploring more sensitive areas. I was quite happy to let her get used to some enjoyable and only mildly naughty petting.

Soon enough my hand drifted down to her tummy, rubbing it lightly and wandering further afield. Down along the outside of her leg, across at the knee and then back up along the inside of her thigh. I could hear her breathing deepen slightly and her thigh was quivering. Before she could decide to let them drift further apart or, conversely, close them more tightly, my hand changed direction, drifting back down the inside of her other thigh, across at the knee and back up along her leg.

Sliding across her lower tummy my hand slowed and then eased down to slide over her mons, fingers tangling in her curls. A little bit of massaging and kneading her mons, a final little tug on her curls and my hand drifted away again.

I kept on doing this, hand drifting down around and along her legs, approaching but never quite closing upon her mound. At the same time I kept up my attention to her breasts, keeping them tantalised and tense.

It wasn't long before Carly's legs were drifting further apart, tacitly inviting me to touch her. The invitation was quietly ignored, and I could sense frustration creeping in. Her breathing was now a little ragged, and I was damn sure that when I did finally descend upon her pussy she would be hot and wet.

She managed to put one over on me. Carly had released her clothes, just letting them fall. I hadn't realised that she'd also released my zip until her hand slipped inside and sought confirmation that I was serious with my attentions. I damn near squeaked myself when her hand suddenly closed over me, stroking and squeezing.

Next time my hand drifted past her pussy it stopped and closed gently over her. That was all for the time being. Just cupping and holding, feeling the heat and the moisture starting to seep out. Carly jumped significantly when I touched her there. I could feel the little hand on my cock tighten and relax.

After a few moments of my just cupping and holding her, Carly began to shift restlessly, wanting more. I still delayed, but finally started stroking her. I think I beat her having to ask by about a second at the most.

Now I was upping the ante a little. My fingers were starting to probe deeper, exploring inside her, while my mouth was back on her breasts, kissing and sucking and tasting. I eased her down onto the couch and was half-sitting, half-lying next to her. She was hot and ready and all mine.

A gentle touch around her clitoris and Carly was ready to buck right off the couch. I'd already moved her legs further apart and was preparing to move between them when I heard the noise.

I looked out the window, noting that it was starting to rain. Little bells sounded inside me.

"Ah, Carly, it's starting to rain," I said softly.

She looked at me, bemused.

"Rain means little children will get wet and not play in the park. Mummy will bring them home. Any moment now."

She was still looking bemused, but then what I said sank in. She sat up with a gasp, desperate for her clothes. Grabbing them she darted from the room and I heard the bathroom door slam.

Minutes later Carly emerged from the bathroom, fully dressed, and my wife arrived home with the children.

Janet was quite pleased to see Carly and they fell to talking the way women do. Janet completely sympathised with Carly about how difficult her father was being. She'd had the same problems when she was eighteen, she said. I just relaxed, watched the football match, felt frustrated and had nasty thoughts about rain that picks the wrong time to fall.

Eventually Janet and I went and got changed, ready to go out. Carly managed to spend the rest of the afternoon without talking to me, but she did take a chance that offered and kicked me firmly in the shin. I yelped and then hurriedly blamed an inoffensive chest of drawers.

Janet and I went out and we had an enjoyable time. I was the driver, so I stuck to mocktails and water, while Janet relaxed and imbibed. Not to the point where she was drunk, but definitely merry.

Driving home, the rain started again. The afternoon's rain had been merely the prelude. Now the storm really broke over us, with thunder and lightning, a howling wind and pouring rain. Thank god for garages with automatic doors that let you get inside nice and dry.

The first thing that Janet did when we got inside was lay down the law to Carly. There was no way she was going to be allowed to walk home in the storm. She could have me drive her or stay the night in the spare room.

I just innocently smiled and pointed out it was a really nasty storm but if she really wanted to go home I didn't mind taking her. From the look on Carly's face she had her own ideas of what I meant by taking her. She opted to spend the night in the guest room.

I put the kettle on and asked the girls if they wanted coffee. Janet turned it down in favour of going straight to bed, whereupon Carly also decided to give it a miss.

"OK," I said. "I'll just help Janet to bed. Why don't you go and get undressed and I'll fetch one of Janet's nighties for you to wear."

Janet was really starting to feel the alcohol now. By the time she was in bed she was dead to the world. She wasn't going to wake up before the morning, and even then, only reluctantly. I grabbed one of her nighties and wandered down to the guest room, whistling quietly.

The light was still on. I knocked softly and then opened the door. Carly was in bed, the blankets pulled up to her chin.

"Leave the nightie on the bed, please," she said in a small voice. "I'll finish changing when you're gone."

How much finishing did she require, I wondered? I could see her yoga pants and t-shirt neatly folded at the end of the bed, and I was quite sure that there was something folded into her t-shirt.

I put the nightie on the bed, took the blankets and pulled them down. Carly resisted for a moment, hanging onto them, but they slipped out of her grasp and there she was, fully exposed and naked.

"Now where were we before the rain?" I asked softly.

"Nowhere. Go away. Janet will come."

I shook my head. Carly knew damn well if she'd remained dressed and just said no I'd have had to accept it. Instead she had stripped completely, got in bed and waited. With the light on.

"Janet is asleep and an earthquake wouldn't wake her. Your little cries of 'unhand me, you fiend,' will be completely unheard."

I placed a finger on the inside of her ankle and gently pressed. Carly just stared at me with big eyes while her legs parted at my gentle urging. Finger under her knee and gently lifting and Carly's knees rose, leaving her with thighs spread, wide open to my attentions.

Again I started by tasting her nipples, making sure they were erect and eager. After that my hand slid straight down between her parted thighs and, closing over her mound, I squeezed.

It was pretty plain that I'd been correct in my assessment. I could feel the heat within her and a gentle probe found moisture. I teased her, building on the heat, stoking the fires of passion. I was moving a lot faster than I had during the afternoon, feeling a lot surer of my prey. This time Carly wanted to be caught.

Standing, I stripped. I thought it unfair that Carly was naked while I was still fully dressed. Carly was now staring at what, earlier, she had just felt. (Felt quite comprehensively, I might add.) She was also starting to look a little nervous.

"Would you like me to turn the lights out?"

"No," came a very small voice. "I want to see."

That was fine by me. I wanted to watch her while I took her. I had already determined that she wasn't a virgin, so there would no need to be especially gentle when I took her. Not that I intended to be rough – just firm.

I settled onto the bed, nestling between her thighs. Carly was breathing hard, looking down where my erection was now brushing against her. Before I could touch her a hand snaked down, covering her mound. Her fingers slowly separated, parting her lips, inviting me in.

I leaned closer, my cock brushing against her fingers as I probed her entrance. A gentle nudge eased me past her lips, with Carly withdrawing her hand, letting herself close around me. With that I pushed firmly forward. Carly gasped, pushing eagerly up to meet me.

Where in the hell did I get the idea that she was a bit nervous? Left to itself, my first firm thrust would have had me halfway home. Instead, Carly pushed up hard against me, resulting in me sliding fully into her, sheathing myself in her willing passage.

Then the fun started. I drove into her hard, pulling back and driving in again. Carly was making little noises, desperation in her voice as she pressed against me, pleading for more, wanting it harder and faster and just plain wanting it.

I rode her willing body, hitting so hard that she was visibly jolted each time I drove home. Her legs came up and closed around me, helping to pull me deeper, faster. Her hands clung to me and I took her on a voyage of delightful discovery.

My problem was that she felt so delightful I just wanted to let rip, pounding her hard and pleasing myself with no regard to her needs. Common sense and courtesy to others were battling an uphill task compared to the feeling of her passage against my cock. I was sweating with the effort I made to restrain myself, while all the time pressing urgently into her.

Somehow I managed to establish a rhythm that allowed me to build on her excitement, passion, and lust, without spilling my own seed too fast. Holding on to that rhythm I proceeded to enjoy myself while slowly driving Carly out of her mind.

Mind you, I was thinking I might lose my own mind the way I was going, sliding back and forth, my cock in her vaginal passage, constantly rubbing, rousing and goading me. The rubbing and the rousing I could deal with fine. The relentless goading of my cock saying 'go on, do her a favour and really let rip,' was so tempting, teasing my baser desires.

I fought hard, but slowly but surely the tempo increased. Not that Carly was complaining or, if she was, she wasn't making those complaints known. There again, it's hard to make anything out of a series of squeaks, squeals, groans and appeals to god, although she certainly sounded sincere.

It did occur to me that maybe the increased tempo of her squeals, and the higher pitches that they seemed to be reaching, might be an indication that she was nearing her climax, so with a great effort of will I managed to slow things down a little.

Oddly enough this didn't seem to please Carly, as there seemed to be a new note of desperation in her voice. I considered this carefully. After all, I wouldn't want to rush the girl into a hurried climax. Deciding that it was either hurry up and help her to a climax or risk being murdered while I took her, I started making my end run.

The suddenly increased tempo rendered Carly speechless, except for a long drawn out, "Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah," as I hammered home. Each gasped sound seemed to be drawn out longer and at a higher pitch than the previous one, then they just ran into a high pitched squeal as she came apart under me, her climax finally making itself known.

So did mine. I pumped into her with great gusto, my balls thankful for the release. All too soon it was over and I was lying next to her, spent.

I might have been spent but I was still aware of my surroundings. Can't say the same for Carly. She just lay there with a dazed expression on her face. But it was also a happy and contented expression, please note. She was just staring at the ceiling, then her eyes closed and she slept.

I slid off the bed and moved the blankets over her, tucking her in. Then I grabbed my clothes, switched out the light and headed for my own bed.

I was just sliding in when Janet suddenly sat up and looked at me.

"If you've been screwing Carly," she said, "you had better have done a good job of it. I'm not losing a sitter just because you gave her a lousy fuck."

Then she slumped down in the bed, sound asleep. I wondered if she'd remember the incident in the morning.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Great story

What a great story, loved the foreplay and teasing. Would love to see a part two to this with maybe some oral and anal. You got me all wet..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
What's Next???

Carly will be sticking a knife between Janet's ribs of course! Be careful what you older guys wish for... lol.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

This one always turns me on so quick, its my go to story when in in a hurry and just wanna cum! I love it

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
audacity or impunity?

which is it?

swr47swr47over 9 years ago
Simple Sex

One of the best straight sex stories here. Simple realistic sex with both partners enjoying it. No tedious unreal discription of the characters, just enough to let the reader think of both being normal attractive people. Even the seduction is within the realm of the possible. You invite the reader into the story to create the details in their mind.

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