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BabySitter Available

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Wife has gone to bed but the sitter is right there.
2.5k words

Part 21 of the 142 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 06/07/2013
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Daniella is my name, Dani to my friends. I'm nineteen (just), blonde with brown eyes (I'd rather have blue or green – green would be nice), a nice figure (especially where my bust is concerned), and I'm a little on the petite side (height challenged).

I'm as virginal as the next girl and as she's probably nineteen you can make your own guess as to what that means. I also have a boyfriend. Um, I'd better clarify that last bit. I have a new boyfriend who may remain my boyfriend if he learns not to be quite so pushy in certain matters. I'll decide when we're ready to move onto the next stage of our relationship, thank you very much. He might consider the next stage just a small step but I don't, so he can keep his hands in his pocket and play with himself, not me.

I am gainfully employed as a Help Desk consultant. Boy, I could tell you some stories about some of our customers. If idiocy was contagious over the phone I'd be in the loony-bin by now. I also have a side-line of baby-sitting for a few people, mainly people I've sat for previously who don't want to get a new sitter. I'll probably drop the sitting entirely over the next year.

I was currently doing a gig for Margaret and Andrew Denton. She's a toffee nosed bitch but he's nice. How the two of them ever hooked up I'll never know. How they managed to have two kids is also a mystery. I guess it shows she was nice to him at least twice in her life. Fortunately, the kids take after him, not her, which is the only reason I'm still agreeing to sit for them.

I fronted up at the Denton's on time and was very quickly reminded why I'd been in two minds about accepting this job. Margaret is just too condescending for words. She's hiring me to watch her kids for a few hours, not reducing me to serfdom forever and a day. This was definitely the last time I'd sit for her.

She and Andrew departed, him smiling and thanking me for coming, her looking through me as though I wasn't there. After that the kids and I settled down for some serious fun-time before I packed them off to bed.

It was after midnight when the Denton's returned and I was rather sleepy. Andrew noticed and suggested that I have a cup of coffee before I left, to keep me awake on the road. Margaret just sniffed and told Andrew that she was going to bed and he should take care not to wake her when he came up. (I could have sworn I heard Andrew mutter, "I never do," but politely ignored the comment.)

First things first, Andrew paid me my fee. He's always very conscientious about that, paying the agreed amount per hour. Some clients used to argue about how long an hour was and how part hours don't count and generally try to stiff me on my fee. They never lasted long as clients. Who needs the hassle?

It was a fairly hot night and I had dressed accordingly, keeping in mind that I'd be playing with children. I had tights in some fairly incandescent colours and a loose t-shirt. I mention this because of what happened next.

Andrew made the coffee and we had it sitting around the kitchen table, Andrew telling me about the show they'd seen. After the coffee we both got to our feet and it was only natural for me to help pick up the coffee things and put them on the kitchen sink. I was turning away from the sink after putting the mugs there and Andrew was turning away from the cupboard after putting the sugar and coffee away.

So we bumped into each other. It happens. People bump into each other all the time. The problem was that Andrew's hand was still raised from closing the cupboard and when we bumped it was at the same height as my breast, resulting in Andrew suddenly holding a handful of breast. (Quite a nice handful, too, even if I do say so myself.)

I was blushing madly and we hastily moved apart. I didn't dare say anything. Andrew looked a little flustered as well.

"Ah, look, sorry about that," he said, and then he got this odd look on his face.

"You know something, Dani," he said. "I'm not sorry at all. Your breast felt very nice. Excuse me while I make sure."

Loose t-shirt, remember. His hands (yes, both of them) slid up under my t-shirt and closed over my breasts and he kneaded them gently through my bra. A bra, which I might mention, was just a flimsy slip on-bra, me not really needing much support for my bust. Not yet, anyway.

"Yes," he said slowly. "Very nice."

I was now blushing madly and hastily stepping back, wondering what I'd do if he started chasing me. He didn't though, just stood there smiling, as though it was perfectly natural to grab a girls breasts.

"Mr Denton!" I exclaimed, not knowing what else to say.

"Mr Denton, is it? It's always been Andrew up until now."

"Andrew never grabbed," I pointed out and he laughed.

"Well, now that I've felt them, and can appreciate how fine they are, will you please show them to me?"

I'm like, "What?"

"Show then to me. I really would like to see them. Just lift up your top and bra and let me see what felt so wonderful."

"Do you seriously think I'd even consider such a thing?"

I mean, seriously, what did he think I was?

"Actually, yes," he said. "You have a fine natural asset there. What harm can there be in showing me?"

I bit my lip, considering. Should I or shouldn't I. Stupid question. Obviously I shouldn't. The real question was would I or wouldn't I? Did I have the nerve to flash my breasts at him? I swallowed nervously and decided that I did.

Having made up my mind I acted quickly before I could chicken out. Blushing furiously I hoisted up the front of my t-shirt, lifting my bra away from my breasts at the same time.

"Yesss," said Andrew, almost hissing the word. "Do you know you have the most perfect nipples I've ever seen?"

To emphasise this fact the rotten swine raised his hands and place a finger gently on each nipple, rolling them around slightly. I could feel them stiffening under his touch and I'm surprised my face didn't catch fire it felt so hot.

I started to bring my top back down but he was faster. He caught my hands and continued lifting, baring me from the waist up. He tossed my things on the table and I immediately put on a hand-bra.

He laughed at me. Then he took my hands and placed them at my side, his eyes on my breasts the entire time. One hand slid around behind me to stop me backing away and his mouth came down and sucked lightly on one nipple before crossing over to treat the other one the same way.

"Um, I think that's far enough, Andrew," I said quickly. "You're a married man."

"And a lot Margaret would care if she came in," he replied. "She'd probably tell me to keep the noise down and thank you for keeping me away from her."

(Like I thought. Two kids because she'd been nice to him twice.)

His hands were back on my breasts, lightly rubbing them, getting a very good feel for them.

"Ah, I really should be getting my things back on and going home."

"No. What you should be doing is taking the rest of your things off so I can see you properly," Andrew countered.

"In your dreams," I muttered.

"Already seen you there," he said cheerfully. "Now I'm going to see if the rest of you stacks up to my imagination. Somehow I think I'll find my imagination has been falling short of your perfection."

"I am not taking my tights off," I repeated.

"You don't have to. It will be my pleasure to do that for you."

"Andrew," I protested as his hands reached for my tights. I got there first and held onto them.

"Don't make such a fuss," he said. "I'm just going to peel them off you so I can see you. I'm not going to jump you, if that's what you're worried about."

"I didn't think you would," I lied quickly. "The thought never crossed my mind."

"Well, it crossed mine, I assure you. Now that it's come back I have to admit that it seems a very good idea. Mmm. I've changed my mind. Once your tights and panties are gone I think I will jump you. I think I'll like that very much."

I have to say that set me back a bit. He was blatantly saying that as soon as he got my tights off he was going to make love to me, which made it incomprehensible that I should let go my death-grip on my waist-band and let him draw my things down.

Just like that I was naked apart from a fierce blush. He'd even taken off my sandals with my tights. He stepped back a little and looked at me and I mean he really looked, taking in every inch of my body. He stepped forward again and his hand was resting on my mons, his thumb tracing little circles on it.

"Somehow I just knew you shaved here," he said. "Looking at you like this just goes to show that nature works miracles."

His hand wasn't staying where he'd initially placed it. It was going exploring, tracing my soft parts, rubbing and tantalising my flesh. The trouble was, although I wasn't exactly a virgin, I didn't know what he wanted me to do, so all I could do was stand there while his hands wandered and heat started building up inside me.

Did I say started building up? I was already feeling all hot and bothered, I found, and what Andrew was doing was just adding to it. My knees felt weak and I found I had backed up to the kitchen table. I put my hands behind me, using them to help support myself.

Andrew finally took a step back from me. Looking down at myself I was quite sure my whole body was flushed. My whole body was certainly feeling the heat. I looked back at Andrew and found my eyes opening wider. He'd dropped his trousers and he was ready for action.

I couldn't believe I was letting this happen. I'd slapped down my boyfriend (would-be boyfriend, that is) for a lot less that Andrew was doing, and I was still just standing there (leaning against the table, trying not to collapse onto the floor) knowing what Andrew intended to do next. A blind woman would know what Andrew intended, it was that obvious.

I wanted to say no, honest I did. I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Andrew was moving closer and his hand slipped between my legs again, followed closely by his erection. I could feel him rubbing against my lips, coaxing them apart, and then his erection was there, taking advantage of the space he'd provided.

I gasped as I felt him starting to push into me. I'll admit it was a gentle start, but it kept on coming. It wasn't a case of push and a boastful 'look what I'm doing', and then push again. It was more of a long continuous thrust that slowly penetrated me to the max. He was moving slowly enough for me to adjust and accept him but far too fast for me to change my mind. (Not that I was going to change my mind. I'd been mentally shouting NO before my tights were off and I was still shouting it. Not that a mental shout had any impact on what was going on. It was just a way of telling myself that I wasn't really doing this. Someone else had control of my body and was acting like a tart.)

Andrew's groin was rubbing against me at the same time as his hands closed over my breasts. Then he started on me. His cock would pull back and come hammering in while his hands would squeeze my breasts, rubbing my nipples. Then my breasts were released and I could feel Andrew drawing back and then cock and hands would attack again.

There was this wonderful sensation of his hard, hot, cock rasping against my passage as it charged in, then lesser effects as it pulled back. To balance it there was the excitement from my breasts sending pulses of pleasure into me at the same time as his cock drove home. I was pushing hard against him as he came in, wanting him deeper, wanting him to come in harder and faster. My mental shout of NO was now a not so mental mouthing of Oh, Oh, Oh my god.

It was a strange dichotomy. Andrew seemed to be in a hurry, banging into me at a great rate, but at the same time he wasn't in a hurry, drawing out the whole thing endlessly. Not that I was complaining. Um, not that I was in a state where I'd be able to complain, for that matter, as I was just awash in a world of sensation as he continued to take me.

He went on and on. I could feel him with every inch of my body. He'd just taken me over and I was his to do with as he wished, and he was doing it with pleasure. He'd thrust into me and I'd push to meet him, hating to feel him withdraw, wanting him back inside me immediately. He was slowly but surely driving me out of my tiny mind.

When he finally wound up I wasn't prepared for it. He just seemed to increase his speed a tiny bit, but it was a tiny bit too much as far as I was concerned and I climaxed. He did, too, and he was plastered against me, mouth on mine, swallowing any cries I might have made, hands on my breasts, cock beating a frantic tattoo inside me as he jerked and pressed against me.

You know, somehow I wasn't too sure what happened after that. By the time I was thinking clearly again I was dressed and in my car, driving home. Two things stood out in my mind. One was my decision to not sit for Margaret ever again. I'd made that decision while of clear head and calm mind. Well, anyway, I decided that when I arrived and she was at her snooty best. Enough is enough, after all.

The second thing that stood out was that I'd told Andrew that yes, I would be happy to sit for them next Saturday. That agreement had been reached while I was slumped back against the kitchen table, trying to work out what the hell had happened. I'm fairly sure any decisions made post-coitus are not legally binding. I'd call and tell them I couldn't make it. Sometime, but I'd definitely call. I was sure of it.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

There should be a part two

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I've read this same story on here before

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Love Young Woman that Passavely Submit

She didn't think he would do it.

Married woman do the same thing.

I once asked a lovely young wife, what bra size she wore. She said "34B Why?"

I said "Show me". She unbuttoned her blouse, then removed it. Then she removed her bra and showed me the little tag inside, that it was indeed a 34B. "See" she said.

I just reached out and groped her sweet firm tits, then took a suck on each nipple as she watched. As I went back to the first nipple a second time, I asked her what was her panty size. She said "size 5"

She undid her skirt and removed her panties, showing me the tag, size 5. she said "See"

"Yes" I said, picking her up and placing her down on the couch as I unbuckled my trousers, and removed my boxers. Taking my cock in hand, and positioning at her pussy, then pushed it into her slowly, but completely. We both enjoyed a mutual orgasm.

I took many afternoon visits with that young lovely woman.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Very well written and wanting more. I certainly will babysit next weekend. . .

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Love your stories

Such a great writer. Please keep it up!

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