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BabySitter Bad

Story Info
She misbehaved and was disciplined.
4.8k words

Part 22 of the 142 part series

Updated 10/10/2022
Created 06/07/2013
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Drew and Jon Matters are a couple of brothers my family know. They currently share a house near us. According to my father, who seemed to approve of their business acumen, they both owned their own homes but preferred to live together for the time being, renting out the other house, the idea being that when one of them married they'd go their separate ways but the rental income would have helped to pay off their house loans. It seemed to me that as they were both about thirtyish it wouldn't be too long before they did get married.

They also had a sister, Amelia, and two very cute nieces that they doted on. Currently the nieces were staying with them for a few days while Amelia and her husband took a break.

That's the point where I enter the story. Drew and Jon were both going out late on Friday night and needed a sitter. I was volunteered for the job, not that I minded. The girls were very sweet and easy to look after. I even agreed to stay overnight as the boys didn't know when they'd be back and they had plenty of room.

So I wandered over on Friday evening, we waved goodbye to the boys, and then the kids and I spent some quality time together. Eventually the girls flaked and I tucked them into bed and they promptly slept the sleep of the young and the innocent.

Not being at all tired I stayed up quite a bit later. I did change into my pyjamas and go to bed around eleven, but found I couldn't sleep. Instead of trying I simply turned on my laptop and started stuffing around on the internet.

I was quite startled when I heard a noise in the house and, checking the time, I found it was nearly one. I assumed that the noise was the boys getting home but decided I'd better check in case one of the girls had woken up.

I hopped out of bed, spotted that the light was on in the kitchen, and headed in that direction. I was near the door when I heard the voices, and they were male voices so it was the boys returned. I turned to go back to my bedroom when an evil little thought crossed my mind.

What would happen if I wandered into the kitchen for a glass of water while, by the merest chance, being naked. The two men would probably wet themselves trying not to look at me. I, of course, would be all shocked and embarrassed and frantically trying to cover my charms, knowing all the while that I wasn't doing a good job of it.

I was almost giggling at the thought. Did I dare? Both Drew and Jon had always been perfect gentlemen around me. No innuendo or patting of things they shouldn't pat. They'd probably stare over my head, trying not to see what I was showing. It would be exciting, being naked in front of a couple of men, knowing they wouldn't say or do anything, both of them probably too embarrassed for words.

I shouldn't. I damn well knew I shouldn't, but I was going to. It only took me a moment to strip off my pyjamas and put them nicely folded on the small table in the hall. I'd just grab them when I went running back to my room all embarrassed. It wasn't as though the men would follow me.

I strolled into the kitchen just as naturally as can be. Then I spotted the two men and panicked.

"Oh my god. You're home. I thought you were still out. Don't look at me. Don't you dare look. Oh my god."

I heard a choking sound from one of the men and then Jon was speaking.

"We're not looking, girl. Honest we're not. Look at me. See how my eyes are on your face. There's no need to panic. Come on, calm down. It's all right. Tell the child we're not looking, Drew. These unfortunate accidents can happen and the sensible person pretends they didn't."

"Actually, Jon," said Drew, speaking quite calmly, "I have to take exception with several points where your little speech is concerned. For a start, Nichole is eighteen, so she'd not a child. Also, I am most definitely looking and I can assure you that Nichole has a most delectable figure. Firm high breasts, nice pink nipples, and she shaves her mons. Also she's not hiding anything the way she's waving her hands about."

By this time I was genuinely embarrassed, blushing fiercely and thinking I'd never known that Drew was such a low-down son of a bitch. He wasn't finished, either.

"As for being an accident, what on earth makes you think that?"

"What? You're saying Nicki deliberately walked in on us while naked?"

"There's enough light in the hallway to see what's going on there. I was facing the window behind you and could see the hallway reflected therein, including a clear view of Nicki taking off her pyjamas and putting them neatly on the hall table."

Now I was really blushing and embarrassed. Even more so when Jon leaned to one side to look down the hallway, easily spotting the table with my pyjamas on it. He turned and now he was also checking me out.

I turned to bolt back to my bedroom but Drew had moved even faster. He already had hold of my arm.

"Now, now, Nicki. This is not the time to lose your nerve. We all know why you came in. Don't worry. We'll deliver."

Before I could ask what he meant his hand slipped between my legs and he started rubbing my vulva. I just froze from the shock of it. Then I made some sort of noise and tried to pull away from him. He wasn't having a bar of it.

"This is going to be fun, you know," he told me. "I've always thought you were a hot little thing. Now I can find out just how hot."

"No way. I want to go back to my room," I told him. "No touching or anything, thank you very much."

That worked a treat I don't think. He just laughed and kept on touching. I tried to back away and found that there was a wall behind me and I was pressing against it and could go no further.

I was pushing at him and trying to hit him to no avail. His hand was still down there, rubbing me, and now his face was buried in my bosom while he kissed my breasts and suckled my nipples. I was protesting quite volubly and I might as well have been mute.

He suddenly pushed me down onto the floor, getting me onto my hands and knees. He was kneeling behind me, his hands reaching around and rubbing my breasts.

"Will you stop this?" I hissed at him. "Let me up."

"All in good time," he said, and one of his hands was back rubbing my vulva.

That's what I thought at first, but that wasn't what he was doing. I thought he was just sliding a couple of fingers inside me but what he was really doing, it turned out, was stretching my lips apart. He needed to do that so he could steer his cock into place.

I couldn't believe that this was happening. I had time to squeal NO very loudly, followed by a squeal of fury as my cherry got popped, and then he was sliding into me.

Apparently I'd fallen into the clutches of a man who was highly skilled at what he was doing. He'd actually got me aroused against my wishes and his cock slid smoothly into me. It felt as though it was a tight fit and he had to push hard but he did and it just kept coming, filling me up and making me feel very strange. I'd never dreamed that having a cock slide into me would feel anything like this.

From that point on I started to learn why sex is such a universally popular sport. What he was doing to me just kept on getting and better, especially once I started moving with him. It took me a few moments to realise I was supposed to be moving but Drew just calmly encouraged me, letting me know what I should do.

(Not that I really wanted to do what he said but it seemed to be the thing to do. If what he was doing felt good what would it feel like when I started doing the same. The answer was fantastic.)

I will admit to having seen a few pornos but the men there seemed to just hump away and finish off fast. Drew just kept on going, playing with my breasts at the same time, building on what he'd started and slowly sending me out of my mind. Actually, the way I was starting to sound off it wasn't all that slowly.

I suspect that I just totally stopped thinking, just floating away in a haze of pleasure, pleasure that was increasing from moment to moment with no end in sight.

The end, when it came, was even more amazing. All that pleasure I'd been feeling just seemed to be rolled up into a bundle and exploded through me, and I was too shocked even to scream, just crouching there shaking.

I was startled out of my daze when Drew pulled away from me and slapped my bottom, not sure what had happened. Well, that's not exactly true. I knew damn well that Drew had raped me. I just hadn't expected rape to be anything like that.

I was about to scramble back to my feet when a hand landed on my back, holding me there.

"Just stay like that for a moment more," I heard Jon say and then another cock was making its home in me.

"What are you doing?" I wailed, and both the men laughed.

"Come on, Nicki, really? You don't know?" asked Jon.

"B-but," I said, not sure what I actually wanted to say.

"But nothing," came the cheerful reply. "Let's see how you handle this."

It took me a few moments to adjust but then I was being bounced against Jon's cock in very much the same way as I'd been bounced off Drew. Oddly enough I thought I could feel a slight difference between the two, although it was hard to explain what that difference was. Were their cocks different sizes, I wondered. Not that I'd dare ask them to compare them for me.

One thing I found was that Jon brought me up to a state of high arousal very quickly, far faster than Drew had. Was that because Drew had already set me up, making me more responsive to a second cock? I idly wondered how I'd go about checking on that, then hastily wiped the notion from my mind, shocked at myself.

I was having trouble believing this was happening to me. Here I was, crouched on all fours on the floor, while a great big cock was sliding in and out of me with gusto. To make it even more shocking was the fact that I was responding, cooperating with the ravishing that cock was doing.

This time I had a little bit of experience (very little) and could understand what was happening, especially when all that heat Jon was stirring up started to coalesce deep inside me. My nerves were being wound up tight and I knew just what was going on and I was now actively anticipating it.

Then my second ever climax ripped through me and this time I did scream, shocked anew at the way that felt.

Jon moved away and Drew helped me rise to my feet.

"Why don't you go and have a shower and clean yourself up. After you've done that and put your pyjamas back on come on back to the kitchen. I want a word with you."

That was fair enough. I had a whole lot of words I wanted to have with him. He was the one who instigated all that.

I had my shower, taking my time. If Drew wanted to talk to me he could damn well wait until I was ready. Finally, cleaned up and with my pyjamas on, I headed back to the kitchen. Drew was there alone.

Drew was sitting on a chair looking completely relaxed. He hooked a chair at the table out so it finished up near him.

"Take a seat, Nicki," he said with a smile. I didn't trust that smile.

I opened my mouth to start on him but he got in first.

"Really, Nicki, what sort of behaviour was it to strip off and walk into the room and flash us? Is this the sort of thing you'd teach the girls? I'm really disappointed in you."

Disappointed in me? He didn't seem disappointed when he was unloading his cock inside me. I opened my mouth again and he got in first AGAIN.

"I think you'll agree that your behaviour can only be described as bad and you know naughty girls need to be disciplined."

"Is that what you're calling what you and Jon did? Discipline?" I asked indignantly.

"No. That was amusement. Where discipline is concerned I'd say a spanking would be more appropriate."

I blinked. A spanking? After he and Jon had just raped me he suggests I needed to be spanked?

"Spank me?" I asked, incredulous.

"Well, seeing you agree," he said, reached over, took my arm, and pulled, bringing me across his lap.

"What do you think you're doing," I yelled, wriggling.

"Spanking you," he said, "as you just told me to."

My pyjamas were tugged down, leaving my bare bottom shining under the light.

"I did no such thing," I protested, and he was quick to reply.

"Yes you did. I suggested that a spanking would be appropriate and you said to spank you."

I was about to point out that he was deliberately misunderstanding what I'd said when his hand came down firmly upon my bottom. I yowled and wriggled, kicking my legs up and down, and his hand kept on coming down. The spanking seemed to go on and on, and I was sure I wouldn't be sitting down for a week. And all that was absolutely nothing compared to how I felt when a spank landed on my mound.

"That's not my bottom you just spanked," I pointed out most vigorously, and he laughed.

"That's not my fault," he told me. "You're wriggling about too much to be fully accurate."

A couple more spanks landed on my mound before he finally stopped.

He swung me back to my feet and I stood there, hands cupped over my bottom, incredibly aware of my pussy and the fact that it was tingling. For some reason it didn't even occur to me that my pyjama bottoms were still down around my ankles. Neither did I realise that with my hands hitching up my top so I could hold my bottom I was showing my mons and the rest to him.

I still didn't understand when Drew stood, undid his trousers, and dropped them. He sat down and looking down I was now seeing his erection. I'd certainly felt it earlier, but I hadn't seen it. Now it was right there, standing tall.

Stunned I raised my eyes to look at him. He smiled, put his hands on my hips and drew me closer.

"Sit down," he said softly.

Sit down. He meant sit on that. He was going to rape me again. No he isn't, I told myself. If I sit on that it means I'm agreeing to do this. Drew moved me a little closer, and I found myself kicking my leg out of one side of my pyjamas, enabling me to move closer so I was straddling him.

I started to sink down, freezing when I felt the tip of his cock brushing against my lips. If I did any more I'd be sinking onto him. I couldn't do it. I really couldn't. Drew didn't seem to mind. He just reached down and started brushing his cock back and forth along my lips. I could feel it there, brushing against my lips, moving back and forth, agitating me.

I gave a small groan and pressed down a little, finding Drew hurriedly adjusting his cock so it was in just the right place. Then I gave another groan as I felt it his cock started sliding up into me. At least, I was sliding down onto it. I didn't hurry, just moving slowly, incredibly aware of what was happening.

Then I was sitting, straddling him, his cock firmly embedded in me, and with no idea of what I should do. It was one thing to respond when he was thrusting that thing into me but what was I supposed to do now I was on top? It didn't seem to worry Drew as he just sat there, his cock swollen inside me, and undid the buttons on my pyjama top. With those out of the way he brushed the top back, exposing my breasts to the night air. I could see that my nipples were already crinkled and erect.

His hands came up and covered my breasts, stroking them, stirring me up.

"Why don't you try bouncing up and down," he said softly and I decided to take the hint. It took a few moments to get the rhythm right and then I found myself moving up and down his shaft. All those sensations I expected from having a cock thrusting in and out were starting to reappear, but this time I was the one causing them. That alone seemed to make this even more erotic and exciting.

It didn't take me long to catch on that it wasn't just me alone making the running. I'm not stupid, after all. I could most certainly tell when a cock is being pushed up into me instead of placidly waiting for me to descend onto it. I suspected that this wouldn't be anywhere near as exciting if his cock had just stood there unmoving.

Now it was up to me to make this last until I was ready to finish. I may not really have been in control of what was happening but at least I had the illusion of it. I bounced away quite happily, marvelling at the difference between this and the earlier session. This, while different, was just as fantastic, and I could already feel the growing heat pooling deep inside me.

After a few minutes I decided I was in no hurry. I'd just take my time and draw this out as long as possible. I slowed down a little, sliding up and down his pole, eyes half closed while I contemplated what I was doing and how it felt. It didn't even occur to me that Drew might want to speed things up.

"Are you going to do anything about finishing this little game?" he asked after a few minute.

I shook my head. "No. I like this," I said dreamily, his cock once more rasping against my passage as I sank down onto him. He muttered something rude under his breath but I just ignored him. It was all his fault so sucks to be him if he couldn't handle it.

Afterwards I couldn't help but wonder if he took control at some stage because I found myself moving faster, starting to bounce on him with some determination. It reached a point where he suddenly grabbed my hips and started to jerk almost frantically into me, with that being enough to trigger another climax. That was my third, I thought, feeling smug.

After that Drew chased me off to bed. I went, walking slowly, dragging my pyjamas in one hand, not having bothered to put them back on. I visited the bathroom to get cleaned up and then went to bed, still not bothering with my pyjamas.

Despite the late night I woke up at a reasonable hour and quickly got dressed. I found the girls were awake and in the process of dressing themselves, badly. I adjusted what they were wearing and took them to the kitchen and fed them, having something to eat myself. I looked around the kitchen. I had a suspicion that I'd remember that kitchen for a long time.

We were just finishing breakfast when Jon and Drew came wandering in. they grabbed a snack each and them Jon asked the girls if they wanted to go to the park. They were promptly all over him.

"OK, then say bye to Nicki. She has to go home and will be gone by the time you get back."

I received kisses and cuddles and the girls raced out of the house, dragging Jon with them. Drew waved to them as they left and then turned to me.

"Your pay is in the envelope next to your bed," he told me and I nodded.

I wanted to ask him if it included danger money for what I had to go through but I didn't quite have the nerve. I had to admit that possibly part of the blame lay with me and my stupid decision to walk in on them naked.

Drew was looking me over and I wondered if he was remembering what I looked like naked. Looking at him I couldn't help but recall what his cock looked like, naked and erect and standing proud. I hastily looked away from him, feeling a faint blush on my face.

Drew moved closer to me, lifted up my dress, much to my surprise, and to my much greater surprise took hold of my panties and pulled them down. All the way down, lifting my feet one at a time to take them right off.

"What do you think you're doing?" I demanded, astounded at his audacity.

"It's what we call a morning glory," he said while unzipping his trousers.

"Are you insane? What makes you think I'm going to just stand here and let you do it to me again."

"Possibly the fact that you let me take your panties off," he said, "including lifting your feet on request so that they're right out of the way."

Ah, I had, hadn't I. If I thought of it I could have stepped back as soon as he reached for my dress, not stood there and watched as he drew my panties down. Well, it didn't matter. It was not going to happen.

He very calmly picked me up and sat me on the kitchen table, pushing my legs apart and tucking my dress up around my waist. Looking down at myself I could see my own vulva. He started rubbing it, stroking me, his fingers dipping inside me. I protested and he ignored me. He was just doing what he wanted and there was something about his matter of fact take charge attitude that was getting to me.


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