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Beach with the Boys

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I finally agree to go to the beach with Satomi, Takuya, Hiro.
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This story follows on from Bikini Shopping with the Boys.

It was still the height of summer in Oceanview, beautiful weather most days, warm and sunny. Usually I'd be out swimming at the beach, but I'd got a summer job at the fitness center on campus working the front desk. I did have weekends free. A while before, I'd kind of suggested that we go visit the beach, my best friend, Satomi with Takuya and Hiro, two Japanese guys who were studying here over the summer.

This was all well and good, but after my encounter with Takuya in the mall, I had to rethink. Every time I do things like that... you know, like I mean get naked in public or whatever, I always feel so guilty afterwards, worried that I'll bump into people who saw me, and end up in real trouble. I hadn't been back to that mall since. I'd even stopped hanging out in Satomi's dorm so I wouldn't run into Takuya.

It's not that I was angry at him exactly. Well maybe a little. It's a long story, but one thing he did was run off with my t-shirt leaving me naked in this little alcove in the mall just across from the sporting goods store. He probably got carried away on seeing me naked. I was kind of hoping he'd protect me, give me my clothes back at least before running off. Ryosuke's usually good about that. If I go too far, Ryosuke will stop, and try to get me to cover up again. Takuya was the exact opposite. I don't know if he's shy, or if he was deliberately trying to provoke me, but he kept running off taking my t-shirt with him, leaving me standing there all by my lonesome naked and afraid. He was excited I guess. So was I.

I did take a look at the video he made of me on my phone posing for him in the mall. I did look good, naked, cute with my black choker with the bells on it. I had a ribbon in my long black hair, my bangs brushed back out of my eyes. I look a bit nervous not really used to being naked in such a public place. My breasts did look big, my shoulders sleek and soft. His camera work wasn't perfect though. When he swung around to the next aisle, fans got in the way so you couldn't see my body.

The video of me standing naked in the alcove could have been good, my pink skin standing out against the alabaster of the wall behind me. I was so nervous in this one, I did this little kama sutra dance, trying to show that I knew this was weird. The video ended soon though, because Takuya ran off to talk to Hiro. Ah well. It doesn't matter. I'll just lock this thumb-drive away, and not show anyone for now. I don't even know what I wanted it for. Just to prove I'd done it I guess. It is kind of risky though keeping it around.

Anyway, I should probably go see Satomi. As far as I know, she didn't know anything about me running around naked at the mall. She hadn't said anything about it anyway. I dropped by to see her one day before work, and she mentioned that Takuya and Hiro had been asking when we could go to the beach. I put it off as long as I could, but I knew eventually I should probably give in, and go face them. I hadn't really talked with Takuya since, so I wasn't sure how he felt about me. He had made a big fuss over me that day, complimenting me on how sexy I look, touching me, trying to get me excited. Is he like into me now? It was hard to know for sure. Maybe he was just teasing me, seeing how far I'd go. Who knows?

Slowly, I began to think more about how to handle this. At the end of the summer, most of the ESL students who were staying in Satomi's dorm will go back to their home countries. Takuya is from Osaka in the west of Japan while my parents live south of Tokyo in the east, so it's not like I would see him when I go home. I should probably just relax, not get all worked up about it. Hopefully, he's settled down too, and we can go back to the way things were.

Anyway, I finally told Satomi I was free that coming Saturday to go to the beach. She seemed pleased, looking forward to it. I thought about telling her about what happened between me and Takuya, but decided not to. Satomi is a bit old-fashioned. I didn't want to shock her with all the details.

When I woke up on Saturday, it was another beautiful day. The sun was up, birds, chirping outside my window. I guess I can admit I was looking forward to this myself. I love the beach, the sun, the blue water, the sea breeze, the cute guys, the whole atmosphere. Everyone there is all charged up, looking to meet up, have fun. Maybe you know.

Anyway, I got up out of bed, went across to the bath room, and got cleaned up. I looked at myself in the mirror. My skin was kind of orangey pink, my lips pink and kissable. My black hair had grown quite long, my bangs hanging down in my eyes. It gives me a mysterious look I think, my black eyes peeking out from behind this fringe of hair. I tried to fix my hair, dab at my cheeks with my washcloth to get them less shiny. I guess it doesn't matter so much how I look. I should just try to relax. It's no big deal, I kept telling myself. Just another day.

I started to unbutton my p.j. top, peeking down at my own breasts all perky in the morning light, when suddenly, I heard my smartphone ring back in my room. I ran back, and answered it. It was Satomi.

"So what time are you coming?" she asked. "Should I make us some onigiri or something?" Onigiri are rice balls with flakes of salmon or tuna in the middle. She was obviously all keyed up, anxious to make a good impression.

"I was just about to have a shower. Onigiri is fine, but there's probably places to buy food at the beach."

"Don't you think Hiro would like onigiri? Remind him of home?"

"I'm sure he'd love them. I'm just saying don't worry so much. He's probably looking forward to seeing you too."

"Oh I hope so. Hiro seems nice. He's nice, don't you think?"

Hiro is a bit of a pretty boy, like one of those idols from a boy band, fidgety, always getting himself in trouble, but I don't think he is a bad guy really. As long as she likes him, that's what matters.

"Yeah, he seems fine. Anyway, don't worry. I'll get ready, and be there soon."

"Thanks, Emi. Give me a call when you're close."

"Yeah, will do. See you in a bit."

I dashed back across to the bath, stripped out of my p.j.'s, and turned on the shower. It felt good to get naked. Brandon's room is right across the hall, but I hadn't heard a peep from him. He's probably asleep or playing video games or something.

I stepped into the spray, basking in the feeling of the warm water on my naked skin. I poured some soap into my hand, and lathered my body up, scrubbing away at my breasts, between my legs, my hiney. It felt good to get clean, invigorating. This was going to be a good day.

Once I was done, I dried myself off as quickly as I could, wrapped a towel around me, and scooted back to my room. I fished out my lucky necklace that Ryosuke gave me, and clipped it on. I leafed through my closet, looking for t-shirts. I didn't want something too sexy, just normal. I'm mainly going to support Satomi. What about this Vans one in white? The stretch cotton is plush, soft. It's one of my longer t-shirts, decent. And this grey Inside one is nice too. I packed the grey t-shirt in my small black backpack along with a change of undies. I pulled on white panties, a white clingy sports bra, beige jean shorts and the Vans t-shirt, checking myself in the mirror. Cute, but not too sexy. This is perfect.

I stuffed sun block, my shower kit and a couple of towels in my backpack, clipped my sunglasses onto my t-shirt, and then headed downstairs for some breakfast. Brandon looked sleepy, but Loretta had laid out some salad fixings for me: chick peas, quinoa, tofu, avocado and cherry tomatoes. I had some, ran back up to the bath to brush my teeth, and then pulled on my white sandals (kind of like beach clogs), and headed out.

At Satomi's dorm, she was still rushing around getting ready. She's a cute girl, her skin whiter than mine, her long hair a bit wavy and dyed brown these days. I think her eyelashes are natural, but they look a bit like Betty Boop's, spiking out like spokes on a bicycle wheel. She was wearing black eyeliner, had tweezed her eyebrows, her hair shining bright in the light.

"Did you dye your hair again?" I asked.

"Yeah. How does it look?"

"Lustrous. How do you get it like that?"

She ignored my question, and signaled we should go. She had on a short yellow sundress with blue flowers, wholesome but attractive.

We found Takuya and Hiro out in the hall. Takuya is incredibly tall, 6 feet easy. His face reminds me a bit of my grandmother's, the way he holds his mouth, the retro spectacles, weathered, earthy. He can be quite forward at times, but he has this gentle side too. He had this funny expression on his face. I guess he'd noticed that I hadn't been around much. Maybe he could tell I'd been avoiding him. Ah well.

Hiro had on these mirror sunglasses and a weird dayglo lime green jacket. He didn't react so much when Satomi and I walked up. He does tend to play it cool at times.

Anyway, once we were all ready, we went outside, and caught a bus. I went half way down, and then slid into a seat for two. Takuya was behind me, so he slid in next to me, while Satomi and Hiro headed right to the back of the bus, and sat there. I glanced over at Takuya, wondering if he was going to say something. He's usually quite the chatterbox. He just sat there for the longest time, and then finally spoke up.

"Listen. About what happened at the mall the other day..."

I was curious about what he had to say, but Satomi and Hiro could probably hear, so I waved for him to shush. I don't think either of them saw me running around naked at the mall, not completely anyway.

"Not now, OK?" I whispered nodding at them. They stopped talking, and looked over at us, curious. I just smiled at them, and nodded for them to carry on with their conversation. Looking around for a new topic, I noticed he had a little white cord hanging down from one ear.

"What are you listening to?" I asked.

"Tropical house. Hear listen," he took out his earphone, and gently held it up to my ear, so I could hear. "I was thinking we could use it for our next video."

The music was upbeat, cheerful, summery. I like his taste.

"Yeah, nice," I smiled, letting him take it back. I thought about it for a second, and then repeated, "OUR next video?"

"Yeah, you know, like the one we did in the mall. How did it turn out by the way?"

Shocked, I made a raspberry sound with my lips. He meant the videos of me nude.

"Um... maybe we'd better not talk about that either," I whispered eyeing Satomi again to see if she was listening. She had been talking with Hiro, but returned my gaze, curious.

"Suit yourself. I still want to see," he beamed, so confident, cocky. "What kind of swimsuit are you wearing? You didn't buy one that day at the mall."

We'd kind of got sidetracked with... um... other things.

"It's in my bag. It's orange with black and white straps."

"Sweet!" he grinned.

I made a face, trying to get him to cool it, but he was all worked up. Even though I was doing my best to throw a wet blanket on his advances, my heart was speeding up, beating loudly in my chest. These things he says come at you out of left field. Where did he learn this? He is more direct than a lot of guys.

Soon, we arrived at the beach. When Takuya stood up, I slipped past him, got off, and rushed down towards the beach to take a look. I've been to beaches in Oceanview before, but not this particular one. It was nice. People were surfing and swimming, popping beach tents along the shore. I could see a whole bunch of lifeguards in blue further down. It was quieter than some beaches. People seemed kind of relaxed. That's a good thing I guess, but I'd kind of hoped for something a little more lively to show off to Satomi and the guys. Ah well. This is fine.

Satomi and them caught up. We went down onto the sand, and walked along looking for a spot to set down our stuff. We hadn't brought a beach tent or parasol, but I suppose there must be some place you could rent one. We found a wooden roof, a 'shade ramada' with picnic tables, and settled on the sand just in front of there. White clouds had formed in the sky, so it wasn't as sunny as when I left, but still quite warm. Satomi spread out a beach sheet and towels for us to sit on, and Takuya set up a little speaker playing summery music from his phone.

Right near us, over by the outdoor shower pole, there were a bunch of people in red t-shirts that said 'Staff' on the back, a beautiful woman and some guys carrying surf boards. They were surfing instructors from the look of it. Behind us, there were two girls and a guy sitting on a bench, and a woman in red at one of the picnic tables. A couple of the surfer guys were vaguely looking this way, curious about me maybe, kind of checking me out.

Satomi had her swimsuit on under her clothes, so she just pulled them off, and she was ready to go.

"How do I look?" she asked. She was wearing her new suit, a light blue and white bikini with a lily pattern on it. She'd tied the sides neatly in bows, and smiled, looking down at it shyly. Her skin was so white, unkissed by the sun, and her body is maybe curvier (heavier?) than mine is, but some guys like that I'm sure.

"You look great. You should wear suits like that more often," I smiled. The guys nodded their approval.

Takuya and Hiro stripped down to their swimming trunks. Takuya's skin is tanned a bit, maybe naturally, and his chest was fairly hairless. Satomi didn't really look, but I did sneak a peek at their bodies from behind my sunglasses. Neither Takuya nor Hiro are super muscular, but they are slender, fit.

Satomi sat down on a towel, rubbing sunblock on her arms and shoulders. I wondered if Hiro might offer to help, but Takuya and Hiro were looking around, surveying the scene. I guess this is the first time they'd been to this beach.

I still had to change into my own swimsuit. I knew from experience that there are public restrooms, but that was a bit of a ways from here. Takuya and Hiro stood there for a while, waiting, but something caught their eye, and they headed off leaving just Satomi and me. I finally pulled out my big coral and pink beach towel, and wrapped it around my shoulders to cover up.

Satomi was still busy putting on sun block, so I tried to push down my shorts without flicking the towel up. There was actually quite a breeze coming in off the water. My towel kept fluttering in the wind. I kept smoothing it back down, but it was hard to do two things at once. I let the towel blow up, and pulled off my shorts. Satomi was glaring over at me, worried, but Takuya and Hiro were nowhere to be seen, so maybe it'll be alright.

A lot of people change on the beach. One time I saw a Chinese woman get naked while changing by her family's van. I thought that was a bit odd, uncommon anyway. She was quite beautiful, sexy even, but none of the Americans objected. It did make an impression on me though. So daring.

Once I'd gotten my shorts off, I tried to pull off my t-shirt. I held the towel against my breasts with one hand, and slowly pulled the t-shirt up and off. My sports bra was even tighter, so I needed both hands. I pinned the towel to my chest with my chin, and slowly worked the bra up and over my head. I took a hold of the towel again, but just as I tossed the t-shirt to Satomi, a big gust of wind blew my towel up.

I gasped, and grabbed for it, but I wasn't quick enough. For a moment, my bare breasts were exposed. I could feel the breeze directly on them, getting me all excited. One of the surf instructors was glancing over this way, aware I guess that I had done something, but I don't know if he saw my boobs or not. The threesome on the bench started laughing. I let out a little giggle, embarrassed. I really should be more careful.

Satomi got fed up with my antics, and came over to help. She grabbed my towel, and helped wrap it back around me. She looked at me sternly urging me not to fool around.

"It wasn't on purpose, I swear," I whispered. She looked doubtful. She'd seen me do these things before.

Anyway, Satomi grabbed hold of my towel, and held it tightly around me while I pulled my bikini top on. I finally got it on, and gave Satomi an apologetic smile, but she was still grimacing.

"Relax," I whispered. "It's no big deal." I hadn't meant to flash anyone, but I guess I can admit I was getting kind of charged up, changing out here in the open with all these people looking on. Satomi pursed her lips in this exasperated look. I think she was mainly trying to keep Hiro from seeing me. She should try some of these things on him. He'd probably like it.

Anyway, next I started pulling down my panties. The wind picked up again, and Satomi had trouble keeping my towel in check. I giggled, and grabbed for it, but it had blown way up again. My panties were hanging mid-thigh, so the people behind us got a look at my bare behind. I got that tingle again, deep down in my nether regions getting me all revved up, excited. Satomi covered my bush with my bikini bottoms, and glared at me trying to get me to stop smiling. I couldn't help it though. The whole situation seemed so funny.

Satomi helped me wrap the towel around my bare bottom, and I wiggled my hips till my panties fell to the ground. Just then, Takuya and Hiro came back grinning away.

"Damn, Emi!" Takuya burbled with glee. "You've got the most delicious ass."

Woops! I hadn't really meant for Takuya (and Hiro?) to see. This was how things started at the mall that day. I signaled for Takuya to shush. He elbowed Hiro questioning if he'd seen too, but Hiro just waved his hand, claiming not to care. I somehow doubted that, but I guess he was trying to be good in front of Satomi.

She smoothed my towel down, determined more than ever to keep it from blowing up now that Hiro was right here. I thought she was overreacting though, and gently nudged her to back up. Unfortunately, it was true that the people around us were staring at me now. I gave in, took the bikini bottoms from her, and tied them on in big bows.

"There. Are you happy?" I whispered to her. She didn't look happy at all. I felt a bit bad, but honestly, it wasn't like I planned to flash anyone.

Anyway, we finally took the towel away, and showed them my new swimsuit, orange and black with white straps. I think the orange went well with my pinkish skin. When I bought it, I had kind of meant for it to be fairly conservative, but now that I had it on, it did seem a bit revealing. The bra part was pressing my boobs together showing off my cleavage. The bottoms offered decent coverage at the front, but Takuya was kind of licking his lips, almost like he wanted to eat me up. I blinked, and blushed, but eventually, went over, and sat down on a towel. I got out a bottle of sun block, but Takuya took it from me.

"Here, let me help," he offered. Satomi would have none of it though, and wrestled the bottle away from him.

"Oh no, you don't. I've heard about the things you do."

"What? What things?" he protested.

"Oh, all kinds of stuff. I know all about it. You're a bad boy."

Takuya does tend to tease me. Takuya and Hiro sat there staring at Satomi as she rubbed sun block into my back and shoulders. I just smiled, but Satomi looked annoyed.

Anyway, as soon as I was all ready, I went in swimming. The water was cool, but it was a warm day out, so kind of refreshing. Takuya followed me out. We wandered away from Satomi and Hiro, out of ear shot.

"About the other day at the mall, I... um..." He obviously wanted to say something. I just stood here, eyeing him, waiting for him to finish.

"Anyway, I just want to say if I did anything that was out of line, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

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