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Big Titted Horny Neighbor

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He was a virgin, but she took care of that.
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Truly and simply a story of fantasy. None of the names are real as related to me and I’m defiantly not the boy, but I’m sure most of us men would like to have been him.

Chapter one:

By the time I’d turned fourteen my hormones had kicked in and sex was becoming an obsession with me. At every opportunity I would do anything to sneak peeks at my older sister in the shower or her bedroom. I even went so far as to try seeing my mother. Both mom and sis were very well endowed and large breasts were my passion. Suffice to say I seldom scored in the peeking department, but more than once my sister slapped my face so hard I saw stars for the next fifteen minutes.

By the time I was sixteen the empty house next door was finally occupied. A husband and wife in their mid-thirties had bought it. I quite naturally took special delight in the woman since she was what could be called overly endowed chest wise. Her husband, on the other hand, was something else. My parents sister and I couldn’t stand to be around him. Seems he had a very bad habit of being a loud mouthed drunk and wouldn’t hesitate to punch his wife for any small infraction of whatever rule of his she had broken. It was so bad he didn’t care if anybody was watching or not. Most times he would simply slap her face three or four times, but more than once I saw him double up his fist and punch her body. Once, late at night when everyone else was asleep, I heard a loud commotion coming from their backyard. Peeking out my bedroom window I saw him using her body for a punching bag. Again and again his fist would be buried deep into her stomach, then he would grab her hair forcing her to stand. Then he would punch her overly large breasts and I could hear her trying her best to keep from screaming. To our great relief he soon left and we found out later she had called the police, had him thrown in jail and divorced him.

As time passed Chris, the neighbor woman’s name, kept mostly to herself. Once in a while we would see her going to work or coming home. A couple of times, when we were having a cook-out, she would be invited just to be neighborly. Other wise we kept our distance. Even so I would see her in her backyard pool or sunning herself and later fantasize in the privacy of my bedroom sans clothes and sporting an aching erection. I can’t tell you how many times I abused myself ejaculating to the vision of her. To my great distress nothing more ever seemed to happen and Chris was only polite on the few occasions we would meet.

At the time of this writing I’ve passed my nineteenth birthday and, sad to say, I still remain a virgin. It wasn’t from lack of trying, mind you, but the all the girls I’ve dated and gotten past first base with have refused to go any further. Oh sure, I’ve kissed and petted and even gone so far as to have my hands on most of them, but when they began to respond and find what’s between my legs they would all but run away screaming. Sure, now you must be thinking I’m some kind of freak with a schlong fit only to be on an elephant or at the least a horse. Well, nothing could be further from the truth. Fact is most of the girls I’ve been dating were just as much virgins as was I and, I suppose, would account for their actions.

I know it’s really not a very good style of writing and things may very well be out of context, but the time has come to let you know the what and wherefores about Chris and myself. Besides it’s my story and I’ll tell my way. First, I’m now nineteen and really quite good looking. I stand six foot six in my stocking feet and weight right about two sixty five. I have broad shoulders and narrow hips. Sound sort of familiar? Well, you can save me a ride to the mine and they call me Big John, really. No, I don’t work in the mines but most of my life I’ve been called Big John. Must be because I’ve always been so much larger than any other kid around. Now for what Mr. J. Dean didn’t tell you. Nestled neatly between my thighs hangs three things. First my penis and below it my testicles. Male manliness wise, and I’ve taken measurements, I sport a proud nine inches of swinging meat and easily as thick as four fingers put together. The drooping sack holds a pair of walnut sized orbs that seem to always be working to produce the thick white fluid a lot of women crave to drink, or have splattered all over their naked bodies or just love to feel filling them inside. OK, it’s spunk, cream, jizzim, man juice or just plain cum. Whatever you want to call it I’ve got it and more, I dare say, than most.

Now to let you in on Chris. Guys, you’re gonna love this one. To begin she’s about thirty seven and drop dead gorgeous. I mean her looks and beauty would easily knock your eyes out, but here comes the best part, her body. She’s tall, well sort of standing five feet eight inches and my guess weighing about a hundred twenty pounds. Don’t let that throw you just yet. Her hair is blacker than the inside of a coal mine yet long down below her waist and very silky soft. She has deep brown eyes so sultry and hot they could melt the largest iceberg, even enough to have saved the Titanic had she been there. Her neck was long and slender made for kissing and loving, or it seemed to me then as now. Looking lower she had shoulders well set for her height and weight yet they seemed so broad as to take on the worries and troubles of the world.

Gonna throw you a curve now and skip down a bit. Chris’s waist was almost to narrow to mention. Most men could have easily taken hold of it and find their fingers touching together. Below were he hips and so very nice they were as they spread with comfort but not nearly enough to be called wide. While not matronly nor skinny in her childless state they could only be described as comfortable with just the right amount of flair. Legs. Have you ever really noticed a woman’s legs? Hers were to die for, long and slender and so very sexy. I’ve seen them from thigh to calf to ankle to foot and only one other part of her body would keep me from fixating upon them. Ah, now I have your attention and that’s why I kept the best for last. Her bosom.

Without any doubt Chris possessed the most magnificent large, no, huge pair of breasts I’ve ever had the pleasure of laying eyes upon. While my mother and sister are both very well stacked, and I’ve gotten brief glimpses of both, they couldn’t begin to compare with Chris. Even while wearing her largest and most loosely fitting tops she couldn’t hide what had to be captured in a specially designed and built custom holding harness and that including the two piece bathing suit would wear while swimming or sunning. In my mind I pictured and saw her bust size somewhere around 42DD but found out soon enough just how wrong I was. Chalk it up to adolescence and a lack of reality. In reality, and I checked one of her bra much later, she measured 46E and was still easily able to stand erect. I never once heard her complain of back pains, probably because she was constantly working out toning and fine tuning her already voluptuous body.

OK, so now you know a little something about Chris, her looks and her body. But now you ask so what? What’s all that got to do with my story besides something to think about and masturbate over? Well, be patient and read on, I’m sure you’ll like it.

Like I said before, I was nineteen. It was just before my twentieth birthday my whole life changed. It was early summer and we had just gotten our own pool installed. Three months I watched and waited and the ground was dug making a big hole. Then came the plumbers did their thing with pipes and such and a crew came to lay in the re-bar. Next came the shot create gang and they were followed by the deck guys. After the landscaping was done and all the work finished my folks threw a huge block party to wet down the new pool. Needless to say Chris was invited, not just because she was our neighbor and my folks didn’t want any hard feelings, but because we had mysteriously become closer. What now follows is a train of events that started on that most memorable of nights.

(At this point, dear readers, you will obviously find my writing switching from first person to third to second to fifth to fourth and back again to first or whatever. Please bare with me as I try to tell what happened as best I can.)

Chris was but only the fourth of the women present aside from my mother and sister and they, for all accounts of this story, didn’t count. After showering and taking various liberties with myself so as to be more presentable I slipping on my swimming trunks and made my way to the backyard. By now the party was in full swing, the music flowing soft and sweet. Smells from the Bar-B-Q filled the air and I could easily detect the odor of alcohol from the many drinks and abundant amount of beer. I couldn’t have been happier knowing my sister wasn’t going to be joining us. Seems she had some hot date that couldn’t be postponed.

The food was great. Ham, chicken, turkey, steak and even shrimp and lobster was served. All in all it was the best cook-out we’d ever had and we’d had more than most. I was stuffed and relaxing in one of the new lounge chairs trying to keep my eyes from wondering over the well stuffed swim suit Chris was wearing. It must have been new since I couldn’t recall ever seeing her lounging alongside her own pool while wearing it. Wow, what a hot number it was. While the bottoms seemed decent enough the top was something else altogether. I couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened it she had actually gone in the water. The material was so thin it almost didn’t keep her chest covered. Naturally most of the men were drawn to her like moths to light and just as naturally their wives were constantly hovering over them pulling them to anywhere she wasn’t. Myself? I left the party twice in order to go to my room and take care of things, if you get my drift. Hey, almost twenty and still a virgin? What the hell would you do?

Well, the party was over and only my parents and Chris were left in the backyard. Mom had picked up a bunch of garbage telling Chris to not get up and Dad was fiddling around with something to do with the new pool. Suddenly there was Chris right before me, her eyes hooded. They seemed to be almost smoking as she looked down to the point of boring holes into my very being. Seeing her hands moving as they were my eyes were glued to them. I saw her fingers deftly pulling at the straps of her top as my crotch tightened. Could it be, I wondered. It was the most far fetched thing a young man could think of began to happen. Chris slowly slipped one strap from her shoulder allowing it to dangle over her arm. Suddenly I was presented with the sight of her moving the cup from her right breast down. While fully in place there was little left to thing or imagine, she was now showing even more. Inch after inch of her breast flesh was becoming exposed until the barest hint of an areola was showing. Medium red it was the surrounding tissue freckled with tiny bumps. With all the slowness and tease of a professional Chris moved the cup lower until she presented half of her huge massive breast. For the first time I saw the nipple that capped the wonderful globe I’d so many times abused myself over. Between my legs, beneath the unfortunately tight swimming trunks I’d worn, sprouted my organ filling the front obscenely. I know my face turned crimson red for I could feel the heat.

“I’ve been watching you John,” she said softly in her silky voice. “I’ve watched you for several years, but only in the last few months have I really taken notice. You’re young, handsome and, by what I‘m seeing, very ready for more from life. “I hope this little show doesn’t put you off. It’s my hope and desire it will bring you out and to me, that is if you’re interested.” With that said Chris pulled up her top and re-covered her part nakedness.

There were no more words spoken between us. I had seen just a hint of her body and she in turn, as I had noticed, seen my reaction. The front of my trunks was so forcibly stretched and bulging even a blind person could have seen it.

“Come see me tomorrow, John.” Her voice was so soft it was like a whisper. “Tomorrow, dear John, come to me and you’ll never regret it.”

I sat transfixed watching her all but naked buttocks swivel as she left making her way home. Inside my swim trunks swelled the most enormous rock hard erection of my young life and at her unspoken word echoed though my head I knew I couldn’t take it upon myself to relive the sudden pain and pressure. Instinctively I knew I was to wait till the morrow for the fruits of passion to at long last be tasted and felt.

That night was perhaps the longest of my life. Time and time again I relived the brief sight of her one almost naked breast and wondered of what she was hinting. God help me, I thought all through that most tortuous of nights, should she be only teasing me. In my mind I had already conjured up so many thoughts and what punishment I would exact of she were but toying with me.

Chapter two:

The day dawned bright and clear. In the sky shown the hot bright sun filling the cloudless sky. Hot gusts of wind caressed the land as if trying to reclaim what man had taken from it. Whirls of wind swirled up more dust devils than I had ever seen before yet nothing could keep from my appointment with destiny. After showering to remove the stench of my nightly sweats, only in part from the heat and most from sexual frustrations, I dressed in ragged cut-off Levi shorts and a simple tank top. Now, my mind offered, let’s see if she meant just what she had said the night before, or was it simply the drink. With utmost trepidation I entered her backyard and approached the ornate French back door. Before I could even knock the door swung wide and there before me stood the most magnificent woman in my entire world, that of Chris.

“Welcome,” she said softly. “Welcome and please come inside.”

If it were at all possible I’m quite sure my jaw would have dropped and easily broken all my toes. There before me stood Chris, so inviting, so sexy and so under dressed. Yeah, underdressed was what I said an meant. It I thought her swim suit the night before was revealing, what greeted my eyes was just that much better. Sure, she wore cut-offs like me, but hers were so much better. The snap at the top wasn’t fixed and the way the way they rose almost like being forced and pulled tightly between her so voluptuous thighs brought a new heightening to my sex arousal and desires. Her top, if you could call it one, barely covered her so massively protruding chest. My chest tightened, my breathing all but stopped as she moved to one side allowing me access.
As I began to move passed her I was forced to turn sideways my eyes never leaving the sight of her chest. The lower skin of her breasts were slightly exposed helping me rise to the occasion. The doorway was narrow and try as I could I wasn’t able to slip passed without my chest brushing lightly across her breasts. I felt the instant hardening of her nipples through the thinness of my shirt as they raked over me. At that point there was nothing that could have prevented my organ from growing and it most certainly was doing just that.

“My, my, I see not much has changed from last night,” Chris said softly after closing the door and leaning her back against it. She had bent one leg and seeing her like that was so provocative.

My cock became more pronounced and I suddenly felt cool air lightly caressing the swelling head. Looking down I was instantly embarrassed to see it poking two inches beneath the leg of my shorts.

“I, I’m sorry Chris,” I managed to weakly stammer attempting to hide myself. “This has never happened to me before. I just don’t know what’s gotten in me.”

“Well, if it’s any consolation I’m impressed and pleased you find me attractive enough to show your reaction. Besides, young man, it’s not what’s gotten in you but what I’m hoping will be getting into me.” Chris was openly staring at my rapidly growing cock while she licked her lips. “Actually you really do look uncomfortable. Here, let me help you.”

I was extremely astonished to see her sinking to her knees in front of me. Her long fingers quickly made short work of opening my shorts and she slipped them down my legs. Instinctively I stepped out of them as she wrapped her fist around my almost fully erect cock. A few clear drops of pre-cum oozed from the slit and I gasped out loud as her tongued snaked out and lapped them up. I was momentarily paralyzed as her lips opened wide and she slipped them over the huge thick bulb of my now rigid prick. For what seemed and eternity, but was really only a few seconds, I watched Chris’s head move down and inch then back up until she released me with a loudly resounding pop.

“Mmmmmm, I do love the feel and taste of an erect cock in my mouth. Now let’s see how well it fits here.”

Because of her height what she did next was very easily done. Without exposing herself she slipped my throbbing cock beneath her scanty top nestling it between her huge breasts. Her hands went to each side as she began to slowly move her body up and down, effectively using her breasts to massage my cock. The feeling was like nothing I’d ever felt before. Her skin was burning hot and I felt more pre-cum liquid oozing out making her skin slick.

“Tasting a hard hot cock in only my second most loved thing about sex,” Chris cooed. “Right now this is the third. Feeling your cock between my tits and loving they way it’s throbbing. Now pull my top off and watch as your cock slides between my tits.”

I look back on the event now and realized I was harsher than intended. My fingers gripped the thin material and almost ripped it to shreds as it left her body finally exposing her naked chest to me for the first time. Seeing my cock tightly clinched between her massive mounds excited me more than ever as her hands went back to their sides and pressed them even more tightly around my shaft. Again her body began moving up and down as more and more of my pre-cum began to coat her skin. I felt rather than saw her tongue lapping the head then her lips taking the bulb between them. My balls began to quiver as my knees grew weak.

“Chris,” I exclaimed with a certain amount of fear. “I can’t keep it back any longer. I’m going to cum.” I felt it best to warn her so she could take my cock from her mouth, but she surprised me.

She let go of her boobs and cupped my large cum filled balls with one hand and tightly gripped the base of my shaft with the other. Because of the angle she was only able to take maybe three or four inches of me orally, but she used her hand to pump while bobbing her head. The shock was more than I could take as the first of many hot thick gobs of my seed erupted. I heard Chris moan as her mouth filled sending vibrations all the way to my cumming balls. Over and over I sent huge thick ropes of my cream into her mouth as she worked hard and fast to swallow it. As my eruption began to subside I saw only tiny trickles of thick white liquid oozing from the corners of her mouth and I knew she had taken all I had to give. My knees buckled and I was suddenly laying in a heap beside her.

“Ah, now that’s what I call a good way to start the day. Yes, drinking young hot cum and loving the way you’re still hard. Now it’s time to fill up another opening.”

Chris stood up and quickly shed her shorts allowing me to look up at her now naked body. God what a beautiful sight. Her legs were spread open and I saw her almost hairless pussy slick with her own juices. It was my first sight of a woman naked between her legs and while I had seen pictures there is nothing to compare with the real thing live and direct. The lips were thick and puffed with excitement and I saw something most unbelievable. Her clit stuck out well over and inch and reminded me of a tiny as yet developed penis. Still staring as her open sex Chris knelt over my half naked body and slowly lowered herself to me. She lightly held my still erect cock rubbing the head around and between her wetness making me slick. Her hips moved lower and I felt my first time going inside a woman.


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