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Bound & Blindfolded, What'd You Do?

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A beautiful, blonde, busty woman is bound & blindfolded.
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I dedicate this story to my nudist friends, Veronica and George. Happy birthday, George.


A beautiful blonde busty woman is bound and blindfolded, what would you do?

"Honey, I'm bored," Veronica looked at her husband, George, with her sad, blue eyes and red, pouty lips.

"I'm sorry that you're bored, baby doll," said George giving her a hug. "What can I do to help?" He stared at her sexy body, before looking down at the bulge in his pants and looking up at her to smile his lust at her.

"No offense and don't take this the wrong way, George, but I need something more exciting than just having sex with you," said Veronica with a dirty laugh.

"No offense taken, sweetie. Do you want to play a game? We can play a game."

"A game? You know how much I enjoy playing games, George. What kind of game do you have in mind?"

Suddenly filled with an erotic adventure and perked up with sexual excitement by the kind of sexy game she had in mind that she'd love to play with her husband, she gave him a sexy look.

"Well, we have Scrabble, Monopoly, chess, checkers, dominos, backgammon, or cards. Pick your poison," he said smiling at his wife of twenty odd years. "There's always pool, ping pong, darts, and a whole library of computer games, too."

"I'm not a child, George. I don't want to play a silly children's game. I have other needs, if you know what I mean," she said sticking her finger to her lips and licking it, before pushing her finger in her mouth and sucking on it.

"I don't understand, Veronica. You said that you needed something more than just having sex with me," he said obviously confused, but mesmerized by the sight of her sucking on her finger, no doubt, while thinking of her sucking on his cock.

"Bigger than us, George, I need to play a game that we both can play together, as well as with others. So you see, I do need something more than sex," she said giving him another sexy smile.

"What game do you have in mind, then, if not a child's game and if not a sexual game?"

"I didn't say that I didn't want to play a sexual game, George," she said giving him a look of lust, before taking a long, thoughtful pause. "Let's play the game that we played at last year's nudists' Halloween party," she said flushing with a bit of embarrassment, as she remembered the sexy game that she played with her husband, as well as a few of the other virile, young men attending the naked function.

"Seriously? Boy, nearly caught in the act, a big no no, we almost got in trouble for having sex at a nudist function. You know how that's frowned upon. They asked us to leave, if they caught us."

George's penis pushed his eagerness to play her sexy game against the inside of his pants.

"Yes, I'd like to play that game again, but not at a nudist function," said Veronica coyly. "Consider this game as my special birthday present to you, George."

"You want to play that sexy game again, as my special birthday gift?"

"Yes," she said fingering her nipple through her clothes.

"So, let me get this straight, so that I don't misunderstand, you want me to tie you up, again?"

"Oh, yes," she said reaching her hand down to cup her pussy through her tight jeans.

"And you want me to blindfold you?"

"Oh, God yes, yes, yes" she said looking as if she was about to have an orgasm, just by the sheer mention of being bound and blindfolded. She launched herself from the couch to throw her arms around her husband's neck and kissed him.

Playing reversed roles, as if Veronica was the wildly mad and sexually romantic Gomez Addams of the Addams family and George was more reserved and in control of his emotions, in the way of Morticia Addams, they were still as sexually active, as they were erotically adventurous. After being together for so many years, it was obvious to everyone that this couple were still not only in love but also so very hot for one another. Their flame of lustful desire still burned as hot as the first day they made love.

"Oh, my God, Veronica, you'd make me the happiest man in the world to watch you play that sexy game again. I can't wait."

"Well, prepare yourself to be the happiest man in the world, George, because, in honor of your birthday, I'm ready to play that sexy game again," said Veronica.

"Only, if not daring to be caught playing that game at a nudist function, where do we dare play that game? After already having played the home version of the game and having enlisted my brother, most of my friends, the mailman, the UPS and Fedex man, and the pizza delivery guy, as unaware participants in our little game of what would you do if you happened upon a bound and blindfolded beautiful, blonde, busty woman," said George, "we need some new, innocent contestants to unwittingly play our sexy game."

"Yes, that's quite the dilemma," said Veronica. "Without having the captive audience that we had at the Halloween nudist function and having already gone through everyone we know at home, who shall we enlist to play our sexy game with us? Strangers?"

"Gees, I don't know, Veronica. Do we dare play our sexy game with strangers again? We took a big risk tying you to that tree the last time we played. You pushed your luck, when those three hunters found you and had their wicked way with you."

"Stop it, George, you're making me horny," said Veronica rubbing her vagina through her pants.

"Those hunters all had guns," said George. Do we dare take our game on the road and try it in public, again? Are you ready for that, Veronica?"

"Oh, God, yes. I'm so ready to be stripped naked and used and abused, George."

"Even though I want to play that game, too, I'm not sure how to safely go about protecting you, honey. I wouldn't want anything to happen to my baby."

"Well, instead of picking a spot in the woods that was a bit too secluded, what if..." she said putting her finger to her lips again.

"What if what?" George looked at his sexy wife with loving adoration.

"Since we live across from the golf course and there are always men there, especially at such an early hour," said Veronica, "I was thinking that we should take advantage of that location?"

"Okay? Tell me more," said George, while fingering the head of his growing erection through his pants.

"You prop me up against a tree in the woods, a tree far enough away from the fairway to give us the privacy that we need to enjoy our game, but a tree closer to the 18th hole and the clubhouse. That way, we'd have a better chance of attracting a man to take advantage of me, if he knows that he can run to his car to make good his getaway should someone come. Only, just in case the guy that comes along is a whacko, just in case I need to flee, while screaming for help, don't tie me to the tree, this time."

"Okay, we can do that. As exciting as it is for you, watching you having sex with someone is exciting fun for me, too. Only," said George laughing, "am I going to hang the four F sign around your neck again?"

"Yes, we need a sign, but not the one that you hung around my neck the last time, NOW THAT YOU FOUND ME, FEEL ME, FUCK ME, AND FORGET ABOUT ME. That was just too crass. If I'm to play the innocent, virginal victim, we need to come up with a better and more believable sign," said Veronica.

"Hmm, let me think," said George. "I know. How about this? I'm a bitch. I spent all of my husband's money on clothes and shoes, before having sex with his best friend and his brother," he said laughing.

"Very funny, George, albeit true, being that I spend so much of your money on clothes and shoes and fucked your best friend, before making love to your brother but, now that I think about it, that sign will work," said Veronica with a sexy laugh. "Definitely, that's a sign that will provoke a man's anger and justify their reason enough to have their wicked way with me. With a sign like that, I'd have men taking advantage of me, instead of untying me, as they did the last time we tried playing our game, that is, before those three horny hunters happened along."

"Okay, let's do it," said George rubbing his hands together, as if he were a fly rubbing its forelegs together, after landing on a lump of dog excrement.

Wanting to look really hot, Veronica took her time getting ready. She put on a full face of makeup, with ruby red lipstick to give her that Angelina Jolie blowjob mouth and blue eye shadow to make her big, blue eyes appear even bigger. Then, she picked out her uniform of choice, a short, loose skirt with a button blouse that had a low cut scalloped collar, should her sexual assaulter not want to take the time to unbutton her blouse, but to reach down her shirt and feel her tits through and/or inside her bra. Underneath her clothes, she wore her white bikini panty and, for convenience sake, a low cut, front snapping bra over her C cup breasts. Her favorite bra, it was a bra that barely covered her areolas and nipples. Suffice to say, an understatement, she looked hot. No doubt, with her so helplessly perched up against a tree bound and blindfolded, no man in his right mind would untie her.

Once ready, they walked along the road to the golf course and George escorted her to a select tree, where Veronica took a seat in the soft grass. Even though she was concealed from view, with her shapely legs sticking out from her short skirt, if looking that way, golfers could still see her sitting there, when walking past that part of the golf course looking for their errant golf ball. Once someone strayed close enough, all she had to do was to cough or make a sound to get their attention.

As if Veronica had been accused of being a witch in Salem, Massachusetts, four hundred years before, George took great pleasure in hanging the sign of shame around his wife's neck that read, I'M A BITCH. I SPENT ALL OF MY HUSBAND'S MONEY ON CLOTHES AND SHOES, BEFORE HAVING SEX WITH HIS BEST FRIEND AND HIS BROTHER. Making sure they were alone and there was no one coming, he tied her wrists and blindfolded her, before leaving her there to fend for herself. Only, instead of tying her to the tree, as he did the last time and as he promised he wouldn't this time, for her safety sake, he loosely tied her hands together, should she need to free herself in a hurry to get away from someone who didn't correctly play their game.

He watched over her from a distance with his binoculars. Just a few hundred yards away, if Veronica was in danger, he could quickly run to her, while screaming at her sexual assailant to get away from her and leave her alone. Besides, one of their favorite games to play, it wasn't as if they haven't done this before and it wasn't as if he was forcing her to play. Just as they both enjoyed playing this sexy game, this was all her idea.

Once in place, with her wrists tied and her hands in her lap and her eyes blindfolded, it didn't take Veronica long to attract some action, when a golf ball nearly hit her thigh and rolled landing by her feet. Then, filled with the sexual anticipation of being used and abused, she heard someone approaching through the brush. Wanting to make sure he noticed her, she played her role to perfection.

"Help. Help. Hello? Is there someone there? Please, can you help me? Please, can you untie me?"

"Well, well, well, what do we have here, girlie?"

John, a 64-year-old, well respected divorce attorney, a highly regarded member of the community, and an avid golfer, who always preferred an early tee off time, happened upon something he's never seen before, but always fantasized about seeing, a helpless damsel in distress.

"My husband left me here because he discovered that I had sex with his best friend and," she said pausing to lower her head in shame, "his brother."

"I read that. Boy, by your own immodest and immoral confession, you are quite the little slut, aren't you? I have a good mind to turn you over, lift up your skirt, pull down your panty, and give you the spanking you so deserve and the spanking that your husband should have given you."

"Yes, I am quite the slut," responded Veronica with her head still hanging down, while secretly enjoying being called a slut.

"The sign around your neck also reads that you spent all of his money, too."

"I did," she said not looking up at him. "I'm a bad wife, a very bad wife."

"And it also reads that you're a bitch," he said looking at her, as if she was a pot of pure, sexual gold. "Are you a bitch?"

"I am. I am a bitch. I could have reached up and removed my blindfold, I could have walked away, but if this is my punishment to be so bound and blindfolded with a sign of shame around my neck, then so be it. God knows that I needed to be punished and having made peace with God and having atoned for my sins by apologizing to my husband, I accept my punishment. Now, please, Mister, untie me. Having learned my lesson," she said holding out her tied wrists. "I've been punished long enough."

"John! John," shouted his golfing friends passing by in the distance. "Where are you? Are you coming? C'mon, let's go."

"Take my clubs and go ahead without me," yelled John. "I'll catch up with you at the clubhouse, later. I have to go to the bathroom."

"Please untie me, Mister."

"Untie you? Why would I untie you? This is an opportunity of a lifetime," he said with a dirty laugh. "At my age, I don't get many opportunities such as this."

"Please, Mister, don't you have a conscience? As a good Christian man--"

"A conscience? A good Christian man? I'm a lawyer, a divorce attorney, for Christ sakes. I don't have a conscience and I'm not a good Christian man," he said laughing. "If you were my daughter, my sister, my sister-in-law, my mother-in-law, or even my own elderly mother tied up and blindfolded, I'd feel her up in the way that I'm about to feel you up," he said squatting down to grab two, horny handfuls of her breasts, before lifting up her short skirt to run his excited hand between her legs to cup her pussy through her panty.

"Oh, my God, you filthy pig. How dare you? You groped my pussy," said Veronica playing her role as he innocent victim, albeit the bad wife. "Are you quite done feeling me up, you sick bastard? How dare you inappropriate touch me, you dirty man? Never in my life have I ever been so sexually violated. I feel so used and abused. Get away from me, before I scream."

"Boy, you really are a bitch. If you were my woman, I'd backhand you for sassing me, but I have a better idea," he said unbuttoning her blouse, while looking around to make sure that no one was coming.

"Don't you dare touch my tits! Wait. No. Don't. Please stop. What are you doing?"

"I like playing with titties," he said pausing to feel her big tits and finger her hard nipples through her bra, "while having my cock sucked."

"Your cock sucked? Oh, no. No way! How dare you? I'll not suck your cock," said Veronica continuing to play her acting role to perfection and recoiling from his touch of her big breasts. "I'm no one's whore."

"Right now you are. You're my whore and, if you want me to untie you and if you expect me to set you free, then you'll suck my cock. Just as I've had sex with the women, who didn't have the money to pay me for their divorce proceedings, with me holding the key to their future happiness, just as you surely will, they allowed me to do whatever I wanted to them," he said fingering, pulling, twisting, and turning her nipples through her bra.

"Ow, that hurts. Don't be so rough with my tits. Oh, my God, I can't believe you're pulling and twisting my nipples through my bra," shriveled Veronica, while feigning embarrassment. "I'm so embarrassed."

"Don't be embarrassed. I'm not," said John with a dirty laugh.

"Listen, Mister, what if you just untied my hands and," said Veronica trying to negotiate her plea of mercy, as if she was an attorney making her case for a plaintiff's leniency, "I'll willingly give you a hand job, instead? How about that? Would you like for me to stroke your cock, Mister? I can just as easily make you cum with my hand, as I can with my mouth."

"Thank you for kindly offering me a hand job, but no thank you. You're so pretty, your lips are so full," he said running his finger across her lips, as if his finger was his cock, "and your tits are so big that I'd really prefer a blowjob, if you don't mind. I prefer you making me cum with your red lips, instead of with your soft hand," he said with a sinister laugh, while staring at her bra through her half unbuttoned blouse. "You really are such a beautiful woman. What's your name?"


"Veronica? Is that your real name?"


"I suppose your husband's name is Archie, right?"

"No, his name is George and if you catches you inappropriately touching me, he'd kick your ass."

"Listen lady, your husband is the man who left you here to be so physically abused and punished," said John with a loud laugh. "If he'd do anything to me, at all, he'd thank me for giving you the sexual assault that you so deserve."

"Well, if you're so intent on molesting me, at least tell me your name."

"I'm John," he said. "Pleased to meet you, Veronica," he said patting her head, as if she was a dog. "Now, listen up," he said, as if instructing a client what to say in court. "Here's the deal. You suck my cock, I cum in your mouth, you swallow, and I'll untie you. Okay? If you don't do any of those things, then I leave you here for someone else to have his wicked way with you."

"Okay," said Veronica feigning embarrassment, while pretending to resign herself to his will. "Only, please be gentle with me. Other than my husband, his best friend, his brother, oh, and my cousin, I've never been with another man, that is, except for Dave, who I met at the nudist picnic, but he was so hot and I was so weak and vulnerable."

"Yeah, yeah, sure, lady, whatever. I've represented too many cheating and lying husbands that were more believable than you," said John more interested in her tits than her plead full explanation. Acting as if he wasn't even listening to her, he continued to undress her.

"Oh, the indignity of it all," said Veronica dramatically acting, as if she was Meryl Streep, while continuing to play her Oscar worthy role.

If she could have put the back of her hand to her forehead for more effect, in the way of a damsel tied to a railroad track, she would have, but her hands were still bound. John finished unbuttoning her blouse and then he unsnapped her front snapping bra.

"A front snapper. I like how that's so very convenient for me. Viola! Tits! Wow, you have amazing breasts, Veronica," he said upon seeing her breasts, while touching, feeling, fondling, and caressing her big boobs. "Your nipples are so big," he said fingering her big nipples, before leaning down to take them in his mouth, first one nipple and then the other.

"Can we just get this over with, John? I'm getting a leg cramp."

"Hey, that bitchy attitude will get you nowhere with me, Ronnie," he said unzipping himself and pulling out his cock. "I like that name for you, Ronnie. Does your husband ever call you Ronnie?"

"Sometimes," she said acting demurely submissive.

"Unlike those cheap hookers down at the social club, not wanting to rush anything, I plan on taking my time with someone like you."

He put an arm beneath her to lift her.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Get on your knees, so you can suck my cock. That way, anyone walking by will think that I'm just standing here, while taking a leak against this tree, instead of them seeing a beautiful woman blowing me."

"Oh, God, I can't believe I'm about to suck off a man that I don't even know," she said acting as if she was about to cry and acting as if she had never sucked a man she didn't know before.

"You know me, Veronica. Not a stranger anymore, I just introduced myself," said John with slyness, while holding out and rubbing his erection across her lips. "I'm John. Now, blow me, bitch," he said with a laugh.


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