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When I opened the car door to escort her out of the car, my loving wife was so pale that I thought she'd faint. Well, she didn't but she did weave a little as she walked slowly up the stairs to the fuck nest she'd shared with Ray years ago and where she'd betrayed our marriage.

We could hear voices raised in anger as we neared the living room.

"...you still want to marry that girl?! Are you crazy? Or are you just too bowled over with lust to care that she's a slutty call girl!"

"Don't you dare call her names, dad! Not when you were one of her clients! That's what's making you mad isn't it? You had to pay money to sleep with her and you were still a lousy fuck! Yet your son just has to love her and she gives up that lifestyle for good. Get over it, dad! You can't conquer Rayna and you've lost out to your son!"

Father and son stood glaring at each other as an older woman, probably Ray's wife tried to play peacemaker as she noticed Rayna standing with Rosy and me at the entrance to the room.

At his wife's loud whisper that his prospective daughter-in-law's parents were present, Ray turned his corpulent body and bald head towards us. I felt Rosy shudder at her first look at the man she'd been obsessed with years ago and who she'd betrayed me with. I guess the appearance of Ray did shatter her illusions regarding the bastard and was probably tainting the treasured wicked memories she delighted in all these years. I'd gotten my first bit of revenge.

Ray stared at Rosy with some bewilderment since he evidently found her familiar. When he recognised her, more cruelty came out of that disgusting man than I thought possible.

"So it does run in the family!"

He exclaimed, an ugly sneer on his face.

Rosy was deadly pale as Ray continued.

"The daughter is a whore just like her mother. I'd paid for the mother's virginity but failed to win the daughter's. What a pity!

Would have made a nice set! Mother and daughter sharing virginity with the same lover!"

He turned on his son.

"Are you going to marry this whore and create the next generation of whores?!"

The young man was almost ready to rip his father's head off, something prevented only by his mother standing in the way. Rayna had crumbled to the floor, weeping openly. Rosy looked at her poor daughter helplessly. Belatedly realising I was present, she

turned to me, remorse and regret shining in her eyes, and gasped out a sob-filled apology.

"I-I'm s-o so sor-sorry. I can't say how sorry I -I am."

For once, I think she truly regretted what she'd done with Ray, seeing how she'd caused Rayna to suffer.

Then she walked over to Ray and slapped him across the face.

"You bastard! How dare you insult and humiliate my daughter! She's perfect. The only thing imperfect with her is that your blood flows in her, you sonofabitch!"

In the silence that followed, you could literally hear a pin drop.

Ryan was the first to break the silence.

"Do-do you mean Rayna is-is...my sis-sister?"

The words tumbled out of the poor boy's mouth, sounding like gunshots in the silent room. Rayna and Ryan stared in silent horror at Rosy. She looked at the ground intently and nodded in misery.

Old Ray's wife started crying while Ray himself just stared at his kids almost as if he couldn't quite register what was happening.

All of them were too lost in their misery to notice my reaction, or rather lack thereof.

Frankly, I was numb. Sure, there was some satisfaction as I saw the two adulterous traitors get fucked up by the truth, but the fact was the feeling didn't last long and the misery of the people gathered soon washed over me like a wave, leaving me floundering emotionally.

Ryan seemed to snap, he grabbed his father and started pummelling him in the face and stomach. The remote in Ray's hands fell to the ground and the home entertainment system started playing the most recently played video, which unfortunately was the short clip of Ray fucking Rayna which I had sent to Ryan in the hopes of avoiding this confrontation.

Rosy stared at the sight of Ray fucking his own daughter right down to the anticlimactic ending, horror mixing with anguish. The sight of Ray pulling his wet shrunken dick out of the hole of his daughter made the tears turn into streams down her face. Old Ray and Rosy both gagged as they watched Ray's watery cum drip out of Rayna. Ryan had frozen when the recording played and at the disgusting sounds and sight of Ray's climax in Rayna, he had let go of his father's collar and collapsed nerveless onto the ground.

The two young lovers stared at each other as the awful truth sunk in. As Rayna started gagging, dry heaves shaking her body, Ryan's eyes turn from a dazed blankness to horror.

"Ou-r..our baby.."

He babbled. Old Ray's wife and I were the first to catch on and she clasped a hand over her mouth in horror.

Rayna closed her eyes in abject despair and screamed. It was a loud cry of pain and death that brought Ray to his feet and Rosy out of the daze she had fallen into.

"You must get rid of that thing. It's a product of incest. It cannot live!"

His cruel words brought him slaps from both his wife and Rosy. And he held his hands up as both women advanced upon him, screaming and slapping him. Ryan looked at his father in utter disgust and said bitterly, "Yes, it could very well be your incestuous child or grandchild! That's the only thing that is certain, isn't it Father?"

Rayna stared at Ryan, seeing perhaps for the first time his capacity for cruelty. I could almost see her withdrawing into herself right there on the ground. Ryan could hardly bring himself to look at her while Ray was still being harangued by the two women.

I was the only one who watched in numb detachment as Rayna picked herself up and ran out. Ryan snapped out of his funk and followed.

The loud squeal of tyres told me that the pair were likely heading out of the villa compound. It was the sickening crash of metal against metal that signalled their failure to make it past the heavy gates.

"Oh my god."

I shouted as I headed out of the villa. I heard hurried footsteps behind me as Rosy's hoarse prayers of "oh please no..." sounded out faintly.

The car was a twisted wreck, its front a compacted accordion. The young passengers were both in awkward positions in the front seats. The airbags had prevented even greater damage but there was a lot of blood. Ryan's head had hit the side window and he was sprawled at an awkward angle.

Rayna had small cuts on the side of her face that was visible from the cracked side windows but she looked to be alright. The staff had had the presence of mind to call for help. And after the emergency services arrived, we finally saw the couple extracted from the wreckage. Ryan's legs were mangled and he was losing a lot of blood. Rayna seemed to be bleeding too and we had to explain that she was likely pregnant.

The rest of the day went by in a dizzying circus of motion and confusion. Rosy was able to donate blood which Rayna needed for her surgery. Rayna had lost the baby and the impact had caused severe damage to her organs and they needed to get her into surgery to stop the bleeding and repair the damage. Ryan was in even worse shape. His legs were amputated and he had lost so much blood they'd used all the packs of his blood type in the blood bank. Ray couldn't donate blood to his own son because of his health issues. I stepped up and offered mine as I was a universal donor blood type. It was clearly a dire situation and they needed blood.

Ryan hung on for 29 hours as the surgeons tried desperately to stop him bleeding out but it soon became apparent that the damage was too great. When the doctors told him about his condition, he asked to see Rosy and me.

"Please tell Rayna I'm sorry" was all he managed to gasp out as Rosy cried and lowered her head in shame. At the very end, his mother held his hand as he flatlined. Ryan refused to see his father and Ray only shook his head as the doctors announced that his son had passed away.

The look of pain and hatred old Ray's wife shot her husband and my wife would have killed them many times over if looks could kill. As it was, neither of them died, though both had just enough decency to hang their heads in shame, avoiding her eyes.

Rayna never got to see Ryan for the last time and what we learnt from the safety cameras in the car was their nasty fight and mutual recriminations that ended abruptly when the car slammed into the iron gates. She recovered consciousness two days after Ryan died. She had no memory of how she ended up in hospital or even who Ryan and Ray were. After what she'd been through, neither Rosy nor I were eager to see her regain her memory.


Rosy never met my glance all through the journey home, trying to focus on Rayna. Despite her memory loss, Rayna was oddly distant and almost seemed determined to shut herself off from Rosy.

I'd asked my attorney to hold off on serving Rosy the divorce papers because of what happened. So it was a month later that Rosy received the papers. She didn't protest or contest the terms. She merely gave me a sad, teary smile and apologised for her behaviour before she handed the papers back to me with her signature.

I just felt numbly detached. I'd never envisioned that day the way it eventually happened. Empty was the only word that described how I felt. It wasn't the victory I'd imagined.

In the end, I never sold the house, I just left it to Rosy and Rayna who continued living there. Rosy's reaction when rumours started spreading surprised me. Perhaps it was better described as a lack of reaction. All she did was ask me on one of my occasional visits how long I'd known.

And all I said was "Roxy, I've known for more than 20 years". My use of the nickname Ray had used for her made her eyes widen in surprise. We were silent for the rest of the visit though she kept looking at me, seemingly seeing me in a whole new light.

Just before I left, Rosy hugged me awkwardly and whispered, "I can guess what you did but I'm never going to ask. I know you hate me now but I know it came out of your love for me."

She pulled back and looked at me with that sad smile and suddenly teary eyes.

"Please believe me that despite how it looked, I've loved you all these years. I'm now paying for the mistake I made. But you should not let the past hold onto you any longer. Live a good life."

With those words ringing in my ears, I sent all the evidence I had on Ray and Suzy and their associates to the police and the Feds. The short story is Ray is now in jail serving time for his crimes and someone spread the news that he had a penchant for ruining young virgins so he also became de facto buttfuck target in that prison. Suzy, the old madam, got to see what life was like as one who was used rather than one who provided young flesh to be used by others.

As for me? I stopped all the surveillance, put all files into one hard drive and buried it in the desert of the state I moved to after the divorce was finalised. I'd settled into my new home for a month or so before I scouted out a place and buried all the evidence so to speak. Even the videos of Ray and Rosy plus my session with Rayna all went into a box filled with magnets and then in the sand.

Tomorrow Rosy and Rayna are arriving for their summer holiday visit. Both of them decided to go back to school albeit in a different state and without the side jobs they once had. It's ironic but I see more of them these days than I used to when we lived in the same house. Well, technically, they study in a university about half an hour's drive away from me across state lines. I drive up to visit them once every couple of weeks and both ladies are still happy to see me though Rayna said something a couple of months back that had me holding my breath. She hugged me and said I reminded her of some guy she met at her side job once. She shrugged and laughed it off. I wondered whether to tell her the truth but her fragility made me swallow the truth.

The odd thing was she never did recall Ryan or Ray. Her counsellor and psychiatrist all attributed this to her self-protection mechanism that blanked out all the traumatic events.

We made a weird group since none of us were dating or looked to date. Sure, there were lady friends that visited occasionally but none who got anywhere near serious. In fact, my sons all probably got more dating than the rest of us. Still I'm happier than I've been in years and I think we've all reached some level of peace.


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AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

This was a very good tale, and an above rendition of a typical Grecian tragedy. Well written, and ‘not written for dummies.’ That said, this became a tale driven by vengeance of the harmed party. But the motivation did not remotely reflect the angst that was driven by the need for revenge. In short, this story fell dreadfully short of a BTB in spite of the bleating of the wronged party, whose weak bleating demonstrated that the MC, and perhaps by association the author, were cucks to a degree rarely defined in previous cuck stories on this site. Not a waste of time by any means, but falsely advertised to pique my interest. Hard 3.

inka2222inka222226 days ago

So... where's the "burn the bitch" part? There was ZERO revenge on the cheating skank aside from 20 years too late divorce.

This COULD have been a great story, if after the crash, Rayna would fall in love with MC and marry him (being not biologically related). Would have served both as revenge on the skanky whore and the reward for MC.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

How anyone can complain about this story is beyond my comprehension. This was a Greek tragedy brought to life with the only difference is that it is so much more plausible and understandable since it is modern times. I would have liked a bit more interaction with the sons who got Chuck Cunninhammed although I thought of multiple ways they could have been worked more into the story over the years. They must have noticed something amiss in all their years together, whether it was Rosy never paying attention or really bonding with them or the fact that their mother made Rayna an obvious favorite at their expense. It still gets a huge 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for being the timeless classic is should become.


AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

I don't care what the nay sayers say ... this is a very good and plausible story and the dramatic irony throughout is what makes it believable and an entertaining story, When all comes together at the end I felt like applauding this very good effort 5! Writing is not easy!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

What a WIMP !!!!! Waited 20 years just to fuck a girl who he treated like a daughter and for what ???!!!

He's just a dirty old man and a wimpy cuckold for that. You call that revenge ?! You prey on innocent lives having 1 dead and 1 turned into a whore and what kind of vengeance is that for his wife ???!!!! Wife literally escape with just a slapped on her wrist. TERRIBLE !!!!

I skimmed through looking for the revenge part and NOTHING !! Just an old pervert bringing up a girl just to satisfied his own sick sex cravings. I rate this story - ZERO

Stop writing if you're this awful before you have more deaths due to angry readers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I quit reading when he let his wife cuck him for years. No one and I mean no one puts up with and pays for a bastard from a cheating whore! Some btb.

JRandyJJRandyJ9 months ago

What a crock!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Could not finish this story.

BTB vengeance needed but wrong tools and needed directed to:

The procurer, the prostitute wife and of course RAY.

You don't even want to know my grade.

I don't want to read another story like this one that I could not finish.

KiwihunterKiwihunter10 months ago

What a wimp who was too frightened to fight for his family even if it meant protecting them from themselves. This seems to be a uniquely American thing. Rather than protecting your family you set them up for self destruction. A strange breed those yanks

Hiram325Hiram325about 1 year ago

More than 20 years living the life of a fucking cuck? no. Just no. One star and another contributor on my pay no mind list.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Only an idiot without any self-respect would continue to subject themselves to living with disrespectful whore, these MCs that are more feminine than the females in stories, just ruin them can't enjoy a story with an MC that isn't respectable

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I need a shower after reading that. Maybe a dusting of DDT, too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What the hell ? Was he trying to take revenge by old age after 20 years ? Who the hell would wait that long ? And if he hated the (NOT) daughter that much, why wasn’t he man enough to show his face to her after he’d took her Virginity ??

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well the MC was the only one who actually lost out! 21 years of hating…an innocent girl used as an unwitting pawn in his desire for revenge…

Man that really sucks! And he has a clear conscience?? No way! U don’t hold hatred for so long and live! U end up dead emotionally! He is a dead man walking! And Ratna was an unwitting victim! So a puss poor story of selfish revenge and innocent victims!

alvinjfrazieralvinjfrazieralmost 2 years ago

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Good story. I really enjoyed it, in spite of minor flaws. BUT, so much uanadulterated hatred, carried for that long... Their ONE DAY of pain and sorrow wouldn't have made a dent. Realistically, the MC should have laughed his ass off, served divorce papers immediately, and donated nary a single drop of blood. Publish Roxie's journals, the DNA reportS, and footage of Ray and Roxie's trysts, and Ray's incestuous romp with Rayna. Make available to one and all Roxie's entire history and ALL of the incest she caused. Only after the divorce and Ray's legal troubles, send them the video of Rayna getting fucked by the man who fed, clothed and sheltered her for 20 years. And Ray has to find out that he ate cum, otherwise what was the poinr? As for the MC's pangs of conscience, NONE OF THE EVENTS ARE HIS FAULT. The only innocent MAY have been Ryan. Everyone else lived up to the lowest expectations and made their own choices.

alvinjfrazieralvinjfrazieralmost 2 years ago

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Good story. I enjoyed it, despite its flaws. BUT, such unadulterated hatred, carried for so long... Their pain and anguish on ONE DAY

Bham487Bham487almost 2 years ago

What’s funny is he didn’t really need to do anything to get revenge. The only revenge he caused was fucking his step daughter before Ray and letting him eat his cum as everything else would have happened anyway. Even if he had divorced her she still would have lead her daughter down the same path leading to the eventual end. Overall an entertaining story

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Money, money, money. GOTTA have that money. Risk it ALL...for the money.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Hilarious, sad but Hilarious! No character to actually cheer for and the last few paragraphs were disappointing and really need a rewrite. Not that they were still seeing each other but

the lack of closure for a better word, the reader was still left wanting. It brought the rating from a 4 to a 3.

wilsonanthonywilsonanthonyabout 2 years ago

BTB is about the Cheating, The Discovery, the Confrontation after which comes the actual burning of the Bitch or the Bastard! You are a very good writer and I do not agree with the vitriol of some of the criticism! You must however admit the climax is very disappointing after the build up there is NO BURNING!

There were so many layers that needed to be addressed and you needed him to come out with all that has been happening to take it to a boil but … it peters out to a trickle and he is witness to all that is occurring but the dramatic irony is that they are not aware that he is way ahead of them but it happens in his mind only – I hate the dramatic irony here for I wanted the burning – Nuclear all the way. Your story – your choice.

You let them have and accident and Ray comes off not half of the horrible bastard that he is, The husband schemed, plotted and suffered for 20 years to actually almost reconcile with them. The amnesia or memory loss and her admitting that she actually did love him is a cop out and sounds like excuses because you got cold feet to actually make the BURNING a Greek Tragedy! Well it is a good story and well written with a disappointing end as far as the BTB lovers go!

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