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Claimed by the Futanari Ch. 02: Witches!

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Witches want what Ali's got.
4.1k words

Part 3 of the 15 part series

Updated 11/12/2022
Created 02/07/2014
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Maybe five minutes later, though it seemed an eternity, I stopped at the edge of the woods. Still struggling to come to my senses, I realised only then that I had left my handbag behind along with all the clothes that had been torn from me - and while I didn't especially care about the bag itself, I did care about my purse and phone and, most importantly, my house keys.

Because even if I did manage to cross the short distance to my house without being spotted by my neighbours and picked up by the police, who I imagined wouldn't be terribly sympathetic to a naked whatever-I-was-now, what if the doors were all locked, and the windows all closed? As indeed they should be and usually were. Unless Sasha was home, which she might be, which was a whole other bridge to cross.

The thought of running home through the brightly lit streets, or creeping through the bushes in people's back gardens, and getting home only to discover that I was stuck outside? (I do have an exhibitionist streak, but I like to be in control.)

Despite the cold, which was really starting to bite, I needed to go back, to brave the woods again, the dark shadows penetrated only by shafts of moonlight - terrifying, yes, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't secretly hope for another encounter with Annabel, the pink woman who had done this to me. Taking a deep breath, I ventured into the dark once again.

No sooner had the last streetlights winked out of view than a black, sinuous shape coiled about my left ankle. Despite an initial jolt of terror, I didn't scream. I assumed it was Annabel's roots binding me in preparation for another assault, and tried to relax as first my other ankle and then both wrists were snatched and bound by dark slithering shadows. I cried out, though, when my wrists were wrenched up so violently that I was pulled from the ground and suspended.

'Mistress?' I queried, increasingly confused by this play. In answer there was only cruel laughter, and from more than one direction. In full panic, I fought against the bonds, which I realised now were ropes, not roots, and clearly enchanted with some magic. The more I struggled, the tighter their grip on me, until I could bear it no longer. 'Okay! Okay!' I screamed, and ceased my attempts to escape. I was rewarded for my compliance with a gradual loosening of the ropes, though not by enough to give me any hope of freedom.

The sound of a match striking... and there was light from behind me. I twisted to see a large black candle planted in the soil behind me, and around me the shadows coalesced into black-cloaked figures. Three of them, lighting more candles until five flickered around me, equally spaced, placing me deliberately at the centre. 'Wh-what do you want?' I asked. I was shivering, as much from fear and the pain in my wrists as from the cold.

The ropes were holding me in such a way that my legs were spread, my feet just above the ground. One of the cloaked figures stood in front of me. A hand reached out and gripped my limp cock, crushing it painfully. 'This should have been mine,' she said. Her voice was old and harsh. 'We have been preparing for tonight for months, only for the goddess to choose you.'

The other two figures had circled round behind me. 'She stinks of cum,' sneered one, and I felt myself flush with embarrassment.

The third chuckled from behind and below me somewhere. 'She's like a ripe juicy fruit. Just one bite and the cum will gush out.' Hands grabbed my ass and spread my cheeks, and a tongue penetrated my ass. 'By the gods!' she cried. 'She tastes divine!' The tongue dived back in.

Humiliating though this was, having one woman squeezing my brand new cock while another licked my ass, especially after everything that had happened that evening, triggered my arousal. As waves of pleasure radiated through me from that questing tongue, my cock stiffened within the hand that gripped it and was soon fully erect.

The woman in front of me snorted, and dug sharp fingernails into the sensitive flesh. 'You little slut!' she hissed. 'Her cum was wasted on you!' She let go of my cock and instead thrust her fingers into my vagina.

'Hey, I want some,' said one behind me. 'It's my turn.' The tongue in my ass disappeared only for another to replace it.

The woman in front pulled her fingers from me and sucked them. 'So much power!' she whispered. Falling to her knees she buried her face in my crotch, her tongue licking all around my labia and delving between the folds.

It was so strange! And weirdly exciting. I was completely helpless as the three women feasted on the residue of my earlier encounter with Annabel - the goddess. I had one woman with her face in my pussy and two others fighting over my ass. It was surreal, and although none of them cared about my pleasure, I was loving it.

But it didn't last. They pulled away from me, grumbling. 'It isn't enough,' they said.

'What about her cum?' said one behind.

The one in front grabbed my achingly rigid cock and wrapped her lips around it, sucking gently on the head. I groaned with the pleasure of it, and tried to thrust deeper into her mouth, but she resisted, and after a few seconds pulled away. 'Later,' she said. 'It will take too long that way.'

She stood up and pulled a dark feather from her cloak, and a vial of some kind of ink, and quickly started making strange symbols on my breasts. The sharp point stung wherever it touched me and I struggled to escape, but the ropes tightened about me until I was quite incapable of movement, and torn between the agony in my ankles and wrists and the torture of her quill.

When at last she was done, she brought over one of the large black candles and splashed the hot wax over my breasts.

My scream could have woken the dead.

For a long time, or maybe it wasn't so long, I lost all sense of myself. I seemed to be floating in a sea of pain. But the pain gradually diminished, leaving only a gentle burning heat in my breasts, and an ache that I couldn't quite identify, but it was intensifying. I needed something, but wasn't sure what. All I really knew was that my newly enlarged breasts were uncomfortably heavy.

In fact, they were even bigger still. Annabel had pushed me up a couple of cup sizes, and now the witch had added more, and damn they were heavy, and they hurt! I cried out as milk dripped suddenly from my swollen nipples.

Before I had a chance to process this new change, two mouths pounced on me, fastening onto my breasts and suckling fiercely. The relief as the pressure eased in my breasts was exquisite, as was the extraordinary sensation of milk streaming through my nipples. Within seconds I was hard again, my cock thrusting between the two women and aching for some attention, but getting none.

They drank for a long time, longer than seemed possible, and when they did break away, laughing joyously, the pressure in my breasts built swiftly until again the milk was dripping from my nipples. The third woman caressed my cock gently as she licked the escaping milk. She was torturing me!

'I think we'll keep you this way,' she said. 'I think a thieving little slut like you will soon learn to enjoy being a cow, thanking us for every little kiss we bestow on those perky perky nipples of yours.' She took my left nipple into her mouth and sucked hard, drinking hungrily at the milk that flooded her mouth. The relief was so immense that I almost climaxed from it. 'What do you say?' she said, pulling away.

'Thank you,' I whispered.

She turned to look at the other two women, who were twirling each other in a lively dance, laughing and singing. 'Sisters!' she hissed. 'Make the circle!'

'Yes, sister,' they chorused. Pulling canisters from their pockets, they started spraying red paint in a circle around me, just inside the candles. I was distracted suddenly by the mouth that bit into my nipple as the witch in front of me switched to my other breast. The pain of her teeth was nothing compared to the blissful relief of my milk escaping my over full glands.

Her fingers continued to caress my erect and aching cock, and no matter how I twitched and twisted I couldn't get enough contact with her to satisfy me. 'Please,' I begged, but she ignored me. Around us, her sisters completed the circle and within it sprayed the lines of a pentagram, with me in the pentagon at the centre, and knelt to scribble mysterious symbols at the corners with black-feather quills - the writing shone like moonlight.

I had long since given up trying to escape. I could do nothing except wait for them to do whatever black magic they planned. I was so close to the orgasm I craved, but the building sense of panic cleared my head a little. It was almost an out-of-body experience.

At last - and yet too soon for me - the witch ceased her drinking from me and stepped away, beyond the painted circle, to stand by her sisters watching me. I hung suspended above the centre of their demonic design, my cock pulsing in desperate need, clear glistening precum trailing towards the ground, my breasts soon full and leaking milk once again, the white drops falling to the earth from my abused nipples.

Together the sisters raised a black candle to the sky, chanting in a language I did not recognise, then lowered it to the circle. The paint ignited and electric blue flame swept around and across, lighting the woods around me, letting me see my assailants clearly for the first time - and I screamed in horror at a sight hideous beyond the telling.

They had disrobed to reveal flesh ancient as time, any distinguishing features long ago consumed by the ravages of extreme age. They were callused, wrinkled and scarred, and twisted somehow by a hateful lust so profound it blazed in their eyes. These were no modern witches, full of Wiccan blessings. These were three ugly hags such as Macbeth had encountered, or those in the myth of Perseus.

The flames guttered as if blown by a great wind, though I felt none, and faded rapidly to an angry red glow. Three shadows advanced on me, laughing with sinister delight. Ignoring the pain in my wrists I pulled with all my strength at the bonds - but no avail. I screamed as I felt their breath teasing me, but my writhing was useless. A mouth fastened on each of my breasts, suckling furiously, and despite everything I sighed with pleasure.

My traitorous cock, that had shrunk swiftly after my seeing the true nature of the witches, twitched back to life, and surged back to its full erect glory as the third witch took the head into her mouth and sucked gently. Fingers massaged the proud shaft, and more fingers searched for my sensitive clit and stroked it gently, deliciously. Part of my mind was still screaming with horror and struggling pathetically to escape, the rest of me was loving every sensation and begging for more.

'Come for us,' they whispered whenever they paused for breath. 'Come for us...'

Whatever they were planning, clearly my cum was important for them, and much as I ached for that final, beautiful release, I didn't want to give those foul creatures what they wanted - and so I fought against the pleasure, the building arousal.

'Come for us,' they whispered. 'Come for us...'

I focussed on the hideous faces I remembered seeing. I looked for the glint of moonlight reflected in their malevolent eyes. I tried to feel only the pain in my wrists and ankles, and not the thrill of lips around the soft head of my cock, or the fingers dancing exquisitely on my sensitive clit, or the blessed relief that accompanied the flow of my milk.

'Come for us. Come for us...'

But it was so hard! I was so hard, as if my cock had become the centre of the universe. I panted with the effort of denial, feeling myself climbing inexorably towards the peak.

A voice, soft and familiar, spoke by my ear. 'Do you trust me?'

Annabel! 'Yes, Mistress,' I whispered. Somehow I knew Annabel wasn't visible, that the witches didn't know she was there.

'Give them what they want,' Annabel said, and she kissed my neck, an illusion warm and soft.

It was the straw that broke the camel's back. Every muscle tensed as the orgasm I had fought against gripped me hard and squeezed until I burst, cum erupting from my pulsing shaft into the witch's mouth.

She drank greedily, but it was too much too quickly and cum dribbled out around my writhing cock - and it was glowing a bright white. She pulled away and let my cum splash across her face, then stood quickly and directed the next eruption towards her crotch.

One of the other witches grabbed my cock and sucked on it while the first massaged her face and crotch with the glowing cum, her skin gleaming like pale moonlight wherever she was wet. The second witch drank lustily then pulled away, and jets of cum made contours over her breasts and belly.

Despite this great expenditure, my climax was far from over. The third witch took her turn, sucking and swallowing while cum poured out of her mouth around my shaft, dripping down to illuminate her breasts, bright trails appearing on her thighs.

Until at last I was spent, dizzy with exhaustion.

'So much power!' cried one.

'Is it working?' asked another.

The third chanted strange words, and around us the trees burst into flame, revealing the three ugly sisters - except the years were falling from them. The scars and calluses and wrinkles were fading. Their thin tangled grey hair was gaining length and volume and colour - a hint of red here, that one darker, the third definitely blonde. And they seemed taller as well, spines straighter, moving with a fluid elegance as they joined hands and danced in a circle.

Within minutes they had transformed into the essence of youth, the only thing marring their buxom beauty was the lustful hatred that twisted their expressions. And buxom they were, all three with large, perfect breasts. And, although it took me a long time to notice, each one had a small cock nestling limp in her crotch above the unmistakable line of her labia.

Although they did not stay small. The witches played with their cocks, which grew hard quickly, and thickened and lengthened impressively, matching even my own. And they were pointing at me.

The three witches looked at me in a way that left no doubt what they were planning. The dark-haired one spoke a few words and the ropes released me. I fell to the ground and curled into a ball, my muscles screaming in complaint as circulation slowly returned. I was pushed onto my hands and knees and moments later a cock thrust deep into my vagina, forcing a cry from me.

It wasn't as big as the Annabel's cock, but it was still bigger than it had any right to be. I was so wet from my earlier arousal that the witch was able to penetrate fully - and while I was furious and being used like this, being stretched so wide, and to such wonderful depth, was pure pleasure.

The witch cackled. 'You little slut!' she shouted, pulling out slowly only to slam back in again. 'You like this, don't you?'

To my intense shame I felt the fires of arousal awaken again. With long hard strokes she fucked me, and I couldn't stop myself pushing back to meet her, wanting to feel her penetrate even deeper still. With a scream of pleasure she climaxed, grabbing my hips to hold me tight against her as her cum spurted deep inside me. I enjoyed the sensation, but was also frustrated. She had finished too soon for me.

She pulled out and the blonde witch took her place. I sighed with pleasure as I was filled with thick cock again. The dark-haired witch knelt in front of me and, grabbing me by the hair, guided my mouth to her erect, glistening cock. 'Clean it, you little slut,' she hissed.

The rich smell of cum mixed with my own juices was intoxicating and I opened wide to accept this new task. I concentrated on licking and sucking the shaft clean, meanwhile enjoying the deep thrusting of the cock in my vagina.

Not content with being merely cleaned, the cock in my mouth was soon trying to work deeper, nudging against my throat, and I again I welcomed it. The dark-haired witch sighed with pleasure as she forced her cock so deep I could no longer breath. She held me like that for a long time while her sister fucked me faster and faster, until she too climaxed with a scream of delight and suddenly I was able to breath and gasping desperately while a fresh flood of cum erupted into me.

Blondie took her turn with my mouth as the redhead plunged enthusiastically into me from behind, forcing me forwards onto Blondie's cock, and the two witches quickly established a rhythm, thrusting deep together, slipping out together. The dark-haired witch knelt beside me and pushed two fingers deep into my ass. 'You're such a perfect little slut,' she said. 'From now on that's all you will be. Our personal slut who will beg us to drink her milk and beg us to give her our cum.'

Red and Blondie came almost simultaneously, filling me with cum from both ends. As Red pulled out, I could feel the cum pouring out of me, running down my thighs. Blondie pulled out after a few spurts deep in my throat, and took great pleasure in covering my face with great splashes of her thick cum.

They didn't let me clean myself, and I didn't dare to open my eyes. I was forced to my feet, a witch at each arm, then guided until I was squatting over a body on the ground, until the head of a cock was nudging at my ass. They pushed me down, and the cock slowly stretched that tight ring of muscle. It must have been quite a picture, me with my face covered in cum, my ass being stretched by a woman's huge cock, my own huge cock at attention, my huge breasts dripping milk.

With a sigh of pleasure I slipped down that thick shaft - only to be lifted up again until the head of that cock was about to escape, then dropped again. This was repeated a few times and seemed to entertain them greatly. I was pushed backwards until I felt breasts soft against my back, and hands reached round to squeeze my nipples so hard it made me squirm frantically. I was thrusting against the cock in my ass, trying to escape it but instead only stimulating both myself and the witch beneath me. 'That's right, slut,' she said - it was Darkie - 'fuck my cock with your tight little ass.'

Another cock pressed against my pussy, which was so wet with cum that the cock slipped in easily, despite the pressure from the cock in my ass. Neither Darkie nor I were really able to move. All I could do was lie there luxuriating in the heavenly sensation of having two thick cocks filling me at the same time.

I was building steadily towards what I hoped would be a phenomenal climax when a hand grabbed me by the hair and pulled my mouth around a third cock. I didn't want it there, but wasn't being given a choice, and soon the cock was forcing its way into my throat.

I was being fucked by three huge cocks now. Even Darkie had found the strength to thrust in short movements in my ass. How long it continued I have no idea. I was in a state of pain fused with pleasure, close to climax without ever reaching it and no way to achieve it, and the witches were in no hurry to finish.

Darkie came first, her cum jetting powerfully into the depths of my ass, and it triggered my own climax at last. I convulsed in ecstasy, and screamed with it only to have my throat filled with cock again. My own cock sprayed cum into the air that splashed against my breasts and face, and suddenly more was being pumped down my throat. Moments later my vagina was filled with yet another eruption of come.

For that extended moment, the four of us became a single creature locked and lost in the throes of ecstasy. Nothing in the world mattered beyond us. For the second time that night I had been reduced to a perfect sex object, covered in cum, filled with cum, and happy to be so.

My assailants withdrew silently, and I lay on the earth in a daze, slowly recovering. Lips pressed against my face in a tender kiss and a tongue carefully licked the cum from my face, and I smiled because I knew that Annabel was here. 'Mistress,' I whispered dreamily, and opened my eyes to see her beautiful pink features.


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