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Cumming Home for Christmas

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Jason spends Christmas with his Mom and sister.
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Coming into December, I knew this Christmas was going to be a hard one. Jill and I had been together for over six years, then she dumped me out of the blue in early November. I'd moved city for her, we spent every holiday together, and we moved in together a year before. All that was over now, with practically no explanation.

But every cloud has its silver lining - at least I'd get to spend Christmas with my family for the first time in over half a decade. I hadn't even seen them in person for over two years!

I texted my sister Bella.

"Hey, don't tell mom but I've just booked a flight in to town for xmas eve. Can you pick me up from the airport?"

"Why don't you want me to tell Mom?"

"Because it's a surprise you idiot. Flight gets in at 4. Can you pick me up?"

"Fine. But not if you call me an idiot again"

"Thanks stupid"

"Fuck you!"

With that settled, I counted down the days until Christmas Eve, watching the weather forecasts with increasing anxiety all the way up to the morning of my flight - it'd be just my luck to have the flight canceled thanks to snow. Mercifully, I woke up and the skies were a crystal clear blue without a hint of a breeze. Things were finally starting to look up.

"Jason! Over here, idiot!" I almost didn't recognize Bella in person. She'd grown her hair and was wearing a full face of makeup - foundation, blush, mascara, the works. She'd always been pretty, with her pixie cut and subtle lipstick, but now she looked stunning. Even with the harsh florescent airport lighting.

"Shit! Sorry Bella!" I caught a scowl from the parents of a young kid for my language, but I didn't care. After we exchanged a quick peck on the cheeks, I pointed to Bella's face. "What's with the war paint?"

She rolled her eyes. "All the girls from high school are having a party at Emma's house tonight. Thought I should at least pretend to look like someone with her life put together."

"Well, it's working. You look great." I looked her up and down, studying her outfit - blazer, matching slacks, white blouse, sensible flats. "Very...professional. Especially for a photographer." I shifted my luggage from one hand to the other.

Bella took the hint. "Yeah, let's go. My party starts at 6 and the traffic's going to be a fucking bitch." She led the way to her car.

Her prediction about the traffic was spot-on. In the hour it took to get home, we quickly ran out of small talk, so the majority of the trip was spent in comfortable silence.

In the moments Bella was concentrating on traffic, I took the chance to really study her. She was two years older than me, but I was always the more "grown up" one. I got the decent office job, she struggled to make it as a photographer. Until November, I was in a long-term relationship, she was never interested in settling down.

But something must've happened over summer, because she was looking so grown up now. I hesitate to use the word "mature" because she still looked younger than me. I looked at her slim body and soft, attractive face and found myself wondering how many guys had kissed those lips, traced their fingers down her neck and explored what was hiding under that blouse, hiding between those legs.

Of course, I yelled at myself for thinking such thoughts. She was my fucking sister, for crying out loud. Maybe it was the prospect of spending Christmas as a single guy, coupled with the unexpected change in my sister's appearance, and my brain and my dick had confused and combined the two. By the time Bella was pulling into our street, I'd managed to will my semi-erection back down to softness.

And just in time, too. Bella rang the doorbell, then started unlocking the front door. By the time she got the door open, Mom was at the doorway with her arms open wide. At least, I thought it was my mom. This woman was skinnier than my mom, and her hair didn't have any of the gray regrowth my mom's hair usually had.

"My baby!" She cheered. Before I could respond, she threw her arms around me and hugged me tight.

I locked eyes with Bella.

"She made me tell. I swear," she grinned guiltily.

I hugged Mom and patted her back. "Hey Mom. Merry Christmas."

She'd deny it, but I thought I saw her wiping a tear from her cheek. "Welcome home, Jason. Now, come in, both of you. You're letting all the heat out."

"Wish I could, but I've gotta hit the road," Bella said. "Last thing I need is for the girls to revive 'Belated Bella'." She kissed Mom on the corner of her mouth, then pecked my cheek. "You two behave!" She grinned and shut the door. In moments, her car was reversing out of the driveway.

"The house looks great, Mom." I gestured to the insane amount of Christmas decorations around the place. Tinsel, candles, the tree, more red-and-green than you should shake a candy cane at. Outside, multicolored lights twinkled in through the curtains. "You've gone all out this year."

"Well, when Bella said you were coming home for the holiday, I knew we had to make it extra special for you. I know how much you loved Christmas as a boy."

"Thanks, Mom. That's so nice." I set my bags down. "And you look really good, too, Mom." I gestured to her slim figure. The chubby, jolly Mom I knew was replaced with a slim-but-curvy woman with a spring in her step. "Did you do this for a guy? I hope you aren't going to spring some new boyfriend on me or something."

She laughed, maybe a little surprised at my boldness. "No, sweetie, I did this for me. I got on a bit of a health kick in spring. And definitely no boyfriends, I can assure you." She smiled, but she quickly got a little uncomfortable with the attention I was paying to her figure. "Listen, dinner's about 20 minutes away. Why don't you take your bags to your room, freshen up a bit?"

I took the hint, leaving Mom to return to the kitchen while I went upstairs to my room. The room looked the same, but once again I was struck by the realization that every time I come back here, so many things have changed. I bathed in my melancholy for a minute, then dug my gifts out from my luggage. I brought them downstairs and placed them under the tree.

I helped Mom out in the kitchen, setting our places and getting us a glass of water each. Once again I found myself admiring her. Not her figure this time - I was admiring how she'd managed to raise two fairly well-adjusted kids all by herself in a city where she didn't have any family to support her. My dad left when I was a baby, and Bella doesn't have fond memories of him, so maybe it was for the best.

But before long, I cursed myself because I was back to admiring Mom's body again. She was wearing a sweatsuit from one of those expensive exercise brands, and somehow the fabric was hugging all the right places. She was busty, and her ass had a definite shape to it that didn't exist last time I saw her. Fuck, there had to have been something wrong with me. First Bella, now Mom? Why couldn't I stop checking them out?

I tried to tell myself I was just noticing the changes after being away for so long, but couldn't even convince myself of that. Luckily, Mom snapped me out of my trance with a cheerful "Dinner's ready!"

I looked at the plate - homemade pizza. My favorite. "Thanks, Mom, it looks amazing." I dug into the pizza, which pushed all inappropriate thoughts out of my mind.

"Any plans for tonight, sweetheart?" Mom asked between slices.

"Nah, I figured Christmas Eve and Christmas Day should be all about family. Friends can wait till after."

"Oh, that's nice. Pity your sister won't be getting home until quite late. It'd be nice to have some quality time as a family."

"We can still hang out and chat, though," I offered. "And don't think I missed the smell of mulled wine as soon as I stepped in."

"Okay, it's a date. One-on-one time with my baby boy on Christmas Eve. How lucky I am!" She grinned.

After I cleared the plates, we migrated to the lounge room with a glass of wine each. It started off normal enough, just asking questions about work, friends, plans, the usual. At some point, Mom flicked on the TV to "It's A Wonderful Life" and we half-watched it in the background.

"I really am sorry about you and Jill," Mom announced out of nowhere.

"Oh. Yeah. Me too." I gulped my wine, trying to keep a poker face.

" offence, Jason, I'm mostly kind of relieved."

I frowned. "What? Why?"

She sighed. "It's really none of my business, but she always seemed so...controlling. Every holiday had to be spent with her, and so we never saw you. And besides, you look a bit more relaxed this time."

It was all true, but I was still surprised Mom was being as blunt as she was. "I...Yeah. She never really fit in here, did she?"

"It felt to me like she thought she was better than us. If you don't mind me saying so."

I shrugged. "Yeah, I know what you mean. But.." I finished my glass. "Is it okay if we stop talking about it? I came here to get away from thinking about all that."

"Oh, of course, darling. I'm sorry." She finished her wine, then picked up my glass. "Another?"

I nodded. "Please."

When she was out of the room, I thought bitterly about asking about her love life - see how she likes it. But no, that would hardly be in keeping with the spirit of the holidays. But I did want to ask something that had been on my mind for a while.

Mom had filled the glasses with more than last time, but I didn't mind. It's the holidays, after all. "Promise me you won't bring this up to Bella, but..."

She raised her eyebrows. "Mmm?"

"Don't you think it's about time she try moving out? I know it's way too damn hard to actually buy anything, but surely there's rentals at prices she can afford."

Mom can be too kind sometimes. "I know what you're saying, but I really don't mind. It's nice having her so close. She helps me from feeling too lonely in this big old house." She gestured around the place. "As far as I'm concerned, she can live here as long as she wants, if that's what she wants."

"You can be too kind sometimes. I bet most of my friends' parents would not feel the same way."

Mom was halfway through her second glass. "Yeah, but a lot of them are assholes anyway."

I laughed hard. I'd forgotten how fun Mom could be when she was tipsy. "You aren't wrong, Mom." I grinned.

She smiled warmly back at me, then looked over at the TV. "Oh, this is my favorite part. Can I...?" She didn't finish the question. Mom switched from her chair and sat down beside me on the sofa. Jimmy Stewart was about to give his speech about throwing a lasso around the moon.

Her leg resting softly against mine, she leaned forward towards the TV and swooned. "Oh, isn't that just so romantic?"

It was rhetorical, so I stayed quiet and let her enjoy the moment.

She leaned against me ever so slightly. "Sorry, look at your old Mom embarrassing herself again. But it's so good having you home this year, Jason."

I rubbed her back briefly. "It's good to be back, Mom." I paused, uncertain whether to go on. "And hey, you're not old. You look better than you have in years, really."

She kissed me on the cheek. "You're sweet to say so, darling."

We watched the movie in comfortable silence after that, not quite cuddling up to each other on the sofa. At some point I suggested a third glass, and Mom agreed. When I returned with the refills, I rejoined Mom on the couch, settling into the same position as before.

When the movie was over, we both agreed it was probably time for bed. "You wouldn't want Santa to catch you still awake when he comes down the chimney," Mom joked.

I took the glasses to the kitchen and rinsed them in the sink. We'd had a bit more than either of us intended, but we were still feeling good. I stepped back into the lounge room, where Mom was still on the couch.

"Hey," she said and held an index finger up, pointing at the ceiling.

I didn't know whether she meant "stop" or "look up", so I did both.

Above my head, in the top of the doorway, was a mistletoe decoration hanging down. "Has that always been there?"

Mom ignored the question and got up from the couch. She crossed the room and stood before me.

I smiled the smile of someone on the receiving end of a practical joke - Haha, yes, okay, you got me. But Mom smiled a different kind of smile.

"Come on, it's tradition," she reasoned.

"Fine, just a quick one."

I leaned down towards Mom, who had already turned her head away so I could kiss her cheek. It was all going to be very chaste and completely normal. I leaned in further, lips almost touching her cheek. Then she turned towards me and something happened.

My lips met hers. Her lips met mine. They stayed there. Mine stayed there. We stayed there, mother and son kissing, for far too long. Just standing in the doorway, lips pressed against lips, breathing in each other's breath. She stepped closer, then I stepped closer. Our hands soon found each other's torso. We embraced. Our eyes closed. Body pressed into body. Our lips parted tentatively. Breathing deepened and quickened. Hearts pounded rapidly.

She ran her fingers through my hair. I rested my hands against the small of her back. I felt her tongue flick my lips. She heard me moan. I felt myself stiffening and pressed my crotch into her stomach.

She slid her tongue confidently into my mouth. I slipped a hand into her waistband and felt her soft cotton panties covering her shapely ass. She started undoing with my belt.

Outside, a car beeped its horn and left a neighbor's house. We both opened our eyes, snapped out of the inexplicable lustful embrace. I pulled my hand from the back of Mom's sweatpants and she let go of my belt, which she'd managed to unbuckle. We both stepped back.

A little breathless and very flushed in the face, I muttered, "I'm sorry, mom, I don't know what happened..."

Mom shook her head. "Me either. But..."

" don't want to stop?" Hot, sticky goosebumps erupted all over my skin.

Mom shook her head.

"Me either," I confessed.

"Then...?" Mom stepped towards me, eyes twinkling with trepidation and desire.

I stepped forward and kissed my mother deeply on her open mouth. She embraced me again, pressing herself into my throbbing erection. I couldn't believe I wanted my Mom in this way. And even weirder, that she wanted me in the same way. Weren't there genetic things to stop these sorts of feelings from happening?

I decided I didn't care. Mom looked and smelled incredible, and she was a fantastic kisser. She sucked my bottom lip and moved one of my hands to her ass again. I squeezed enthusiastically, feeling her springy flesh surrendering to my groping fingers.

She kissed my neck and, as she sucked my earlobe, she whispered, "I missed you, Jason."

"I missed you, Mom," I replied, kissing her neck and pulling at the waistband of her sweatpants.

She grabbed my wrists and shook her head. " Mm-mm. Not here. Upstairs."

I understood. She kept hold of one of my wrists and guided me upstairs, down the hallway and into her bedroom, flicking on the light. I shut the door behind me. Was this really happening?

Mom lunged at my fly. I was harder than I'd been in a year. My dick looked like a mountain in my pants. Mom pulled my pants down and lifted my shirt over my head. I ripped my shoes and socks off and lifted Mom's sweater up with her shirt trapped inside. She kicked off her slippers pulled her sweatpants down, and now we were staring at each other in our underwear. Mom could see my bulging erection in my boxers, with a growing precum wet patch at the tip.

I looked at Mom's body, admiring her curves and her soft looking skin. Her pink bra fit nicely over her gorgeous C cup breasts. Her hard nipples poked against the satin fabric. I shifted my gaze down to her smooth belly, over her faint cesarean scar, and down to her pink cotton panties. Her bikini line was trimmed so no hairs escaped the boundaries. A tiny patch of dampness had begun to form low down.

It still wasn't too late to back out if either of us wanted to. It would be awkward, but we'd get over it.

Instead, Mom reached behind her back and unhooked her bra, freeing her large, perky breasts. I stepped forward and slid her panties down her legs. She pulled the waistband of my boxers out, then slid them down my legs and let them fall to the floor.

"Oh, Jason," she whispered and grabbed my cock.

"Mom..." I replied and placed my trembling hands on her tits, squeezing gently.

We kissed again, with Mom stroking my shaft as I played with her tits. She stepped towards the bed and I followed, throbbing in her warm hand. There was a sense of urgency, like we both wanted this before reality caught up with us again.

She lay on the bed and I climbed on top of her. She spread her legs and I positioned myself between them, looking at her neat pubic hair. Some glistened with her moisture.

Mom reached up and guided me into her.

I groaned, watching my 7-and-a-half inches disappear inside my mother's moist pussy. She felt so good, so right. Penetrating her was the most natural feeling in the world.

She released my cock and put her hands on my shoulders. I started to thrust in and out of Mom's warm, wet, welcoming womb.

"Oh, oh honey," she moaned softly. Her eyes were locked on mine.

"Mmmm, oh Mom," I moaned in response, quickening my pace, watching her tits beginning to bounce.

"Welcome home, Jason," Mom smiled with eyes that sparkled with the beginnings of tears. She thrust her hips, rocking in time with me.

I grabbed Mom's breasts with both hands and squeezed them firmly. "Merry Christmas, Mom."

"Fuck me, my baby. Fuck me," she moaned as she bounced beneath me.

I fucked her harder and faster. "You feel so fucking good, Mom," I grunted. I pounded my dick into her pussy over and over again. The sound of our bodies colliding echoed in her bedroom.

I'd only been inside Mom's pussy for two minutes, but I was already feeling close. "Mom, I'm gonna-"

She grinned at me. "That's okay, baby. You cum for Mommy." She bit her bottom lip seductively and moaned her encouragement. I felt her pussy squeezing my cock tightly. "You cum for me, sweetie."

I couldn't hold back any longer. "Mom...!" I cried and thrust deep inside her, held there and felt my dick explode inside her. I twitched and spasmed, pumping a massive load of cum into my mother. "Fuck, oh fuck, oh my god, Mom," I panted.

"Mmmm, I know, son. I know." She pulled me down to her and kissed me again. Softly, lovingly. Like a lover. She wrapped her legs around me, holding me inside her.

I kissed her back, releasing her tits and running my fingers through her hair with one hand and supporting my weight with the other. I gazed into her eyes. The whole situation was so surreal - this was my mother, and we were locked in a lover's embrace after brief, intense lovemaking, and it felt like the most natural thing in the world. My sperm was swimming around in the same vagina that had housed my sister and me.

Oh fuck, there was no way she could get pregnant from this, was there?

Mom must have seen the alarm in my eyes. She shushed me. "Don't worry, sweetie. I know what you're thinking. I know what I'm doing. It's all okay." She kissed me again, and I relaxed into the kiss, opening my mouth and gently licking her lips with my own.

It was unbelievable just how fine Mom was with the whole thing. I mean, 10 minutes ago we'd still been downstairs watching the movie. And here we were now, she's reassuring her son that she won't get pregnant with his incest baby. Who knew where this side of her had come from? There was no way she'd...planned this, right? No. No way. I dismissed the thought as quickly as it arrived and continued making out with my beautiful, naked mother.

Mom moaned into my mouth and squeezed my ass. My dick had started to soften, but now it twitched with life again. I'd never been able to get hard again so quickly after cumming, but at the start of a new relationship - especially after one that lasted a while - you find a hunger that you no longer thought possible.

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