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Dave & Leroy Ch. 00


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"No, Mom, they were both mine. I forgot and poured myself another."

"David, you know you are lying to me, but it's okay. Keep your secrets." Sarah responded.

"Mom..." Dave went to speak.

"David, don't." Sarah stopped him from continuing, but they did have a pleasant visit otherwise. She ended up staying for over an hour, and then Dave walked back into the apartment after he took his mother to her car. He found Leroy sitting on the couch.

"Does your mom have a key to your apartment?" Leroy asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"I might have to sleep on the balcony the night before leaving." He laughed. "I think she might come and check to see who you've been sleeping with."

"Oh, God. I hope not."

The last night together made them both sad. Dave knew they needed to leave for the airport by four in the morning. "Only four more months, and I'll return to the States." Leroy kissed Dave's neck as he pushed him down to the bed.

"Babe, I know, but I wish you weren't so far away. Oh, God." Leroy pushed into Dave. He couldn't wait to be inside him.

"Hon, what was that?" Leroy smiled as Dave tried but failed to hit him as Leroy continued his slow thrusts. Even Leroy knew he couldn't keep this pace for long. "Oh, God, Dave."

Dave had started to nibble at Leroy's neck and shoulder. He was moaning and making Leroy speed up. Leroy could feel Dave rubbing himself when he orgasmed and tightened around him. It took only a few more thrusts into Dave before Leroy came.

They kissed and held one another until two that morning and then took a long shower together. They would start washing one another, then hold, cry, kiss, and repeat. When they finally got out of the shower, Leroy packed what was left, dressed, and sat in the living room, holding one another until it was time to go. Leroy didn't want to leave Dave, but he knew he needed to.

The day Leroy received his orders to head stateside from Japan, he was happy until he read where he was stationed. It was California. He and Dave will be closer but still far from one another. At least Dave could visit.

Sept/Oct 2001 - Oct 2022

When Leroy had to deploy because of 9/11, Dave hated it. Leroy didn't get to come home before he deployed. They talked on the phone as much as they could. Dave wanted to fly to California to see Leroy, but there was no time.

Dave could only send a letter and hope it found him. He signed his letters only with a D, like when Leroy was in Japan. When Leroy eventually wrote back, he signed them with an L. Dave didn't know it, but Leroy cherished every letter Dave sent, even if it was to tell him how his day was going. When Leroy would get his letters, he would always get a stack.

When Leroy discovered the date he would return to the States, he couldn't wait. He flew home with all the troops to one base. Then he got the orders he was waiting for and transferred home. Leroy would stand at a post for the rest of his career, except when deployed. But he would do anything to be near Dave. He called home and told them he had made it and was still awaiting orders, but Leroy knew he was on the next transport to Virginia.

When Leroy arrived, he went home with his duffle in hand. He was due to report to the base and work the following week on midnights. But again, Leroy would take the midnight shift to be home. When he exited the taxi, his sister Jewels came out of the house, screamed, ran up, and hugged him. Sue and Lee wondered what she was crying about and went to the door. Tears came to Sue's eyes. Her baby boy was home.

Leroy spent a few hours with his family but desperately wanted to find Dave. He didn't get to leave, though, because Sarah, Dave's Mother, came over and was surprised to see him. So he was delayed even longer. Sarah told him that Dave wasn't working and was at home the last time she talked to him. He hoped he would find him there.

Leroy asked if he could borrow his dad's car. His dad told him no, but he could take Pat's since he had been grounded from it. Leroy didn't know Pat had a car, and Lee informed him it was his old car. It was in the garage. Leroy smiled as his father told him the keys were on the hook in the kitchen.

He drove to Dave's apartment complex and parked. He was too excited. He saw the lights on through the sliding glass door of his balcony, so he knew he was there. Leroy took two steps at a time to get up to Dave's apartment, calming himself for a second before he knocked at the door. He heard Dave mess with the locks, turned the handle, and opened the door. Leroy had heard voices but thought it was the TV.

"Leroy!" Dave's eyes widened as Leroy stepped in, took Dave's face in his hands, and kissed him, backing him into the kitchen. Dave was kissing back. Dave couldn't believe it was him. "Leroy!" He would say between kisses. "Oh my God, Leroy." He kept Leroy from pushing him into the living room. The apartment door dumped them into the kitchen first.

But it didn't matter. Dave's company was standing at the other end of the kitchen, watching them. Leroy still didn't notice them because he was only looking at Dave. "What's wrong?"

"We're not alone," Dave responded and looked at his guests. Leroy closed his eyes. He never thought the voices he heard were guests and looked around to find four people standing in the doorway to the living room.

Leroy stood there looking at Lev, Jake, and two guys he didn't recognize. He noticed that Jake had lost a lot of weight since high school. Leroy dropped his hands from Dave and backed slowly away from him. "Oh, Hell No, Leroy. You better kiss and hug Dave again because that was the sexiest fucking thing I've seen in a long time." Lev stated, and all the guys agreed.

Dave pulled Leroy back and kissed him. "I love you. When did you get home?" Lev pulled them into the living room and pushed them towards the loveseat.

"States or here?" Leroy smiled, and Dave just looked at him. "States this morning. I flew here this afternoon." Leroy didn't see anyone other than Dave. "It may change, but at the present moment, I'm stationed at the Barracks."

"Okay, you live in the barracks. I know that, but where are you stationed?" Dave didn't realize that was the base, and Leroy smiled. "Leroy, am I missing something?

"You never did pay attention when we would travel to all the monuments and past all the bases in school, did you?" Leroy teased. "The Marine Barracks."

"You're stationed here?" Dave responded, and Leroy nodded his head. Dave pulled Leroy into another kiss. Leroy was only okay with it because of what Lev said in the kitchen, or he would have shied away from Dave's kiss.

"Now, it all fits," Lev stated.

"What?" Dave asked.

"Why Leroy never dated. Girls would throw themselves at him, and he never saw them. It was because he only had eyes for you." As Leroy was looking at Dave. "I even dated a little to keep a low profile, but Leroy never did. We just thought he was going to end up a priest." Everyone laughed.

"Leroy did give off that persona, didn't he," Jake spoke up.

Leroy looked wide-eyed at everyone. "Leroy, you didn't swear, look at girls, and you went to confession more than I think any of us put together," Lev responded.

"Well, I had a lot to confess." Everyone laughed. "And my mom also noticed, meaning the confession thing." Leroy chuckled. "And the first and last time I swore in front of my father, I got my ass beat so hard, I wasn't going to risk it again." He then looked at Lev and noticed he was holding one of the guy's hands that he didn't recognize.

"Yes, Leroy, I am. Jake is. We didn't know Dave was, but now, when Dave got drunk after you left for boot camp, it explains everything."

"What?" Leroy exclaimed.

Dave had never told him about it and barely remembers that night. "Dave came to my house, and my parents were gone for the weekend. We started drinking, and he got drunk and said, You left him, and he loved you, but you left. He passed out before I could ask him anything. Now it all makes sense." Lev looked at Leroy because he looked at Dave with such guilt. "How long have you two been a couple?"

"Leroy and I started dating when we were sixteen, and the reason my...."

"Oh, shit," Lev interrupted. "Cindy and you because Leroy came back?" Dave nodded.

"Wow." Stated the guy next to him.

"Oh, Leroy." Dave finally came to his senses. "This is Henry, Lev's love." Leroy got up and shook Henry and Lev's hands. "And you know Jake." Leroy nodded. "This is Brad, his boyfriend." Leroy shook both of theirs.

"Oh, I don't get that this is Brad, Jake's love?" Brad teased Dave.

"Well, if you would stop being such a dick, you might get introduced like that," Jake told Brad and laughed.

"Cocksucker," Brad called Jake.

"And proud of it."

"Are you done?" Lev asked Jake and Brad, knowing the two could act like teenagers. "Because I need to know things here." Then Lev turned his attention back to Dave and Leroy. "Seriously, Leroy, how the fuck did you stay off of the radar. I even suspected Dave a little in high school, but never you."

"Why me?" Dave spoke up.

"Dave, you were the worst player on the team. Well, you got better, actually a lot better, but you were one of the worst," Jake responded before Lev could. Leroy remained silent. "You got better after Leroy would run play after play with you at night. Sometimes, a few of us would stay behind and watch, but it was on him, not us."

"You know, I might have been more of a bench warmer, and yeah, Leroy did stay late with me to show me how to move. But you wouldn't believe the number of nooks and crannies Leroy and I could make out, not to mention the showers." Leroy laughed when Dave mentioned the showers.

"You two made out at school and never got caught?" Lev stated, and Dave nodded. "Not once?"

"Almost, but not that the two of us know," Leroy said. "Hence the reason for confession. Father McKeegan had pulled me aside a few times outside of confession and told me that having these thoughts is not good. Which is why he pushed me towards football and made me study my ass off." Leroy laughed. "Father McKeegan wasn't too happy to hear my confessions after I turned sixteen."

"You told him you were gay?" Dave asked. He didn't even know that Leroy went to confession about this.

"No, I told him I had impure thoughts constantly. Every time I went to confession, that was my confession, along with masturbation. But it was a new ball of wax after I turned sixteen."

"I just hope that you kept my name out of it. I never told Father anything. I told him a few times I swore and maybe masturbated but never anything else. Hell, if I could get out of going to confession, I would find a way."

"Yeah, Dave, I told him who I had the impure thoughts about. Are you kidding?" Leroy looked at him. "He rode my ass enough, thinking it was a girl."

Lev laughed, "So he was happy when you didn't look at them when all the girls would throw themselves at you."

Leroy chuckled. "Yeah, he thought he did well with me until I came to confession after my birthday." Everyone started laughing.

"Did you give Father a heart attack?"

"Probably, I was asked to pray with him. He had me on my knees for almost two hours. But I continued to go to confession like a good Catholic."

"How about now?"

"No, don't tend to go as much," Leroy responded.

"But you still go?" Lev asked.

"It's still ingrained." Leroy laughed as he held Dave's hand.

They talked a while longer, and the guys left so Dave and Leroy could have some time alone. They didn't have time to do anything because Sue called to have Leroy come home to spend some time with the family. They kissed a bit more before Leroy left for home.

Leroy wasn't stationed at The Barracks for long before he was transferred to Quantico. He asked his dad if he could talk to him one day. He had been looking at houses. He would have an hour's commute.

"What did you want to talk about, Leroy?" Lee asked as he sat down in the living room next to Sue.

"I have been looking at houses. I want to buy it here in town."

"Houses? Really?" Sue was surprised.

"Yeah, I know it's not a guarantee that I will be permanently here, but I hope I am," Leroy responded.

"How long were you thinking about staying in?" Lee asked.

"I don't know. I know it's not the best time because I could get deployed any moment, but I want to set down roots. I've been saving. I have almost everything I've made since entering the Marines. So, I have more than enough for a down payment and a good chunk of the house note." Leroy stated.

"We will pay your down payment." Lee smiled. "You're our firstborn. You have been the most productive of the bunch so far. It would be our honor to do this."

When Leroy found the house he wanted to buy, Lee and Sue gave him a check for the down payment. Leroy took his dad to lunch to talk to him. "Dad, I would like you to sign this." Leroy laid a piece of paper in front of Lee.

"Leroy, damn it. This isn't a loan. We are giving you this money."

"Just please sign it. It will put my mind at ease." Leroy pleaded.

"Fine, but don't you dare try to pay us back." Lee wasn't happy.

"Thank you. Dad, I love you too." Leroy smiled.

The day Leroy moved into his house. He was happy because Dave had moved in, too. After everyone finally left, they celebrated all night long. Leroy would have to sleep the next day to work his midnight shift.

That was the only thing that sucked for Dave and Leroy. Dave was on seconds, and Leroy was on thirds. So, the only time they had together on the days they both worked was in the mornings.

Leroy would come home, eat, shower, and climb into bed with Dave to snuggle until he got up. Depending on how tired they were, decided if they made love or not.

But a few times, one of their moms would come over in the mornings to have coffee and talk. It was when they were about to make love or in the process of and quickly got out of bed. They always thanked God that Sue or Sarah called out when they entered the house.

February 2004

In February of 2004, Dave couldn't wait until Leroy's birthday. "Leroy, is there anything special you would like this year?" Dave asked as they were both lying in bed. Leroy was due to go to his family's house that evening to celebrate, and sadly, Dave had to work.

Leroy smiled, "Yes, but I'm sure you won't want to do it."

"What is it?" Dave asked.

"Well, I would like you to dominate and make love to me," Leroy stated. "But you don't have to. It's just a wish." Leroy hugged Dave. He knew Dave had no interest in topping. "Just having your love is enough for me."

Dave quietly laid there. He didn't know what to say. They had been in role-play before where Leroy took charge of him, and boy, did Leroy take control, and he loved it. But he never thought that he would want to reverse the roles.

Could he? Dave wondered. Dave knew he could perform. There was no doubt about it because he had sex with Cindy before and during their marriage. And he loves Leroy, so he would hate to make him feel like he could never return the love. But how would Leroy like to be dominated? Dave smiled when he thought about it.

"Okay, but it must be on our day off because I need to prepare." Then Dave thought about it. "Don't tell your family you have the day off. We'll lock the door and put the vehicles in the garage."

"That would be Sunday night. When I come home Sunday morning, I can sleep a little while, and then you have me the rest of the day and night."

"Sunday it is. I'll have a few days to prepare." Dave smiled.

"Do I dare ask?" Leroy wondered.

"You told me to dominate you. So no, don't." Dave chuckled.

Over the next few days, Dave stopped at a sex store to pick up a few items. When Leroy wasn't around, he tried to figure out what he would do.

When Sunday morning came, Leroy had done what he had always done. He ate, showered, and crawled into bed with Dave to snuggle. He didn't think that Dave would fulfill his birthday wish.

When he woke a few hours later, he was wrong. Dave had been up for an hour and moved his car and Leroy's truck into the garage. He had locked the front door so no one could walk in. He even pulled the shades in the living room.

Leroy thought he felt Dave hugging his neck while sleeping, but he was wrong. He woke to a collar around his neck and a leash attached. "Dave, what's going on?"

"You have two minutes to crawl from here to the family room, or your ass will be paddled," Dave stated calmly, and Leroy went to stand. "I said crawl." Leroy looked at Dave and smiled. "Wipe it off your face, Leroy, or you will be locked into the device for longer."


"You have one minute." Dave was timing, and Leroy looked over and saw that he had a paddle in his hand. Leroy started to crawl, and Dave smacked his ass hard, making Leroy stop, he moaned, and his cock reacted as he began to crawl again. He was glad that he made this birthday wish.

Dave paddled Leroy three times before he made it to the family room. His cock was so hard, and he couldn't wipe the smile off his face. Dave had a few blankets on the floor but wouldn't use them yet.

"Stand up and get behind the couch." Leroy noticed that Dave had moved the couch and had a towel over the back of it. "Spread your legs, shoulders width apart, and lean over the back." Leroy did as told, and then he felt a cold bar slide in front of his ankles and then Dave closed the device around them and locked it. "Extend your arms to each side of the front of the couch."

"Why?" Leroy asked and received a hard slap across his ass for the question.

"No questions, you're not in charge here. Give me your wrist now." Dave stated as he stepped in front and produced two chains with cuffs attached. When he cuffed each of Leroy's wrists, he pulled the chains tight around the legs of the couch, which caused Leroy to be stretched out.

Leroy knew he was in a spreader bar. He had looked at them to play with Dave one day but never got around to buying one. Knowing this made his cock twitch and leak precum. The spreader bar was also attached to the back legs of the couch, so Leroy couldn't move backward.

Dave stepped back behind Leroy and spanked his ass a few times, making it red. Then he rubbed it to soothe the pain. "Leroy, because you couldn't wipe the smile off your face. You're going to stay like this untouched for a while."

He waited five minutes, which to Leroy felt like thirty. He was fighting the urge to smile again. He badly wanted to be touched and violated by Dave. When Dave knelt behind Leroy and felt lube run along his crack, he moaned again.

"Leroy, have you been wanting to get pounded?" Dave asked.


"Yes, what?"

Leroy moaned, "Yes, Sir."

"You want my thick cock in your ass?"

"Yes, Sir."

Dave pushed two fingers in, and Leroy moaned in pain and pleasure. He couldn't wait to finally feel Dave's cock in his ass. He had been wanting it for a while now. Dave then pushed three up inside him, and he wiggled his ass, hoping that Dave would stick his cock in him. He got his wish a few minutes later and tightened up.

"Oh Fuck!" He knew it would hurt but didn't know how bad.

Dave quickly pulled out of him, "Babe, did I hurt you?"

"No, I wasn't expecting the pain." He could see Dave grabbing the keys. "Dave, no, please don't. Please fuck me. I want it. Just more lube and not as fast."

Dave smiled and got back into position. He pushed more lube inside of Leroy and rubbed a lot on his cock before he placed it back at Leroy's entrance. Leroy was tight, and it caused both to moan. He was still in pain but didn't want to stop Dave.

Dave slowly entered him, and when he brushed by his prostate, Leroy's cock jumped, and he moaned. Dave was deep in him and waited until Leroy gave him the okay. Leroy's cock and balls were hanging between his legs. His cock wanted to rise upwards, but how he was tied to the couch, it was pointing straight down. He knew why Dave had the towel now, to catch all his cum as it leaked out.

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