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Dave & Leroy Ch. 00


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Dave loved the feel of Leroy's ass, he still prefers to be the one receiving, but he could get into this role occasionally. He could hear Leroy grunting and moaning. It was taking Dave over the edge quickly. He now knows why Leroy came so quickly when they first started anal. Dave grabbed hold of Leroy's hips, pushed into him hard a few more times, and came. He felt Leroy spasming around his cock, and it felt wonderful.

He could hear and feel Leroy breathing heavily when he pulled his softened cock out of him. He looked down at Leroy's cock and saw all the cum that was on the floor below. Dave couldn't help himself. He rubbed Leroy's sensitive cock causing him to jump and moan again. "Dave, please don't."

"Too sensitive?"

"Oh, God, yes, and thank you," Leroy said as Dave kissed his ass. He released him. They didn't bother with the pallet and returned to the bedroom. Dave spooned Leroy as they fell asleep.

In April, Leroy received orders he would be deployed for a year to Iraq. That, of course, made it a stressful time around the house. Dave didn't like him being deployed, but Leroy told him it was his job. They made love to one another as much as they could before he left in May.

May 2005

Dave walked to the door and opened it. He was surprised to find his parents standing there. He had been cleaning all day because he had been waiting for Leroy to come home and didn't want Leroy to think he didn't clean when he was deployed.

"Mom, Dad, what are you doing here?" Dave was stunned because he had been over at their home earlier in the day, so he didn't know why they would be over this late in the evening.

"David, is there a rule that we can't visit you?" Sarah stated as she entered. His dad just looked at him.

"No, I was wondering since I was at your house earlier today."

"Well, I thought since Leroy will be home tonight, I would have a talk with him," Sarah responded.

Dave coughed. "What.... How did you know he was due home tonight, and what did you want to talk to him about?"

"David, I think you know damn well what I want to talk to Leroy about." She looked at her son, but he was trying not to give anything away. "So, do I need to spell it out for you?" She gave Dave a few seconds to come clean before she told him why she was there. "Okay, if he is going to be in a relationship with you...."

"Mother, we are not!" Dave exclaimed.

"David, don't tell me lies." Sarah was getting angry with her son. "I've known for years, or at least have suspected such."

Dave looked down and couldn't look Sarah in the eyes. "Yes, Mother, I'm gay."

"Well, I want to talk to Leroy now. I want to ask how much he loves you."

"Mom, please, don't." They heard his truck pull into the driveway. "Mom, please let me tell him."

"No, David. I'm talking with him tonight." Sarah was dead set on doing this.

Leroy thought that the drive from the base took forever. He was happy to be home so he could see, touch, kiss, and make love to Dave after these twelve long months. When he pulled into his driveway and saw Dave's and Dave's parents' car, he was disappointed. His thoughts of taking Dave off to the bedroom or just dropping him right there in the living room were delayed.

He pulled his duffle out of the bed of his truck and walked in. He tried not to look disappointed. He sat his duffle down because everyone stood and said hello. Dave seemed extremely worried.

Leroy stepped over, hugged and kissed Sarah on the cheek, and shook Dan's hand as he greeted them. "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Ayers." He had looked over at Dave while he hugged Sarah, and Dave just looked down at the floor. Leroy knew something significant was up.

"Leroy, please take a seat. I would like to talk with you," Sarah stated firmly.

"Mom, please," Dave said.

"David, you can either stay for this or leave. I'm going to talk to Leroy." Sarah barked at Dave.

"Son, I suggest you let your mother speak now," Dan spoke to Dave for the first time. "It will be easier this way."

Leroy didn't show fear, but he knew right then that Sarah and Dan knew that he and Dave were a couple. Something they had been trying to keep from both of their families. He was wondering if Dave had told her when he was still deployed. She didn't look thrilled, nor did Dan, but Leroy knew once she was done, she would go and tell his mother and all hell would break loose. Leroy took a deep breath when Sarah started to speak to him.

"Leroy Oliver Standish." Sarah used his full name to scare him, and she knew it would.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"How long have you loved my David?" Sarah looked at Leroy, and before he started to speak, she put her hand up. "Leroy, don't you dare lie to me. I know the truth."

Leroy cleared his throat. "Forever, Ma'am."

Sarah sat there for a minute and thought about it. She did know it had been forever with Leroy. She knew how he looked at her David, and she couldn't remember him ever looking at or watching out for anyone else. "You know, when you left, he was crushed."


Leroy slightly shook his head at Dave as Sarah stuck her hand up to stop him from talking, not even looking at him. "David, don't interrupt me. Leroy, you know it's why he married Cindy."

"Yes, Ma'am, I know. I will never leave him again. I promise. I love your son." Leroy was looking Sarah straight in her eyes. "I will always do my best to keep him happy, Ma'am."

"Mother, I'm not a damn girl. He doesn't have to make sure I'm happy." Leroy just looked down, and Sarah turned slowly to Dave.

"David Andrew Ayers, I know you're not. I AM making sure HE'S worthy of MY CHILD like I should have done with THAT Cindy before YOU married HER." The spitefulness was coming out when she said Cindy's name.

"Mom, it's not legal to marry."

Sarah smiled, "No, but Lev and Henry are having a commitment ceremony. Why can't the two of you?" Both Dave and Leroy looked at one another and then at Sarah. "Leroy, I have noticed through the years how you protected my son, looked at my son, and now I have put it all together. It was a longing for him. A love for him." She laughed. "You two were mad at one another, and you left, and he got married. You come home, he gets divorced, and then there is this running around secret shit for a bit. David would fly away for a weekend or week here and there and not tell where he has been. Then you would start coming home and be best friends again."

Sarah looked over at Dan. "Are we completely comfortable with having a gay son? No. But Dave, we love you. Leroy, you don't have to worry, we won't tell your parents. That is for you to tell or for them to figure out independently."

"Thank you, Ma'am."

"Will you stop the Ma'am stuff? Please call me Sarah or Mom if you go through the commitment ceremony."

"Yes, Ma'am."


"Sarah, I'm sorry." Leroy took a deep breath and let it out. "We'll be going to Lev's commitment ceremony, and we." Leroy smiled at Dave. "We haven't thought about one ourselves, but I would be honored to call you Mom." He looked straight at Dave and smiled again before he finished. "When we do go through a commitment ceremony." Dave returned the smile.

Dave looked at his mother in disbelief. He didn't realize that neither she nor his dad would take it so well. Sarah looked over at Dave. "What honey?"

"How did you know Leroy was due home tonight? I didn't tell you, and you just showed up. Leroy's family doesn't even know he's home."

Sarah smiled and chuckled at her son. "You have been too happy this week. Every time Leroy's away, even if it is just for drills. You're down, but the closer to when he's due to return, you're more happy. The biggest sign is that you always get your haircut the day he returns." They all laughed. "So, when you stopped over this afternoon with your hair cut. I knew he was returning tonight."

January 1, 2006

Dave and Leroy decided to have their commitment ceremony on the 1st of the new year in 2006. They wanted to do it before Leroy was deployed again. They knew with the war going on in Iraq and Afghanistan. It would only be a matter of time before he would deploy.

They only had their closest friends and Dave's parents on that day. They had it in their own house. Linda smiled at Dave and Leroy before she stood in front of the living room window along with them.

"My name is Linda Stevens, and I have the privilege of performing this commitment ceremony today. On behalf of David Ayers and Leroy Standish, welcome and thank you for being here."

"They are thrilled that you are here today to share their joy during this wonderful moment in their lives."

"By your presence, you celebrate with them the love they have discovered in one another, and you support their decision to commit themselves for the rest of their lives."

"This afternoon, we are here to celebrate love and witness the joining together of these two people. This is the union of Dave and Leroy in heart, body, mind, and spirit. With this union, they become one.

"Before I ask Dave and Leroy to exchange their rings of commitment, I always like to read this poem titled 'Love' by Mary Carolyn Davies." (Author's Note: it's against copyright to insert the entire poem; please look it up if you would like to read it in its entirety.)

"I love you,

Not only for what you are,

But for what I am

When I am with you.

I love you,

Not only for what

You have made of yourself,

But for what

You are making of me.

You have done it

Without a touch,

Without a word,

Without a sign

You have done it

By being yourself.

Perhaps that is what

Being a friend means,

After all."

"Dave and Leroy have chosen to be life partners. They have expressed their love for one another over the years."

"Dave, Leroy, will you promise to love, honor, and respect one another? Will you stand by one another through sickness and health and all your day-to-day challenges? And will you do this until death do you part?"

"We will." Dave and Leroy said in unison.

Linda turns and picks up the two rings. "These rings represent a circle of hope and love to be shared between Dave and Leroy. Once they place these rings on one another, they plead their love, respect, hearts, and souls to each other."

"Dave, Leroy, please pick up your rings." Linda has them laid out on her palm. "Dave, please."

Dave looks at Leroy and smiles, "Leroy, wear this ring to symbolize our love for one another." Dave places the ring on Leroy's finger.

Leroy smirks as he puts the ring on Dave. "Ditto, Dave." They chuckle, and Dave shakes his head.

Linda smiles and then looks at everyone in the room. "I want to ask everyone, do you, the family and friends of Dave and Leroy, give them your support and blessing and wish them a wonderful life together?"

From everyone in the room, there was a hardy, "We do."

"With the blessings of everyone in the room. I give you Dave Ayers and Leroy Standish. May your relationship always be one of love and respect. Dave, Leroy, you may kiss to show your love for one another."

Dave and Leroy smiled at one another as they stepped in and hugged first, then kissed. "Leroy, I love you."

"Dave, I love you too."

Lev stood up, "Now that that's over. Let's eat." Dave and Leroy just shook their heads and laughed.


"Hey Aaron, what's up?" Leroy answered his phone on his way home from the base.

"Do you work this Saturday? I was supposed to call you sooner and forgot."

"No, I'm off, why?"

"Well, doesn't Uncle Leroy want to attend his favorite niece's birthday party?" Aaron laughed.

"Aaron, she's my only niece, and she's turning one. But I'm assuming the whole family is going to be there? What am I supposed to get a one-year-old?"

"Whatever you would like."

"So, a baby t-shirt with the Marine logo on it?" Leroy teased.

'How about a doll or stuffed animal?" Aaron countered.

"Yeah, no problem. I may bring a date, though."

"Seriously, to a kid's birthday, I didn't know you were dating anyone."

Leroy laughed, "I'm bringing Dave. He should at least get a free meal."

"Whatever, Leroy." Aaron laughed, "I will see you Saturday."

That Saturday, Dave and Leroy showed up at Aaron's and just walked in. They were the last to arrive. When Aaron saw Dave, he just shook his head. He thought Leroy was lying, but he was proven wrong.

Aaron walked over to Dave and Leroy when they shut the door. "Dave, it's nice to see you. Leroy, I still can't believe you brought a date." He smiled at Dave.

"He called me his date?" Dave laughed, "I just thought I was getting pizza for a gift."

"Well, thanks, Dave, Sadie will appreciate an extra gift."

"What's this extra stuff? When I found out Dave was getting her something, I just tossed him five bucks and told him to put my name on it." Leroy laughed.

"Leroy, it's your niece." Aaron laughed. "Fine, it's nice to see you, Dave, not Leroy so much." Dave laughed, walked past Leroy, and went into the living room to sit down.

"Hey Dave, what are you doing here?" Allison asked.

"Apparently, I'm Leroy's date." Dave smiled. Both wished they could say that, but everyone always considered it a joke.

"Well, as much as you hang out together, we are amazed you're not dating." Allison laughed. "But on a serious note, have you two picked up anyone? Will we ever get to meet someone Leroy is dating?"

"I don't know what Leroy's excuse is, but for me, I don't have time. Because I work second shift, it's hard to date. That could be Leroy's excuse, too."

Leroy sat down next to Allison. "Dave's excuse for not dating is that he works second shift. What's yours, Leroy?"

Leroy looked at Dave and smiled. "I date."

"You do, who? We would love to meet her." Allison stated.

"She's right here." Leroy held up his right hand. "I date her every day."

Allison just shook her head, "Leroy, you are terrible."

During the little party amongst the family, Dave and Leroy had gone into the kitchen for a beer. Dave had stepped up to the island to get a piece of summer sausage and cheese when he felt Leroy lean into him and touch his ass. "Would you like to date my hand later?" Leroy whispered in his ear.

"Leroy, if you don't watch it, we'll get caught."

Sue entered the kitchen, and Leroy quickly reached around Dave to grab a piece of cheese. "Dave, don't hog all the cheese. Hey Mom, how are you?"

"I'm good. Did you hear the news about Jake? He graduated with the both of you."

"Jake Thompson?" Leroy confirmed, "No, what was the news?"

"He came out to his parents this month. I know Lev, and he used to hang out. I wonder if he turned him."

"Mom, you can't turn someone gay," Leroy stated, seeing that he still won't be able to come out to his parents. His mom has bashed all his friends that have come out.

"Well, don't hang out with those two. I don't know if you still do, but Leroy, you don't need to be associated with them."

"Mom, enough," Leroy stated and left the room.

"David, you two don't hang out with Jake or Lev, do you?"

"They have come over a few times," Dave said and wanted to follow Leroy.

"Watch yourselves, please," Sue stated as she walked away.

Dave walked back into the living room, and the only available seat was next to Leroy. He sat down, and they looked at one another and could tell what each other was thinking. They were never going to be able to come out to his parents.

"Leroy, Dave, thanks." Aaron and Bridget said as they were opening the gifts for Sadie.

"What did they get for Sadie?" Sue asked.

Aaron laughed, "Leroy got her a teddy bear wearing a Marines t-shirt. I told him to get her a teddy bear. He was going to buy her just the t-shirt. At least Dave's a little better. He got her an outfit."

"Well, Dave's been married, so he would know what a little girl needs," Sue responded. "Leroy, you could have just gotten a teddy bear."

"She will know it's from her uncle. No one else got her a Marine's teddy bear." Leroy smiled, and everyone laughed.

When Dave and Leroy left that evening, they didn't say anything until they got into the truck. "Your sister noticed that my ring finger still has a tan line, and she was amazed."

Leroy laughed, "It's only been close to six years since you've divorced." Then Leroy got serious, "My mother will never accept us."

"No, no, she won't. Leroy, I don't know what to tell you. I know you love your family too much." Dave reached over and took Leroy's right hand as he drove.

Dave and Leroy were lying in bed that evening. "Hon, now that you have a niece and a nephew, would you ever want a kid?" Dave asked.

Leroy was quiet for a moment, "Honestly?" He felt Dave nod. "No, you're enough for me. Babe, are you thinking about it?"

"No, you looked happy holding Sadie and Mikey." Dave knew they couldn't have a kid. Sometimes, he thought it would be nice, but he knew they were too busy, and it would be hard when Leroy was deployed.

"Yes, I was happy." Leroy smiled. "But I don't know if I want to be called Dad right now. You and I are busy. When would we have time for a kid? Not to mention, it would make my mother wonder, did one of us knock a girl up, and she dropped off the child." Leroy laughed.

Dave laughed, "Yeah, I guess it would be hard to explain why we have a baby. But I'm sure our mothers would be happy, except for how we didn't marry the woman."

"Dave, you are happy with just us, right?" Leroy wanted to make sure that Dave wasn't thinking about kids because he knew that among all his siblings, he would have plenty of nieces and nephews.

"Yeah, I am. Let's get some sleep. We need to do a few things tomorrow before we go to work." Dave responded. "Good night, Leroy. I love you."

"Ditto." Leroy squeezed Dave tight before relaxing into sleep.


Leroy comes home from the base one morning in January. He wants to wait until after the weekend to tell Dave he has orders to deploy for another year. They hate being away from one another, and it seems like every other year, he's been deploying. He wants to wait because that weekend, they were heading to Philadelphia for Dave's birthday.

They didn't plan to do much in Philadelphia. They just wanted to be out of view of his parents so they could touch each other in public. They don't want to leave the hotel much. They were often interrupted at the house by one of Leroy's siblings or his parents. Neither of them knows why they are constantly coming over.

Their theory is they are trying to catch Leroy in a relationship. His mother, Sue, has been asking a lot. Has even set Leroy up with a date. Leroy took the woman out, but he ensured he was not her type. Dave would laugh every time Sue would try to set him up after, not that he wanted to see Leroy dating, but after coming home that night from the date, Leroy was bitching.

Leroy knew he had to tell his parents that he was due to deploy the following month. He got up with Dave. He figured he would go and see his parents after Dave left for work.

When he walked in, he was surprised to see Dave's parents over. They were having lunch. "Hey, Mom, Dad, Sarah, and Dan. How is everyone today?"

"We're good, son, and yourself?" Lee spoke up.

"Fine, thanks."

"Leroy, are you just coming over, or did you have something to discuss? Because I do with you."

"No, I came with something in mind. Mom, what did you want to talk about?"

"Why do you keep finding something wrong with the young women I set you up with?"

"Mom, I don't want to date right now. Would you please stop pushing me?"

Sue made a funny face and proceeded. "Leroy, you're going to be twenty-seven next month. Aaron and Allison are both married and have their first child. I would like to see that of you."

"Mom, I don't want kids, and right now, I don't want to date anyone." Leroy could see a smile cross Sarah's face. "I have everything I need."

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