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Diversity Twins-Madde Steps Out On

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On Vacation, Madde finds a surprising new partner.
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Diversity Twins - Madde Steps Out On Raya

For those of you looking for more of the sweet romantic relationship between Madde and Raya this isn't quite that. Oh, there is plenty of love between The Diversity Twins,; but this is about Madde's independent adventures, and trust me, they are raunchy. So, more pure romance in a future episode, This one is

They were both naked. Raya leaned back against the big overstuffed pillows, her legs wrapped around Madde, who was lying back against her. Raya had a firm grip on Madde's generous breasts and a nipple pinched between the finger and thumb of each hand.

"Talk. The whole story; where you met, how you met, what you said, what she said, how she came on to you, or was it you to her..."

"Oh, Raya, you know I wouldn't...ow! That hurts." Raya was pinching Madde's nipples pretty hard.

"You asked for it."

"Oh damn, damn...ow...yes, I sort of did...but...wait, let me tell you...because that's what you want, right?"

"Okay, I'll ease up. But you kind of hurt me by doing this, so I reserve the right to..." She pinched again.

"Ow. But Raya, that's just kind of getting all over again, so...."

"Okay, I'll ease up. But I need your story...."

Madde gave a big sigh and nestled herself back against Raya's warm skin, relishing the touch of Raya's tight nipples against her back.

" started at the library..."

"You're kidding?"

"Not. I figured I could get a little leg up on my senior thesis on manatees if they had some classic old texts. I kind of wanted to see if there were any historical stories about mistaking manatees for mermaids and like that; a fun way to begin an academic paper."


"Yup. So I'm in the stacks, and looking and looking, and I'm scoping out book numbers on the bottom shelf, and I notice what I figure is an older woman...because of her hair...sitting at the end of the room in one of those booth things...."

"A carrel...."

"No, that wasn't her name...wait, do you want to know her name...?"

"I do...everything. But a carrel is the name of that booth/desk thing."

"Oh...right, right. So I'm like hunkered down and bent over scrounging for this book and I see this dignified lady; and she keeps looking at me, but not just, 'what is this crazy bitch doing pulling every other book from the shelf, but, really, more like a dude, because she keeps staring straight at my tits...and not looking away even when I catch her doing it."

"You were wearing the top that shows...."

"Yup. And tights. And nothing under either of them because it was the library for pity's sake, and I had just scooted over there on a whim on a boring Tuesday night. But, so I'm down on the floor, and it's a bit chilly in the place, and those girls you are squeezing are just perking right up; but I'm not really thinking much about it until I see this...mature woman scoping out my boobs. And I should be embarrassed and just clamp an arm across my puppies and go away; but the way she is looking at them bothers me in a different way. I can feel it...elsewhere."

"Why you dirty little slut." Raya squeezed boob.

"Oh, Raya, don't be like that. I felt kind of like a slut though...."


"Yeah. But. And then she is standing right behind me. And it's like she is putting her hand on my shoulder and says, 'Can I help you dear?' But actually, her hand is on the back of my neck, like, just behind my ear. So soft. And I kind of squeak, 'help'; 'cause the way she is looking makes me feel funny. But then she says, "I'm the research librarian. Maybe I can help you find something...." But her hand is still on me and she is still looking at my...body...and it really doesn't seem like she is talking about...books. So we take a couple of the titles I found over to her...carrel...and I tell her, like a stupid, that I am looking for books with 'scientific information about mermaids'...and of course she gives me a funny look, like, 'you don't look like a nut who thinks mermaids are real...are you also researching unicorns?' But she doesn't say that; she just says, 'I see, what is your path of inquiry?' A nice question. And we are sitting side by side, shoulders touching, and her hand is on my hand...And I spill about my thesis on manatees, and she gets it, she is listening politely, only she is sitting there and I'm sitting there, and I can feel her breath, and I'm so aware that my nips are tight and showing, and while she is asking me about things she is kind of pat-stroking my arm, and..."

"...You were turned on..."

"Very. But it was kind of confusing. She wasn't...isn't any kind of hottie. And not even a strong lez vibe; just a past middle age woman with grey hair cut in a sort of severe bob...only she has a little sparkly barrette clipping it back on one side. And she's wearing a simple blue oxford button-down shirt, and a sweater vest. Grey straight skirt. Pantyhose. Basic black stacked heels. Nothing that says...."

"...fuck me...."

"...except her eyes, kind of steel grey-blue, very clear...and even though she is talking about other stuff, where I can find the books...or internet reference...I might need...her eyes are pretty clearly saying..."

"I want to eat that nipple...and the other one too."

Raya punctuated her sentence with a good squeeze of Madde's areolas and Madde couldn't help pushing her ass back against Raya's heat.

"So, she does help me get some books, even one locked in the precious volumes case, with great old maps with pictures guessed it...mermaids with impressive breasts complete with big nipples. And we sit there, hip to hip, going through these old tomes and ripping strips of paper and marking them and talking about how I can scan things into my text...I'm sorry, Raya, am I making you mad? Please tell me 'no' and kiss my neck..."

"A little." Raya buried her mouth in Madde's curls and chewed a little on her earlobe. "Keep going, bitch."

"Oh, Raya...I didn't..."

"Ah, but you did; you know you did, and I want to know all about it."

"Okay, okay, but stop because I'm getting all hot and messy and I can't...think..."

"Fine. No smooches until we get to the good stuff. So..."

"Whoof. So we are sitting there, tight like that. And, in a way, it's all just innocent and friendly. Nice librarian lady helps young student with her project. Only...she keeps touching me...not like groping, like a gross guy might do...but just pat, pat, friendly arm stroke, stroke. And her leg is right up against mine, not like rubbing or anything, but just a kind of subtle...pressure."

"It bothered you."

"Yuh. But not 'ick' bothered, more like 'where is this going?' bothered. And, slut, that I am, I wanted...


"More. Oh, Raya, it's kind of like I...we...are new to this same sex thing and I really felt I needed to find out, to know for sure if I'm the kind of woman who really needs other, yes...but other women in her bed, in her...


"Wow. Yeah. In a word. Not men but other women touching me there...maybe making me come...oh, Raya!"

"Shhh. Mads, this isn't easy. This is a change. To have this be who we are. So..."

"So, right now you're not mad?"

"Not so much mad as jealous...because you...went on a journey...with someone else. But maybe I think it was part of finding out who we are. Separately and together. So tell me what you...learned..."

"Oh, Raya, I had no idea. I think I learned so much."

"Do tell."

"O...K... So, of course she is being really helpful, and asking questions about my thesis that I hadn't even asked myself..."

"About mermaids?"

"Nuh uh, about the serious stuff, manatee migration and nurturance, feeding grounds..."

"Mating habits..."

"Yes, well, that too. But it wasn't like 'wink wink, nudge nudge; how to mermaids do it with those big fishy tails'...okay, not all about that; but yes, she was kind of giving me looks when she asked about that kind of thing. But it was mostly just like, you know, friendly...except..."


"...except at one point she brushes back a lock of my hair that had fallen in my face...tucks it behind my ear. Back of her hand against my cheek. And she is looking into my eyes with this intense look...and she says, "You know, you are so, so beautiful. I',m just stunned. Please, may I kiss you?"

"And she does?"

Madde nodded. "I couldn't say anything, but I must've kind of nodded...because the next thing I know her mouth is on the side of mine, and it's...fucking electric."


"Yeah. So different from a guy. I don't was..."

"But you didn't kiss her back...then?"

"No, not then. But my mouth was pretty ready for it. We don't say anything for a bit, then talk some more about manatees...and after a while she asks me if I want to go for coffee or like a drink. And by then it's all like, "Why not?"

"So not straight to her bed?"

"Not straight...oh Raya, that tickles just right. Please kind of...oh yes, that's good. Where was I?"

"I think, 'not getting fucked'...yet."

"Oh rather not coffee but Curaçao at this tiny place she knew about. And in the dim red lights, and the Billy Holiday songs, and with the encouragement of a few drinks...and the stroking up my leg under the little table..." Madde was silent for a while, remembering. And Raya didn't push her. She could tell from the way Madde was breathing that this had been...what...something that changed her. It was sort of sad. Her girl had become a different woman, someone else's woman for a while. Had it changed who they were to each other? Probably. Was it a bad change? Maybe not. Madde did seem more womanly, more interested in what she wanted, less of a people pleaser. That could be exciting.

"She lived quite close to there. We just went. I went. Because...I wanted to. Oh, I thought about us some. And maybe it was the booze, but I figured, shouldn't I see what this is about? This being attracted to women thing. I mean, it could be that I just love Raya and the time was ripe for us to explore some...or I could be a person who really needs...women's bodies. Yes, a woman's body...but how much is it about love and how much...?"


"Yuh, Raya, really that. I had to find out...." She twisted round, pressing hard into Raya's body and planted a strong, warm kiss. For a while it was intoxication.


"....and, oh Raya...fucking women is so much....I was going to say better but it's not so much that as...more...that's it...more than I've felt with a guy...and don't mistake me...there is something great about a man...but this was..."

"Tell me. I think I need to learn."

"So. So we... we drink some herb tea, and nibble some Scottish shortbread she gets from a real Scottish aunt in Glasgow. And it's all very mellow. And she just asks me if she can lend me a nightgown. So natural. And I say, 'sure' without thinking. And then I think, 'she is petite, and I'm..."


"Right...not. So I ask her...and she says she had a friend who left some things there. And I say 'okay', not thinking then, 'what kind of friend leaves nightgowns, plural, in your place?' And of course not asking, 'I'm sleeping here, right, so where am I sleeping?' Because it just seemed the simplest thing that of course I was sleeping with her."

"Of course."

"Is it that funny?"

"Actually not. Puzzle pieces just finding the right..."


"You said it."

"I did."


"Horny little scamp, aren't you?"

Madde wiggled her ass against Raya's warm, damp regions.

"So, yeah, we 'retired to the bedroom,' which is very well fitted out with a king bed and pretty lamps and pictures of sea birds. And she says, and this is sort of the beginning of her way, 'We won't shower now. That will be better later. Let me undress you.' Just like that. I could have said something. Because it was sort of a WTF moment...

"Sort of..."

"But also...right. Because this was clearly where she had wanted to be since she saw me stooping in the stacks. And I knew that this was just what I wanted, too. So I just stood beside the bed. And she gently slipped her fingers in the waistband of my tights and very slowly peeled them off my hips and then down my thighs, knees, and, calves. Had me lift a foot and tugged the tights off each ankle. And there I was with nothing on from the waist down. I told you I had worn no underwear. And she just crouched there looking at me. Then she ran a hand up the side of my leg. A quick caress of my ass. Lingered on my prominent hip bones. She likes those. She said so. Fingers across my belly. I was already a little light-headed and I held onto the post of the bed. She did a funny thing. She brushed my pubes up and down as though to fluff them out. A chuckle. Down the outside of the other leg then slowly up the inside. So natural, and so fucking exciting. The side of her hand reaches my soft parts. And I'm quite wet. She presses up and oh so slowly pulls her hand out and brings it to her face. She inhales my scent deeply. 'Perfect,' she says.

"This really happened? You're not just trying to get me steamy; because you sure are succeeding."

"Angel's truth." Madde held up two fingers. "Then she reached for the hem of my top. Just as slowly and carefully pulled it up. Stops when my belly is exposed. A little 'hmm'. Bends in and sniffs me. A smile. A tiny kiss just below my belly button. Jeez, I felt that inside. So simple. Pulls my top up further, catches on my tits. They pop out and bounce the way they do. Big smile. She says, 'Ah.' Doesn't touch them...which, of course leaves me wanting her to touch them, and more...but my mind doesn't really dare go there. So I just stand there like a dummy and lift my hands over my head and even bend forward so she can pull my top off. She does. Folds it neatly and puts it on a chair with my tights. Stands there just looking me up and down. Nodding just a little.

"Finally she says, 'Yes. I think you need to turn around and bend over. Put both hands on the footboard of the bed.'

"I do that. No questions, just do it. The bed has this big, strong footboard and four tall posts with giant knobs on top, kind of like..."

"I can imagine."

"So I'm bent over, holding onto this thing. My face is kind of warm and my head fuzzy from...everything...but it all seems...not innocent, but somehow okay. I mean, if a man was doing this I probably wouldn't be doing this. Maybe you would...oh, sorry, that was low..."

"If the foo shits..."

"So, yeah, well...I'm holding onto the bed and she kind of takes my hips and pulls them toward her so I am nice and bent over. And then she kind of taps the inside of one leg so I move my foot over, and then the same thing with the other one. And she kind of pushes my head down and then runs her hand from my neck down my ass. A little wordless murmur. 'Nice.' She says, 'I'm going to do this.' And she puts her fingers on my tailbone and the meat of her thumb on my asshole. That's it. But I feel this major squeeze inside. Then she says, "I'm going to finger you now. Tell me with your sounds what is best.' And with her other hand she just slides two fingers into me and starts slowly stirring them around. Not thrusting, like a guy might do. Just stirring my pudding. And it is a pretty wet pudding. I can hear myself, and it is sort of embarrassing, but also so damn hot.... Oh, Raya, is this TMI. I really don't want to hurt you..."

"Hey, keep talking, girl. Makes me want to stir my own pudding..."

"You so could. I could move over so you can...."

"No, no, you stay where you are. But don't mind me if I grind against your ass from time to time..."

"Sure, of course, but....?"

"Exactly. Keep talking."

Nipples were squeezed.

"Oh! Okay, I was...."

"Just getting finger fucked...."

"That sounds was more, she was talking to me with her fingers. Like, 'Hello, and how is this this evening? Does this need stroking? Oh, yes it does. See how it wants more. See how this pretty, pretty ass is tilting up so I can reach in a little further and tickle this. Oh, yes, We can tell you want that because your tight asshole is tightening under my thumb...but look at that, now it is loosening almost as though you want to be penetrated there. Now let's try a regular rhythm, a little stroke, stroke, stroke, pause...and again...and again. It was magic. I don't think she was actually saying these things, maybe some of them, but I heard it all, and answered. And she did say to me in that quiet librarian voice, 'You don't have to be quiet here, dear. Let your voice sing. Let your breath tell me.'"


"Yeah. And she really took her time. I mean, it was firm, but it was gentle, or sometimes gentle when I needed her to be gentle. And it went on and on, and my arms were delightfully tired, and my face was red just hanging there. And I was panting like a dog bitch on a hot day. And she was saying, "Yes, yes, there it is, go to it, go with it. It's yours, come on.' And I find my self fucking back against her hand. And now she has three fingers in, or maybe even four, who knows? Not fisting, because she says, 'I won't fist you now. We'll save that.' But what she is doing is just fine, because now her fingers are curved down against my g-spot; and she has found exactly where it is, and is positively scrubbing it now. And I'm getting all messy wet, and I worry I'm messing up her carpet, because I can feel it coming out of my....But I then don't give a shit 'cause my feet are on bare boards, and that's like permission to do anything the fuck I want. I'm getting damn loud, and she is urging me on like a horse at the end of a race."

Madde stopped talking. Her hips were rocking against Raya and Raya was pushing back. That happened for a while until Madde gave a little moan and shuddered for a moment. Raya was breathing hard in Madde's ear. Her hips flexed against Madde, held, and finally released with a sigh.

"Fucking ourselves with words, Mads. That's pretty hot. She didn't actually whip you?"


"When last heard from you were charging for the finish line like Seabiscuit. I imagined your little librarian riding your sweaty haunches while she whipped you toward home." Raya chuckled. Madde squirmed.

"No. Well, anyway, not then...then I just came out of my mind. I was just bucking with it."

"There's that horse again."

"No, well, I did feel like a perfect animal. I think I drooled as I came. I know that doesn't sound very sexy, but for a while I was out of my mind. And all the time I could feel those firm little hands just owning me. Making me do what she want me to do. And I did it. So willingly. I just let go completely. After I came like that I felt sort of empty, but also free, like I had never been so free in my life."

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