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DQ Ch. 03: My Mom is a VR Slut

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A mother is trapped into virtual reality to be used by all.
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Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/17/2021
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This story is the third in a series called 'Deviant Quickies': quick and dirty stories that stretch the limits of the plausible to explore what fantasies are possible once the impossible is allowed.

The stories are largely independent of one another, although the meta-story (involving the two characters simply called 'the man' and 'the woman') will only make sense if you have read the first two entries.

All you will need to know to follow this chapter is that these characters sit down together to create erotic universes, which tend to escape their control. In the last entry, one of their characters, 'the cook', started to interfere with their story-writing.

What deviant world will be conjured up this time?


This entry is rather extreme, featuring a gangbang, lactation, incest, and shrinking. For those who don't shy away from that stuff: enjoy!

All characters are over 18.


"And we are in great peril..." The man said, nervously.

"Why... do you think so?" the woman asked, having trouble connecting all the dots, yet feeling like they moved in a meaningful pattern in front of her eyes that just escaped her comprehension.

"I think that... I am not sure, but..."


"Okay, bear with me. I think that we might be characters ourselves. We always thought that we were creating these stories, but what if we are being created too?" The man looked around nervously. "Then everything we say and do would have been thought out in advance by another creator."

The woman giggled a dry giggle, rattling as a machine gun.

"No way, you paranoid freak. I can for example do this at will..." The woman raised her arm.

The man remained unconvinced. "Yeah, that proves exactly nothing. Could you not have raised your arm? The sensation of free will is something different from freedom altogether."

The woman sulked.

The man continued. "What gave it away for me was that in the previous episode, I suddenly had a tooth pick on me that, like a Chekov's gun, came to save us in the end. Why was this pick described of all things that surround us, and never, for example, even what kind of clothes we wear?"

The woman blushed. Indeed, it was impossible for her to imagine what she looked like. No details had been disclosed thus far. Never before had she dwelt on how limited her access had been to the world.

"So, if everything that is told about us is only revealed due to its role in a plot, perhaps we ourselves only exist as characters in a book, is that what you are saying?"

The man nodded. "Yes, haha, I guess. I know it sounds crazy, but in another way it is precisely what we thought we were doing to our characters. Except that... If my hypothesis is true, then we were made to create all the worlds we have created..."

This dazzled the woman. "If you are right, then I hope that our story adds up to something beautiful, a great novel or book. Who would have thought? You and me in a work of literature? I just hope we do not end up on some sleazy website."

Reassuringly, the man placed his hand on her shoulder. "No way. We are of a literary quality higher than what your regular internet creeper is looking for."

With a concerned look in his eye, he glanced at the book that they had thrown into the corner. "However... What we should do is make sure that that horrible cook does not come crawling out of there. If he is a character like we are, his power will equal ours."

"How can we make sure he doesn't reappear?"

"We should tell a story so detached from his world, that there is no way that he can make his appearance in it. Luckily, I still had a great idea for a sci-fi story that I can finally unleash now." He sat down, pulled a new piece of paper from a drawer, as well as a pen.

The woman was still puzzled. "Wait... One last question... If your hypothesis is true, and we are nothing but characters, then we do not have any freedom in deciding what we are going to write, right?"

"You are overthinking it."

She knew she wasn't. But she did not want to make a large point of it now. She felt like their little prelude had taken up enough time already.

"Okay, sci-fi. Why the hell not. Just one condition." She sat down next to him and placed her hand on his arm. "No incest. I still deserve my romance."

This, the man could understand. Their previous story went off the rails completely. "Okay. A sort of romance. Guy gets the chance to date the girl he never imagined he would get to see naked. Deal?"


"And you know..." the man began, before he started writing. "So far, I do not see any details around us, like that bloody tooth pick, that will turn out to be plot devices. Which, I guess, is a good sign. No hidden tricks up the author's sleeve."

"Let's go."

Interview with Davey Stonefield. 2030.

Interviewer: "Thank you for making time, Davey. I guess, we should start at the beginning. How did you encounter virtual reality porn?"

Davey: "It is hard to imagine now, but there was a time when people were not used to virtual reality at all. Not in theaters, not in gaming, not even in porn. I mean, you had those über-nerd goggles that you could put on to watch a prerecorded video of a porn star 'as if you were there yourself', which meant that you could look around while a recorded video played. It is hard to believe that they actually even dared to call this stuff VR, but it was considered high tech back then. You did not have the slightest possibility of changing the story line, let alone the looks of the actress. I know. It's crazy what kind of limitations we had to deal with back then.

I actually lived through the transition from that goggle-stuff to the omnipresent VR we have now, starting about ten years ago, and this transition took place when I was at the age that watching porn was my main past time activity, as it was of my friends. I was eight teen, I was in the last year of high school, I did not have many dates, and I had a lot of free time. I was a regular kid in all respects, and I could never have guessed that these new technologies would mess with us so much. Or well, 'mess' sounds so negative, I mean, our standards have just shifted so far so recently.

For example, it was illegal to take nude pictures of girls without their consent. People literally got sent to jail for taking sneak peeks in the showers and stuff like that, I heard. Can you imagine? Being thrown into jail for an innocent photo for f's sake. Three quarters of men and women should be incarcerated now if that law did still apply! And the most hilarious thing was a genre of porn called 'revenge porn' in which scornful exes would share video's of their previously beloved partners on websites. Man, that was considered the worst. How innocent! We were just so squeamish about our privacy back then, but come to think that we prided ourselves of having left the prudish Victorian age in which even the bare skin of an ankle was considered obscene. Little did we know that we were still in the sexual Middle Ages."

Interviewer: "Was the transition to VR abrupt?"

Davey: "VR hit us like a comet, alright. Almost overnight. I guess it is different for you, as you have grown up with these technologies taking over one another every other day. But for us, for me, it took some time getting used to."

Interviewer: *smirks*

Davey: "Yeah, yeah, I am old. Twenty eight already. But you are only seven years younger, smart ass, so don't judge me so easily. In seven years you'll be telling the same kind of stories to a young journalist who doesn't understand how you could not have always lived in a world where people are made of aluminum or something, or whatever they'll contrive of in the near future. Don't judge. You want my crazy story, I'll give you my crazy story. What were you writing for, again?"

Interviewer: "Virtual Reality Inside."

Davey: "Ah, yes, I remember. You are after my stories from the archaic times in which VR was still new, before everything became so perfect and smooth and boring. And you want my input for new stories and scenario's, because everything has gotten a bit too aerodynamic out there, a little bit too clean and flawless, right?"

Interviewer: "Your... case has drawn attention recently. We would like to know why."

Davey: "I know why you came to me. You know my VR history, which I wish I could erase and which has been haunting me. I am aware of my stains. My mistakes. There seems to be one last taboo still. But at least my mistakes might lead to something yet, if you are willing to pay me what they promised me you would pay me."

Interviewer: "We are sure there's money in your story. People are tired of the same soulless scenario's. I myself felt... strangely excited by hearing about your story. It is one of the few things we haven't yet seen in the recently published scenario's."

Davey: "Well, maybe if finally more persons walk my path, I can stop being a pariah."

Interviewer: "Certainly. How did it begin?"

Davey: "Okay, so let me start by the beginning. My first experience with VR was when they had invented this thing they called the Fantasy Device. I was over at my friend Charlie's place, who was nineteen, a full year older than I was at the time. He had to repeat class, so he was, just like me, in the last year of high school. We had been hanging out over the last years and grown fond of one another. I mean, we were young, and bored, and - ah, yes, I told you already. Okay, we were jerking off a lot, passing time, thinking about the girls in our class and watching porn. But now, Charlie was excited, alright, he had found something entirely new.

The Fantasy Device - awful name, by the way - blew my mind back then. After Charlie had raved about it for hours, calling it 'the epiphany he had been waiting for', even comparing it to the agricultural revolution, he finally gave me a try with it. I was skeptical. Could a device really project your fantasy to you as if you were really there? Would this device save me from half distracted fantasies of Patricia and Betty and whoever, fantasies that were always suddenly invaded by thoughts about exams and stupid everyday stuff? Would this device provide me with my dirtiest fantasies as if they were real?

It did. And it was amazing. O, I remember so well the first time I used that Fantasy Device. They were a kind of glasses, that sent signals strong enough to influence your brain waves. Real old school. So I had to create an account, I had to log in, which I did impatiently. Charlie had given me an hour or so alone in his room, and I just wanted to swoosh off into my very first VR fantasy.

I couldn't believe my eyes. Even though I was in Charlie's room, I knew I was, I opened my eyes and there I was in my own room. Marvel posters and everything. Even that pile of socks that I was too lazy to bring to the laundry. The whole lot. I could look around, I could touch my skin, it all felt so real. So real. Only when I looked longer at the posters above my bed did I see some pixels vibrating in front of Captain America's face, a small hint that this was just a simulation.

But the real thrill, obviously, was when Patricia came into my room. I gasped when I saw her, in her short striped skirt, her long legs protruding underneath. I mean, I knew this was only a simulation of the Fantasy Device, that stimulated my brain and memory to create an image of her, but still I blushed as I always did when she looked at me. Her eyes were determined, as I always imagined them to look at me when I lay in my bed jerking off at the thought of her.

She closed my door behind her and giggled as she stepped in my direction. I had only as much as exchanged three words with Patricia in real life, and here she was, kneeling in front of me, in my own VR bedroom. Sweet Patricia, only eight teen for several weeks, with her pig tails and her freckled sweet face, and her shiny lip gloss that I always saw her apply in class when she lost attention to what our math teacher was saying. Closer she came, closer than we'd ever been. I hardly dared to breathe when she started to play with my zipper, as matter-of-factly as if she was zipping open her pencil case. As I had inserted the thoughts that rendered this fantasy, I knew what would follow, and I was all too happy to let it happen to me.

You sure you can handle the details? Yeah? I keep forgetting that your generation has seen so much more of life already, virtual as it may be. I mean, I might have been grossed out by someone else's sex stories, but okay, I'll describe to you what I did to Patricia Wester that night."

Interviewer: "Please do. I am taking notes."

Davey: "I watched in awe as she opened her little mouth, as she had done in my fantasy so many times, and I yelped when she took my stiff dick between the soft cushions of her lips. My God, there was something to that contrast, between my wildly hard cock and that soft girly face that was real dynamite.

This was exactly as I had fantasized so many times, except that I was now living the fantasy, I actually felt Patricia's soft lips around my cock. I actually heard her softly humming a tune as she did in my wildest fantasies, while she started to move her head back and forth, slightly distracted as if she were doing her home work instead of sucking me off. She even giggled occasionally when she saw how hot I was getting. This was my absolute fantasy.

The best thing about the Fantasy Device was that it was completely synchronized to your orgasms too, but that you could alter, at will, the amount of VR semen that your VR cock would shoot. That first day I figured that out immediately. Patricia looked up, begging, when I felt it coming. O, wow, I still tremble a bit when I think about it. It was raw, you know, because I knew that I would be facing this girl again next day in school, and she would not have any clue what I had done to her in this fake reality.

This only added to the excitement I felt, when Patricia put out her tongue and jerked me off with one hand, her bracelets rattling crazy like a rattle snake. Splash. Large strands of cum landed with audible splashes on her small, pretty face. She laughed softly as if I were only shooting at her with a water gun. Another splash sprayed tiny droplets in her long, dark lashes, that curled up due to her cheap make up. 'I love you.' she mouthed, silently, as my VR cum dripped down from her face to her neck and shoulders.

When I took the Fantasy Device off, I turned out to have sprayed my cum all over Charlie's couch. The stains were still visible for the trained eye when I left for college a year later. Luckily, Charlie wasn't the guy to care much. He was so enthralled with this Device that he was only too happy that it had given me such a thrill with sweet, good Patricia Wester. Three days later, I had bought my own Fantasy Device. Charlie and I discovered that we could exchange fantasies through our accounts. It was amazing. I was in his fantasies, which were rough I have to admit, as they involved a lot of spanking the girls from our class, and our teachers too, while he was in mine, which mostly revolved around Patricia Wester in various slutty outfits. Charlie didn't complain, even if my fantasies were a little meager on the spanking.

And then, one day, our happy adventures were interrupted. There was this wimpy kid called Simon or something in our class. So, he came over to me during French class and he was looking really nervous. He kept playing with his sleeves. It was clear that he wanted to tell me something. 'What's up, Simon?' I asked.

He looked around with his little rat eyes, before he whispered: 'I have had a look at your fantasies of Patricia. Big fan, here. They are amazing.'

I got scared so shitless that my chair almost fell over. 'You can see these?'

'Of course!' he replied quickly. 'Your account is not closed off at all. And I took the liberty to share them within my Fantasy Device Network. But I am sure you have seen this?'

I shook my head. I wasn't all too technical, I hardly understood how to log into the Fantasy Device.

'O, wow.' Simon said in his creaky voice and laughed. 'You have hundreds of thousands of views. People are nuts for Patricia, man. They love her. I myself have been in your room at least a hundred times already.'

My room? People were watching my fantasies? They were sharing them? I did not know how to reply, as my face started blushing so hard that I became as red as the t-shirt I was wearing.

'They are making all these alternative version too. Have you really not seen them?'

I shook my head.

'Man, you are missing out. One guy hacked into the source code and made a version where its twenty of you giving her a bukkake. It's hilarious.'

'Hold on, son.' I said, treating my peer as a cheeky youngster. 'You are saying that I am in other people's fantasies too?'

The guy, Simon, or whatever, nodded enthusiastically, as if I were to be happy with this. At the time I still had dreams that I might ask Patricia to prom or at least date her, but I estimated that my chances of that happening would lessen slightly if she ever saw an entire squad of me's coming over her face.

'What can I do about this?' I demanded, as I grabbed his elbow in what I hoped was a threatening manner.

'It is the internet, man. You're too late. You're already living in thousand fold on some Russian server somewhere.'

'Who has seen all this from our school?'

'I don't know. VR is nerd stuff, so I guess just me and some other guys.'"

Interviewer: "How did this first misadventure affect you?"

Davey: "I soon breathed a bit more easily. What were the chances of Patricia buying VR goggles? Who in the slew of cute guys that swam around her would ever see this shit?

As people always tend to do, I, too, underestimated the speed of technological development. A month later, the VR craze became a news item. Two months later, it turned out that half our school was sending out fantasies about the other half en masse . It wasn't just me. And it wasn't just Patricia. Even if Patricia encountered my fantasies, they would only be part of the endless list of others' fantasies she was in.

There was one fantasy by a guy in my physics class that had Ms Carpenter gangbang an entire class. Girls with strap-ons included. There was another by a girl in chemistry that involved poor Charlie in a tutu being anally invaded by our local football star. People have some weird kinks, I tell you. Although Charlie didn't care, by the way.

Anyway, the point was that by the time all this came out, there was such a tsunami of VR porn released that my few fantasies did not really stand out anymore. I got some weird looks from Patricia, but she featured in thousands of fantasies of other boys too, so I guess she couldn't be too picky about which one she was going to make a fuss. Life went on. Some dudes got jailed as the juridical system tried to catch up with this technology, but they were released shortly after. I mean, this shit was so abundant that it was impossible to criminalize. Might as well criminalize oxygen.

There was one major flaw with the Fantasy Device, which was that it could only show you the fantasy version of a person conjured up by the one who was doing the fantasizing. The data, if you could call it that, were therefore very limited. It could only show what one person could remember and imagine of the other person, and it turned out that people's fantasies were rather incomplete when you took a longer, hard look. Take Patricia, for example. I did not really know what she smelled like, so I just imagined some perfume smell. But it smelled generic, you know, precisely because I couldn't fill in the details. Cheap perfume, roses, but not the musky tinge of her real pussy. There were glitches when complex movements had to be imagined. There were fantasies by guys who had never seen vagina's up close, and the vagina's of their fantasies girls looked more like floppy saloon doors than real world pussy.

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