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Dreaming of Roses

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Rose is desperate for help and gets more help than asked for.
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*The following events are based on a true encounter. Names, places, and circumstances have been changed to protect anonymity. All individuals in the following story are 18+ *

"Ugh... I hate rainy days... it's always bad for business..." Rose kept mumbling about the rain as she bustled about her small apartment, getting ready for the workday. She had stayed up way too late the night before, chatting online with a variety of potential Dominants only to be disappointed by every single suitor.

She went about her business on autopilot, making coffee and lunch, showering and dressing, carefully coordinating her accessories and jewelry for the day. She packed everything up and kissed her two kitties goodbye, telling them to be good babies and slipping out the door, locking it and heading downstairs to the ground level.

Rose growled softly as she hit the landing, realizing she forgot to grab her umbrella and making the snap decision to just walk quickly to the car, she wouldn't get TOO wet after all, the rain had slowed to a light, misty drizzle for the moment. She stepped out on the paved path that led around the apartment building and to the wooden stairs that led down to the parking lot. She carefully navigated around the puddles and reached the steps, not suspecting a thing as she had used the same stairs to get to her car for the past two years.

Today, Rose was in for a surprise though.

Between the rain and the old wooden steps that had formed a thin layer of algae over the years, it's no surprise that the first foot Rose set on the stairs quickly went sour. Her foot slid right off the step as if it were a sheet of glass. Her forward momentum carried her down the stairs, skipping the top three steps, feet landing on the fourth step, arms flailing to steady her as her feet searched for purchase, failing miserably.

Rose landed on her ass and elbow on the pavement at the bottom of the stairs, eyes slamming shut as she heard the ominous crunch of a major injury....

"I guess I'm calling out today..." Rose could feel the hot tears of pain streaming down her face as she collected herself and examined her arm... definitely broken.


-Three weeks later...-


Rose woke up early and true to form, peeked out the window on the way to her coffee pot.

"Goddd, I hateee the rainnn!" Rose sobbed. She turned and saw the pile of dishes overflowing in the sink. Since she had broken her arm three weeks ago, she was down to one arm and could barely function. The dishes were piling up, the cat box was out of control and she couldn't even cinch the trash bag to pull it out of the can, much less lug it down a flight of stairs to the dumpster out back.

Rose had always been a super clean and orderly person, it gave her mind peace and room to explore other interests when her house was sorted out and her chores were done. She sobbed as making coffee, shuffling around piles of dishes to fill the coffee pot with water. This was doing nothing good for her mental health and she was terrified to feel the dark tendrils of depression and hopelessness curling around her heart and mind.

Her mood didn't improve as she struggled to make her lunch and coffee... it plummeted to the depths of depression as she struggled to wash her own hair in the shower, one arm carefully held away from the hot streams of water pouring down and mixing with her defeated tears.

She couldn't do this alone.

Still sniffling she got out of the shower and grabbed her phone. As a woman who fought hard for independence and financial stability, the idea of asking for help was unsavory at best. She texted so many people... one after the other, each declined to help her. They were all either too busy to help, out of state or unable to get there until the following week. Rose's family and friends really didn't understand how much this was hurting her to live in that mess while trying to heal and the fact that none of them seemed to care enough to carve out a couple hours to help her really, really hurt.

Rose ugly cried all the way to work. She felt so alone and helpless. She started texting ex-boyfriends and ex-Dominants, hoping at least ONE man she loved would take pity on her and help.... Same story, no one was available.... no one except one.... She really didn't want to call him, he always loved her, but they just weren't compatible enough to sustain a long-term relationship. Still, his adoration never wavered.

With a sense of defeat and desperation, Rose finally decided to text him....

[Do you remember when we broke up... you said if I ever needed help, to just call? Is that still true?]

His response was immediate.

[What's wrong?]

[I broke my arm and I can't clean my house; everything is piling up and I can't do anything, and you know how that drives me crazy...]

[Call me, now.]

Rose growled as she read the bossy text, "I don't know why I thought he would be different..." but she called him anyways. He answered on the first ring.

"How did your arm get broken?!" He blurted out immediately, Rose expected the concern in his voice but was caught off guard and confused by the dash of anger threaded through his tone.

"Well, hello to you too, Ryan." Rose replied sarcastically.

"How did your arm get broken." Ryan demanded again. It dawned on Rose, Ryan was aware of her track history with terrible choices and abusive partners... his anger was laden with protective energy.

"Chilllll, Ryan. I fell down the stairs out back, they were wet from the rain." Rose explained, there was a pause on the other end of the phone, and she could hear Ryan exhale slowly, a smile sliding across her rose red lips, he was so predictable, steady.

"Well shit girl! You better be more careful with yourself!" Ryan's deep laughter boomed through the phone, relief in his voice as he realized he didn't have to kill a motherfucker for breaking my arm. "Now, what all do you need help with babe? I can come over now."

Rose stuttered for a moment, overwhelmed with the immediate support and willingness to help, such a different tune than the one she'd heard all day.

"U-uh... I... I get home from work at 6pm, is that an okay time for you?"

"Yes, pick me up on your way through, my truck is in the shop."

Rose and Ryan continued to chat for a moment, talking about why his truck was in the shop, the specific chores that needed doing, hammering out the details of going to get kitty litter on the way home with Ryan so that Rose wouldn't have to try to lift it. After about five minutes the bell above the door at Rose's work chimed and she said goodbye and hung up the phone, getting back to her day.

During the down moments of the last few hours at work Rose reflected on their relationship and why it ended. They had spent six years living together and could never quite synchronize their lives. Ryan was a lobsterman who was always gone early in the mornings and Rose was a 9-5 worker, Ryan was always exhausted by the time he got home, and Rose never saw him in the mornings. It slowly evolved into a passionless existence, going through the motions whenever the two weren't fighting in the short evenings they had together. Not to mention, their vastly different lifestyles. Ryan was a mess, forever. Always in stained and ripped work shirts and fishing boots, whereas Rose was always clean and precise, put together in fresh and fashionable business casual clothing. She had goals and dreams and wanted to go somewhere in life and Ryan well... he was going nowhere fast and wanted to keep Rose right there with him.


Later that evening...


Rose rushed through closing and got on the road towards home, all the while thinking about Ryan.... And more specifically, what she missed most about Ryan... despite their differences... they were always on FIRE between the sheets. Ryan was tall and strong from working on the boat, even though Rose was plump and curvy like a Goddess of old, Ryan tossed her around the bedroom effortlessly and always romanced her, with those ocean blue eyes, taking his time to make love to her the right way, making her feel beautiful and small in his arms, making her feel like the Goddess she is.

Rose blinked out of her daydreaming and realized she was nearly to Ryan's (and her former) house, shocked that she had just automatically taken the necessary turns without even thinking, driving the long country road without a single thought as she made her way to the coastal home she spent six years living in.

Rose pulled her car into the driveway and parked, smiling at the well cared for rock wall that bordered the driveway. Ryan had built it for her a long time ago after Rose had mentioned always dreaming of having a driveway lined with beautiful rock walls. They still stood.

Her eyes flicked to the door as it opened, and Ryan's tall frame appeared in the doorway. Her heart did a ridiculous flipflop as his eyes locked on her before turning to lock the door and walk over to the car. The grin on his face was infectious and Rose was so caught up in it she actually jumped when he opened the driver's side door of the car.

"Hi? What are you doing?" Rose chuckled and asked nervously.

"You think I'm going to let you chauffer me around with a broken arm? Get in the passenger seat babe." Ryan commanded with a soft and laughing voice. Rose blushed, totally unaccustomed to such consideration and masculine charm. In the four years since she left Ryan, Rose had seemingly found and dated every single asshole in the area. They always put themselves first and were takers that usually used Rose's kindness and good nature all up and left her high and dry.

Rose stammered out a thank you as Ryan helped her out of the driver's seat and walked around the car to help her into the passenger seat. She was honestly shocked when he even buckled her in, leaning halfway in the car and across her to click the seat buckle in, glancing up at her, his face inches from hers, it was just a moment but the smolder in his deep blue eyes was intense and Rose's mind went blank and her breath caught in her throat. A knowing smile slowly crept across Ryan's face and he very softly and quietly said "Hi..." his deep voice vibrating around in Rose's heart as he leaned closer and kissed her pretty lips gently, lingering for a moment before backing out of the car and closing the door, mindful of Rose's broken arm.

Rose remembered to start breathing and let out a small giggle as Ryan practically skipped around the front of the car to jump into the driver's seat. Despite his size and presence, he always reminded Rose of a puppy dog, always overly excited to see her. If Ryan had a tail, it would be whipping back and forth right now, and Rose was just as happy to see him.

Ryan beamed at Rose as he settled into the driver's seat "How are you?" he asked as he adjusted the seat and mirrors to accommodate his tall self.

"Well, I've been better" Rose chuckled and blushed "But seriously Ryan, thank you for doing this for me."

"Uh-huh" Ryan nodded his head, looking at the dash "Do you know your low tire pressure light is on?" He asked, pointing at the orange indicator.

"Oh... that's what that means... I was going to take it to the garage soon..."

"Uh-huh, still terrified of pressurized air are ya?" Ryan smirked and Rose blushed, embarrassed that he remembered her one weakness in handling her car maintenance.

Rose could practically hear Ryan roll his eyes as he put the car into reverse, "We're going straight to the gas station, I'll put air in your tires and make sure they're alright." Ryan decided for them.

"Okay!" Rose exclaimed excitedly, she would rather save the cash on a garage trip and let Ryan take a look first.

The rest of the ride was filled with chitchat and catch up conversation, Ryan reached over and affectionately rubbed Rose's thigh as he drove the long road back to town, glancing over every once and a while during the convo, smiling at her.

Rose's lower stomach was in knots, but she was determined not to let Ryan see her obvious arousal. All of those images that distracted her on the drive over were flashing through her mind with each gentle pass of Ryan's fingers on her thigh, his big, work hardened and rough fingers catching on the thin fabric of her black yoga pants.....

"Do you want anything?" Ryan's voice filtered through her consciousness and Rose realized they were already at the gas station and parked in front of the air pumps.

"Oh, no, I'm fine, thank you." Rose smiled, snapping out of her daydreams again.

"Alright babydoll, sit right here and relax, I'm going to go get quarters." Ryan climbed out of the car, hitting the door lock before closing the door, locking Rose in, safe and sound.

Rose smiled and watched him stride across the lot towards the door. He had always treated her like that, like a precious thing to be protected. He had called her babydoll, that was his special name for her, no one had ever before nor after Ryan called her babydoll. Hearing it again had caused an involuntary reaction in Rose, her heart fluttering all around in her chest.

Ryan came back and saw to her tires, carefully pulling the long, coiled hose around her car to avoid the shiny white paint. He got back in the car and fired it up, grinning in triumph as the light on the dash went out. They went to the store to get the kitty litter and Ryan was just as attentive and predictable, holding doors, pushing the cart, picking up all the heavy stuff for Rose so she wouldn't have to struggle with her left hand or further injure her right arm.

Arriving at Rose's apartment Ryan carried everything up the stairs and set it down just inside the door, taking in the damage.

"Oh.... babydoll...." Ryan sighed out sympathetically. Rose started stuttering and explaining, hot tears of embarrassment and helplessness filling her eyes, knowing how out of control her house was.

"Shh, shh, shhhh" Ryan soothed, reaching for her and pulling her close, tucking her safely against his chest, arms wrapped around her, one hand coming up to smooth her long dark hair as the other rubbed her back. Rose sobbed into Ryan's shirt, comforted by his deep, rumbling assurances and his familiar scent. "It's okay babe, I'm going to take care of this for you, it's okay...." He held her for a few more minutes as she purged the hot tears, the emotional dam breaking and all of the stress and helplessness wetting Ryan's shirt.

Rose finally pulled back and wiped at her tears, trying to make her face presentable and Ryan grinned at her with love in his sparkly blue eyes, using his thumb to help wipe away the tears, his fingers trailing her jawline as he leaned in for a slow, sweet kiss.

"Feel better now?"

Rose laughed louder than she meant to and nodded "Thank you, I really needed that..."

"I know babe, I got you. I'm going to get started on this." He bent to pick up the litter and shopping bag off the floor.

"Okay, I can try to... um..." Rose looked around, overwhelmed and trying to find a small task to help with.

"No." Ryan set the stuff back down on the floor, reaching into his back pocket and pulling his wallet and phone out. "I don't want you trying to help and end up overdoing it. Can you order dinner? You pick." He smiled and put his phone and wallet in Rose's hands, and she nodded, almost robotically, drained from the emotional release she just had, looking at the stuff that just appeared in her hands.

Ryan took his thick finger and lifted Rose's chin so that he could look deeply into her eyes, leaning in to kiss her deeply, his tongue sliding past her lips and claiming her mouth entirely in a quick and grounding flash of passion. Pulling back abruptly he grinned and nodded, back to business.

"Okay! You order dinner for us and I will get started, I'm going to put some music on too, you still love The Beatles?

"Yes, always!" Rose grinned widely and nodded, excitement bubbling out of her. Things were starting to feel lighter already. The dark webs of depression already being dusted away. She sat down at the table and got to work on ordering pizza, a large double pep light cheese and a 2liter of Mountain Dew, they're old order. It was nostalgic and exciting to be so familiar with someone. Rose tidied up the table and smiled as The Beatles started playing in the kitchen. He was playing Abbey Road. That was always her favorite and he knew it too. Ryan got to work too and they enjoyed a quiet companionship as Rose danced around Ryan answering questions about where dishes go and where the broom was, the sound of Abbey Road filling the apartment.

The pizza arrived and they stopped to sit and eat, both of them comfortable enough with each other to waste no time or social delicacy in devouring a few slices each, washing it down with Mountain Dew and sitting back to digest and enjoy a smoke together, chatting idly.

Ryan handed the smoke to Rose and leaned forward in his chair, pulling her leg up into his lap, absentmindedly massaging her foot as they continued to chat and share a smoke, his big hands slowly rubbing tension and knots away, reaching up to her ankle and calves, one foot after the other.

Ryan cleared his throat and Rose's eyes fluttered open, when had she closed them? Her feet were still in Ryan's lap, still warmed from the friction of a good massage.

Ryan smiled that knowing smile at her and spoke "I'm going to finish up these chores for you babydoll, why don't you go lay down for a bit?"

Rose nodded sleepily and Ryan lowered her feet to the ground, standing to help her to her feet, turning her and guiding her to the bedroom, hand on the small of her back as she stumbled towards the bed. Ryan pulled the covers back and chuckled, seeing the fox stuffed animal hiding between the pillows, "You still have Felix?"

Rose's mouth dropped open in amazement, pausing, halfway into the bed. "You still know his name?!"

"Of course! How could I forget Felix Foxx?!" Ryan grinned and leaned over, grabbing Felix and flipping the blankets over Rose, tucking Felix in with her.

Rose felt so safe and cared for that it didn't take very long for her to drift off, she barely remembered Ryan leaning close and kissing her forehead sweetly before shutting out the light and closing the door, leaving it open a crack so he could hear if she called.

Ryan finished doing the dishes and set to the cat box, dumping all of the old litter and scraping the grossness away, filling it with new litter as Rose's two cats meowed at him and wound through his feet. He reached down and stroked their little backs when he was done, thinking about how the evening was going. He still loved her very deeply, more than he wanted to admit. Rose was his one. He hadn't loved another since she left and he doubted he ever would. He raven dark hair... milky skin and rose red lips which she was named for... He felt his cock leap as he thought of her beauty and her delicious curves.

"Get your shit together Ryan, she's hurt, you can't.... " Ryan frowned at his own doggishness. Of course, she wouldn't want to take a tumble in the sheets right now... but... she might... Ryan looked down and scoffed at himself. Hard a rock. Fucking perfect. He tucked it into his waistband to keep it from tenting his pants and finished the chores hoping it would go down by the time they were done but as he hung up the dish towel and touched off the place with air freshener he was still half hard.

Rose was still fast asleep in her bed, curled up with Felix Foxx and snoring softly. Ryan peeked through the door and smiled, admiring her sweet face as she dreamed. He didn't want to wake her but he didn't want to leave the door unlocked. He had already resolved to call a cab to take him home so she wouldn't have to get up. Having no key, he had no way to lock the door from the outside and he refused to leave his sweet Rose sleeping and vulnerable in an unlocked apartment.


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