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Encounters with Evil Pt. 09

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Bound by Love.
13.4k words

Part 9 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/08/2022
Created 11/25/2013
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Guy stared in wonder at Mel's sleeping face. He looked peaceful and angelic. My angel ... so perfect, he thought. The scent of their coupling hung heavy over Mel, and it smelled right. There was no hint of blood, no lingering scent of fear. Did I really have sex with him without hurting him? he wondered.

But he remembered the scream. At the moment of entry, Mel had cried out, a shattering, piercing scream of pain. Guy shuddered at the memory. He had felt Mel's pain too at that moment, but he'd been out of his mind with delirium. He could not have stopped for the end of the world. Yes, he'd hurt Mel, but he also remembered the wonderful ecstasy they had shared. He'd felt Mel's pleasure, and it had been exquisite.

Mel's long eyelashes fluttered and his lovely eyes eased open. He smiled at Guy and reached a hand up to stroke his cheek.

Guy drank deeply of Mel's pale eyes. "Are you alright Angel? Did I hurt you too much?"

"I'm good. You didn't hurt me." Mel shifted. "I'm gooey though, and I've probably leaked all over your couch."

Guy chuckled. "We'll have to clean that up before Consuela finds it."

Mel's face reddened. "We most certainly will!" He sat up then, and Guy felt an odd sensation ghosting over his anus. That's not my sensation, it's his, he realized in wonder. It didn't seem like pain, but...

"Are you sure you're okay?" Guy asked, peering at Mel with concern.

"I feel great!" Mel said, bouncing a few times as if to test that out. Guy felt that odd sensation again.

"I just feel a bit stretched," Mel said, "but it's good." He looked at Guy closely, his brow furrowed. "But how are you? I can't believe you made love to me like that in your condition. Did we exacerbate the wound?"

"No, I don't think so," Guy said in surprise. He sat up and slowly stretched both arms out in front of him. He felt a twinge in his shoulder.

"Oh!" Mel cried. He stretched out his own arms and his eyes got round. "Do that again," he demanded.

Guy obliged, purposefully stretching and shifting his injured shoulder so that he felt the pain, all the while watching Mel with trepidation. It seemed like the telepathy might go both ways.

"That's you! That's what you're feeling. How can I feel what you're feeling?" Mel cried.

Guy caught the undercurrent of Mel's emotions—shock but not distress.

"I don't know. We're bonded now, I guess. We were already to a certain extent, at least on my part, because when you were taken by Valjevo, I felt some of what you felt. The connection seems much stronger now."

"But how does that work? I mean, I guess I get that you're part vampire and have these superpowers, but I'm not part vampire. How come I can feel you?"

"You forget how I got my superpowers," Guy said softly, a dark guilt starting to gather in his core.

"You were raped," Mel said, mulling it over. "You said it was something in the semen..." His eyes widened. "Does that mean I'm part-vampire now too?"

Guy felt Mel's horror and his guilt erupted into full fledged agony. He closed his eyes and swallowed.

"Oh, no, Guy!" Mel cried, shifting around to pull him into a tight hug. Guy felt Mel's distress, but it had changed. Mel wasn't upset about himself, he was upset about Guy. "You can't feel bad. It's not your fault. You didn't know."

"I should have known," Guy growled. "I should have thought of this beforehand." Evil blackness swamped Guy. He had hurt his angel again and in a vast and irreparable way.

Mel let out a whimper and Guy's own anguish ratcheted up as he felt another wave of distress role off of his angel. "Guy, please don't," Mel begged. "Please..." His breath hitched and he hugged Guy closer.

When the paradox of the situation hit Guy, he tried to focus on his own breathing and calm down, for Mel's sake. He realized he was pouring all his own emotions right back into Mel which distressed Mel and further exacerbated his own darkness in an horribly destructive cycle. He tried to clear his head and focus on a tropical beach. Warm sand, cool breeze, the calming crash of the waves upon the shore...

"Better," Mel mumbled, his fingers starting to trace gently up and down Guy's back. Guy felt a wave of desire wash over Mel and a fraction of a second later he caught the scent of his pheromones. He hadn't been thinking about sex at all—amazingly since that had been the only thing on his mind for weeks—but now, suddenly, he was awash with lust.

He grabbed Mel's hair and pulled his head gently but firmly back so he could reach those kiss-swollen lips. Mashing his lips onto Mel's, he reveled in their softness and the wonderful sensation of connectedness he felt. He felt his cock swelling as heat and desire built in his core. He felt Mel's answering lust, and his angel squirmed around so he was on top of Guy, pushing him back against the arm of the couch as he responded to his kiss eagerly.

Guy groaned and they both began to hump into each other. Guy had pulled his sweats back up, but Mel was still completely naked, and their cocks rubbed together through the soft fabric. As Guy felt himself start to spin out of control, he caught a whiff of his own body odor and it pulled him back from the brink. He was rank.

Mel too had caught the scent, he could tell. His reaction was flash of distaste quickly overpowered by the lust he was feeling.

Guy pulled out of the kiss. "Wait. Wait," he said, stilling his own hips, his hands on Mel's butt willing him to do the same. "I need a shower, and we need to talk about this."

He felt Mel's wave of disappointment and almost relented. This is going to take some getting used to.

"Do you realize what's happening?" he asked. "We're feeding off each other."

"Our emotions, you mean?" Mel said, nodding. "Your emotional pain distressed me and then that distressed you further, and so on. That was really intense. But the same thing happened with our lust." His lips curled up in a sexy smile. "When you want me, I want you even more."

"Yeah, I think we're going to have to be careful." The thought that maybe it was too much for Mel, maybe he wouldn't be able to stand being around Guy, entered his head and pain sliced through his heart like a knife.

Mel's eyes widened. "Whatever you're thinking, don't," he said.

Guy tried to clamp down hard on his emotions. He was used to keeping them bottled up inside him, not showing the outside world what he was feeling, but he still felt them. Now he had to be careful not even to feel. He swallowed and focused on calming himself. Then, with extreme care not let himself think too much about the ramifications of what he was saying, he said, "If you don't want to be with me because of this, I'll understand."

He felt Mel's distress at his words and cringed inwardly. God, I don't seem to be able to keep from hurting him.

"That's the last thing I want," Mel said. "I don't want to leave. I won't leave you. You're stuck with me." As the pain in Guy's chest eased, Mel smiled at him gently. "We can work through this, learn how to control our emotions, how to help each other."

"It won't be easy," Guy warned.

"I know," Mel said thoughtfully, and then a cheeky grin spread across his face. "You won't be able to hide behind your steel façade. I can see right through it now."

Guy groaned, but he was smiling. He shifted Mel off of himself and sat up again. "Come on. I need a shower, and I think I might need some help in there."

He hadn't been thinking about sex, only about having someone help him take his bandages off, but he caught the ripple of desire that washed through Mel, and his cock started to swell.

Guy stood up and reached for Mel's hand to help him up. Mel cast his eyes down shyly, but Guy was pretty sure he was checking out the bulge in his sweat pants.

"Yes, sir," he said softly, "I'd love help you."


Guy's knees were weak. He fed his cock into Mel's sweet mouth until he saw his angel's eyes widen with the effort of taking him. Although the shower spray was not directly on Mel, droplets of water ran down his smooth chest and caught in the fair curls at his groin. Guy wanted to lick him all over.

Not taking his expressive eyes off Guy's face, Mel slowly slid his mouth off of the thick shaft and plunged back down again. It was exquisite. Not only could Guy feel the sensations of Mel's hot mouth enveloping his cock, he could feel what Mel was feeling: the slight discomfort of his knees on the hard tile, the stretch of his mouth and sensation of having it filled with a big, velvet-steel rod, the ache of need in Mel's cock... And he could feel Mel's emotions too, his love and his burning desire. All of it jumbled together into a heady mixture that overwhelmed his senses.

He let out a low groan. "Angel ... Angel," he gasped, but no further words came forth. Watching his Angel take him, and feeling how willing—no eager—he was to do so filled his chest with fire.

Mel moaned with pleasure in response, sending vibrations into his balls. Guy could no longer hang on and plunged over the edge, grasping frantically at the faucet for purchase before he ended up on the shower floor, crushing Mel.

When his senses cleared he found himself still on his feet, shaky and dazed. Mel was kneeling before him, grinning up at him like the cat that got the canary.

"Oh ... sweetheart," Guy said, his voice low and rough. "That was ... perfect." He ran his fingers through Mel's damp hair and eyed his partially swollen cock. "Let's get out and dry off, and then I'll see about you."

Mel grinned. "You don't have to. I already came." He climbed to his feet, wrapping his arms around Guy's waist. His grin widened as Guy emanated confusion. "I came when you did. I mean, I might have anyway, I was so turned on, but I could feel how good it was for you, and you took me right over the edge with you."

"Hunh!" Guy said, eyeing Mel's cock again. It was indeed shrinking. He thought back to his orgasm, trying to remember if he'd felt Mel's too. He had been so out of his mind at the time, he hadn't processed whose sensations was feeling, but now that he thought about it, he was pretty sure he had felt Mel's orgasm intertwined with his own. Maybe that's why it was so fucking awesome.

Just then Guy's stomach let out a loud growl. Suddenly he realized he starving. He still felt light-headed.

Mel laughed. "Let's eat dinner."

At the mention of dinner, Guy's mouth started to water. He was hungrier than he'd been in his entire life. He allowed his angel to lead him out of the shower enclosure and dry him off.

Mel paused while drying his shoulder to examine his wounds. They'd both been amazed when they'd removed the bandages and found the wound completely healed into a dark purple scar.

"You know, I think it looks even better than it did before we got into the shower," Mel said.

"I think it's the sex," Guy said with a lecherous grin. "It's curing me."

Mel responded by waggling his eyebrows. "Well, then we'll have to make sure you get lots of it."

Guy leaned over and licked some droplets of water off of Mel's shoulder. When he got to the juncture of his beautiful, slender neck he began to suck. Mel shivered and moaned, wrapping his damp body around Guy's and tilting his head back to give Guy full access.

Guy felt his cock responding again. Fuck! He was going to have his angel again right here on the shower floor. His stomach let out a loud growl of protest.

Mel pulled away from him, laughing. "I think we'd better feed you."

Guy saw spots before his eyes and wasn't sure if it was from hunger or lust, or possibly because he'd been bed-ridden for weeks and this was his first time on his feet for more than three minutes.

Mel was already drying himself off and moving toward the door, and now he glanced back at guy with concern. "Are you okay?"

The wave of dizziness passed. "I'm fine," Guy said, but he still felt weak. He headed for his bed and sat down on the edge, quickly but carefully.

Mel was instantly at his side, his face full of concern. "What can I do?"

A sharp pain sliced through Guy's stomach and he suppressed a groan. "I think I'm just super hungry. Can you hand me some boxers? I'll head upstairs and see about dinner."

"You'll do no such thing!" Mel said. Guy couldn't help grinning as he felt Mel's outrage. "You will lay down here on your bed and do nothing until I get back with dinner." As he spoke he drew back the covers and fluffed a couple of Guy's pillows, stacking them up so Guy would have something to lean against.

"You're awfully dominant for a sub," Guy teased.

Mel's eyes widened and he opened his mouth but no sound came out.

Guy chuckled and scooted back on the bed, allowing Mel to pull the covers up over his lap. As Mel began to move away, Guy grabbed him and pulled him in for a deep kiss. His angel's body melted into his for a few seconds as he responded to the kiss, but then he pulled away with some force.

"You need to eat," he said firmly. As he headed for the bedroom door, he called back over his shoulder, "and I only get bossy when you're not taking care of yourself the way you should."

"I'll bet that's not the only time," Guy said with amusement, but Mel had already disappeared out the door.


Guy felt more normal than he had since before he'd met Mel. Better than normal, he felt great. His shoulder was still sore, but it no longer gave off sharp stabs of pain when he moved. He had regained full use of his arm and hand, although they were a little stiff, and he could tell that that side was much weaker than it should be. He was looking forward to getting some gym time in.

He had eaten a shocking amount of Consuela's delicious beef stew the night before and had been hungry again an hour later. He'd made passionate love to Mel twice during the night, and after the second time, Mel had brought him a three a.m. snack of bread, meats, cheeses, and fruit, which he had demolished. Now, he'd just finished a six-egg omelet, four muffins, a half-slab of bacon, and a huge quantity of fruit salad. He felt full but had no doubt that he'd be hungry again soon. He guessed that he needed the food to fuel his healing process—and their almost-incessant love-making. They'd taken care of each other's morning woods with a romping sixty-nine session.

I could get used to this, he thought with contentment as he watched Mel move back and forth from the table to the kitchen counter, clearing away breakfast things. He got to his feet with the intention of helping Mel, but as the tiny, graceful man brushed past him, he caught a whiff of his luscious skin.

I need you again. His cock throbbed, pushing against his briefs, making a sizeable bulge in the crotch of his sweats.

Sensing his desire, Mel glanced up at him with a smirk. Then he leaned across the table, with a pretense of picking up the butter, but he pushed his little ass out and wiggled it slightly in a not-so-subtle provocative display. With a low growl Guy captured him against the table. Being careful not to be too rough, he none-the-less slammed his hips into Mel's tight ass as he sucked another deep purple mark onto his mate's pale skin. Mel whimpered and thrust back into him and they were spiraling together again, swept away on a tide of passion.

Guy reached for some control. "Is it too much, Angel? Are you too sore? I'm not crazy like I was before; I can wait."

Mel's answer was breathless. "No it's good. I want you again."

Guy felt his words were true and he was infused with warmth. Still, cognizant of the fact that his cock was pretty damn big, Mel was tiny, and he'd already taken him three times in the past twelve hours, he kept a tight rein on his desires.

"You're not sore, Angel?" he murmured into his lover's neck, licking the mark he'd just made to soothe it.

He felt Mel's surprise as he said, "No, actually not! I mean, I can feel that I've had sex." He shifted his hips back and forth, and Guy felt the ghost of a stretched feeling in his own anus. But the movement had caused Mel's butt to rub against Guy's now fully hard cock. He groaned with desire.

"It must be one of the other qualities of my semen," he murmured as his hands caressed Mel's chest. "The scientists at EERIE told me it acted as a lubricant and had analgesic qualities, and they thought it might do something else too." Guy paused, suddenly worried that Mel would be upset again that his semen was full of unknown chemicals, but Mel's response was thoughtful.

"Really? I'll have to study it when I start working there ... see if I can figure out what all it does."

"I think you'll have firsthand knowledge by then," Guy said. He couldn't help but push his erection against Mel's ass.

"I'm sure it's not harmful," Mel said. "I feel better than I've ever felt and I'm not sore at all." He twisted in Guy's arms to face him and his voice dropped an octave. "You're so fucking sexy, I can't get enough of you. Please..." He didn't get any further because Guy took his mouth in a passionate kiss.


Guy's tongue was deep down his throat. His lover's large hands ran over his body, caressing, exploring, worshipping. Mel's arms wrapped around Guy's warm neck, and his masculine scent enveloped him, driving him to push is erection against Guy's massive thigh.

Neither of them had bothered to put on a shirt that morning, and Mel ran his fingers through the lush, dark curls on Guy's chest.

A low rumble came from Guy's throat as he pushed Mel's flannel pants down to his knees and lifted him onto the kitchen table. Mel's cock popped out, hard and leaking. Guy lost no time in sucking it into his mouth.

Mel screamed in pleasure and clutched at Guy's thick hair. He would not have believed himself capable of getting hard yet again, but not only was he hard, he was aching with need, and he felt Guy's desire pouring off of him too. When Guy slipped a finger inside his still loose hole and began to pet his prostate, he almost came undone. He felt his own sensation reflected back at him through Guy's response. It was incredible.

"Guy, Guy!" he chanted in desperation. "Please, I need you in me."

Guy lost no time in yanking Mel's pants the rest of the way off, and then he pulled him gently forward a few inches so that his ass was right at the edge of the table. Grabbing Mel's hands he brought them over his head, trapping them against the hard wood and holding them there with one hand while he freed his own steaming erection.

Mel whimpered, reveling in the feel of being taken—not against his will, but taken nonetheless. Guy was manhandling him, clearly in control. All Mel had to do was hang on for the ride.

"Angel..." The word came out on a growl and Mel shivered in anticipation. His new, absolute-favorite activity was having Guy plunging in and out of him, pounding him into the mattress—or in this case, into the table.

Guy pulled Mel's legs up to rest on his shoulders and positioned his blunt cockhead at the entrance to his channel.

"Yes! Yes!" Mel pleaded, trying to shift forward to take Guy's cock.

Guy stilled him with a firm hand on his hip and smirked at him, his dark eye dancing. "You've gone from virgin to whore in twelve hours," he teased.

"Hey!" Mel protested, but he was secretly pleased. He adored making love. He didn't regret waiting so long to lose his virginity because it felt so right with Guy like it hadn't with anyone else. No one could compare with his sexy vampire hunter. "Only for you," he said softly.

"Angel ... I can't believe you want me," Guy said, stroking Mel's cheek lovingly.

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