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Everybody Does It: The End

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Paul and Diane have Rawle for dinner.
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Once again, a reminder that while the story began as a Gay Male story, it now contains scenes between men and women so I have submitted this final chapter in the Group Sex category. Please remember that some of the material involves a degree of domination, submission and humiliation.

As this final chapter starts, Paul Lombardo's boss, Rawle Johnson, had just arrived for the cookout, and Mr. Johnson had made it perfectly clear what he was planning on doing to Paul's wife Diane. He had explained it to Diane on the phone earlier, and now in the kitchen minutes ago he had spelled it out to his subordinate.

Now, it was all going to unfold, and while of the three of them only Rawle Johnson knew for sure he wanted it this way, just like in the rest of his life he was proving to one and all that what Rawle Johnson wanted, he got.


As he had promised, Rawle Johnson not only brought the steaks but was cooking them to, and he looked to be an accomplished man at the grill, although to Paul he seemed to be paying more attention to Diane than the Filet Mignon he was preparing.

"That's a different outfit than the one you wore last night," Rawle said as he stood behind Paul's wife and put his hands on her shoulders, softly kneading them through the terrycloth robe she wore over her bikini.

"Yeah, I dug this out of the back of the closet," Diane said.

"Mind if I take a look at what's underneath this?" Rawle asked, and without waiting for a response eased the robe off of Diane's shoulders, exposing the skimpy pink bikini, the tiny cups cradling the little treasures beneath. "Nice."

Paul took a deep breath as he watched his boss gently massage his wife's shoulders, and even though Diane had started to get a little tan, the difference between the blackness of his fingers and the pale tone of her skin was stark, and the contrast became greater when Diane reached upwards and held Mr. Johnson's forearms, exposing the even more pale insides of her reed thin arms.

Rawle Johnson's sigh was clearly audible as his hands slid around Diane's shoulders, and as his thumbs slid along the smooth and deep hollows of her exposed armpits he bent down and whispered something in Diane's ear.

Paul didn't know what it was that made his wife shiver; whether it was Mr. Johnson's words or the way he stroked her very sensitive underarms before letting his hands slide up her slender biceps, but there was no mistaking her reaction or the glazed look in her eyes that followed.

The three of them shared the bottle of Dom before dinner, and after the steaks, Rawle suggested a Chivas Regal desert.

"That is, if you two didn't finish it off last night," Rawle joked, but Paul assured his boss that there was still plenty left and went to get the bottle.

"That was an amazing steak," Diane said as she pushed away her plate. "And you cooked it perfectly too, Rawle. You're a man of many talents."

"You haven't see anything yet, Diane," Rawle said as he reached over and patted her hand, and while he only mouthed the words, Diane took a deep breath as she watched his full lips form the words, "I want to fuck you so bad".

"Drinks, anyone?" Paul asked as he brought out the glasses and liquor, making Diane jump with an entrance that Rawle Johnson barely noticed.

Paul was a bit surprised at how pleasant the conversation was, especially, he mused, since Mr. Johnson was doing everything he could do to seduce Diane right in front of him. Touching and stroking and doing that Barry White thing, his boss was using all of his charm on Diane, who seemed to be wilting under it all.

"It's been about an hour, so it should be safe for us to swim," Rawle Johnson announced as he stood up and stretched before peeling off his shirt. "Sun's going down but it's still hot out."

"Don't you ever sweat?" Diane asked as she looked at his toned and trim body, with the sinewy muscles and tendons rippling under the satiny smooth skin.

"Oh, I can really get sweaty if I get enough exercise," Rawle said, and then whispered something to Diane.

"Does it taste like Basa?" she asked.

"You know your scents," Rawle said as he rose and moved behind Diane. "You like?"

Diane nodded and Rawle smiled before announcing that he was going to the bathroom before taking a swim.

"What was that all about?" Paul asked after his boss departed.

"He asked me if I liked to taste the sweat of a man and I asked him if it would taste like Basa - that's the lotion he wears. Got a sample in a magazine once," Diane explained. "And I told him I liked it."

"You okay?" Paul asked. "You sure seem relaxed."

"It's the champagne and the Chivas," Diane said. "Not used to being romanced, I guess, and Rawle is really making a run at me. Inside I'm a nervous wreck. How are you?"

"I'm okay, Diane."

"Good, Paul. Did I tell you I love you? I love you now and I'll love you just as much tomorrow, maybe even more when this is over."

"It's not going to be over," Paul said. "At least not until he says it is."

"It's over when he walks out the door later," Diane informed her husband rather forcefully. "When I said this was a one-time thing, I meant it, and if you men are expecting this to be something different you're as wrong as he is."

"Fine by me," Paul said, since he was starting to have mixed feelings about everything anyway, having learned that fantasizing about sharing your wife with another man and actually doing it are two totally different things. "I'm just telling you what his plans are."

"The only thing your boss is going to eat in this house after tonight is food," Diane declared before downing her drink and setting the glass down. "So he better get all he wants of me tonight. That goes for all of us. Right, Paul?"

"Right, Diane."

"Hey Lombardo," came a yell from inside. "Come in here."

"I hate the way he treats you," Diane mumbled.

"Part of the game," Paul said as he rose to see what Mr. Johnson wanted. "We're playing roles, here just like at work."

Paul went inside, finding his boss positioning a camcorder on their dresser, making it point toward the bed.

"There!" Mr. Johnson said as he checked the angle one last time. "I like to have a record of what goes on."

"We've got that same model," Paul said as he looked at the machine.

"Ever take movies of you and Diane fucking?" he asked.

"No. Diane's kinda shy."

"Well, she's going to make her screen debut tonight," Mr. Johnson announced. "You don't have to tell her. I just wanted you to know. It doesn't come out all that well, but it's nice to have a souvenir. Maybe I'll make you a copy."

"I don't know if Diane will like that or not," Paul mentioned, but Mr. Johnson paid no mind.

"You know, one time when I was young I screwed this guy's wife, and not only did he watch, he hired a guy to film me banging her. That movie came out good because you got a bunch of different angles. The only bad thing was the woman's husband was wearing a mask and he walked around the bed, jerking on his little pecker like a chimp. Looked like Zorro. He didn't mind his wife's face on the tape getting fucked in every way possible though. You want to wear a mask, Lombardo?"


"You going to jerk off while I do what I want to her?"

"No," Paul said. "I don't - I don't know."

"Suit yourself," Mr. Johnson said. "Gonna drain the lizard and then I'll join your two out there."

"What did he want?" Diane asked.

"Nothing really. He said he'd be out in a second."

Paul was sitting with his back to the door, but he could tell when his boss was coming out even before the screen slid open. The expression on his wife's face and the involuntary gasp was all Paul needed to suspect that Mr. Johnson had come out and he was naked.

Paul turned around and saw that his boss was indeed naked, and when he saw the man's cock all greased he knew that he must have spent a little time and effort in fluffing himself up, because while his cock still pointed downward, Paul knew from experience that it wasn't limp but in a semi-erect state and was as long as it would get.

"Ready for a dip, folks?" Rawle Johnson announced as he padded towards the end of the pool with the elephant trunk swaying along lazily in front of him.

"Sure," Paul said, and after debating with himself whether or not to go through with what was coming next, promptly dropped his shorts to become as naked as his boss was.

"Oh wow! Two naked dudes. Wait a minute," Diane said as she scurried into the house, only to emerge with her phone.

"Want to take a shot for posterity," Diane announced. "You don't mind, do you Paul? No? How about you Rawle? I know you're not modest. Stand close together guys."

Paul had to smile when he saw his boss lean next to him, because Mr. Johnson always avoided touching his hairy body as much as possible, wanting only his subordinates mouth, tongue and hands to make contact with him. The leaning close was only done to make sure Mr. Johnson's cock was close to his, and although he didn't want to look, Paul felt he had to peek.

Paul cringed when he saw what the two organs looked like next to each other, and hoped that Diane would erase the picture right away, because the two of them looked even more absurd side by side than he had feared.

"Thanks guys," Diane said after taking a picture and running back inside to go to the bathroom.

"Can't wait to see what that picture looks like," Mr. Johnson said as they waded into the middle of the pool. "Maybe we'll use it on the company calendar next year."

Rawle Johnson's laughter echoed in Paul's ear at the water reached his waist, and as they waited for Diane to join them, his boss kept riding him.

"Your wife seemed to like what she saw when I made my grand entrance," Mr. Johnson snickered.

"Primed it up really good in the can, I noticed."

"Very astute, Lombardo. You're gotten to know my cock pretty well for such a short time. I hope you're going to show the little lady how good you suck cock," Mr. Johnson added.

"She told me once that she saw a guy doing that to another guy and she liked it."

"Good, then she'll love you doing it. Guys do it better, usually," Mr. Johnson confided. "That's why I let them give me head, 'cause I'm sure as hell not gay. Don't know why, but they are just better at it. Transvestites too, they're great cocksuckers."

"Is it cold?"

Diane had come out and was dipping a toe in the water while hugging herself.

"It's fine, but you have to lose the bikini, girl," Rawle declared.

"The neighbors," Paul said, because even though the lay of the land blocked their view and they were old, they could still hear.

"They left for NYC to go on a cruise this morning," Diane said of the elderly folks who lived next door.

"Then there's no reason for that bikini to be on," Paul's boss said.

"It's not dark enough yet," Diane insisted.

"But if you wait too long I won't be able to see very well," Rawle Johnson said as he reached toward Diane, who paddled a bit away.

"Not much to see," Diane said. "In case you didn't notice."

"Good things come in small packages, haven't you heard?" Rawle added. "Besides, anything more than a mouthful is a waste, right?"

"I thought the saying was that more than a hand full was a waste," Diane asked.

"I've got big hands," Rawle said, holding them up while wiggling his long fingers.

"Well, maybe when the sun goes behind those tress there I'll take it off," Diane said as she pointed toward the trees. "Only be a couple more minutes. You can wait that long, can't you?"

"I don't know. After all, I got naked in the daylight," Rawle remind her.

"You did?" Diane said while pretending to think before saying, "Oh yes. That's right. I seem to remember something like that. Well, here then. This is a start."

Diane's hands went under the water, and when they came back out of the water she was holding the bottom of her bikini.

"Want it?" Diane cackled, and threw it at Rawle, who caught it effortlessly.

"It's wet,' he proclaimed.

"It's because I'm in the pool, silly," Diane protested.

"I'll bet it was wet before you got in," Rawle said, giving the bikini bottom a sniff before giving it to Paul. "I think it was. What do you think?"

"Yes," Paul said as he inhaled the aroma, and he wasn't kidding when he added. "I can smell her pussy on it still."

"Is that a bad thing?" Diane asked coquettishly as she paddled over between the two men, reminding Rawle as he reached towards her about the light factor. "Sun's not behind the trees yet."

"Here," he said as he took Diane's hand and brought it under water, and Paul watched his wife's eyes roll a bit as she took a deep breath. "Tell your husband what you're doing. He won't mind. Come here, Lombardo. Your wife wants to tell you something."

"I'm touching - Rawle put my hand on his cock," Diane gasped as she looked dazed. "I'm holding it now."

"He's not mad, Diane. See?"

"How does it feel, Diane?" Paul asked.

"Big," she snorted. "Can't get my hand around it."

"Your other hand, Diane," Rawle said, his face showing how much he was in control. "Touch him."

"Not his arm," Rawle chuckled when Diane reached over to Paul. "Touch his cock."

Paul gasped when he felt her hand fumbling around before grabbing his dick.

"He's hard, isn't he? Your husband's got an erection thinking about what you're doing to me under the water." Rawle asked, and Diane nodded vigorously as Rawle moved her over so that her back was against the pool wall.

"Omigod!" Diane moaned. "Who's hand - who's finger is that?"

"I'm here too," Paul said after reaching under water and forcing one of his fingers inside of his wife's pussy along with Rawle's digit.

"Omigod," Diane moaned as she bobbed up and down on the hands between her legs. "Omigod, what are you guys doing?"

Pushed up against the pool wall, Diane had her elbows on the vinyl edge while her legs kicked as the fingers impaled her.

"Sunset," Rawle's Barry White voice sighed as he deftly undid Diane's bikini top and pulled it off.

Paul was shocked by it all, because not only did Diane's top come off so smoothly but she made no effort to hide herself, and coming from a woman who was so self conscious about the size of her breasts that she avoided doctor visits, that was amazing.

And as for Paul, he thought he would feel embarrassed at Rawle seeing his wife's tiny breasts, because while he himself loved the little buds that were no bigger than lemon halves, his boss had taken every opportunity to mock and ridicule them. He was not complaining now after seeing them, and the sight of Mr. Johnson ducking down and sucking on her left breast by taking the entire bud into his mouth, sent chills down Paul's spine.

Paul joined Rawle, sucking on her right tit while his boss inhaled her left one, and then Diane was screaming, practically jumping out of the water as she came, splashing and carrying out much like she had the night before but this time with two men's fingers in her sex.

"You cum so good," Rawle sighed as the men took their mouths off her breasts, their fingers already disengaged by her violent orgasm, and when Mr. Johnson then turned to Paul he asked whether Diane was multi-orgasmic.

"Yes," Paul wheezed, as winded as his wife was and just as stunned at her reaction as Diane was. "Sometimes she comes three times a night."

"That was the old record," Rawle sneered. "Let's go to bed."

"You okay honey?" Paul asked as he helped Diane up the steps while the glistening black Adonis was reaching the screen door.

Diane nodded, her hands now cupped over her breasts as if she just then realized she was naked, and then apologized for the way she had carried on in the water just then.

"No, I thought you looked beautiful," Paul said. "I always love watching you cum."

The bedroom light was on already as they walked down the hall, and as they passed the bathroom Paul grabbed a couple of towels.

"You aren't going to leave me alone with him, are you babe?" Diane whispered to her husband before they entered the room. "Please don't."

"I won't."

"Remember, you swore you would never hold this against me - ever."

"And you the same."


"I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

"We're going to get him ready, and then I guess we get you ready, and then you're his," Paul said. "Follow what I do at first, and then I'm sure he'll run the show."

Inside the bedroom, Paul saw Mr. Johnson moving away from the camcorder, and seeing the red light on Paul knew that the film was running. His boss moved gracefully across the room, throwing the bed cover off and exposing the pristine sheets that Diane had put on the bed that morning, and then Rawle turned to face them.

Paul dried Diane off a little and then he approached his boss with the other towel, Diane walking next to him, and when her husband placed the towel on Mr. Johnson's chest, her hand came up with it.

Rawle Johnson sighed as the couple began to dry him, their hands moving the towel across his chest and stomach, and when he raised his arms they dried his armpits. Paul let the towel drop to the ground, and as he watched his boss make his pecs jump by flexing his upraised arms, Paul leaned forward.

Paul's mouth went to the plump purplish nipple and began sucking on it, and he looked over and saw his wife mimic him, her thin pink lips covering Rawle's ebony skin, and the married couple's eyes met as they nibbled on Mr. Johnson's nipples.

Paul wasn't sure if Diane was going to continue to mimic him, but he let his tongue slide across Mr. Johnson's ripped chest and into the deep pocket of his underarm, the muscular cavern as smooth and sweetly scented as always. While Paul gripped the back of Mr. Johnson's shoulder so he could get his tongue in, he glanced over and saw only Diane's mop-top blonde locks, since her face was buried under Mr. Johnson's other arm, as Paul had to lean to avoid poking his boss's hip with his erection.

Then Mr. Johnson was reaching over and pulling Diane's flushed face from under his arm and easing her down on her knees, and when she had gotten down there had Paul stand next to him at an angle. Paul's cock was taut and springing up and down as it pointed toward his wife, who had glanced at him but whose attention was now fixed on the sleek black hose which was at half-mast and on the rise.

"Suck us," Mr. Johnson was saying. "Suck our cocks."

Paul watched his boss angling his cock towards his own, only the tip of the black-cherry hued glans visible under the ebony foreskin, and despite their difference in stature their cocks were at the same height. Mr. Johnson's cock actually bumped against the mushroom head of Paul's pale member, and Paul shuddered at the contact.

Paul noticed that Diane, who had grabbed her husband's cock without hesitation, was now frozen. All of her earlier sauciness was gone, and her hand was visibly shaking as it quivered a few inches away from the black monolith, something she had already held under water. Then however, it had been out of her sight, but now it was inches from her face.

"Go ahead babe," Paul whispered, and after she glanced up at him with a look that made her appear like a deer in the headlights, her hand grasped the black shaft about halfway down.

Paul recalled a movie where a girl sucked two guys off, and had actually managed to get a little bit of both cocks in her mouth at the same time. This wasn't going to happen, Paul knew, but he shivered at the thought of having his cock rubbing up next to his boss's tool.

Instead, his wife started to suck on her husband's dick while looking out the corner of her eye at what she was holding in her other hand. She moved her hand up and down the shaft a couple of times, causing the foreskin to retract a bit each time, until the entire plump knob was exposed.

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