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Exhibitionist Gets Her Revenge

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Well, this is what her husband asked for!
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Here's the sequel to the five-part story "Phone Call From the Nude Beach". That story ended with Elizabeth (nameless until now) waiting for her husband to join her at a beach in Florida, where she's enjoying her new-found exhibitionism. He'd previously bugged her incessantly to display herself and now that she was finally doing it, he was missing out, stuck back home up north. He finally got a flight so he can join her, but just before he got to the beach, she arranged with several other nude women to lie back, cover their faces, and see if hubby could choose which pussy was hers. He got it wrong! For licking the pussy of the wrong woman, Elizabeth is getting even by dictating the terms: from now on, she decides when and where and in front of whom she will show herself, no matter how uncomfortable it makes him. He's finally getting what he asked for. It's been a couple of years since that weekend on the beach, and by now Elizabeth is a confirmed exhibitionist. The narrative below is by someone who became a friend after chancing to meet her at a garden shop.


The first thing I learned about her was that she wore no panties. I was about fifteen feet behind her when she bent forward at the waist to pick up a potted plant and her sundress rode up in back. That's when I caught a view of her bare ass. An ass that seemed to invite you to cup the cheeks in both hands.

The second thing I learned was she shaves her pussy lips, leaving a bit of hair just above her slit. Becoming interested in the plant she'd selected, she had circled around to its other side, was then facing me, and squatted. This gave me a view between her legs, a view that hinted at inviting you to explore.

The third thing I learned was she wore no bra. By now I 'd become the gentleman and offered to help lift her plant into her shopping cart, and learned that her name is Elizabeth, and to not shorten it to "Liz" or anything else. It's Elizabeth. In leaning over the cart, the top of her dress fell just enough away from her chest to allow me a view of her small breasts and dark nipples. Nipples that begged to be circled by your tongue. Even with the dress in back in place her nipples were very prominent, making sharp points under the thin fabric.

Not yet noon, and this was already a good day! I introduced myself and found her to be smart, interesting, and receptive. The physical attraction part had already been certified. After discovering that we lived not too far apart, I asked for her phone number. Taking my approach as a compliment, this attractive woman who appeared to be in her forties laughed, took her glove off to reveal a wedding ring, and said she was married and had a twenty year old son and a nineteen year old daughter, but maybe we'd enjoy getting to know each other as friends!

She continued her friendliness, not at all offended by my attempt to hit on her, and I helped load her purchases into her car. But before parting, she mentioned that most Tuesday evenings she models at our local university and that if I wanted to get the complete view of what she looks like naked, I might like to stop by. She gave me the details: time, location, bring your own drawing materials, pay the per-session fee, and draw. Couldn't believe it! Telling me where to come see her naked! She was inviting me to come see her naked! Or, as they say in the art world, nude.

The next day I bought some materials from an art supply store. On their community bulletin board was a notice advertising the Tuesday night class. Open to any interested artists 18 and over, just pay the fee at the door, just like Elizabeth had said.

The studio turned out to be about the size of a normal classroom, except that instead of students' desks there were about twenty easels set up in concentric curves around a raised platform made of two pallets pushed together where the teacher's desk might have been, and a door off to one side of the platform. On the platform were a futon made into a sofa, and a stool. The room was dimmed, except for a couple of warm floodlights aimed at the platform.

The artists were already claiming easels, starting with the curve closest to the platform and working back to the outer rows as new artists arrived. I paid my fee and, being a newbie, set up on the back row.

Now I caught sight of Elizabeth. Naked! Making her very easy to spot! She was milling about with what looked like a folded robe draped over one arm, chatting with the regular artists. She looked smart, classy, and attractive, radiant and composed, with a modest demeanor about her. Her hair was up in a smart twist behind her head, projecting pride and confidence as she kidded around and laughed with the regulars. Naked. All she wore was her wedding ring and eyeglasses.

In this room darkened except for the beams of light trained on the platform, her fair skin contrasted with her dark hair, pointed nipples, and the abbreviated tuft between her legs, muted lipstick, and nail polish. A perfectly proportioned body, curves in just the right places for a sexy, mature woman. Below a slight belly she showed a neatly trimmed patch of brown hair, ending just at the top of her vaginal opening, which by contrast made the smooth outer lips of her pussy seem even more bare.

Even though I'd seen the separate parts, this was my first total look at her flawless naked body, and at first I couldn't help staring. She was magnificent from head to toe! Facing us, she held her shoulders square and head high, exuding an understated beauty I hadn't appreciated at first meeting. She seemed totally at ease being nude, making no effort to hide any part of herself. Small dark areolas each tipped with an erect nipple, centered on breasts looking soft but firm. Sagging slightly, each making a crease underneath where it rested on her chest, but pushing forward enough to make you want to reach out and lift a nipple to your lips. As she moved, her breasts swung just enough to let you know you were enjoying the nakedness of a mature woman.

She had a slight all-over tan, suggesting visits to a nude beach or resort.

She worked her way over to me and greeted me as the newcomer and introduced me to some of the regulars. All this time naked, her perky nipples pointing straight at me.

One of the regulars, the one who seemed to be in charge, announced Elizabeth as this week's model, so here she was, and I was soon to discover why she's their favorite model! For the benefit of first-timers like me, he told us a little about her. We learned that for the past fifteen years she's been a faculty member in the engineering department, and that she also helps out in a couple of other departments.

After the brief introduction by the class coordinator, Elizabeth told us a little more about herself. Her office was in the next building, she and her husband had kids in college, her husband had always wanted her to be naked in front of other people, and she discovered that she likes it, too. Maybe even more than he does!

All but one or two easels were claimed, the artists ranging in age from the required eighteen (undergraduates) to sixties (from the community), the gender split being about even. The clock on the wall indicated the advertised start time. The guy-in-charge, or coordinator, closed the entrance and gave the signal to begin. As somebody started some music on a boom box, Elizabeth took her cue to step into the light trained on the platform, placed her glasses and unused robe on the stool, smiled as if to each person in the studio, and kicked off her sandals.

After a full minute of facing us so we could get used to her features, she started her poses. She began with two-minute poses of her own choice, rotating each new pose so every artist got every angle. Always keeping her legs together. When her back was to me, I was entranced by her firm rounded ass and the backs of her legs, everything perfect. I figured she must do something to keep in shape!

I noticed that during these poses, going from two minutes at first, up to ten minutes, she chose poses you could call modest. She went through normal motions but never opened her legs wide, and never bent at the waist to reveal her crotch from the backside. If she sat on the stool, she crossed one leg over the other. These were the poses she chose. Nude but ladylike.

After an hour came the break. Still leaving her robe on the stool, Elizabeth stepped off the lighted platform into the unlit room and walked around among the easels, looking at the drawings and taking the time to talk with each student. There seemed to be about a dozen she was good friends with, both male and female, but she hugged nearly everyone, pressing her naked flesh against them. When she neared my easel, she included me in the chatter. Walking around naked with her bare nipples leading the way. Talking with the naked Elizabeth in the dimmed room was so sexy it left me breathless. She seemed very casual and at ease in her nakedness, chatting up the artists she knew and getting to know us first timers. I guess she didn't know me well enough to put my hand on her tit.

After five minutes she went back into the lighted area to start the next set of poses. These were to be chosen by the artists, and lasted twenty minutes each. They asked her to stretch her arms out, then her legs, then to arch over this way then the other way. I admired the beauty and agility we were seeing from so many different angles, and actually tried to get some lines down in my sketchbook.

Another five minute break. Again no robe. All she wore during the breaks was her eyeglasses, which actually made her seem even more naked.

Seeing one drawing where the image of her nipple wasn't quite finished, she held her breast close to the canvas to give that artist a couple more minutes to complete his drawing.

For the second pose they had her recline on the sofa with hands behind her head. This reminded me of so many classic paintings I'd seen in art history books. Her stretched out naked white body bathed in bright light, highlighting her nipples and bush. Again, her legs were together. Until someone asked if she could open her legs. With a smile, she lowered one foot to the floor. Now her crotch was open, giving me my first full view of her bare pussy lips, and they were truly beautiful. Her outer lips were together, so there was still no view of the inner lips.

Remembering the relative modesty of the earlier poses she'd chosen, I was wondering if she knew she was now showing her lips, and if it was a concern to her. But before I had much time to think about it, she asked if they needed her to spread her legs wider. Seeing several nods, she raised her upper leg until her ankle was over the backrest of the sofa. Now her legs were spread wide apart. With her fingers she teased her outer lips apart to reveal the inner ones and the entrance to her vagina. Satisfied that her lips would stay open, she put her hands back behind her head and said that the next time they want to see her pussy open, to just ask, she'd be happy to show what ever they asked for. The way she said it, it seemed to me they weren't hearing this for the first time.

Everyone was just taking this conversation in stride. Oh well, they are artists!

So there I was, with a studio full of people I hadn't met before, all of us studying the naked form and open pussy of an attractive older woman. This was going from weird to weirder, but what the hell, I was enjoying it!

I wanted to learn more about Elizabeth's background, for her to be so casual with her nakedness. And how her husband must feel about her explicit poses. I reasoned that maybe she'd been raised in a different culture, or maybe even on a different planet!

About halfway into the pose somebody asked Elizabeth if they could include her clit in the next drawings. Asking to see her clit? I didn't know you could ask this of a model. With her pussy wide open, we could already see her clitoral hood, so all she had to do to expose her clit was fold back the hood, which she did. But it kept retracting out of sight. So after she stroked it for about a minute, her clit enlarged enough to stay out on its own. Now, with one of the spotlights repositioned to highlight her clit, she told us how nice the added warmth felt. And she's saying this while maintaining her pose, lying there with a spotlight on her clit, legs apart in front of a roomful of clothed people, some of of them her friends and some of them strangers. And me.

After the pose was finished, Elizabeth got up and stretched her muscles, doing about five minutes of quick calisthenics while still on the platform, still without the robe. For the next pose they asked her if she'd mind facing away, bent over with her butt up in the air and legs apart. She told them to be more specific, like were they trying to get a view of her perineum? They didn't know that word, so she explained that it's the area between the vaginal opening and the anus, or, she further explained, between her pussy and her asshole, which she indicated by swinging one foot up onto the stool and tipping her pelvis upward. Once they all agreed on drawing that part of her body, she went into position, hands on the floor, facing away from us, butt in the air and feet apart. While in this pose, she turned her head back toward us to say that most models never do this pose because it's so personal and revealing, and it opens your pussy really wide, shows your asshole and probably your clit. Plus, she said, it has your tits dangling like a cow's, but that since her breasts were on the smaller side hers didn't hang down too much.

Her tight little asshole and soft bare pussy lips were very much on display now, the inner lips showing the way into her vagina.

So much for the last vestige of modesty! Probably Elizabeth didn't know the concept of modesty. To her, revealing her perineal area was just another arrangement of body parts for us to draw. While holding that pose for the full fifteen minutes, and treating us to a breath-taking view of her most private area, she told us that her husband really liked to put his hands and cock near her asshole, but that she liked it more when he breathes on it. Whoa! Do we need to know this?

Keeping up the conversation, she said how exposed and vulnerable she felt just then, and that she was so sensitive there she could almost feel our eyes penetrating her. Especially since she couldn't see us.

She also said that this is one of her favorite positions for sex, and that although this made her ass very available she never wanted to do anal, and that if we look close we'll see how small that hole is, because she doesn't take cock there. A couple of the artists came up for a closer look. Meanwhile, she and the regular artists are talking and laughing back and forth about how small her asshole is, and about different positions for sex and asking about her favorites and what her husband likes. And discussing the beauty of her open labia from this angle. She accepted our compliments and kidded the younger artists about maybe never having seen this view of a pussy before, so get a good look now! A few more came up while she held the pose.

Before breaking the pose, she ducked her head down between her legs and looked back at us, arranging her mouth into a goofy upside-down smile to mimic the lips of her pussy, then wiggled her butt. So now I've learned she has a sense of humor!

The second hour was now over, so we took another break, this time for ten minutes, before going into the final hour. Again, she remained nude while making her way among the easels to talk with the artists and to see how her pussy and asshole looked on paper and canvas.

Now came a surprise: at the start of the final hour, a second model appeared and was introduced by the class coordinator as a 20-year old English major, new to modeling. Wow! Half Elizabeth's age, and now she's going to pose with a man no older than her son!

The break over, Elizabeth and the new model stepped onto the lighted platform together, he shed his robe, she shed her glasses, and they stood there naked (nude) together. Although limp, his dick was huge.

Standing naked side by side, his much darker skin offered a striking contrast to her only slightly-tanned body. Her serene maturity compared with his robust youth made for even more contrast.

Before taking any requests for poses, Elizabeth, as the more experienced model, explained that she was meeting him for the first time just like we were. The two of them then had a quick private discussion on what parts of the other's body each could touch, what degree of pretend intimacy, and such. (I learned later that this was standard whenever models pose for the first time together.) She then told us they had agreed that there would be no restrictions on the touching, so the artists could pretty much ask for any pose, including touching of genitals. To make her point, she held his cock for a moment while putting his hand on her tit.

His penis was very large, even while limp, and her hand could barely circle it. When she released it, it swung like a pendulum.

Elizabeth and the model agreed to spend the first ten or so minutes in quick short poses, mostly touching. She reminded us she did not come here to have real sex, so there would mostly be careful arrangement of their body parts. The artist in charge said these would be quick one-minute gesture sketches, so get your charcoals out.

We noticed the backrest of the futon had been lowered so it was now a bed. Obviously they are going to use the sofa. As a bed! The two models went to it, she lay down, spread her legs, then he carefully laid his enormous cock onto her belly as he lowered himself onto her. Similarly for several other positions. Lying down, standing, sitting, kneeling, "The Joy of Sex", in the flesh! But in every instance we could see how they positioned his cock. Still, my feelings of jealousy were mounting. But not to worry, at less than a minute for each pose, there's no way it could have gone in. But his dick did get pressed against her pussy. I tried to put these thoughts out of my mind. And still wondered how much of this her husband knew.

After about ten poses, she lay back on the futon, spread her legs and pulled his head into her crotch. Right into it. Oh, great, I thought, now he's going to eat her, she'll probably allow him a quick lick then move on. But he just laid his head alongside her pussy, not even moving and stayed there for about a minute while the artists sketched the scene. Before I could get too wrapped up in my thoughts, they switched, and, using both hands, she lifted his cock alongside one cheek and held that pose for about a minute, then moved on to another pose, a full . In that pose, you could see his mouth fully into her pussy and you could hear him breathing through his nose, which was in her pubic hair. After that pose he wiped his mouth with a nearby towel as she lay still for another minute while a fountain of feminine juices squirted from between her legs, making an arc several inches high.

These short poses being over, the first request for a longer pose was for the models to stand facing each other, hugging. They approached each other and embraced. Her arms around his neck, one of his hands resting on her ass and the other cupping a breast. But where was his dick? Was it hanging between his legs? Up and pressed against her stomach? Tucked under her pussy? Can she feel it? Does she like feeling it? For ten agonizing minutes, I did not put pencil to paper. I wanted to go up there for a closer look, but realized how ridiculous that would be. Of course I just stayed put, making meaningless marks on my sketch pad. When they broke the pose I noticed his dick hanging down, still limp, but larger. The exact impression of his dick on her belly showed us where his cock had been. Whew!

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