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Extending the MILF List Ch. 05

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Tangled up with my sisters, girlfriend and all.
26.9k words

Part 5 of the 26 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 10/16/2014
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Chapter 5

Tangled up with my sisters, girlfriend and all

AUTHOR'S NOTE: To my chagrin I have discovered I did not post this "better" version of this chapter...we'll see if my assessment agrees. Hope the changes are worth the wait.

I woke to an empty apartment. I staggered through it and found everyone gone. I almost called Sammy to find out where the hell he went but gave it up. I was too tired to think. I went back to bed. It was about noon. I woke to the sound of my phone. Groggy and confused I fumbled for it till I mastered it and answered.

"Sonny? This is your beautiful girl friend!"

Dee Dee Hamilton. My heart jumped up into my throat. Suddenly I was awake and I could smell her, intermingled with the fumes of sex that lingered in the apartment. "D. Debra." I said softly, trying to sound sexy.

"Sonny? You sound awful. Are you sick?"

So much for auditory seduction. "No. No. It is so nice to hear your voice." I felt so pathetic. But my cock snapped directly to full attention without any intervening state.

"I am just getting onto the plane. I wanted to tell you I should be at the gate by seven. You can pick me up. We'll go by my house and I'll change. I have a glorious dress that will make you drool for tonight. Then you can escort me to the Collegiate New Year's Celebration. Are you excited to see me? This party should be fun. Will you know anyone there?"

A fateful question, as it turned out. I fumbled for a response and spoke the simplest thought I could manage. "My sister is finally going out with one of my friends. He has carried a torch for her for a long time. It should be fun."

"Your sister? Oh? Which one is that?"

"Tawny." I said instantly and a shiver ran down my spine as though someone was two-stepping over my grave.

"Tawny? Oh yes, your sister Tawny. She will be there. That is so nice. We'll get a table together. It is always nice to know someone."

I didn't know what to say but to add inane to inane so I kept silent.

D. Debra waited, finally speaking. "I am so excited to see you. I hope your tongue has gotten lots of exercise because I want you to go down on me right at midnight. See you at seven."

She hung up.

"Hello?" I said vacantly. My mind struggled for comprehension but my cock understood fine...and little head was not happy. No nooky tonight. Just tasting D. Debra, that was how my year was going to end. "I can hardly complain." I said out loud, speaking into the gray afternoon light. I looked at the phone. Two o'clock. "Nothing but pogo-tonguing my girl?" it thought. I thought of my sister Tawny all decked out, on Chris' arm, I thought of his apparatus and yes, my cock snapped back to attention. I really didn't have to go without, not if I didn't want to. Of course, technically, I had been used up already. Dannielle...I hardly had room to complain when it comes to pussy. I lay back and closed my eyes, assured that whatever happened, I'd find a fine thrill out in it.

I rolled out of bed and found the apartment had the decor of late American frat party. I spent the next two hours cleaning it up. Everyone else was gone, without even a good-bye but then I realized I might have spoken while still asleep; something I was able to do and got me into trouble from time to time.

By four I had the place shipshape and needed a shower. I realized I needed to get fresh clothes as the ones I had with me needed a whole new personality. I suddenly realized I was pushing the time and, after a final going over, left Bickerstaff's and Kline's apartment. Alissa Honeywell would tell me later that there was a maid service that would clean it up but at the time, I was possessed by the need to be a good tenant and not be an asshole. Even if that Oreo couple were both assholes, I did not want to emulate them. Copy the best of those you know, don't use their bad example as an excuse to pamper your worst self. A better world starts with me. I thought that and chuckled, for a guy boinking every pussy within arms length, thinking about a better world would confuse most people when it comes to making things better. I shrugged. Fuck me if the brave new world did not seem better with such pussy in it, or, better said, with me in such pussy.

I found an accident on the freeway and, being a holiday, it took the better part of an hour to clear so I was nearly an hour and an half getting home. I raced through a shower, brushing off my sisters, attention, barely hearing them.

I ran in and up to the shower so fast because I absolutely did not want them sniffing the aroma of pussy on me. The temptation is always to be casual about such things once the secret is out but I consciously decided to keep as much distance between my sisters and the rest of my life as possible. Like other of my decisions, this one was a delusion that made me brusque and nearly rude for that afternoon.

I did ask Dalia where they were going for the night and she shrugged and said they were staying in. I was in too much of a hurry to think about it much and so gave it no thought. I was sure this night of all nights I would get D. Debra Hamilton on her back where she belonged, despite my earlier fatalism. Had I taken two minutes to sniff around my blisters I might have smelled more than the dank mixture of Ellen and Dannielle steeped in my own sweat from cleaning and realized they were plotting against me.

It was nearly six-thirty by the time I left the house, backing out into the street only to discover my car was nearly empty. I found gas but there was a line. I was nearly frantic by the time I got aimed at the airport. I was surely going to be late and I felt anxiety rattling my ribs as I drove, forcing myself to abide by the speed limit since the police were itching to correct just this sort of holiday enthusiasm. I arrived at the airport twenty minutes late, dread pumping acid through my veins. I was just locking the car—the fob had quit working and I had to use the key. I kept forgetting to replace the battery so I could just punch it and lock the doors or unlock them. I felt stupid because I was going to have to demonstrate this failure to D. Debra.

My phone rang.

I answered it, panting into the phone.

"Sonny? Oh dear, I am terribly sorry but the plane is delayed. I, I won't be in till nearly nine. I have made arrangements to change at the hotel. Oh, we are taking off. See you soon."

She was gone.

Shit. I had to wait nearly two more hours. I did. I waited. I paced. I star gazed, looking at faces and asses, searching for some famous face. I realized I did not know her flight number and that delays and weather had bunched the incoming flights she would have been on together, muddling them so I had little hope of knowing if and when she arrived. On the brighter side, against expectations, I found a battery for my key fob. I couldn't get it open so I had to buy a little screw driver set before I could figure out the battery. I found one and went out to the car to test it and by golly it worked. Strangely, this filled me with a warm sense of accomplishment. Now, I realize it may have been the lingering glow of the well-fucked, but at the time I thought it was confidence that D. Debra was going to succumb to my overwhelming charm and lay down on her back and open her loving legs for me. Oh my, how ignorance and optimism can muddle the brain.

It was nearly ten before my phone rang and D. Debra demanded to know where I was. She was at the luggage area and waiting for me to come lug her luggage off the conveyor belt. I found her but she was distant and chilly, only presenting me a cheek and pecking me on mine.

"We must be quick. The party will be over before we even arrive." We bustled to the car. In the brief moment when we were close, I sniffed her and realized it was an advantage that she was standoffish, and I insisted she was protecting my delicate sensibilities—particularly my nose and the mindless cock that seemed in direct contact with the smell of her, rising up and staying hard.

D. Debra chattered the whole way to the hotel. I got the whole account of her time away, her cousins trying to peer into the canyon between her breasts and her confession that she teased them endlessly; mocking the males and chiding the females with her assets. She admitted, in a strange fit of self-awareness, that they must have been relieved to see her leave. She told me about her aunt Debbie, for whom she was named, but curiously spoke not a word about her mother. I did take note of that.

The knot formed in my gut during the drive. By the time I parked, eschewing the attendants, I had admitted to myself that I had been anticipating a reversal of our relationship and that she would be fully willing to lay down with me and do vigorous things to each other. I realized that anticipation powered my nervous response to the situation despite her early indications to the contrary. Hope knows no reason. I also confronted the ugly possibility that optimism itself may have no basis in reality.

Walking with her up to the entrance, to the music of her complaint that I should have let the parking attendant help or at least let her off so she did not have to walk in her silver heels on the concrete. If she ruined them, she told me, it would surely be my fault.

My idea that we would have a good time, that her torment of me was past and she was genuinely eager to be handled, that fantasy dissipated as she strode away up the incline from the lower level to the elevator entrance. We had to go down to get up to her suite, she said. I walked behind her and whatever she said about walking in high heels, she was certainly fast enough to make me need to nearly run in order just to keep up to her.

So we walked to the elevator with my eyes firmly fixed on the rolling of her ass, like two puppies in a burlap bag, bumping back and forth under her long gray coat. Her legs flashed through the slit in the back. I was so entranced I managed to keep my dread of disappointment at bay.

We were part of a crowd at the elevator from our parking level and we crowded into the car down to the main lobby from the parking garage. She moved away from me, not pushing against me but fitting her tits against some tall guy's back, dressed in an elegant tux. I hated the fucker. When we were finally unpacked, she sauntered away before I cleared the car. I was just about to catch up when someone called my name.

"Sonny! Sonny! Over here."

I looked around the cluttered foyer and found Chris and Tawny standing next to a big cactus, waving at me. Thinking they were a good excuse to halt D. Debra's charge for her shower, I grabbed her elbow and spun her half a turn to face them. "Hey Dee Dee, there is my sister and her date. Hang on a minute, I want to say hello."

Her compliance should have tipped me off but no. She was docile and sweet. "Of course, Sonny. I would love to meet your sweet sister. Please, do introduce us."

Arm in arm, we approached Tawny and Chris. I remember thinking something was odd. It was nearly ten-thirty. What were they doing out here? I did not get a chance to ask and it would have been redundant.

"Sonny, my god, you are so late!" Chris said.

"Yes, sorry, the plane was late." I put a hand on the small of D. Debra's back and pushed her forward. "Miss Hamilton, this is my sister, Tawny Duncan and my best friend, Chris Wills. This is the woman I have been telling you about, Miss D. Debra Hamilton."

They exchanged greetings, followed immediately by an awkward silence. I was searching for something to say when Tawny spoke to Deedee.

"Miss Hamilton, it is so nice of you to offer to let us use of your mother's suite tonight. I hope we are not intruding." Tawny spoke with the gleam of anticipation in her eyes.

"Of course, Tawny." Deedee said effusively. "I am sure it would only go to waste. So happy to have you. Sonny won't mind a bit." She turned to look for the elevators. "We should go now. I smell like a thoroughbred on a hot day at the track. It has been a miserable day thus far. I am glad to see this year end!"

I was staggering with the implications of what had just been presented to me. Once again, the feeling that I had all the rights of an inflatable doll bubbled through me. I should have known something was up but I was so enamored with my own fantasies of nooky to the lovely strains of Auld Lang Sayne the truth had eluded and then deluded me. I breathed in the daze and felt it flood down through me.

"Miss Hamilton called from the airport and offered to let me change in her suite. That was so nice, Debra...!"

"Dee Dee, please. Debra is my Aunt Debra. You have your things with you?"

My dear sister colored up like a New Mexican sunset. "We, uh, we thought you were late or something and, well, I put my things back in the car. We'll just go get them, won't we Chris?"

Chris duly nodded, looking much the way I felt.

"Just ask the floor monitor to let you in. On this night, they let nearly anyone in, once you get past the ticket door. I'll, we'll go on up since I have more maintenance to do no the ol' chassis then you do. See you soon."

Tawny and Chris walked toward the exit.

"Come along, Mr. Duncan. You have a tongue lashing waiting for you, your tongue, my flower!"

I felt the world tilting around me and the flat-lander in me got really scared because I was sure I was going to tumble right to the edge and off, out into that dark void. I watched Dee Dee strut off and for a moment was mesmerized. The woman had stuff and she strutted it peacock proud. Whoever named the peacock must have been nuts. I realized my mind was wandering, that D. Debra was aimed at the queue to an elevator. I shook myself free and shambled along in D. Debra's wake. I suppose all the fucking I had engaged in the previous few days dulled my senses but the truth is that D. Debra dulled my senses and she took full advantage of my deficit, twisting me like a voodoo doll. I felt like a rich girl's hobby.

In the elevator, we crowded close with everyone else. It smelled like a distillery. Many were midnight oiled since it was midnight somewhere. Is that what they mean by burning the midnight oil. I don't think so. D. Debra pulled my hand around her waist, snuggling in close under my arm. Directing my mind down the right track.

"Tight, Sonny. Hold me tight like you're my boyfriend."

Her voice lashed at me and I did as she suggested. I felt her curves conforming to my body and I felt the thrill of her presence run through me like a live current. I shivered.

D. Debra glanced at me. "Cold?"

"Hot." I said. "Burning."

She chortled. "I'll take a shower to cool both of us down."

The car stopped and started several times before D. Debra pulled us out of the press and led me down a push carpeted corridor to a door. She used a key card to open it. She stopped suddenly in the open doorway and I bumped into her like cars on a train that suddenly lost power.

"Go find the monitor, please. Tell him to let your sister and Chris in."


"The city furnishes off duty police on each floor, just for this night, to keep the peace and what not. Find him and tell him this room number and to let your sister and Chris in. He will."

I nodded and the door shut in my face before I thought to ask why we couldn't just open the door for them. I should have been suspicious. I pleaded that it was New Year's Eve and I thought sure I was about to go where any man seeing her would want to go. Give optimism a fighting chance and it will never die.

I found the guy and delivered the message, only realizing at that moment that I would have to knock on the door to get in myself. God, I felt so stupid. I sauntered back to the door and tapped on it. Nothing. She must be in the shower. I knocked louder just to be sure and the door flew open.

D. Debra Hamilton stood before me stark naked. Her hair was lank and dark with water, appearing as tendrils on her shoulders, plastered to her perfect skin clear down to her breasts and between them. They, her breasts, they stood tall and proud and I confess I stared like an African seeing his first white man.

"Sonny? Aren't you going to come in? Momma's ready for a good licking."

Her voice interrupted my mindless reverie and I looked up into her shining eyes.

"I have been waiting for your taste testing talents for days! It is time for you to have a little of my box lunch." She stepped back.

My brain clicked into "old Sonny" mode and my mouth objected, though I confess I could not really hear my own voice because my cock was screaming its objection to my objection. "My sister will be here soon." I said softly.

D. Debra just waved the door at me. "Then you'd better hurry. You are going to lick the lovely lady before I get dressed."

Still I just stared.

She shivered and cast her gaze over one shoulder. "Okay, I always had a fantasy about greeting my man at the door starkers and getting thrown on the bed and getting tongue tagged till I scream." Her eyes found me. "Get it? I am using you to live out my fantasies. You seem perfectly able and willing to give a girl what she wants...and I know you are keeping in shape for the big game." She lifted her chin. "I'm not a monster but I am going to tease you till you are crazy as sheep at a wolf's diet club meeting."

"Sheep." I bleated. "Baaaa."

I staggered into the room. The naked woman released the door and padded over to the far bed. For a "suite" it seemed curiously cramped, more like a regular hotel room. The Polemic was old. At some point, it had taken over a municipal concert hall and arts center. It managed the place for the city.

"Sonny!" D. Debra snapped her fingers at me.

I could not believe how my mind wandered, it was like I was drunk on something without knowing it. Thinking about the auditorium and the music and dancing and whatever with this nude goddess waiting for me to give her a good tongue lashing. I grinned. "Hey, lucky lady, I just happen to have just what you want."

She sat on the end of the bed and scooted back till her knees were bent over the end. She opened them. "We're waiting." She whispered. "Hurry."

God, it's so nice to be wanted. "We? You got a mouse in your pocket?"

He patted her full flanks and then patted the silken curls on her pubic mound. "Nope, but I'd like you to dip your pen in my ink."

I made to open my pants and she shook her head.

"Uh uh, tiger. No pussy for Sonny's dick tonight. Sonny's tongue though, I think..."

I put my hands on her knees and pushed them open, kneeling heavily between her legs. She groaned when I ran both hands up the arch of each thigh. She flopped back onto her back, her tits wobbling crazily with nervous energy and eager anticipation. Can tits do that? I swear I saw it with my own eyes. I videoed the moment and unless my dick got in and edited it, I saw nerves and anticipation wagging at me as she settled onto her back on the bed.

She grunted and arched her hips, making her glistening pussy swell and burst open like a ripe peach. I thought about kissing around a little just to clean up the water drops still beaded on her body from her shower but realized that my sister and Chris could be rattling through the door at any time. This woman needed no teasing nor warming up nor inspiration. I got a charge out of that. I was her inspiration. I moved closer to her pussy. It oozed with anticipation. God, I felt like a love god ready to consume a perfect sacrifice, though in my case I avoided virgins. I thought of the MILFs I had consumed and chortled.

D. Debra lifted her head and looked down her nude body at me. "What?" She said, concern in her voice.

I bent down and ran my tongue over the pursed lips of her pussy. That changed her channel from broadcast news to a very erotic pod cast!


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