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Fantasy Comes True

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Daughter-in-law brings fantasy to life.
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Being an avid reader of the literotica site on the Internet I understand the fantasy many men have of sex with their daughter-in-laws. I can under stand since I have the same type fantasy about my daughter-in-law. It is nothing she has ever done that would even give me a hint that she might also have the same feelings for me. I have never said anything out of the way to her to make her even wonder about my secret feeling for her. I just go through life admiring her from a distance; wondering what it would be like to make love to such a beautiful young woman.

Amy is my son Steve's wife. They have been married five years and have two young girls. The children are four and three years old, and are the joy of my life. Steve is an only son and thus his family is the only family I have. My wife left me after Steve was born to go live with her lover. It wouldn't have been so bad if she had left me for another man, but she left with a woman she worked with at her job. It was quite a let down to find she preferred another woman to me and her son. She never got in touch with him or me again.

It turned me off on women so much that I never remarried. I looked for female companionship only when I felt the need for sex. No other woman had ever interested me for very long at a time until Steve married Amy.

She wasn't a really beautiful girl but she was quite attractive and had deep brown eyes that could look through you. At first it was her eyes that drew me to her. Her hair was long and she kept it tied in a ponytail around home. When she went out it would cascade down her back almost to her waist. Her legs were long and shapely. Her breasts were small, just a b cup I would guess. This changed after her last child. Once the child was born her swollen breasts didn't loose much of the size she had gained while she was pregnant.

I like to think of her as the new improved Amy. She worked her body back in shape after the pregnancy. Her legs were still long and firm and her stomach was as flat as it was before she married. With her now larger breasts she was quite a sight in a swimsuit.

Amy and Steve had built a house that backed up to mine. I had a fairly large farm that stretched from the country road where I lived back across a field to another country road. It was less than a mile between the houses and there was a small lane that joined the two houses together without getting on the main roads. When we traveled from one house to the other we used the back entrance.

After my wife left me I concentrated on working and making a living for Steve and myself. I was fairly successful and now I don't have to work any more than I like. It was my own company and I had good people working for me. Steve had gone to work in the company after he graduated from college. One day it would all be his. In the mean time I had all the free time I wanted.

As I mentioned before, I had liked the looks of Amy from the first time I met her. She and I had become good friends and spent a lot of time together after they married. She was pregnant soon after they married and the first child was born. She had just begun to get her figure back when the second child was on the way. After she was born Amy was a little over weight and her figure was suffering from it. At this point many women would have given up and let nature take its course. Amy wasn't about to let that happen.

For several weeks she worked out each day. She would bring the girls by the house and I would watch them while she exercised. The gym in the house was just like Steve had left it when he moved out. Amy was the only one that got any use out of it. Slowly I began to see the results from her hard work. I made sure to compliment her on how good she was looking; something Steve wasn't doing. This lack of attention from him is what brings us to the present time.

Amy and the girls had come over to swim in the pool that I had installed for the kids. Steve had always wanted one but it took my grand kids to make me have one installed. If I had known Amy would have used it as much as she does I would have installed it a lot earlier. My favorite pass time was watching her in her bikini swimming laps in the pool. This particular morning wasn't any difference.

I watched as she played with the two girls. Every now and then I would get in the water and help her keep them entertained. Something was different about her this morning but I couldn't put my finger on it. With the girls around she was smiling as she normally did, but when she was away from them there was a sadness about her that wasn't part of her usual personality.

The morning came to an end and we went into the house to fix lunch. Once the girls were fed she put them in a spare bedroom where they could get their afternoon nap without us having to be too quite. She turned on the bedside speaker where we could hear them when they woke.

While she was putting them to bed I finished in the kitchen and mixed us a drink and carried them down stairs to the playroom. I had a small wet bar in the room with a couple of stools. I set the drinks on the bar and set down to wait for her to join me. I heard the speaker come on in the bedroom and knew she was about to join me. I still had on just my swimsuit and she still had on her bikini. We would be back in the water as soon as the children woke from their nap. Until then we would have a couple of hours alone. I had come to really like these few moments alone with her.

She came into the room and I watched as she climbed on the stool next to mine. I could not keep my eyes from searching out her long bare legs as she propped her small feet on the bar stool. The top of her suit showed a lot of bare skin that I never got tired of seeing. Over the last five years she had gotten more and more open with me. She had to know that I liked to look at her since I didn't make any effort to not get caught looking. As her figure had slowly returned even better than before I had taken the opportunity to brag on her. In response she had been willing to let me see more than most father-in-laws were allowed. This pleased both of us.

Amy picked up the drink and she took a big swallow. A second later she took another. This wasn't the way she normally took her afternoon toddy. Another swallow and it was gone. I had just sampled mine but I asked her if she wanted another. Her answer was to just push the empty glass towards me.

I refilled hers and handed it back to her and set down next to her on the other stool. I turned towards her and watched as she took another big swallow. "You better slow down or you will be on the floor." She turned towards me and out knees was touching. I looked into her pretty eyes and knew she was about to cry.

"What is going on this morning? You haven't been yourself at all." Just asking the question broke open the dam. Tears flooded her eyes as she slid from her stool and moved between my legs for me to hold her in my arms. Though we had always liked each other she had never held me as close as she was today.

She was crying so hard her whole body was shaking. I just held her close until some of the crying stopped. She may not have known it but her breasts were pressed firmly against my naked chest. Her hips were between my legs and her cunt had to be touching my cock. Only the thin material of out swimsuits separated our bodies.

I never meant for it to happen but I could feel my cock getting hard. I knew that she was going to notice it once she started to settle down. I knew I should try to separate out bodies before she noticed but I just couldn't bring myself to move away from her. I had often dreamed about holding her just this way.

Her face was buried in my neck and her hot breath wasn't doing anything to help the condition I was quickly getting in. Her arms were around my neck and she was holding on like it was life or death. My arms were around her waist and I could feel the naked flesh of her back under my fingers. I couldn't resist pulling her tighter to me. My cock could feel the heat from her cunt and I was finally completely hard. My cock was throbbing against the crotch of her suit. I knew exactly where my cock was touching her and it wasn't going to be long before she would know also.

The crying finally stopped but she didn't release me. I knew the moment she realized the condition I was in. Her body tensed up and she moved back. Her arms stayed around my neck but her cunt found a small amount of separation from my cock. Her head moved back from my neck where I could look into her eyes. I saw her glance down at my cock that was standing how hard and firm in my suit.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I didn't intend for that to happen."

She lifted her eyes from my cock to my face. "It is mostly my fault. I have put you in a bad spot."

I smiled and tried to make a joke out of it. "I'm not complaining about being in such a spot. Anytime you need a shoulder to cry on you or more than welcome."

She said, "At least I am glad to see that I can at least turn on another man." She then explained why she was in the condition she was in today.

"I think Steve is cheating on me. He hired that new secretary last year about the time I started trying to get my body back in shape. I am sure he is spending more and more time in her bed. He hasn't touched me in months. Even after I loss the extra weight he hasn't shown any interest in me."

"I don't think Steve is running around on you. Sometimes men just do strange things. Why would he want to run around on such a beautiful wife?

"She is younger and doesn't have any children to work around just to have sex. I could take it if it was just a one-night stand. I wouldn't like it but at least I could understand why he would do it. I am just afraid I am going to lose him to her for good."

While she talked I noticed that she hadn't moved any farther away from me. If anything she had moved a little closer. Her head was now resting on my chest while she talked. My hands were still on her bare waist. The heat from her body kept my cock rock hard and it was almost touching her crotch where it had been earlier. My hands were starting to stroke her naked back and she seemed to relax as I touched her.

For what ever reason my hands seem to drop lower on her body until they were on her hips. The firm feel of her butt was now beneath my fingertips. I pulled gently on her hips to bring her back in contact with my hard cock. I didn't want to force her but I was surprised when she let me move her forward without any resistance at all. We were back where we had been earlier only this time she wasn't crying. My cock was touching her cunt through the material of our suits.

I brought my hands back up to rub her naked back. She didn't try to move away from my cock. For whatever reason she might have had it felt awfully good to hold her so close.

She was no longer talking as my hands worked over her back. It had been months since Steve had made love to her and she welcomed my touch on her body. I glanced down to see her eyes tightly shut and her hands around my shoulders. I had fantasized about doing this very thing to her. In my wildest dreams I had never thought it would come to pass. I was expecting her to call a stop at anytime. I could always apologize and claim I had loss myself and forgot who I was with.

I brought my hands from her back around to the front. As I lifted them to her face I let them trail across the nipples of her tits. I could feel her tremble as I touched them and the nipples harden to my touch. I brought my hands to her face and lifted her head up, bring her lips up where I covered them with my mouth.

I felt her tighten up at the first touch of my lips on hers, but then she relaxed. Her lips were soft and I could taste the salt from the tears she had cried. I moved my tongue across lips and applied a little pressure on them. She knew that I wanted her to open her mouth and with a little gentle probing she open up. My tongue pushed it's way inside to taste even more of her sweetness. I took my time and didn't try to force her. I wanted her to be able to stop anytime but sure hoped she wouldn't.

I released her head with my hands but she didn't turn away. Her hands went to the back of my head and pulled me tighter to her lips. Her tongue was answering each thrust I made with one of her own. She was just as much into the kiss as I was. My hands went to her back. I had to see her firm full tits without any covering over them.

My finger found the ties that held her top on. It was simple to untie. One slight pull and the top was loose. Only her body pressing against mine kept the top from falling to the floor. I moved back just enough to pull the top from between us. With it gone I pulled her back to me. Her naked hard tits were now pressing my naked chest. I could feel her nipples pushing against my shin. If it was possible my cock grew even harder.

She continued to kiss me through all of this. She was making small moaning sounds deep in her throat. I could tell she was as excited as I was. Her hips were now pushing against my cock even harder. I didn't know how far she was willing to go but until she stopped me I was going to find out.

My hands left her back and went to the top of her bikini bottoms. My thumbs slipped under the edge and I pushed down. At this point I don't think she was even thinking what she was doing. I knew I was taking advantage of her in the condition she was in. I reasoned that if it weren't me then she would find someone else. It had been to long for such a hot-blooded woman to go without sex.

I pushed the suit down. My cock pressing against her prevented it from coming off. I was about to try to back away a little when she did it herself. The suit went on down her legs as far as I could reach. She gave a couple of wiggles and it dropped to the floor. She stepped out of it and moved back to my cock. One piece of material was gone and only my suit stood between us. My dream was closer than ever to being answered.

I broke the kiss finally and leaned forward to take her tit in my mouth. This brought a lower moan to her lips. As I kissed and sucked she pulled my head hard against her tit. I had trouble at first moving from one tit to the other. At first I think she was afraid I was going to stop. When she found out I was just moving from one of them to the other she helped me.

I stopped and picked her up and set her back on the stool. I pushed her legs open as I kneel before her. It was easy to push her legs apart as my lips found her hot cunt. Sampling a young hot cunt has always been one of my biggest pleasures. I love the taste of hot pussy juice as I use my tongue on the young cunt. Amy's was the sweetest I had ever tasted. My tongue was buried deep in her cunt to get all the sweet nectar she had.

I wanted to bring her off fast and quick where I could taste her and them feel her hot pussy wrapped around my hard cock. She had not climaxed in months and it didn't take but seconds before she grabbed the back of my head and did her best to pull my head in her cunt.

Her hips were fucking at my tongue as she climaxed from the fucking my tongue was giving her cunt. She almost smothered me she had me pulled so tight to her. Finally she relaxed and I was able to take my mouth away from her juicing cunt. As I stood back up I made sure my suit stayed on the floor. I was naked when I again moved between her legs.

Amy didn't seem to notice that it was now my naked cock that was touching the opening to her body. With her on the stool she was just the right height for my hard cock to center her cunt. With her legs wrapped around my waist I slid forward into the hottest pussy I had ever been in. She was wet and offered very little resistance to my hard cock as I pushed forward down deep in her welcoming body.

Her being so hot and wet made it easy for me to slide deep in her body. She was really tight around my cock as I finally pushed to the bottom of her cunt. Her arms were again around my waist and tried to pull me even deeper. Soon it was hard to tell who was fucking whom. She was kissing me and rubbing her naked tits against my chest while her cunt was answering ever stroke my cock made in her. I had never fucked a woman that wanted to fuck like her.

Amy was cumin again soon after I entered her. When she finished that climax and was coming down from the high she was on I caught her under the ass and picked her up from the stool. I was careful to make sure my cock never slipped from her wet cunt. I moved over to the sofa and lay her back. Her legs went around my body and her arms pulled me down again. I started pounding her cunt with all the speed and power I could muster.

For several minutes we fucked with an abandonment that I had never felt before. Finally I could last no longer. I could feel cum building up in my balls and knew it was about over for me. "I am about to cum do I need to pull out?"

"NO! NO! FUCK ME HARDER!!! Fill me up with all you have! I want to feel it entering my body. OH, this feels so good!"

I couldn't help myself. If I fathered a hundred babies with her I had to feel what it was like to empty my cum deep in her body. Then it was over. I unloaded more cum in her than I had ever shot before. When it hit deep in her cunt she came again. It was two totally exhausted people that finally woke to the cries of the baby. Their nap was over.

At first neither one of us realized that it was the kids waking from their nap. My cock was still embedded deep in her cunt and her legs still wrapped around my hips. The cry of the children brought her back down to earth.

Suddenly she seemed to realize that it was me over her. She pushed against my chest to get me off of her. "Get up! Let me up!" She was about to panic, as I was slow to move. As soon as I rolled away she was on her feet. She hunted for her suit and quickly pulled up the bottoms and was slipping on the top as she rushed up the stairs to the children. She didn't look back at me as she left the room.

I took my time and put my suit back on. I was expecting to join them back at the pool as we usually did after their nap. When I got back to the pool I heard the old golf cart that they used to ride between the two houses leave. I wished I had been able to talk to her about what happened. It was easy to see that she was embarrassed and wanted to get away.

I usually saw her and the girls three or four times a week but Amy didn't come over again that week. Steve brought the girls over Saturday morning but said Amy had some shopping to do and couldn't come. I knew that I had to see her if for no other reason than let her know it was my fault things got so far out of hand. The weekend passed and she still didn't show up. I even went over to their house but the car was gone and no one came to the door. I didn't see her staring out the window as I headed back home.

Monday she still didn't come over. Tuesday I went in to work. I usually put in an appearance a couple of times a week just to let them know who the real boss is.

My secretary for many years was a tall black lady named Lisa. Lisa and her husband Robert had been my friends for several years. Lisa was a beautiful black lady that could make any man's cock hard just by walking by. For all the years we had worked together she and I had never been sexually involved. Robert was my good friend that helped me through the days when my wife walked out on me. I was not going to ruin my friendship with him just to sleep with his wife.

Robert was a unique person. He loved Lisa and was faithful to her all these years. That was pretty hard to do considering the type work he did. No one knew that Robert and I were partners in his business. Years before he needed money to get started and I let him have what he needed. Without me asking he made me a partner. Now he didn't need any of my money as he had all he would ever need. Still each month I received a check from him for my part of the business.


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