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Father & Daughter - Find True Love

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Steven and Elizabeth Sail into Blissful Love.
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I have always loved my Dad, probably more than I should. He has provided me a very special life especially when you understand my Mom died when I was only two years old. I don't remember anything about her, but Dad has always taken the time to show me many pictures and videos of us altogether. I wish I could actually remember what it felt like to be held in her arms.

Dad has never missed any of my activities. Whether it is a Dance Recital, a Track Meet, or even a concert with my School Symphony. He also loves taking me shopping; I even go with him on Business trips whenever I ask to join. Our "Date Nights" are so enjoyable when he is tired of cooking and we go out for Dinner instead.

Last winter for my 18th Birthday I requested a very unique Birthday present. I wanted to go to a Caribbean Resort and just do nothing at all for 10 days. That trip exceeded my dreams by a long shot. I came home so refreshed I was ready to complete my last semester in High School and finished with straight A's again!

Dad and I got so much closer when we were on vacation; I never thought that would be possible. We had a two bedroom Villa located right on the Beach. We could sit on the beach and walk to our Villa anytime we wanted. We have always been able to talk about anything together, but on vacation I took it up a notch!

I was able to dive deeper into why he has never dated since my Mom passed away. He promised once I was out of College he would look into it! At least I made some progress on that issue. But then he turned the table on me and asked why I don't date! We both just sat on the Beach and laughed so hard when I stumbled so many times trying to explain but never could.

I think the best part of vacation was being alone with Dad, and for the first time we didn't have to worry about anybody looking at us as Father and Daughter. My Dad is a very handsome man, and does not look anywhere near his age. He is 45 years old, but even my friend's think he is in his 30's. He is 5'9", average height, but he is in such great shape, he trains on his bike about 200 miles a week. Slim I would say, but his muscles are long and very defined.

While on vacation one day I saw a rather European style swimsuit for him in the Resort Beach shop, but he was to shy to even try it on. Then he found this to die for tiny little thong Bikini for me! I blushed pure red when he brought it over to show me. Never thought I would be caught in that thing! Sure enough his little joke turned out to be my favorite outfit at the Resort. I think I totally surprised him when I told him I would take it.

Every night was date night. We would share a glass of wine in our Villa before going out, then sit for hours dining and chatting the evening away. I think that is when I really started to understand the reason I have not dated. I truly am in love with my Father.

I have felt that way for a long time. But now that I am 18 I feel old enough to know what it is I am feeling. I have never deeply kissed a boy; yes some flirtatious pecks have occurred. But none of the boys I know have any adult in them! They are just little boys struggling through life acting childish.

My first real kiss happened on vacation. My Dad is a hopeless romantic, so when the opportunity presented itself I took full advantage. We were walking back to our Villa from dinner and the moon rose up from the ocean. He was butter in my arms when I turned to kiss him!

Since returning from our vacation I have made it a point to enjoy our goodnight kisses every night. Dad comes to my room and sits with me on my reading sofa and we talk together. I cuddle in close and he melts when he feels my body touching his. I always make it a point to have on whatever perfume he bought me for Christmas that year.

As summer began to warm up our life, so did I with my nightwear. Instead of the long jammies and flannel top, I slowly started to change to tiny shorts and tank top. I love it when I cuddle up and he can feel my young skin against his. He has always worn some kind of night shorts, but I think he actually sleeps in the nude!

When fall comes I know things will change: I will be going away to College. I am very concerned about leaving my Dad for the first time; he is my everything. I could go to the Community College, but he wants me to go to the BIG University, the same one he went to. I know he loves me and wants me to have the best education. But frankly, I want to stay at home and be with him instead.

"Hey Elizabeth, are you ready to go sailing or just primping again?" Inquires Steven.

"Just be patient Dad, I have a just a few more things to put into my duffle bag." Elizabeth responds.

I have always loved Elizabeth, more than I should if that is possible. Since her Mother passed away Lizzie is all I have. She has always been the perfect Daughter, the perfect angel. She is so talented in so many areas and excels in everything she puts her mind into doing. Her mother was beautiful, but Elizabeth is something to behold.

Standing just 5'2" with long blond hair, petite figure, and all of her track metals proves she has the prettiest legs on Earth. Big green eyes that make you melt when you look into them and her lips are glossy without any make-up. She didn't get her beauty from me, but she certainly can turn heads.

For her 18th Birthday she wanted to go on a special trip to a Caribbean Resort. It turned out to be the best time of our lives. We were no longer Father and Daughter; we became much closer than that. My once very shy Daughter took me by surprise when I teased her with a thong Bikini and she decided we should buy it!

I am so glad we had a bit of privacy with our Beach Villa. In her new bikini she just glowed beauty along with some unexpected sex appeal. After the first day she settled into only wanting to wear that one bikini for the rest of the vacation. Whenever Elizabeth would walk to the Ocean from our lounge chairs; she knew exactly what I was looking at!

Our Dinner dates became the highlight of each day. She would dress up in the most adult looking outfits. People thought I was just an old guy who got lucky with a 20 something year old bride. Yes, she still wears a special ring I gave her for her 16th birthday everyday. Elizabeth never takes it off her left hand.

We were on vacation when we had our first genuine kiss. The dinner and wine had an effect on us probably, but like most nights we were walking back to our Villa hand in hand as the moon started to rise over the Ocean. We turned to each other and our arms wrapped around our bodies; that embrace was simply too much.

Our lips touched with a deeper feeling than ever before. Elizabeth very quietly moaned this time and I could feel her tongue against my lips. I parted mine and felt Lizzie slide her tongue into my willing mouth. I felt like a younger man briefly, I didn't hesitate to enjoy every moment of that most romantic kiss.

This summer our evenings together have changed. We have always sat on her reading sofa and chatted away with ease. This summer Elizabeth cuddles in closer than before. She is also more at ease with her body than before. I can feel her skin and Lizzie loves it when I caress her silky thighs as we kiss passionately.

This week we have a plan to take our sailboat, Secluded, for a private getaway; no guests are invited. We plan to go wherever the wind takes us; our goal is to find a new hideaway anchorage for each sunset. I have spent the last two weeks preparing and storing the food and wine so we never have to go to shore unless we want to explore.

I now hear Elizabeth closing the door to her mini suite as I refer to it. I am filled with relief that the time has finally come for us to just get away and leave the world behind for a while. I can see the same relief in Lizzie's eyes as she walks towards me: as well as that delightful smile that says yes I am a happy girl!

Duffel bag in one hand and pretty sun hat in the other I watch the most beautiful lady on Earth approach.

"Ready to go Dad!" Lizzie assuredly quips.

"Let me take your duffle to the car darling." Is my response.

Once at the car, I toss her duffle in the back and open the passenger door for her. Elizabeth politely slides by, and then stops, we never seem to miss any opportunity where we can give each other a kiss.

"I love you baby." With ease comes from my mouth.

"I love you Dad, more then you know." Is Lizzie's response.

Living in a small Midwest town on the Great Lakes, water is never far away. The trip to the marina only takes 5 minutes. I keep looking over at Liz as we drive. She has on her favorite somewhat short white skirt, cute white summer shoes, and a colorful short shelve blouse. Her sun hat completes the outfit perfectly.

Parking is never a problem at our Marina; it is a private club where we have two parking spots right at our boat slip. Once parked Lizzie hops out in a flash, grabs her duffle, and dances off to the boat. I take the time to grab my duffle, but also lock the car!

"Come on Dad, Secluded is already to go!" Elizabeth shouts from the cockpit.

"Patience is not one of your virtues Elizabeth!" I retort.

As I toss my duffle onboard Liz is bounding back up from below with her deck shoes already on. I go below to put my duffle away and locate my deck shoes. Just as I start to tie my deck shoes I hear the unmistakable roar of the Diesel as Elizabeth starts Secluded up. Then the pitter-patter of her steps to the bow where she takes her position to cast off the bowlines.

Shaking my head at what I have created, I step up to the cockpit. I do a double take on where everything is and glance to the bow where Lizzie is now patiently waiting for me to give the order to cast off. Her excited giggles and easy smile tell me she is ready to go! I put Secluded in reverse and simultaneously tell Elizabeth to cast-off! Our trip has safely begun!

Lizzie comes back to the cockpit as I turn the wheel and push the throttle into forward. A little rudder wash and Secluded turns sharply in the fairway to leave port. Liz then gives me a quick kiss on my lips and wonders back down the gangway to prepare some tasty nibbles for us.

Secluded is an easy boat to sail, 40 feet in length, but everything is handled from the cockpit as most yachts are today. In a flash I have the Iron Ginny off and the sails are drawing us forward, with just the sound of the passing water that always calms my nerves.

"How about we share a glass to wine to celebrate our departure Elizabeth." Steven inquires.

"Coming shortly Dad, I'm changing first!" Lizzie responds with a playful giggle.

Once I hear the sound of the water rushing by, I know Dad has found himself again. He loves sailing, he always has, and I too have found the beauty in it. Only this year I have more on my mind. I love Dad, and I know he loves me. Once we are out of the bustle of Marina traffic I intend on surprising him with the little gift he gave me on vacation; my little thong bikini!

I still get excited and almost quiver when I remember the feel of his eyes on my ass when I would get up from my lounge chair at the Resort and walk to the ocean. I may not have the biggest boobs in town, but this top can take my b-cups and put some show in them for sure. Reaching into my duffle I find my bikini. Standing in the Master Stateroom Bath, I can see myself in the mirror.

Stripping off my clothes I look at my naked body, fresh from the spa yesterday. I love the look of being clean-shaven! I slide the tiny thong up and make perfect adjustments before I tie my bikini top around my neck and back. One last look in the mirror and I'm ready to go, I hope! I'm nervous, but I can't let that show: I need to be confident.

I stop by the wine fridge and pull out Dad's favorite Chardonnay. Two clean glasses that I wipe out, and then I pour two small doses! Dad likes to keep the wine cool. He would rather have more refills than a warm glass of Chardonnay!

Time to take a deep breath Elizabeth, Dad needs to see you at your best, your most confident, and time to spruce it up with a little sex appeal! Stay balanced as you ascend the steps and don't spill a drop!

"Got something special for you Dad!" Elizabeth says with spirit.

"Wow darling, am I suppose to notice the Wine or your incredible body in that bikini!" Steven responds.

"Both!" Elizabeth shouts!


Lizzie brings me my wine and hands it to me while taking her first sip. My senses are filled with a delightful mixture of pleasures. My taste buds enjoy the sharp crisp flavor of my wine, while my eyes feast on what has become of my daughter.

I know Liz can feel the weight of my stare. She smiles at me and turns very slowly exposing her very toned backside. After a smart little wiggle she turns again to face me. She has become much more playful since our vacation and I have enjoyed every minute of it. I have found myself more relaxed and willing to play along with her.

"I must tell you darling, you have the most beautiful butt on Earth, and your gentle curves around your hips are very enticing." I quietly tell her.

"Thank you Dad, I am glad you are finally taking note of how I have grown up." She says as she reaches out to touch my arm.

"This will be our special trip Elizabeth, like no other we have enjoyed." I calmly say to her as I lean over and kiss her lips.

The day is so perfect; the wind put us on a lazy broad reach towards our first anchorage. I am able to put Secluded on autopilot and sit close to Lizzie in the cockpit. Both of us are totally quiet as the wind and water caress our senses. Our smiles and glances move us beyond playful flirting to wondering where our boundaries exist or even if they do exist.

When Elizabeth disappears below for a moment, she comes back from the galley with fresh fruit; which is presented over an ice filled cooling tray. Yummy, exactly what I was wanting. Before Elizabeth sits down she places a fresh strawberry into her mouth, only half of it. Playfully she brings her mouth towards mine and I take the other half in my mouth. The kiss that followed is epic!

"Much further to the anchorage Dad?" Liz queries.

"Just around that next point love." Steven replies.

Every time I feel my Dad's lips on mine, my body tingles with excitement. I have long since moved on from the forbidden walls that keep me from the man I love. This trip means the world to me and hopefully us.

As we glide around the last point I see our hideaway anchorage ahead of us. I put my wine down, kiss Dad's lips and proceed to the bow to do my part with anchoring. Walking forward I can just feel Dad's eyes staring at the back of my thong. I move slowly with purpose to make sure the view is tantalizing, just the way I want it for him.

I watch the water slowing in front me and Dad brings Secluded to a slow halt. Once I hear the roar of the Iron Ginny and we start to reverse direction I need to bend down and press the outhaul on the windless for the anchor to lower. I have never wanted to hear the splash of the anchor as much as I do this day. I know the view from the cockpit will enhance Dad's pleasure even more!

As Secluded proceeds back from the anchor I pay out more and more chain. Dad brings the throttle back to neutral and we both hold on waiting for the secure feeling of the anchor pulling us back forward when the chain is taught and the anchor is set. As always Dad then comes to the bow with me and we stare at the place we think the anchor is set. After a few minutes of observation we both feel comfortable that all is well for the evening.

I wrap my arms around Dad and he looks into my eyes and allows his hands the freedom to caress my naked back as we dive into a very passionate kiss. My body quivers as I feel his hands glide down to my exposed cheeks. His strong hands gently squeeze my bare ass and I cannot help but let out a moan of desire.

"I love you more and more each day Dad." Evaporates from Elizabeth.

"You are everything to me Liz" Responds a desperate Steven.

Walking single file with Lizzie in front to me back to the Cockpit I feel an arousal in my soul I have not felt for many years. Elizabeth is as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside. We have allowed ourselves more freedom since our winter vacation, and our feelings have grown much deeper. When Elizabeth kisses me my heart opens up to her completely.

Once back in the cockpit I sit down opposite of Liz and look into her eyes as the quietness around us makes for the perfect moment between two lovers still wondering when they will fulfill their destiny. Lizzie finally stands up, comes over to me and gently kisses my lips. This is a sweet kiss, not one of our passionate kisses, but one that means even more.

With a motion from her hand I reach over and lift my empty wine glass. I pass it over to her waiting hand and she takes both glasses below for a freshen-me-up glass of wine! My eyes solidly connect once more with her firm, toned, mostly naked backside. She stops at the gangway, turns to smile at me and gives me one more devilish wiggle of her ass before she glides down the steps to the galley.

"Want the same, or are you ready for a different wine Dad?" Elizabeth inquires.

"I'm totally fine with your first selection dear." Steven responds.

I wasn't planning on this to be our defining moment of truth. I really didn't think we would be so lucky to find our anchorage void of other boats. I reach into the wine fridge and poured two more doses of wine. Then explained to Dad I need of moment of private time before I bring the wine up. I look up and he smiles while enjoying another fresh strawberry.

I nervously move my way to the Master Stateroom Bathroom. Once in I look into the full-length mirror attached to the backside of the door. I take a couple of deep breaths to steady my nerves. Reaching up and behind my neck I untie the top of my bikini top. I let it drop as I reach around my back to undo the final strap that keeps my breasts from view.

Seeing my duffle on the floor in the Master Stateroom, I toss it on top and face the mirror again. I see more than a young girl. I see myself grown up with womanly features that amaze even myself. My hands cup my naked breasts and I feel what my Father is about to see and touch for the first time.

I have touched myself before, mostly with my eyes closed and my mind dreaming of my Dads hands caressing my naked body. I ease my fingers over to my nipples and gently pinch. My body quivers as I open my eyes and watch myself desiring what I want from my Father.

Ok Elizabeth, get yourself together; find the strength and calmness to expose yourself beyond the boundaries that have forever existed. I move over to the Galley and grab our two glasses of wine. Quite a balancing trick I realize when I decide to walk up the steps holding two glasses of wine and my bare breasts meeting the fresh air all at one time!

As I appear from below I watch my Dad closely, my eyes fixed on his and I see his eyes fixed on mine as I slowly approach him, seated comfortably in the cockpit. I extend his glass and he reaches for it without flinching. I sit down as close to his body as I can. We smile at each other and gently bring our glass together in a toast. After a sip, he places his glass down and pulls my face to his.

This kiss says everything; it goes beyond saying yes; it is romantic and truly loving. I am not his daughter; I am his lover. Without a thought I drive my tongue into his mouth and our tongues dance with passion. I gasp unexpectedly as I feel his fingers swirling around my naked breast. My pulse accelerates as if I am running in the State Championship 1000 meter.

Dad pushes me back upright into the seat of the cockpit and moves around in front of me. He kneels on the cockpit floor so he can look directly at my breasts and caress both of them at once. My moans grow louder as I put my wine down. I let my arms and hands roll over the back of the cockpit seat submitting to his every desire.


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