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First Night Seduction Pt. 02 Ch. 03


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"Was today everything you wanted?" Theo asked as he took hold of Adrien's left hand.

Adrien nodded,

"What about you?"

"Almost," he said looking at their hands.

"Why almost? What was missing?"

"It was the one thing I couldn't ask for."

Adrien had moved his hands to Theo's shoulders and Theo's were on Adrien's hips but they still hadn't moved.

"What on earth could you, one of the richest men in history, not ask for on his wedding day?" Adrien asked sounding as surprised as he looked.

"The one thing my money could never buy, the one thing that would have had you going totally, no double weird on me."

"Theo fiancé, engagement ring remember that? But we got past it."

"Oh this is so much bigger than all of that."

"Right let's start with why you think you couldn't ask for something."

"Because for one it would have had you running for the hills with the screaming ab-dabs and for two it has to do with your professional persona."

Adrien's brows furrowed as he tried to fathom Theo's cryptic answer.

"You want me to give up practising medicine?"

"Good god no!"

"Ok so how could something you want affect my job?"

Theo moved his hand from Adrien's body to touch his left hand, specifically his wedding ring,

"Not your job, not what you do," he leaned to whisper in Adrien's ear, "Professor Jepson."

He felt Adrien stiffen beneath his hands, he even stopped breathing.

"Really?" he gasped after long moments had passed, "That's what you wanted?"

"The selfish bastard in me still does yes, the part of me that understands some parts of being who we are can still be difficult for you knows it's one hell of a leap too far out of your comfort zone. Besides which the world of medicine knows you as Professor Leadbeater."

"Why the hell didn't you talk about it?"

"Listen the fact that I got you to the point of considering marriage let alone getting married was amazing enough I wasn't going to jinx it by bringing surnames into the mix," he chortled.

"Fair enough, now do you want this dance or not?"

The first song was all but played out and Theo held them still until the next began, Adrien immediately recognised the opening then realised it was an extremely accurate cover-version with slight lyric changes to make it appropriate to he and Theo, it was "Here, There and Everywhere".

"This is reputed to be George Martin's Favourite Beatles song," Theo said quietly as they moved together in sync with the music.

It was followed seamlessly be Carly Simon's "Nobody Does It Better"

"You got this one right," Adrien smiled.

After another appropriately altered cover version, this time of Eric Clapton's "Wonderful Tonight" the music switched to something slightly more intimate to them with "Need You Tonight" by INXS during which they rarely moved apart their bodies speaking voiceless volumes.

"Love this track," Adrien said quietly.

"Yes, I know that and it was thinking of you sat at my bar looking all Michael Hutchence-like that made me include it."

There was a pause before the next song began and Theo used it to take up the classic pose of ballroom dancers,

"Theo what the frigging hell?"

"Sh, just go with it please."

Adrien smiled when he recognised the intro, it wasn't a famous song but it was special to them; they'd taken private dance lessons with Lily and Maria usually acting as their dance partners and they'd all actually become quite good at it, because of the formal dinner-dance events they were sometimes obliged to attend but they only ever danced this way together in the privacy of their homes and more often than not it was this track they danced through the house to. If Adrien got home and found Theo cooking with this playing he knew his lover was in a romantic mood, it was "Trouble" by Over The Rhine.

"This is so us, as our nieces would say."

"And they'd be right," Adrien agreed as they began to move.

The song had a tango beat which was their favourite and it didn't take long before they lost the dancer's pose to move their own way.

"I love Sian's description of tango, a vertical expression of a horizontal desire," Theo mused, as their dance moves took them around the dancefloor.

"Novices have expectations

'Cause they think they should

Experts have their revelations

Like they knew they would,"

Theo part sang part spoke.

They held each other close, their rhythmic swaying bringing their own 'horizontal desire' to the fore.

"Theo," Adrien began quietly as the song drew to its close, "where are we going on honey moon? You've not even given me a clue as to what to pack."

"Tonight we're not going anywhere, well we're leaving here but not going far."

"Stop being a torment, tell me."

"I'll tell you tomorrow ok?"

Adrien sighed when Theo was in this mood there was rarely any chance of changing his mind.

"Ok I give in," he smiled raising a hand to stroke Theo's face, "but at least tell me where we're going tonight."

"Now that I can do, come on," Theo held Adrien's hand as he led him to the ballroom doors that opened to the gardens.

From there they walked to the car-park where Adrien saw Theo's vintage Rolls Royce with Roger at the wheel, as soon as he saw them he got out to open the rear door for them,

"Congratulations gentlemen," he grinned.

"Roger, take us home," Theo responded.

"My pleasure sir," Roger replied as he closed the door.

"We're going home?"

"Yes, only Roger knows so we won't be disturbed."

"And if anyone asks I took you to the airport for an early morning flight to I don't know where," Roger put in as he settled himself back into the driver's seat.

"Whereas he'll actually pick us up on Monday morning at a civilised hour and we'll be off for two weeks of lotus-eating. And don't worry about packing, what little you need's already in the cases."

"You going all bossy boots on me again?" Adrien whispered.

"No, traditionally it's the groom's privilege to arrange the honeymoon."

Adrien turned to face Theo,

"Oh no, wait a cotton-picking minute, point one since when are we traditionalists point two we're both groo," he stopped seeing Theo's lips twitch as he fought a smirk.

"Both what?" he said smugly.

"Theo," his low voice held a warning note, "don't even think what I think you're thinking. I am not, even in private, answering to that."

"To what love?"

"You know what I frigging mean," Adrien hissed.

"So I can't call you my husband? I thought that didn't give you the jitters."

"We both know that wasn't what you were thinking buggerlugs, so don't deny it."

"Got you worried though didn't it?" Theo sniggered.

"Just for that Mister Jepson-Leadbeater I will find a way to get you back," Adrien retorted, sitting back in his seat looking out of the window waiting for Theo's reaction to what he'd just said.

It didn't take long,

"What did you just call me?" Theo may have whispered his question but the words were still full of wonder.

"Sorry did you say something?" Adrien answered without turning to face Theo as if he was distracted by the passing hedgerows he could barely see in the dark.

"Nothing important Professor Leadbeater-Jepson," Theo had quickly cottoned on to what Adrien was offering and accepted the compromise happily, "but it looks like I'll have to have my letterheads re-designed," he added.

Theo reached to take hold of Adrien's hand, then leaned close to whisper to him,

"Thank-you sweetheart."

The rest of their journey passed in near-silence,

"Roger please tell me this old grump didn't make you sit in the car all night waiting for us to leave."

"No Professor the team all had plenty of food and drink laid on," Roger replied smiling at Adrien in the rear-view mirror.

"Here we are gentlemen, home sweet home, I'll be here Monday as per instructions," Roger said as he stopped the car precisely in front of the door to the vicarage.

"I'll be at the cottage should you need me," he added as he held open the car door for them.

He was referring to the property in the village had bought to house Roger, his favourite driver and close personal bodyguard, and whichever helo pilot was on call. Adrien noted that either he'd not overheard their conversation or was waiting for permission to use the surnames he'd heard.

"I doubt we will, I fully intend for us to hunker down and stay under the radar tomorrow Rog."

"Can't say as I blame you, sir," again he'd avoided any use of their surnames.

Roger drove off as Theo unlocked the double doors, which he did a tad slower than Adrien had expected. Only when the Roller's rear lights had disappeared did he finally open one of the double doors, although not fully, but still he stood at the threshold looking as if he was internally debating his next move.

"Come here you," he said pulling Adrien close to him, "husband," he put gentle emphasis on the word, "that feels so fucking good to say," he smiled.

"Are are we having our wedding night out here or are we actually going indoors?"

"We most certainly are," Theo chuckled.

Before Adrien could work out what had suddenly got Theo so amused he was swept up into Theo's arms as he kicked the two doors wide open to take Adrien inside and just as quickly set him on his feet again.

"You bastard, you utter, damned, sodding," Adrien's seeming insults were actually accompanied by supressed laughter.

Before he said more Theo again pulled Adrien into an intense embrace this time to bring their lips together.

"I have wanted to do that since we were declared wed," Theo's eyes twinkled with amusement as he spoke.

"I knew you were up to something when you were winding me up in the car ya rat-bag, I just couldn't work out what."

"No more, I promise, but come one how could I resist the biggest wind-up of all? I did make sure there were no witnesses."

"Sodding good job you did."

"Am I forgiven?" Theo almost looked contrite -- almost.

"You know you are, now lock those doors and come to bed with me."

"Your wish is my command," Theo said as he turned to lock and bolt the original two-centuries old doors.

When he turned back he saw Adrien's jacket on the floor, his tie over the newel post at the bottom of the stairs and on the half-way landing where they turned to climb again Adrien was already unbuttoning his shirt. Theo followed slowly gathering up the clothing as he went, the shirt he found on the second flight, Adrien's belt over the top bannister and his shoes outside the slightly open bedroom door.

Hoping he'd given Adrien enough time for whatever he wanted to do Theo looked into the softly-lit room, his eyes following the trail of discarded clothing on the floor leading to the bed; he pushed the door wider to properly view inside.

"I thought you might like these," he said offering out his arm over which he'd draped the things he'd picked up, all the time his eyes roved over Adrien's nakedness.

"I was rather hoping yours would be joining them," Adrien gave Theo a look that was full of longing and desire.

Theo lowered his arm, letting the clothes fall to the floor as he strode to the side of the bed, his jacket joining Adrien's on the way.

"I'd ask you to help but this once I'd rather you stay as you are."

On the far side of the bed Adrien had taken up a classic erotic pose and it was pressing all of Theo's buttons; he had his right leg bent up at the knee his foot flat on the bed while his left leg lay straight out, he'd partly turned his upper body towards Theo his head propped on his fisted hand. The real kicker was the way he'd pulled the sheet across his left thigh and crotch, even if Theo hadn't already known what was beneath the material he was all too aware of what it wasn't hiding.

"You are fucking irresistible," Theo growled as he, now also unclothed, crawled across the bed towards Adrien.

He lay facing him, close but not touching,

"How the hell did we get here?" Adrien beamed.

"Down a long road leading from cargo pants and a baseball cap," Theo chortled.

"Don't remind me," Adrien laughed laying back on his pillows.

"Why not? I told you then I'll tell you again you looked sexy as hell sat at my bar, now I'm married to my very own sex-on-legs Michael Hutchence," Theo sniggered.

"And you sounded it when you spoke to me, lived up to the Brosnan sound-alike when I finally plucked up the courage to look at you" Adrien reached to stroke a fingertip across Theo's lips, "you were the first man ever to proposition me and the last."

"Are you seriously telling me that in all the time we've been together no-one else ever has?"

"At work everyone who knows also knows I'm spoken for, when we're out, even where people don't know us, we're quite obviously a couple, either way they know it's you I'm with and you're a pretty big obstacle to overcome."

"Rather like something else I could mention," Theo replied stroking his left hand from Adrien's left knee up his thigh but stopping before his fingers met with either his cock or balls.

"You can get on it, over it, swallow it, you did all of it the night you seduced me."

"I'll say it myself but that was my finest hour."

"Night, it lasted far longer than an hour."

"Apart from the night I came home from hospital you've always kept me going for more than an hour I must admit."

"Theo, stop being an infuriating bugger tell me where we're going," Adrien laughed.

"Alright I'll tell you this, it's an island, it'll be warm, we'll be in a private dwelling not a hotel because I want you all to myself but there are some particularly good eateries to visit and the local brew's pretty damned good too. The best part's that it's not full of posing celebs so no frigging paparazzi."

"You could stop me obsessing about it with some distraction therapy you know."

"How's this for starters then?" Theo scraped a fingernail along Adrien's cotton-wrapped erection.

"A good start but nowhere near enough," Adrien rolled to face Theo then pressed him back to lay down, throwing aside the sheet as he did, "how do you suggest we consummate our union?"

He was resting against Theo his right thigh across his husband's hips stroking up and down,

"Anyway we want," Theo smiled as he reached to kiss Adrien.

"Then I think this is what I want," Adrien slithered down until his mouth got to Theo's hard cock.

"Oh yeah I'm with you on that one love," Theo moaned feeling Adrien's lips wrap around the head of his prick, he put a hand on the back of Adrien's head "nice and slow."

Adrien did as Theo needed, for a while he licked every inch of Theo's prick, flicked the tip of his tongue round the ridge then sucked in enough to fill half his mouth stroking his tongue across the underside of it.

With a patience he barely felt Adrien fed a little more of Theo's cock into his mouth every time he lowered his head; eventually the tip touched the back of his throat but he allowed it no further -- yet. He carefully scraped his teeth back up to the ridge where he stopped to hold it gently between them as he laved his tongue over the head paying particular attention to the small hole at the tip.

"Sheesh! It's like watching my very own porn movie watching you do that."

Adrien had knelt on all fours beside Theo hoping to give him the best view of what he was doing but his own need was building, he'd resisted touching himself so far but he needed to answer the call of his own desires; Theo saw Adrien's hand moving towards his own hard-on and stopped him.

"Mine I think," he said firmly.

Theo's touch was feather-light whether he was stroking Adrien's balls or prick. It was that unbelievably mind-blowing combination of arousal and denial. Theo kept moving his hand never touching Adrien's cock or balls for long or in the same way twice. If he'd been stroking Adrien's hard-on between a finger and thumb before gently massaging his balls then he'd fist it -- without really gripping it -- when he went back to teasing it, similarly the next time he touched the sac it would be to stoke it with his fingertips.

Theo used his fingers to spread the viscous pre-come over the head, all these things soon had Adrien moaning around his gag of hard flesh which in turn sent vibrations through Theo's cock.

Very slowly Theo reached for the lube on the nightstand and covered the index and middle fingers of his right hand with the gel and put the tube down. To distract Adrien from what he was about to do Theo stroked his prick a little more firmly.

"Mmm, mm," Adrien groaned gently moving his hips to move his hard-on within Theo's grasp.

As he did that Theo pressed his two slick fingers into Adrien's ass, the action made Adrien thrust harder into Theo's fist as he groaned louder before lowering his head to take Theo's hard flesh all the way into his throat.

"Oh fuck!" Theo exclaimed watching Adrien's lips touch his skin at the base.

Their mutual pleasuring went on for some minutes with Theo stroking Adrien's prostate every time he deep-throated Theo's prick. Suddenly Adrien moved taking his mouth from Theo's prick and himself from Theo's fingers then swung himself round to face Theo straddling his hips.

"Fuck me," he growled already lowering himself onto Theo's swollen cock.

He held himself upright leaving just enough space for Theo to move his body beneath him; Theo put his hands on Adrien's hips to hold him still.

"My pleasure."

He moved slowly to begin with sliding his hard-on almost all the way out before pressing his flesh all the way back into him.

"Harder please."

Theo responded immediately, slamming his cock into Adrien before starting to piston his hips up and down to please his husband; Adrien could resist no longer and began fisting his own hard-on.

"Don't you dare stop," he demanded, "I'm so fucking close. Jeez now!"

Theo watched as Adrien's orgasm propelled masses of hot spunk from his cock, spraying Theo's torso with it .

"Like I said my own personal porn movie," he hissed in the seconds before his own climax caused the same to happen deep in Adrien's ass.

"Jesus H. Fucking Christ!" Adrien bellowed squeezing hard around Theo's prick as a second wave of his orgasm hit him out of the blue.

Beneath him Theo's hips continued to jerk although now the movements were erratic,

"Marriage consummated I think."

"Oh yeah," Adrien huffed as he lay himself on top of Theo.

Eventually both men began to doze and in that they moved onto their sides facing each other, neither caring about Adrien's spunk still sticky between them, and as he had on their very first night together Theo wrapped an arm and leg around Adrien.


Theo checked the contents of the zipped documents wallet for passports, flight paperwork and alias credit cards.

"Two minutes," he called upstairs to Adrien.

"Already here," he replied as he stepped onto the half-landing, he held his carry-on leather weekend bag.

They'd spent Sunday relaxing and recovering from their wedding day, with Theo cooking them brunch and dinner.

"Will I do?" he asked as he joined Theo.

"Very nicely."

The suitcases Theo had promised were already packed stood by the door, they heard the sound of a vehicle pulling up outside followed a few moments later by a sharp rap at the door.

"Good morning Professor," Roger said brightly when the door was opened.

"The same to you," Adrien replied.

Before more could be said Roger picked up two of the four cases and turned back to the car -- a black Range Rover with the rear windows tinted as dark as was permitted; it took Roger less than a minute to load the luggage then open the rear door for them to climb in.

"Can you let Polly know we've tidied everything away but there's a few things in the dryer please?"

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