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First Night Seduction Pt. 02 Ch. 03


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Theo smiled, Adrien was no less obsessively tidy now than he had been when they'd met.

"Of-course Professor, not a problem."

"Time to go I think," Theo said.

They were soon at East Midlands Airport where they were escorted to a private departures lounge.

"Paperwork to do," Theo said when their passports had been checked heading to a discreet desk in the corner of the room to speak to the man behind it. A few minutes after Theo had sat beside Adrien the man came to tell Theo his plane was ready.

"Thank-you," Theo replied as he and Adrien stood up.

"You do realise I'll have to re-arrange a few overseas trips after this don't you?" Theo asked as they crossed the tarmac to his plane.

"How come?"

"Because it can take a while to get a name changed on a passport."

Adrien stopped walking looking at Theo in shock, Theo stepped towards him

"You meant it? You'd change your name?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"I was trying to mess with you head," Adrien laughed.

"You did, doesn't mean I can't see why it shouldn't be real," Theo had started towards the Gulfstream's steps, "are you coming or standing there for the duration?"

"It's a good job I've no foreign travel planned then isn't it?" Adrien smirked, "we'll send the passports in together."

It was Theo's turn to look shocked to the core, he'd stopped at the foot of the steps, Adrien strode past him to climb them, he stopped halfway up and turned back to Theo,

"Are we going on tis honeymoon or not?" he joked, fighting a smile.

"Hello Mister Jepson, Professor Leadbeater, congratulations."

"Thank-you Andrew," Adrien replied.

"Go and get comfortable I'll not be long," Theo, as always, said.

He always piloted the plane for take-off to cruising altitude then handed over to his co-pilot, in this case Leonard.

"Mister Jepson's ordered a light lunch salmon with a lemon pepper dressing, Dauphinoise potatoes and broccoli," Andrew told Adrien as they taxied to their runway, "would you like anything to drink once we can all walk around?"

"Tonic and lime with ice please."

From where he'd sat Adrien could see into the cockpit and he had his phone at the ready waiting for one particular moment he knew would come. In the seconds before he opened the throttle to propel them down the runway Theo would turn to Leonard for final confirmation that everything about the plane was as it should be, it was that moment Adrien was hoping to capture; if he didn't he'd wait until Theo was exiting the cockpit to try again.

He smiled when he saw the result of his patience,

"My handsome husband taking me on honeymoon."

He sent it to their nieces, wondering if they actually did know the destination and now that he and Theo were on their way they might think he was in on the secret and so accidentally reveal it.

"Where?" Grace asked.

"You don't know?" he asked back.

"No-one does!" Emily told him.

"All very hush hush," Grace added.

"An island, it'll be warm, private home not hotel, good eateries and local hooch, all the clues I have."

"Caribbean," Emily suggested.

"Sounds right, cane rum and all that."

"My thoughts too," Adrien wrote.

"Wherever it is you know it'll be OTT this is Unc T!" Emily sent adding a row of laughing faces.

"2 wks of being spoiled rotten for you," Grace wrote.

"Gotta go girls think he's ready to join me."

"Cya soon," Grace replied.

"Hugz," her sister added.

"Who was that?" Theo asked as he sat opposite Adrien for their lunch to be served.

"The girls, we were debating possible destinations based on the clues you gave me."


"Caribbean, West Indies, is bookies favourite."

"Understandable," Theo said, but no more.

"You can be an infuriating rat-bag."

"You've mentioned it."

Theo raised his drink in a toast,

"Here's to a highly memorable honeymoon."

"To my husband and his infuriating smugness," Adrien laughed.

They talked about their wedding day as they enjoyed their lunch accompanied by a refreshing Orvietto Classico.

"Please fasten your seatbelts gentlemen, we'll be starting our decent in two minutes," Leonard's voice came to them over the plane's P.A. system.

Theo checked his watch,

"Right on time."

"Decent to where? Where the hell are we?" Adrien commented looking out of the window beside him seeing only ocean.

"On our honeymoon."

"Oh for crying out loud we're virtually there why not tell me?"

"If we're so close why not wait?"

"You're a tormenting sod but I'll get you for this, I swear I will, don't know how or when but I will," Adrien chuckled shaking his head as he leaned to kiss Theo, "but I still love you."

"Well isn't that serendipitous because the feeling's entirely mutual."

Leonard brought them in for a perfectly smooth landing and taxied to a hangar set apart from the main arrivals gate.

"Here we are," Theo said standing beside the open door, "welcome to Santo Porto."

"Santo Porto?"

"Madeira's a short flight or ferry ride that way," Theo pointed out to sea.

They passed through the private arrivals terminal in minutes and found a drop-top Audi waiting for them outside it a porter already loading their cases.

"Are we going far?"

"About ten minute drive but it'll be worth it I promise."

Theo drove with confidence through the main town and onto the winding coastal road climbing out of it, the greenery occasionally revealing stunning views of the ocean. He turned the car between tall wrought-metal gates set into high walls onto a drive leading to a substantial sized stone-built house. It had tall windows with dark-green louvered shutters on the outside and there were immaculate flower beds flanking the central doorway.

"Welcome to our home for the next two weeks."

Theo had just pulled on the handbrake when the front door opened and a middle-aged couple came out to greet them, the woman held her arms wide as she walked towards Theo; she grasped his biceps as she raised herself to kiss his cheeks, they all exchanged greetings, Theo speaking in fluent Portuguese.

"This is Inês and Joaquim they've been looking after this place and the people in it for years."

"Pleased to meet you," Adrien said to both of them.

"We have waited since some time to meet you Professor," the man said in heavily accented English.

Adrien glanced at Theo wondering what Joaquim had meant.

The other couple bade them farewell before they stepped inside, Adrien noting that the gates closed behind them.

"Theo what did Joaquim mean?" asked as they stepped into the pleasantly cool interior.

"Like I said they've been looking after this place for years.

"No, sorry that doesn't cut it."

"Come on I'll show you round and I'll explain when we've brought in the luggage ok?"


The central hallway had a terracotta tiled floor a door to Adrien's right was closed the one to the left stood open to what seemed to be a small study, the stairs were also to the right.

"This way," Theo held Adrien's hand leading him to the closed door facing them at the far end of the hall. Before he opened it he asked Adrien to close his eyes,

"Theo you silly devil why?"

"Please, trust me."

"Ok, ok, you really are the biggest kid I know," Adrien sniggered.

Theo stepped behind him, after he'd set the door ajar, both to cover Adrien's eyes and to guide him into the room.

"Step forward love," he whispered as he kissed Adrien's neck.

"Carry on doing that and we'll get no further he replied, but he did as Theo said.

"Holy buggering hell!" Adrien exclaimed when Theo took his hands away, "It's spectacular."

"I know you've not seen the rest of the house but do you like it?" he asked as he held Adrien's hand.

"Who the hell wouldn't? I'd have slept in a tent for that view alone."

Adrien gave the room a sweeping look taking in the basics, to left and right of them the sitting room ran the entire width of the house, the dining room was set off it at ninety degrees and was clearly the room to which the hall door was closed. But it was the back wall and what lay beyond it which held Adrien entranced.

The entire wall had been replaced with glass giving a one-eighty degree panoramic view of the ocean and the island that lay below them. The housekeepers had opened all the folding glass doors creating the illusion of complete continuity from room to garden and the vista beyond. A narrow patio stood a little above a verdant lawn with an infinity pool at the far side of it.

"I had that put in a couple of years ago, I thought you might like it."

"You had it put in Theo?" Adrien hadn't moved from a pace inside the room and although he spoke to Theo his eyes never left the view beyond the house.

"I've owned this place about five or six years, a man I knew owned it before, he'd got himself into a bad place gambling, I won it from him in a game of backgammon."

"You won it?" Adrien sounded incredulous, "You encouraged him to gamble away his home!"

"Not exactly, his wife called me to tell me how bad things were, she was distraught, I came round for dinner one evening and he suggested we play. I kept upping the stakes until all he had left to wager was this house -- he lost."


"Ah, ah, ah," Theo held up a hand to stop him saying more, "it was all part of the plan, his wife was in on it, my stake was a similar property, if he'd won they could have used it to pay off his debts."

"But he lost."

"Yes and no, the game he lost but not his home, I'd already promised his wife that if I won they could stay here rent-free for life as long as he got some help with his problem. He passed away last year and she wanted to move into somewhere smaller in town, she moved out about three months ago and since then it's been re-decorated and re-furnished. And it's yours, if you want it, it's your wedding present."

Finally Adrien's gaze left the vista but only his eyes moved, from there to Theo's face,

"It's what?"

"And before you start I didn't buy it specifically for you did I?"

"Theo I don't need you to,"

"I know but I love the look on your face when I get it right."

"Get it right? Get it right! This is so far beyond getting it right it's not even in the same league."

"Look at it this way now you know how easy it is to get here you could hop over for the weekend when I'm away, or your parents could come over for a break."

Theo finally got Adrien to move to the glass wall,

"Theo you can't seriously mean it."

"Every word sweetheart, I want you to have this, it's the closest thing to paradise I can give you."

"Oh I wouldn't say that Mister Jepson I've had glimpses of it before thanks to you," the key to their banter was Adrien calling Theo Mister Jepson, from here on in it could, and probably would, become highly, theatrically, flirtatious, "just the once or twice."

"Once or twice is that all? And by the way what did you just call me?"

"Yeah it's about right. But I bet I'd get a hell of a lot closer with us bonking each others' brains out in that pool, Mister Jepson-Leadbeater."

"So why are we still dressed?"

"Skinny dipping, you serious?"

"I am unless you want me to do you in there" Theo waved an arm in the pool's direction, "in those clothes."

"Wait, don't move, stay there," Adrien stepped back into the room taking his mobile from his pocket.

He found the perfect spot to frame Theo in the view beyond the house, before he returned to stand with Theo he tapped the keyboard, looked up and smiled at him, Theo heard his 'phone ping.

"Look what I got for a wedding present!" was written below the photo on the screen.

"How drunk r u? That's your husband!" Grace was the first to respond.

"You are so much more than that," Adrien said.

"Put that down, get in that water and I'll be with you in a tick.

Adrien had swum a few lengths of the pool when Theo re-appeared pushing a trolley of just above waist-height three or four feet long and a couple of feet wide, it had cupboards and drawers.

"What's that?" Adrien asked as he surfaced to pull himself onto the pool edge.

"We have wine," Theo opened a door to reveal a chiller holding bottles of white and rosé, "spirits," another open door showed a collection of their favourite ones, "ice," he opened a drawer and stirred the contents with his fingers, "mixers," a slightly deeper drawer held the bottles and a collection of different style glasses "and ta-dah we have nibbles," he opened the two central doors and Adrien saw what amounted to a picnic within.

There were open shelves at either end of the cabinet, those nearest to where Theo stood held towels and robes the others held table-wear.

"Pour some of that vino collapso and get your ass in here with me," he laughed.

They spent a happy couple of hours swimming, lazing on outspread towels, talking, eating and drinking but most of all simply enjoying being together. Adrien poured the last of their second bottle of wine into their over-sized glasses,

"If I didn't know better I could think you're trying to get me drunk to take advantage of me" he sniggered.

"Maybe I am," Theo smiled, they were sitting on the pool's edge watching the sunset.

"Maybe you don't need to."

"Maybe I don't, doesn't mean I don't want to. Just for once we can let go love, no driving, no work tomorrow, no-one to meet, this is our honeymoon if we can't get blotto, suffer a couple of epic hangovers here and now when can we?"

"Hmm, trouble is if we get utterly rat-legged I may not get what I want."

"Which would be what?"

"You, in this pool, out here where I can yell your name to the heavens if I feel like it."

"And what might make you do that?"

"Anything and everything you do Theo, I love making love with you, you drive me nuts just looking at you dressed or naked so for crying out loud do me already," he laughed throwing himself into the water.

"You, young man, are a temptation I cannot resist," Theo smiled sliding into the pool to join Adrien.

"Then don't," Adrien leaned against the infinity edge of the pool, looking out to sea, his back to Theo.

"Are you here to fuck or be fucked?" Theo growled in Adrien's ear as he pressed himself hard against Adrien's body, "I hope it's the latter because that's what you're getting right now," he added before biting Adrien's shoulder.

Adrien leant a little further over the edge making his ass rub against Theo's hard-on,

"Yes please, do whatever you want as long as I get to feel your divine cock pummelling into me."

Theo spun Adrien round to face him,

"In that case I think we should start with you wrapping your legs around me," he said, already lifting Adrien's thighs to his waist.

"You do have some cracking ideas," Adrien laughed as he locked his ankles at Theo's back before leaning forward to kiss and lick his nipples.

"And you," Theo nibbled at Adrien's neck then across the top of his shoulder, "have a phenomenally tempting ass which I am going to fuck all night."

Adrien put his hands on Theo's shoulders to raise himself enough for him to position his cock at Adrien's sphincter.

"Any time you're ready," Theo said as he kissed Adrien's neck.

"I'm always frigging ready for you," he replied sliding down onto Theo's prick, "is it just me or does this still feel as good as it did the first time?" he gasped as he felt his body being invaded.

"No, it's better because now you're mine forever, husband," Theo smiled.

Neither man moved once Adrien had fully impaled himself, he was caught between the pool wall and Theo's body, he kissed Theo every moment an expression of his desire. He took his hands from Theo's shoulders then set them on the pool's edge in this position he could more easily raise and lower himself on Theo's cock; at the same time Theo took hold of Adrien's ass helping things along. The warm water lapped around and between them adding to the sensuality of their love-making.

"This feels so good, I don't want it to end," Adrien murmured as he nuzzled Theo's neck.

"It doesn't have to, we can stop and start any time and anywhere we please. We have no neighbours, we can't be seen or heard, for once there's no on-call for you and tomorrow we're going off-grid as far as 'phones, email, internet, all of it's concerned. For the next two weeks we're incommunicado, the rest of the world can get by without us."

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Richard1940Richard1940almost 3 years ago

The two series combine to make a wonderful history of love. Everyone should have his own billionaire!

Thank you for your imagination and writing skills giving us this beautiful story to read.

Every episode has been worth 5*

mariak_66mariak_66over 3 years ago

Loved every moment of this story! I’d love to read some more either of them or someone new! 💖

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
This is awesome !!!

Please add more to the story it is sooooo good I’ve read every little bit of it !!!! Keep it going pleaseeeee !!!!!

S_IsemenS_Isemenalmost 5 years agoAuthor
You and me both!

I do get to live like them, if only in my imagination and on paper!! I'm so glad you've been enjoying their story : )

I thought I'd written the last of Theo & Adrien BUT it seems the guys have more to tell.

As soon as 'they've told me' I'll let you know!

Teaser:- Theo's history is back ; }

1moeannie1moeanniealmost 5 years ago
Still Loving the romance.

Oh to be able to live the way these two do. In my opinion they are a wonderfully loving and sensuas couple.

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