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Five O Pt. 02.0

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Surprise. We meet the Capranos.
6.3k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/03/2020
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The Capranos

I walked in the door to find Natalie sitting in our living room with a couple who I didn't know. Of course, by now I was conditioned to Natalie's new excitement in surprising and embarrassing me; and what ever might follow. I can't say it wasn't what I wanted or hadn't been more than I'd imagined, but still, it was exciting. And sometimes scary.

I had been two weeks since our night a Sardo's. A week after that Natalie made me sign that contract and locked me up in my chastity cage, So, it was also a week since my last orgasm. Natty took me out of my 'cocktraption' when she wanted to play. She'd tease me till I couldn't stand it anymore then she'd deflate me with the Ticonderoga trick. She got such a kick out of Jackie's technique for cold-cocking her patients' boners. Then when she had me back in captivity she'd coax me down between her thighs to lick her toill she was satisfied. Needless to say, my balls were either achingly blue or so lonesome they could cry. I couldn't get Natalie off my mind. I was horny for her all the time. Chastity will do that to you.

"Hi, Pup, we have company. This is Francine and Anthony Caprano. You remember them from my birthday dinner at Sardo's don't you? They were sitting at the table next to us."

Natalie had that mischievous twinkle in her eye that made my stomach flip-flop.

"Oh, yes...right," I said. "Hello. It's nice to meet ...I mean see you..." I stumbled over my attempt to be casual.

"Yes, So nice to have this chance to meet again," Francine said, easing my awkwardness.

"Though we didn't actually meet you that night, We did chat with Natalie when you were_"

"Erm, away from the table," her husband piped in. "Natalie was nice to invite us tonight so we would all have a chance to meet properly." His wife gave him a sideways glance.

"You know, pup. Get to know each other better. Why don't you fix yourself a drink so you can catch up with us. I just made these so we're fine for now. You can be bartender later."

This was uncomfortable and Natty calling me puppy in front of them was only adding to my mounting dread. That stupid contract she had me sign had so much room for creative embellishment__on her side, and zilch on mine. When I came back the three of them went silent... and then resumed with lighter talk.

"Sardo's is one of our favorite restaurants now," Anthony said. "We've been back again since...but I have to say nothing is ever as exciting as your first time."

"Oh, I don't know," Naomi said. "I think it's fun to explore things over and over again. At least five times." She winked at me. I felt the temperature in the room rising.

Francine said, "Restaurants are mostly about seeing ourselves, and our lover's and friends, in different situations; new places, new settings, all dressed up..."

"or dressed down," Anthony interrupted, earning himself another, but sterner, sideways look, from his wife.

"You know. Each time you up the anti you make the same old-same old feel like a whole new," Natalie said.

"I don't think I could have said that better," Anthony said looking tentatively at his wife as he spoke. I thought I saw her nod slightly before he went on. "We loved that first experience at Sardo's but we're looking forward to getting to know the place better."

"And to get to know our new friends better too," Francine added.

"I think it's so nice to meet folks as lovely as you, Francine and Anthony. It'll be fun getting to feel more comfortable with each other. So the men can get to leave their shills and armor at the door, so to speak."

'Shields, armor. Too much gaming in her youth. She might as well have said, so the men can leave their clothes at the door and prance around naked as J-birds serving us.' Natalie really could ratchet up the innuendos. The conversation went on like this for a while. I was distracted after gulping my double G&T sans the T. Hendricks out of the freezer... I was just settling down when Natalie struck the match.

"What did you like best about your first visit to Sardo's, Francine.?

"Well," Tony said, "The atmosphere is excellent and the food was amazing. I love that modern Northern Italian cuisine without it tumbling over into Nouveau or, worse yet, Fusion."

Francine gave him a scorching look this time. "Yes, it all was excellent and those desserts were so yummy. But I have to say, hands down, our favorite thing was that last half hour, sitting, sipping coffee, and observing the goings on around us. It was the perfect nightcap to a wonderful evening out."

Sizzzzzz. Natalie put flame to the tip of that fuse.

"Yeap, I agree. And after all, that was how we met; over an empty pitcher of cream. Remember Lou? You had just come back from your long trip to the men's and Francine asked you for our cream."

I don't think my groan was audible but I had to say something to make myself take a breath.

"Can I get anyone a refresher on their drink? And darling, could you help me in the kitchen for a minute?"

"WHAT THE HELL, Natalie?", I whisper screamed. "What are you doing out there?"

I stammered on, "Are you thinking...what I think that you... CAN NOT POSSIBLY BE THINKING?"

"Oh, no spoilers here. You'll see. And besides, puppy, remember the rules; anything I say...member?"

"And I don't think he..." She jiggled my caged cock, through my slacks. "...would protest; if he had the room to express himself. Now be a good puppy; make us some new drinks and come back out."

When drinks were served and I was back in my club chair. We chatted on about the restaurant, the neighborhood where we lived, and shallow bits about our backgrounds—schools, careers, and such. I was beginning to like the Capranos. Francine was a refined and very direct woman. Anthony was a bit formal but his humorous nature broke through in odd bits and pieces. Our conversation went on until Natalie got serious.

"Louis, you know we all know exactly what went on that night at Sardo's. While you were out in the men's the Capranos and I struck up a conversation. They had heard you making your proposal. For all you know they might have even gotten a glance at my phone when you were face-timing me."

"We couldn't help but catch parts of you two talking about your wife's birthday gift. We didn't get it all but what we did get was enough that we could surmise the rest," Francine said with a sardonic look that spoke so much more.

I looked fro one to the other as they teased me with their descriptions of what went on.

"Very exciting stuff if you ask me, Louis," Anthony said. "We just couldn't contain ourselves so Francine asked your wife how evening was going."

I could feel the heat flush up into my face. I looked at the others who were all calmly waiting for my reply.

The lines were cast off. The ship was leaving the dock, carrying a container load of my privacy

"You made quite a racket in there...in your stall...completely naked...and stroking your cock for me."

She drug it out, watching me squirm with each reveal.

"You were so cute in there; 'Say hello to my little friend,' she said in her Pacino imitation while mimicking me shaking my cock at my camera. "And you know they saw you toast me with the evidence."

'Booop Booop, off she went, steaming out of the harbor.'

Natalie said, "And after your...aperitif, when you went to get the car—remember, I said i'd be right along? we all," she said, lassoing the group with her circling finger, "agreed to chat more during the week so we exchanged numbers."

It's mortifying to be caught out at the lewd and lascivious behavior you do in private. I really don't know how to explain it other than, it exponentially compounds the feelings of the naughtiness of the original act. You get caught playing with your friends wife's bra in their bathroom and your mortified. Then they tell another couple and your embarrassment goes up a notch. But when it's out on the table, in front of friends—strangers even; a scary exhilaration washes over you. My ears went into noise-canceling mode. Natalie and her new friends were staring at me. Waiting for me to say something.

"I don't know what to say. I'm...I just... If I had known..."

"Before you say anything, Louis, let me make this easier. Just listen. The Capranos are simpatico people. They told me they liked what they overheard and saw that night and that they were interested in learning more about our arrangement. About you gift and how it worked. so, I thought, what better way than to invite them over..."

Natalie smiled at me as she placed the second gold-wrapped chocolate coin on the oversized coffee table in plain site to us all. To me it was emitting that glowing, yellow aura of Pulp Fiction doom.

She went on, "... and we all know it's better to show rather than tell."

I worked at swallowing the lump in my thought. I had never done anything like this...so public, so exhibitionistic. 'Yeah, I stood naked in front of Jackie, but this_.' I was feeling a whole new high from Natalie's SHEEE cocktail. That's what I called her new Sex-elixir. The recipe: equal parts Surprise, Humiliation, and Embarrassment, with heathy dashes of Exhibitionism, and Excitement. Yummy actually.

"Puppy, I always call him puppy when I use one of my coins, why don't you stand up and take all your clothes off. Wait, I have a better idea. Let's have our guests request the removal of your armor. Then we'll see how the night progresses. But first let's toast to the beginning of a new friendship."

They all raised their glasses. "Puppeee," Nate said as if scolding a misbehaving pet. And just as my lips were about to touch my glass she added, "I'm sure this won't be our last toast tonight."

I was about to be naked in front of three people, my wife and these two, whom I barely knew. Yes, barely. I'd be bare-ass naked and they would all be clothed. comfortable, enjoying their drinks, eating nuts and laughing at the show. My exhibitionism. It was then that I remembered another humiliation; My Cock Cage! I had been wearing it continuously since Natalie and Jackie put me in it a week ago at Blue Bloomings—apparently for the edification of several passers-by on the street too. She had been teasing me mercilessly since but, to her word, not letting me have any relief. Getting me 'topped off' for her next gift-O-gasm, I presumed.

I looked up at her sitting across from me and, as if she had read my mind, she was dangling the golden key on her neckless and smiling at me. She looked beautiful in her black, V-neck, sleeveless dress with the broad shoulder straps.

"So, Natalie, he's all ours then," Francine said. Continuing to look at me, Nate nodded a slow exaggerated yes, still twirling the key above her ample cleavage.

"OK then. Louis, let's get those clothes off of you. But were going to do it slowly. One piece at the time. My husband is a tiny bit bi, you know, so he is especially going to enjoy your strip tease."

Anthony spluttered, inhaling some of his drink. "I...I don't know that I'd agree with that, love. I do appreciate the beauty of the human form, whether that be male or female, but I don't think that qualifies as..."

"You appreciate the beauty of the human form?," she scoffed. This was the most animated I had seen her.

"Yes. There's no denying that there are prurient aspects to viewing the human body, but the beauty of the female And the male body is..."

"Antonio Capprano, Do you expect me to believe that with all those CFNM stories you incessantly search for; the ones with young men stripped bare in front of their teachers and governesses; with those lurid descriptions of throbbing penises—veins bulging and drooling long strands of gooey pre-cum; all so vividly described in minute detail; You expect me to believe you're an admirer the human form and not lusting after those throbbing, protuberant, erect and rigid...appendages?"

She laughed out loud as she taunted him. It felt good to be out of the spotlight for the moment.

"And those boy/men folded over the laps of women, fully clothed women, or sometimes over the laps of men, older men; getting spanked till they are sobbing in pain and humiliation; and lets not forget those scenes where those guys with their ass-cheeks glowing iridescent red are forced to their knees to suck the cocks of those women's lovers and husband, or their naked compatriots."

Now it was Anthony who was getting inebriated on the cocktail she was pouring down his throat. Francine's elixir. He went silent. His neck and cheeks flushed red and the bulge in his pants was prominent.

"My my, would you all look at tent-pole in his trousers. He's so excited his mule-dick is as hard as...a mule's dick!" They both howled at the punch line of that joke. I eve thought it was funny but thought it better to just smile.

"I think Anthony should strip right now too. Come on, Natalie, let's make this a double-header, shall we?" She leered at her husband and he lowered his head.

"We both loved seeing your husband embarrassed and humiliated when you highjacked his gift, Natalie. But my husband has not been able to stop bringing it up since that night. Could you, hun?"

Everyone was charged with different feelings and emotions. Tony's and my excitement was evident by the bulges in our pants, but the women looked positively radiant with the power they were enjoying.

"Oh boy," Natalie cried out, "This is getting good! How do we...what should we do with them?"

I was feeling a little relief in the idea that I would have someone to share the center stage with, even with my trepidation about what the final act would be. That feeling did not last long. I never anticipated how diabolical our wives could be.

"We're going to spank their behinds. till they're red raw and they're yelping for us to stop. That's what we're going to do," Francine said matter of factly.

"Do you spank your husband?" Natty asked. "I've thought about spanking Louis but I've never..."

"Really?" Francine raised her eyebrows. "That's how you keep a naughty husband in line. I've been spanking Tony since the second time he talked back to me."

My wife's wide eyed expression said she was more than interested.

"Sounds like there's a story there."

Francine told her how the first time her husband really talked back too her she called her mother-in-law, Geraldine. She tried to tell her what was going on through her tears. She told her Anthony was a good man, a good husband but he could get lazy about helping her. If she told him or even asked him to do something he'd react badly. And this time he had a temper tantrum and yelled at her.

Francine's continued with what her mother-in-law told her.

"Listen to me dear," her mother-in-law had said, "You can't do anything with a bad husband. They're already too far gone. Best thing with them is to send them packing. My Anthony is a good boy and I'm sure he's a good husband too. But if you want to turn a good husband into a great husband then this is what you have to do." Francine paused for effect. Natalie was wrapped in her story.

"And this is what that good woman said to me," Francine said with a hint of humor and drama in her voice.

"The only way to turn a man from his bad temper and lazy ways, If he's a keeper, is to strip him down and spank him on his bare behind, and here is the important part, until he cries. And I'm not talking about sobs or wet eyes, and certainly not alligator tears. I'm talking about all out spluttering, gasping for breaths balling. And when you think he's had enough, then you give him ten more and make him count out and say he is sorry with each spank. And if you still think he needs more, then go ahead. And I'm not opposed to using canes and paddles though I'm partial to my flat shoe with the leather soul. Remember, Dear, this is something he has to remember."

"But you said the second time he talked back. Was this the first time."

"Exactly," Francine said. "She said, 'Now you put Antonio on the phone.' I gave the phone to my husband and he was all, 'yes Ma'am and no Ma'am' and then he gave the phone back to me. She told me it was all arranged, The very next time he had a hissy-fit, I was to grab him by his ear and put him in the car and bring him right over to her house."

"Did you do that, Francine? It sounds so harsh." Natalie was caught up in this story.

"I certainly did, but this is too long a story for tonight and, besides, tonight is about your birthday gift. It's not about correcting bad husbands. I will tell you, she proceeded to give him the bare bottom spanking of his life. At least up until that point in his life." she chuckled. "She taught me how to turn my good husband, Anthony to a great husband. Isn't that right, Antonio?? I always call him Antonio like his mother did when he's misbehaving." Here she leaned towards Natalie, a dramatic aside, and loudly whispered, It's Pavlovian; If I call him Antonio he's like in that movie, Manchurian Candidate. He doesn't turn psychotic. He just gets all obedient and contrite. The part she didn't teach me, because, bless her soul, the good woman passed on before she had the chance, was how to maintain his great-husband behavior. I'll just say the word is maintenance but let's leave it there, Natalie. Maybe next time it'll be our turn to show you something. Natalie looked dumb-founded. I had a feeling she was propose amendments to our contract.

Francine said, "OK, gentlemen, let's get those clothes off. But just to make it a bit more interesting; The last one naked gets the spanking." Both woman giggled.

Anthony and I looked at each other. We weren't waiting for someone to say go. I kicked my shoes off and ripped my shirt struggling to get it unbuttoned and pulled off. Tony's pants were sliding down his hips, he was working on his shirt. I dropped trow and stepped out of them. I was down to my boxers.

Tony, was bare chested now but he pulled his pants back up, realizing he couldn't step out of them with his shoes on. He clutched them around his waist and bent down to untie his shoes. This gave me a clear advantage.

"Come-on Puppy you're winning!" Natalie was bouncing up and down on the sofa. "Strip, Strip, Strip"

Tony lost his balance. We were standing beside each other so when he tumbled he took me down with him. Now I was on the floor with just my boxers covering my cock...in it's contraption. Tony had toed one shoe off but the other wouldn't cooperate. He still had his pants on. They were opened and hanging loosely from his hips. I realized he wasn't wearing any underwear. I was still ahead but my advantage was dwindling.

"Anthony, if you don't win you are really going to get it!" Francine yelled.

I started to stand up but Tony, grabbed me around the waist and pulled my me back down.

"No You don't, big fella!" he grunted. He lunged at me and locked his arms around my mid-section. But something came over him when he got his hands on me. He was grouping more than grabbing. He caressed my skin, felt my muscles. It startled me but I was still focussed on winning, I got my hands and knees beneath me and tried to push myself up but Tony was up faster. He crouched over my back; slid his hands down to my sides, snaking his fingers inside the waistband of my Calvin's. Before I knew it he had them down to my thighs. He may have been older than me but he was strong and limber. I was rolled over onto my back and pantsed in a diaper position before I could do anything. Tony was up on his knees and in control.

"EEEEEEEYOOOOOW'" the women were screaming.

"Atta boy, Anthony, you stripped him. I declare you the winner. Now you get to spank him!"

He tucked my legs under his left arm, pinning me in this humiliating, naked, diaper position. He pulled my legs back further and began slapping my cheeks. I was mortified and angry. He was slapping me hard and it stung but there was something so naughty and delicious about it all. I was enjoying the feeling of being captured in his strong, wrestler's embrace. Tony was alternately caressing and spanking my ass all in front of Natalie and Francine who were fully clothed. In fact, he was only half-undressed so, for all intents and purposes, I was the only one naked in the room. It felt so naughty. I just kept squirming and struggling, putting up a meager fight as he continued to explore and humiliated me.


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