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Rape? Or not?
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I had told Marnie about my long-ago girlfriend Janie's comment that she thought she would like to be raped. I had been somewhat taken aback, but assumed what she was really saying was that she wanted to have sex, but no responsibility in that sex. Being raped would make that possible, able to simply have sex, without having her 'good girl' image (both inward and outward) stripped from her.

Marnie saw things differently. She saw the suggestion of rape as a way of a woman saying that she wanted, not to be raped, but to be taken, not brutally, but no holds barred, no holding back. And to this, she would give herself totally.

That was a different way of seeing the use of the term 'rape'. It was not rape that was desirable, nor the lack of responsibility, but what was it exactly? Even with Marnie's explanation, I wasn't sure. I wanted to find out. But how?

I considered attempting to enact a rape scene, with myself as the rapist, and Marnie as the one being raped, having every part of her body touched, explored, plundered, totally and completely fucked, without every knowing with certainty who was doing the plundering and fucking. Would she choose to participate? Or would she find it all too traumatic? If the latter, I would certainly stop, if I recognized it on time. But would I recognize it? Could I trust myself? Or would I, too, become so involved in the event that I became truly a rapist, taking her, yes, but truly against her will? It was frightening to think of. And yet, if the 'rape' could be successfully enacted without the trauma normally associated with such an act... there was something enticing about it. I determined to try.

Version 1:

I prepared carefully, mapping out my strategy. I had managed to find and purchase, among other things, a device that changed my voice when I spoke, hopefully making it unrecognizable. I had clothing Marnie had not seen, including a hood for over my head, only the eyes visible, and a slit for my mouth. I now knew Marnie's movements for the evening, knew she would be walking through the dark alley on her way from CH to her home. I had picked the spot in the darkness where I would wait for her. Now the time had come.

I waited in the darkness, trembling. This was so far from anything I had ever done, ever imagined myself doing. And yet, if it was as Marnie had indicated, and if I could act it well, it would be an exciting time, for both of us.

I watched Marnie walk up, walk by me. Soundlessly, I stepped out from the darkness, stepped in behind her.

In one quick movement, I stretched out my right hand from behind, closed it around her mouth, while with my left hand, I reached around, closed it on her left boob, squeezed, held.

"Not a sound", I hissed. "If you try to escape, or try to scream, I'll give your tit something for you to scream about." I paused, then "If you accept to remain silent, squeeze my left hand."

Marnie hesitated. I waited a moment, then said "Agree. Or there will be consequences." Slowly she raised her right hand, closed it over my left, and squeezed.

"Good", I said. "We understand each other."

I continued. "I'm going to take my hand from your mouth. If you promise to remain silent, take my left hand, put it on your right tit, and squeeze it again." She did. I removed my right hand from her mouth.

For a moment, she relaxed a bit. But then, I slid my right hand down. I felt her tense up again. I didn't stop.

My hand brushed her stomach, continued down, until I reached her pussy. Her breathing caught, held. She was tense. I waited until her breathing began again. I could feel her heart beating hard in her chest.

I fondled her pussy gently, then stopped, pressed in, hard. She gasped, but her hips involuntarily thrust forward against my hand.

I held her pussy tightly, but released my hand from her right boob. I moved my hand upward, partly unbuttoned her blouse. Then, I pulled the fabric down, first on one side, then on the other, until both sides hugged her body tightly, pinning her upper arms while leaving her lower arms free.

With my left hand, I reached into her bra, fondled her boob, squeezed her nipple, then lifted her bra over her boobs, letting them hang free. They were beautiful. I fondled first one, then the other, holding and squeezing, enjoying them as much as I always had.

"You've got great tits, lady", I said. "I'm going to enjoy them."

Then, holding one boob in my left hand, I released her pussy, slid my right hand around to the side, over her right hip, and down, down, to the hem of her skirt. Pausing there momentarily, I began the journey back up, but this time carrying with it the fabric of her skirt. I moved my hand so it travelled up the inside of her leg, enjoying the feel of her thigh as I moved along.

Again I felt her tense up, her breathing stop, her heart beating so hard it felt as though it would jump out of her chest.

I continued the journey, until my hand again cupped her pussy, this time with only the thin fabric of her panties between my hand and it. I slid my finger under the edge of her panties, pushed them aside, felt her pussy soaking wet. Her mind may have been scared, but her body was screaming something else entirely! Just as in yoga stretches, I had to get her mind out of the way, let her body do what came naturally.

I began stroking her cunt, up and down, softly at first, then more firmly. I ran my finger around her clit, several times, then curled my fingers and pushed into her cunt. She gave a soft moan, her hips thrusting her cunt forward as though to invite my fingers deeper. But it wasn't my fingers that were going to have their way with her.

Meanwhile, I continued to play with her boobs, squeezing, sometimes gently tugging one, or twisting a nipple, then squeezing again.

"Put you hand over mine on your tit", I said, "And hold it." She hesitated only a moment, then held my hand, squeezing it against her boob. I continued to play with her cunt, stroking, probing, strumming her clit. At times, as I increased the pressure or speed, her hand on mine over her boob would contract, squeeze, giving the lie to her reticence, letting me know her body wanted this, even as her mind might be saying no.

I probe deeply with my fingers, lifting her. She went on tiptoes, shuddering as she did - but her unused hand was reaching back behind her, reaching for my crotch. She found it, felt the hardness there, and pressed in, squeezing, fondling, moaning.

I chuckled "All in good time, little lady. Right now we do things my way, in my time."

My right hand now took hold of the crotch of her panties and, with a sudden powerful jerk, tore her panties open, removed the last obstacle to access. She gasped. She also squeezed the hand on her boob, held it tight before eventually relaxing.

Then I removed my hand, brought it back to my pants, pushed her hand aside, opened my trousers, and pulled out my rock-hard cock. Her hand reached again, grasped. She moaned, and began to squeeze me, stroke me. I removed her hand. She moaned.

I turned her to a nearby fence, bent her over it, her legs pressed against it, her boobs hanging down the other side. I flipped her skirt up over her back, revealing her arse, her panties now in total disarray.

Holding her down, I took hold of my cock, aimed it, and drove myself in, deep, all the way home. I stopped a moment, withdrew, and drove forward again. She took her hands now, and reached back to hold the fence, hold herself from falling forward.

And so began a rutting dance, me ramming her cunt with my cock, her holding on to the fence. In and out, again and again, faster and faster.

Suddenly all resistance was gone, her body shaking in orgasm. I continued my relentless onslaught, fucking her with everything I had. Again she exploded. This time she cried out. By now I didn't care, not even if neighbours looked out and saw her.

Again and again I pounded her, fucked her, until suddenly I, too, exploded, driving my cock into her cunt in one final thrust, pinning her to the fence.

Spent, I couldn't let myself fall into slumber, as I usually did. Instead, as soon as I could catch my breath, I withdrew, pulled up my pants, turned, and ran, leaving her there on the fence.

Version 2:

I prepared carefully, mapping out my strategy. I had managed to find and purchase several items which would be of help. One was a soft leather strap, with heavy fabric on one side of the strap, and a fastener at the end. I could make it into a loop which I could quickly pull tight. I also had a thick and wide heavy fabric strip, easy to tie. And I had some strong but soft cloths, which I could also use for tying. I also had clothing Marnie had not seen, including a hood for over my head, only the eyes visible, and a slit for my mouth.

I now knew Marnie's movements for the evening, knew she would be walking through the dark alley on her way from CH to her home. I had picked the spot in the darkness where I would wait for her. Now the time had come.

I waited in the darkness, trembling. This was so far from anything I had ever done, ever imagined myself doing. And yet, if it was as Marnie had indicated, and if I could act it well, it would be an exciting time, for both of us.

I watched Marnie walk up, walk by me. Soundlessly, I stepped out from the darkness, stepped in behind her.

In one quick movement, my left hand went around her, closed over her mouth, held her close to me. With my right hand, I dropped the leather loop over her head, covering her eyes, and quickly pulled the fastener tight. She now couldn't see anything, could only hear and feel.

I felt her panic, her heart race. She tried to cry out, struggled, but I gave a low, menacing grunt. "Uh-Uh!" She seemed to hear that, stopped struggling, though there was still evidence of considerable fright. I wondered if I could continue, then decided to try.

Her eyes blocked, I used my right hand to bring the fabric strap to her mouth, covered it, then used both hands to quickly pull it tight. Now she could only make sounds, not words, and they would not carry far.

She seemed to sense she had no say in what happened, and that it might, just might, be safer to allow fate to take its course.

I pushed her face down on the ground, not roughly, but firmly. Then knelt beside her, with one knee on her to keep her down. I pulled another cloth from my pocket, pulled her hands over her head, and tied them together, then they to the fence we were by. She was now stretched out, face down on the ground.

Keeping one hand on her back, I stroked and fondled her arse with the other, slid my hand down her leg. She tensed, tried to bring her legs together. I was having none of it, pressed my hand between her legs, forcing them to stay open. I ran down to below her knee, below the hem of her skirt, then slid back up, slowly but definitely.

I ran my hand up her thigh, feeling that wonderful flesh, then moved up to her pussy. She shuddered as I got there. I touched it with my thumb, caressed, then cupped it with my hand, fondled gently. She whimpered. I could feel her attempt to move, but I held her down, and again gave a menacing "Uh-uh." Again, she got the picture.

I caressed more, then slid one finger under the fabric of her panties, slid it across until I was caressing the lips of her cunt. She moaned. I continued, running my fingers up and down her cunt, slowly but definitely. I found it was becoming quite wet.

I realized that, while her mind might be saying "No", her body was beginning to say "Yes". What I needed to do now was what is known in yoga as getting the mind out of the way so the body can do what it wants, what it does naturally. And her body was telling me she wanted more.

I played briefly with her clit, felt her hips move, rotate. I slid back to her cunt lips, curled a finger, and slid it inside. She moaned again - and her hips thrust forward, pinning my hand between her pubic mound and the ground, pinning my finger inside her.

I let that pass, then returning to slow caressing. Then suddenly, I closed my hand around the fabric of her panties, and pulled, hard, ripping them open, removed the last obstacle to her cunt.

I now left her cunt, moved my hands up her sides, and slid under her chest, lifting her slightly in the process. There, I grasped and fondled her boobs. Again she moaned.

I rolled her over onto her back, her arms still outstretched above her head. I fondled her boobs, enjoying their feel in my hands, squeezing them, rolling them in my hand. I slid my hands inside her blouse and bra, lightly stroked her boobs with my fingers. Then, with a jerk, I ripped her blouse open, slid my hands under her bra and lifting it over her tits, displaying them in all their glory. My God but I loved the look and feel and taste of them.

I dropped my head down, and kissed her nipples, sucked first one tit and then the other into my mouth, running my tongue over the nipples, sucking, pulling back, letting them plop back onto her chest. What a delight!

I wasn't done yet, though. Continuing to kiss and suckle, I ran my hands over her stomach, caressing, then moved down, again to her pussy, which was now exposed, the fabric having been torn away.

I slid two fingers inside her now, and began slowly finger-fucking her. She was soaking wet. There was now no opposition. Suddenly I pressed down hard, and her hips bucked up, meeting me, her cunt sucking at my fingers. I released, pressed again, and again her hips thrust forward, fucking my fingers.

I slid down, removed my fingers, and replaced them with my tongue. Resting between her legs, I began to feast on her cunt, her juices sweet as nectar in my mouth. I licked her cunt lips, slid my tongue inside, tongue-fucking her. Then I moved up, ran my tongue over her clit, sucked it into my mouth. I sucked gently, then hard. She moaned, and suddenly her body arched, shuddered, as an orgasm ripped through her. Her body was now fully involved, fully present. And I had not yet even begun to fuck her. But I wasn't to keep her waiting long.

I continue my assault on her cunt and clit, reaching up to her tits at the same time, squeezing them, playing with them. Then, continuing to suck her clit, I moved one hand back down, slid a finger into her cunt. Having thoroughly soaked my finger in her cunt, I withdrew, slid down and, now sucking hard on her clit, I slid my finger into her arse. The reaction was immediate, as she exploded in orgasm again, this time riding it hard, feeling its full force as it washed over her.

I lifted myself, opened my pants enough to get my cock out. I got between her legs, aimed, and rammed my cock into her cunt. She gasped, moaned. I drove myself in, all the way home, my pubic bone pressed against her, and against her clit. I stayed there for a moment, withdrew partway, and rammed in again.

I repeated this again and again, faster and harder, feeling her hips rotate with each thrust, flinging them up at me, until we were fucking together in a smooth and wonderful sexual dance.

I felt again her body explode in orgasm. This was enough to tip me over the edge, and I went into spasm, my cock driving forward, shooting rope after rope of my cum deep inside her, filling her cunt.

Normally I would have collapsed on top of her, fallen asleep. That wasn't the case this time. I couldn't risk that. I stopped, pulled back slightly. I felt her legs wrap around me, caress the back of my legs, then fall apart, releasing me.

I rose from her, pulled up my pants, then quickly untied her from the fence, leaving her wrists together, the fabric now loosened. She would be able to free herself quickly enough, perhaps too quickly.


I ran into the dark, around the block, as silently as I could, racing to get home before Marnie arrived.

When she got home, I was sitting on the sofa, watching a movie, a half-finished beer on the coffee table.

She walked in, stopped. I looked up, saw a somewhat flustered look on her face. I asked "Have a good time, love?"

She paused a moment, then softly "Yes." Another pause, then an emphatic "YES!"

Again a pause, then "I'm going upstairs for a minute. Can you fix me a Pimm's for when I come down? Thanks."

And with that she was gone.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Sexy as can be!

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