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All Comments on 'Free Use Academy for Girls'

by SlutProblems

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legsfeettoeslegsfeettoesover 4 years ago
Too Fanciful for Me

Didn't like this one very much. I suppose some guys might like the idea of having many women to fuck and having no responsibility for a resulting pregnancy and child, but I just cannot even fantasize about such a situation existing. Good fiction has to have some connection to reality. I cannot see any connection to reality here. Lydia is now a MILF forevermore it seems. Just 2*.

JBEdwardsJBEdwardsover 4 years ago
Wow, that's bleak!

Couldn't she have tried to run away? Get an abortion? Oh, does this story take place in Alabama? Probably. -- JB

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

what kind of an arsehole write this crap to say rapes ok no score from get a life

SlutProblemsSlutProblemsover 4 years agoAuthor
I’m not a fan of free use stories.

I write requests, people. 😐

Don’t tell me to get a life while you are on my page reading smut. Nope. You’re not better than me anon. Not even a little.

I did what I could with this request. I don’t agree with or find them all hot. This one was whatever.

Fuckdoll7471Fuckdoll7471over 4 years ago
10/10 A+

Suuuper into it, hope you write another chapter!!

SithLord6969SithLord6969over 4 years ago
re: JBEwards

Wow dude, pretty harsh words about 'The Heart of Dixie'. Its a fantasy story not a political ad. Save your soapbox for next year's political circus.

I thought it was a bit ridiculous, but very well crafted. I wish I wrote this well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

This story is so completely implausible that it detracted from enjoying the sex scenes. It is just riddled with inconsistencies. For example, why hasn't this girl's father (who supposedly loves her so much as to make the jealous step mom send her to the school) never visited or checked on his daughter during the year plus she is their? Why hasn't any girl who left reported the place to the police? Why does this girl not try to escape?

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Stories are so much better when the author enjoys writing them. And that shows here.

bittykitty869bittykitty869over 4 years ago
sign me up

wouldlove to be enrolled there next semester!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

This is ridiculous its nothing like a rape fantasy, because a rape fantasy is something that the girl (or whoever is being “raped”) agrees to. It’s called consensual non consent and a rape is role played between two or more people.

I’ve read a few of your other stories and what you’ve written and keep writing about is straight forward rape. You seem to be obsessed with the word “slut”, this is the 21st century, grow the fuck up, news flash women can be as sexually liberated as men if they choose to be. Your stories come across as the loser version of adult fairytales. They’re utterly nonsensical with no basis in reality at all. A place like the fuck house you wrote about would be shut down in a heartbeat, loving caring Dad hasn’t spoken to her in a year? Sure.

Slut-shaming is really really sad and pathetic, just like the kind of morons who would call a virgin a slut.

Tess (UK)

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
After a girl left that stupid academy and told all,..

Some father or fathers would send in a strike force and rescue mission to bring out the newer girls and dispatch all the male staff, by death or castration. A horrible idea even in a fantasy tale,... shame on you for your poor morals and weak mind! If you cannot grow up, then please go away, you are of little use to society except as a poor example, sorry. You could try any of a large number of extreme 'liberal' colleges and universities, as they seem to be a strong hold of haters and those of narrow minds. You should fit in quite well, good luck with your 'slutproblems' you A-- hole!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
To the first two anonymous assholes that left a review in 2020

To the first two anonymous assholes that left a review in 2020. The first thing I say to you is fuck you and your bitchy reviews.

You took the time to read and criticize the story. You didn’t have to read the story you chose to read it. If you don’t like the story then don’t read it. The author didn’t have to take the time to write and post the story. Neither of you had to take the time and leave a bitchy review. That’s on you. The story isn’t slut shaming it’s porn. So why don’t both of you get off your high horses and deal with it. And to the second bitchy review I have only these two things to say. Firstly, you can take your bitchy review and stuff it where the sun don’t shine and secondly, it’s a work of fiction not a real life scenario.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
This not Rape Fantasy it Rape

You need to learn what a Rape Fantasy mean, Rape Fantasy is when a guy/girl is in on it and is faking being Rape also having Anon3 as backup must be a friend shame. This IS just RAPE, a rape fiction not Rape Fantasy...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

What is wrong with the person who wrote this

SlutProblemsSlutProblemsover 3 years agoAuthor
Fantasy versus reality

I understand that people are uneducated on this topic, which is why I am taking a moment to educate. I have been writing rape fantasies for the past 6 years and I am used to people having strong reactions to my work. However, once I explain what I am about to explain, most people do get it. Rape fantasy is NOT the same as role-play. I repeat, RAPE FANTASY IS NOT A ROLE PLAY.

Rape Fantasy Role-Play is acting out a rape fantasy in a controlled situation that is actually NOT RAPE because is is consensual. However, it is not simply a fantasy anymore. It is now becoming action that acts out the rape fantasies of one or all partners involved. You see how the rape fantasy is separate from the actual action? The actual rape role-play may not act out every aspect of the rape fantasy because the action depends on agreement between all involved parties, so there may be parts of the actual rape fantasy that may not be appropriate to actually act out.

A couple of comments here stated that this story is not a rape fantasy, while rape role-play IS. This is not correct. Rape fantasies take on many forms. They are in film, pornography, in books, in our thoughts, and maybe even in our discussions with others. What makes them fantasy is that they are not real and they are not part of your current actions. They remain in the mind as thoughts. Once you begin to act out a rape fantasy, it become a role-play. It is still not actual rape, but it is an extension of a fantasy in which people are taking action to act out their rape fantasy. That is not the same as a fantasy. Do you see the difference? I have already written a bit on this topic, so I'm going to share that writing here. This is taken from the beginning of a book I'm working on that contains extreme rape fantasy. It isn't edited yet, so please excuse any typos or errors. The actual story that goes with this "warning" will be released in late 2021.

*Extreme Trigger Warning* The following piece of art will be offensive to most people because it contains rape fantasy, and is not real. Real rape is wrong. This story is intended for those who enjoy rape as a fantasy or role-play and it not intended to be real or to be reproduced in any way. All characters in this story are over 18 years of age. This is extreme dark erotica, do not read if you don’t know what that is.

I placed a big trigger at the beginning of this book for a good reason. I also want to clarify that writing this story was not a huge turn-on for me. I typically enjoy writing rape fantasy, but for me, this story triggered some past trauma of a time when I was raped. Writing this was cathartic for me, in the way that reliving trauma can be for those who suffer from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. There are a great number of topics that don’t arouse me, but I still write them. My goal is to grow as an author and so I am doing this story (and every story) to grow. I consider this request a challenge and I tried my best to deliver a good story that will turn on people who are into this particular kink. I do also need to clarify some things about rape culture before I proceed.

Rape Culture is blaming the victim for being raped by saying things like, “Oh she shouldn’t have dressed like that,” or “She was asking for it by walking like that.” Rape is never the survivor’s fault. It is always the rapist that is to blame for raping someone. Similarly, rape culture is also blaming the reporter who reported the story of the rape, the doctor that performed the rape kit, or even the writer that wrote the story about rape. Rape culture is about blaming everyone and everything else around the perpetrator, making excuses for a rapist as to why he or she was pushed, coerced or made to rape someone. It is making excuses that blame victims, movies, podcasts, and porn. To clarify further, there is only one thing that causes rape: rapists.

Most people are able to discern the difference between fantasy and reality. That is why it is okay for adults to read things like the story you are about to read. As an adult you can read a story about rape fantasy and recognize that it is fantasy and it is not real. You can read such a story without it making you want to really go out in the world and rape someone. Fantasies are things that we imagine and they are not real. Just because I want someone to suck my toes in a fantasy does NOT mean that I want that to happen to me in real life. Just because a someone is into rape fantasy, that does not give you the right to rape them. It does not give you the right to sexually pressure, harass, or coerce them into having sex with you. Just because someone in into rape fantasy, it does not mean they actually desire to rape someone in real life, or be raped in real life. It does not mean they want to engage in rape role-play either. It is simply something that arouses them in their head.

Fantasy is a set of thoughts or words on a page. Fantasy can be a movie or even talking to someone about something that turns you on. Fantasy ends there. Once you try to act out a fantasy, it becomes reality. Rape should always stay a fantasy and never become a reality. Rape role-play is a different situation, in which the person who will play the part of “victim” should outline their hard limits beforehand with their partner(s) who will play the rapist(s). Safe words, check-ins, and aftercare should be part of this plan, and as always, the submissive party should always be the one in control of the situation, able to stop the role-play at any time.

You might be wondering why I’m saying all this. It’s because I feel that education about rape culture is important, especially when it comes time for me to share a story like this one. It does contain some violence and it definitely crosses some lines that I’m not used to crossing. I want people reading this to understand that saying, “Jennifer Johnson is publishing things that make men want to rape people,” is part of rape culture. I am not a rapist. I am a writer and I use words to tell stories that are catered to people’s sexual fantasies. Rape fantasy has a wide variety of people who enjoy it for sexual reasons. Both men and women read this type of literature. Both men and women have rape fantasies for a variety of reasons. In fact, rape fantasies are so common that 65% of women admit to having had a rape fantasy. Fantasizing about rape is absolutely fine. I’m sure you’ve had all kinds of fantasies, both sexual and nonsexual. You may have fantasized about what it might be like to murder someone, what it might be like to die, or what it would be like to beat the hell out of someone you don’t like. That doesn’t mean you should go do those things in real life. You shouldn’t do illegal things. You know this. So why would a story written by me cause anyone to actually do the things they read about? You would think that this is common sense, but people tend to get angry when they read stories like this and tell me that I’m giving rapists material to masturbate to. They accuse me of glorifying rape and all kinds of other things that they would never assume about any other genre.

Let’s talk about movies. How many movies depict rape? Lots of them, right? Do those movies cause you to rape people? No, of course not, because you are a normal person and you know the difference between fantasy and reality. It works the same for violence. How many movies depict violence? A great number, I’m sure. Does this movie violence cause you to go out and beat people up, shoot them up, or murder? No, right? Again, you are normal. You know the difference between fantasy and reality. When you read a fictional book, do you think it is real and try to go out and do what you read in the book? I certainly hope not.

This story is like any other story, except it contains a topic that truly upsets many people. That is why I say, DON’T READ THIS STORY IF YOU ARE TRIGGERED BY VIOLENCE OR RAPE. If you have been raped, I urge you to skip this story.

Remember, the only thing that causes rape is rapists. Rapists are mentally ill people that are rapists no matter what movies they watch or which books they read. They may have rape fantasies too, but the difference is that they don’t see the difference between fantasy and reality. I don’t believe that I should have to censor myself because rapists exist in this world. As a survivor of rape myself, I understand that rape fantasies have been a major part of my healing process. By people saying I am not allowed to write rape fantasy because rapists exist, they are playing into rape culture. They are blaming and censoring me, a victim of rape because somehow rapists can’t help themselves or they don’t know the difference between right and wrong. That is utter bullshit. If I have a rape fantasy, I should be able to write about it and publish it. So, I am. If you don’t like rape fantasies, obviously you should stop reading now. For those of you who do have rape fantasies, it’s okay. As long as you are not a rapist, it is perfectly okay to engage with this fantasy, knowing fully that it isn’t real and of course, you don’t want to really rape anyone and/or you don’t want to really be raped in real life. Thanks for reading, and enjoy responsibly!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

The president couldn't keep his blowjob a secret yet somehow no-one knows about this rape factory? That question kept dinging in my head so I couldn't fully get into the story.

An interesting point though, is that in Fan No Hitori and Whitewill's forced impregnation school stories, some of the girls were deliberately prevented from getting pregnant (Anal and Oral only) and they would beg for vaginal ejaculation so they could get pregnant and leave. This story started to touch on this idea, but didn't quite get there.

Minor point of object, she's 18 and can go independent and do what she wants. It would make a lot more sense if she were younger and didn't have as much control over her life, and since the this site mandates characters be over the age of 18, I can do a mental substitution and let that point slide.

SlutProblemsSlutProblemsalmost 3 years agoAuthor

I may have mentioned that I'm not that into "free use academy" stories and I rarely write them, but when writing this I imagined it to be something only elite, rich people have access to, kind of like a Harvey Weinstein retreat. In terms of the story, details about how this situation came to be just aren't important to me. You can fill in the backstory with whatever you like but the premise itself is unrealistic and unbelievable, so the actual logistics of how such a place could exist is pointless. We all know (or hope) that there are not places like this. It's a fun thought but it's kind of like having a story set at Hogwarts. We all know there is no such place and it doesn't make sense that such a place would exist, but we enjoy the ludicrousness of the situation and in this case, the crazy rape fantasy and impregnation moments. So, my decision to leave out all of the meaningless background information was deliberate, since this whole genre of "free use academies" is like writing a fairy tale or fantasy world in which the laws of physics no longer apply. If this was a book, then I would address such details, but this is a very, very short story and I don't want to waste time and effort on details that don't add to the hotness factor. I don't want to waste time explaining the "why" when my focus is getting people off. I just want to get to the story and the details that get people cumming. I know most of you on Literotica don't know my backstory or how I came to exist as a writer here on Literotica. Those details don't really matter. All that matters is that I'm here, I'm horny, and I love writing things that make people cum. You don't need my backstory to get off.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Interesting and unfortunately there really ARE individuals (male) precisely as you describe. Its a kind of hell I stumbled into and was so damn shocked I threw up afterwards. Lets hope they all find themselves in the prison they so richly deserve!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

reminds me of my time in a facility fro troubled teens

huntsman29huntsman29almost 2 years ago

Can't say I'm a huge fan of stories that break too far from a possible reality. Certainly possible she could end up at a school where she is abused like this maybe, but breaks reality if her father does care about her and doesn't contact her in a year, and they think they can keep her long enough to have four kids.

Also, the sex is a bit clinical with not much detail. I guess as short fantasies go it's okay, but I'd have liked a little depth and detail too.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Are people seriously whining that »» free «« smut isn’t as long as they’d like, isn’t as detailed as they’d like, doesn’t include some variation they like, etc? Yikes.

Fun fact: People who write for free write what they want, not what Internet User #395,616,395 wants. Not quite what you’re into? Then read something else. Or, write something – make it exactly what you’re into! Then enjoy commenters whining that it’s not quite what they’re into 😂

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The real mind-boggler, of course, is people complaining that porn isn’t realistic. Porn. Not realistic. Say it isn’t so 😂😂😂

roseyfingersroseyfingersabout 2 months ago

No it is not very realistic in several ways but so what?

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