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Fuckaphile Ch. 02

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An older female is knocked out using fluorine.
4.6k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/04/2017
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The police broke into Professor Vining's home to find her asleep in bed.

"Ma'am, ma'am," Office Lisa Stanton shook the professor awake. "Wh...what," she sat up staring at the officer and her partner standing by the door.

"Ma'am, we received a call from your land line, and a male voice reported a rape in progress. Are you alright?"

"You're waking me is rather spooking, but I'm fine after a long nap."

"Ma'am were you molested in any way? Officer Stanton asked her voice full of doubt.

"No, I wasn't and don't know who could have called. I've been asleep for about three hours, and I wasn't expecting any visitors."

"Do you mind if we look around your home and the outside?" The officer asked.

"No, not at all, but I'm puzzled who could have gotten into the house and made such an erroneous call?"

"It certainly is strange. We'll look to see if someone entered the house of if your phone system is flawed in one way or another.

"That's fine; I hope you can discover how someone could get into my house and use my phone. Is it okay if I take a shower and dress?"

"Certainly, go right ahead. Come on Joe, let's check this house from stem to stern and the phone system," Officer Stanton said leaving the bedroom with the other officer.

Ms. Vining showered and dressed, all the while thinking of the young man who had given her multiple orgasms, and how he'd changed her life.

The Police Officers took over an hour scouring inside and outside the house. They were unable to find a way anything suspicious in the house, or anything disturbed outside. There were no signs that the phone system was modified. They reported their findings to Professor Vining and left shaking their heads.

* * *

Saone (Say-on-y)had a new self-confidence after losing his virginity and completed his first rape successfully.

His new-found self-esteem seemed to radiate from him, and his classmates seemed to notice and became friendlier. At midterm, his grades were the highest in all his classes, and his intelligence and memory became widely known among his class mates. He became aware of being looked at carefully by some female students, and two of his Geography classmates asked to have coffee with them.

Saone's six-foot frame, his 180-pound muscular body, and good looks made him more appealing than his shy personality allowed him to think. He was invited to join a study group consisting of both males and females. In the first meeting, his intelligence became apparent, because he was able to answer the assigned questions, and explained concepts found difficult for some students. Like E. F. Hutton, when Saone spoke every classmate listened.

Within several weeks of his affair with Professor Vining, he heard of her new and different personality and the more appealing way she dressed and wondered why he hadn't heard of her rape in the newspaper of TV.

One Friday afternoon, he was asked to go to lunch with Helen Newsome, who was an attractive brunette with an open personality and a banana shape. They went to the Bell Student Union and decided to order from the Taco Bell. After picking up their food and beverage, they sat at a table overlooking a grass covered area next to the Loudon Student Medical Facility.

"Thanks for accepting my invitation, Saone. "I've wanted to speak with you ever since the beginning of the semester, but you seemed so shy and unapproachable," she said taking a bite of her Taco Salad.

He smiled at the lovely brunette, "You're correct, but since I've discovered that my classes are not as challenging as I thought they would be my self-esteem has increased, and I've become a little less shy." He munched on his burrito.

"You certainly have, and I'm pleased that you socialize more with your classmates, and are playing a dominant role in our class discussions. Many in our class have commented on how smart you are." Helen fluffed her hair as she looked at him.

He laughed." I'm pleased that you're pleased. Was there a particular reason why you asked me to lunch?" Saone asked staring into her dark brown eyes.

She blushed, "Yes, I wanted to get to know you better, and now that I have, would you be willing to tutor me in the Geography class? My parents are willing to pay you ten dollars an hour for your time."

"I'd love to do that because tutoring you would also be study time for me."

"That's wonderful. You've made my day. My mother's picking me up in an hour. If you have the time, you can meet her and make arrangements for us to get together."

"We can take as much time over lunch as we need before your mother arrives."

We talked until it was time to leave to the place where she would be picked up. I didn't tell her I was more than interested in coming to know her mother. If she looks anything like Helen, she could be my next objective. An older unwilling female to dominate sexually, to please like an older lady who completely lacks a sex life, and to please with my skills and leave her ravaged but wanting more.

* * *

Helen and I walked to the appointed place. A Lexus convertible was waiting with the top down. I could see the almost black, wind tossed hair of a female sitting tall in the driver's seat.

"Helen darling, who's this handsome young man you've brought with you?" She said in a bubbly soprano voice.

"Mother, this Saone Martine, who has agreed to tutor me. Saone, this is my mom, Gabrielle Newsome."

"I'm pleased to meet you, Mrs. Newsome," I said looking into the face of a fabulously beautiful woman in her late thirties or early forties, who didn't look any older than her daughter, and whose build reminded him of Kate Upton. She wore a deep V-shape neckline revealing impressive cleavage.

She smiled as she extended her hand showing even more of her left breast. I'm always pleased to meet Helen's friends especially when they're as handsome and as smart as you. Helen has told me about your ability to memorize and understand more information than anyone in the class; she thinks you're the most intelligent person she knows.

"Thank you, Mrs. Newsome it just a natural gift and I'll be glad to help Helen study for the Geography class."

"Have you two set up a study schedule? You can come to our house," she put her left arm to tidy her hair which caused her breast to strain against the blouse and show a hardened nipple.

"No, we haven't talked about a schedule. What would be the best time for you Helen?" I asked. "Can you come to the house Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after school the first week? That way I would be reviewing my class notes on the same day of the class. "I can do that right after school."

"Okay that's set, why don't you hop in the back seat right now and the two of you can have your first session this afternoon. I'll be glad to bring you back here or to your dorm.," Mrs. Newsome said flashing another winning smile as she reached back to unlock the back door, which once again gave me a great view of her marvelous tits. I didn't get to talk on the way to their home because of the convertible top down, but I had lots of time to view Mrs. Newsome hair, the side of her face, her shoulders, and her arms and hands which had brightly painted finger nails. She's an aggressive driver who doesn't obey speed limits, takes curves at high rates of speed, and tailgates. She's my kind of woman.

The Newsome's had a circular driveway to the front of the large two-story house which had six windows on each floor, a wrap- around porch, and four steps to the front door. Inside, the fashionably decorated home was mahogany furniture and white walls and ceilings.

"Helen, why don't you kids run upstairs to your bedroom to begin a study session. I'll be up in a bit with something to drink and snacks," Mrs. Newsome flounced off.

I followed Helen upstairs to a room decorated in pink, with a large four poster double bed and a corner set aside for studying. There were a desktop computer and printer on a U-shaped desk. A great set up for studying.

"Let me sit across from you, and we can compare notes from today's class."

"Neat idea Saone, I'd like to see how you take notes." We pulled our notes from our backpacks, placing them on the desk, and sitting across from each other.

I quickly scanned Helen's notes which were limited compared to mine. I took the time to visualize the room and the way the second floor was laid out. I'll need more information, but the short trip here gave me a good idea as to the design of the house.

"Saone, your notes are so clearly written and extensive. I think you'll have to teach me how to take notes."

"I was showing Nancy my system for taking lecture notes and explaining the material on Central Place Theory when Mrs. Newsome came into the room with a tray containing two Cokes and a plate of oatmeal raisin cookies.

"Thanks, Mrs. Newsome, this is thoughtful of you, I said ogling her form with a mid-calf skirt to go with the V-necked blouse which two additional buttons open.

"Saone, did I pronounce that correctly?"

"Yes, you did, I said pretending to be looking at Helen's notes while concentrating on her Mrs. Newsome's form.

"Please call me Gabrielle or Gabby rather than my last name?" She asked.

"Ok Gabby, I'll do that and thank you again for the snacks,"

Helen and I studied for an hour and Mr. Newsome, David, took me to my car, to my disappointment. I wondered all the way home, how he was able to land Gabby. He was not in her looks department. He was balding, unattractive and he wasn't in good physical shape. I guess money makes it a lot easier to marry eye candy.

Our study sessions went on until the Christmas break, and I learned the layout of the house and the fact that Gabby ran outside every morning for an hour before showering and getting ready for her day.

I refused a key to the house because that would make me a prime suspect after my illicit time with Gabby. I would be a suspect anyway, so I began thinking of a good alibi for when the opportunity presented itself.

As it turned out, Helen and her father, David, were going on a Skiing trip with a group of her best friends to West Virginia the week before Christmas.

When I heard that news, I prepared my alibi, my physical needs, and had devised a plan for entering the house before Gabby took her Friday morning run.

* * *

It was a warm and dry morning when I watched Gabby leave the house to begin her hour run.

I left the forest surrounding her home, hurried to the house, climbed up the down spout from the back yard, entered through Helen's bedroom window, which I had left unlocked. I undressed, my clothing only consisted of shorts, a tee shirt, and a particular pair of climbing shoes. I carried a backpack which contained restraints, blindfolds, clean-up rags, several sets of rubber gloves, and a home-made container of fluorine.

I heard Gabby return, come up the stairs, go into her bedroom, and into the shower. Sneaking silently into her room, I laid my materials on the side of the bed away from the door, and with a fluorine covered rag, I waited by the entrance to the bathroom. It took her a long time to emerge. When she finally came out, with a towel tied around her shoulder. I grabbed her around the stomach and forced the rag into her face while pushing her to the bed. She struggled, but her deep breathing enabled the knockout agent to work quickly.

I pulled the towel away, turned her onto her back, quickly placed a blindfold, a gag, and a hood around her head, and tied her spread-eagled to the four corners of the bed. She was more beautiful naked than I had imaged. Her large breasts hung down her chest, and her moans were shaved clean. It appeared the reason she took so long in the bath room was that she was shaving.

She would only be out for about three minutes, I'd done my homework carefully, and I waited for her to wake. I knew I couldn't speak because she might recognize my voice, so I had a voice changer, I got free on line, and it made my voice a deep bass sound.

Gabby woke to strain against the soft cuffs and ropes and trying to scream through the gag. She was held in place and relatively silent.

I waited until she stopped struggling.

"Mrs. Newsome, can you understand me? Nod yes if you do?"

She shook her head up and down.

"You're not going to like what I'm going to say, but I'm going to rape you." Gabby tried to scream.

When she stopped, I said, "I'm not going to cause you any pain. In fact, I believe you'll enjoy what we're going to do together."

She shook her head negatively.

I touched her hair, and she turned away, but I gently played with her hair and rubbed her scalp. "Did that hurt?" I asked.

She shook her head from side to side.

"I'm going to continue to awaken you sexually."

Gabby strained against the ropes.

I rubbed my gloved hand over her face, neck, and ears, but I wished I could use my hands without gloves. I would have loved to touch her without the gloves.

Slowly, I caressed her upper chest and shoulders.

She shivered.

"You're going to try and resist me, but your instincts are going to respond even though you try not to enjoy what I'm doing to you." I moved my hands under her breasts cupping them, and then circled then circling them with my fingers getting closer and closer to her nipple.

Her body tensed.

I gently squeezed her breasts before running a thumb over each one. She tried to wiggle away, but couldn't escape my thumbs, or my forefinger and thumb when I rolled them gently over her nubs.

"You have beautiful breasts. Your husband is a lucky man." I took the voice changer out of my mouth and licked the entirety of her breasts being careful not to touch her teats.

"Am I hurting you?"

She didn't respond.

"I'm going to remove the hood over your head although you'll still be blindfolded. Please raise your head."

I slipped the hood from her head. I just wanted to see your beautiful face and reactions while sucking your long, hard, nubs. Isn't it interesting, that you are trying to resist me but your nipples have hardened? Carefully, after I removed my voice changer, I placed my mouth over her right areolae and teat, squeezed my mouth closed and softly added pressure, releasing, added pressure, Over and over, I softly munched on her nub.

She moaned around the gag.

I licked her nipple from side to side, up and down, and in circles.

Her humming became continuous.

I switched breasts and repeated myself.

She raised her back to enable me to lick and suck her teats more ease.

Softy and gently, I continued arousing her.

Gabby began rotating her hips as I pleasured her breasts.

After I replaced the voice changer, I said, "I'll take the gag off if you don't scream. If you make a sound, it goes back on. Nod your head one way or the other."

Her head rose up and down.

I removed the gag carefully and laid it in my bag.

She ran her tongue over her lips and gulped. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I can, and I want to."

"You've been gentle with me, and you were right about arousing me."

"Have you liked that?" I asked.

She was silent.

"I'll accept that as a yes."

"What? No, I didn't mean for you to assume that."

"Well, what did you think I was to believe when you didn't answer my question, but you've said that you've become aroused?"

"I don't know. I've never had this happen to me before."

"Have you been raped?"

"Not yet."

"What do you call what I've been doing to you?"

"I'd say, I'm reluctant to what you have done. I haven't given you consent to fondle me and suck on my breasts."

"Even though you have been unwilling and have agreed, you've responded positively to my efforts."

"Yes, you said I would."

"You've got me on that one. Do you want me to stop?" I waited not wanting to hear the answer.

She was quiet for a long time.

I got up and put the hood back in the bag and reached for my clothes.

"No, no I don't want you to stop."

I couldn't believe my ears. "You don't need me to tease what I'm doing. Why?" Tears came through her blindfold. "This is hard to say being bound and blindfolded and having no idea who you are, but my husband is a poor lover, and you've brought me to the brink of a climax by being kind and showing me respect. I always thought that rape was violent and painful. You haven't been that way. I don't want you to stop."

"I'm going to kiss you."

"Kiss me."

My lips covered hers. Softly I applied pressure to Gabby's lips.

"Kiss me harder and use your tongue," she said.

Her tongue met mine, and they intertwined like Kudzu with another vine.

Our tongues were engaged in a passionate love match between two strangers.

As we kissed, I moved my hand to her breasts, her stomach, and to her pussy. My hand roamed around and over her slit. I was excited and wanted to mount her, to stuff her cunt with my cock, and to fuck her until I came like a Lion with a roar of power and might. But, I didn't. I continued the kiss and caressing the outside of her twat.

Finally, we pulled apart.

"God, oh God I'm ready, give me your cock, fuck me!"

"I want too, but I'm going to wait until you've had at least one orgasm." I got off the bed, got between her legs, and licked over and around her pussy.

"I like that, but I want more."

I licked up and down her gash, slowly parting her lips until I slipped between her outer and inner lips and twirled my tongue in circles.

Gabby moaned, "Yes, yes, yes!"

I slipped a finger into her opening until reaching the second knuckle. I pulled my finger forward rapidly over and over again against her G-spot. As I did so, I placed my tongue just above her clit and swish-washed my tongue back and both across the hood of her clit's.

She raised her hips. "Jesus H. Christ make me come."

I kissed the side of her now exposed and engorged clit. My kisses continued on both sides. Over and over I kissed beside above and below her clit and wrote the alphabet in capital letters on her sweating flesh. I didn't stop kissing and licking her.

Her body began to convulse. I could feel her contractions increasing in regularity and strength. My cock was leaking precum in the condom covering my cock, I was ready, my lips covered her sweet spot, and my tongue touched the tip of her clitoris.

She screamed, "Ooooah, yaaaa, daaaa, mmmmm, nnnnn," her body writhed as if she'd felt the vibrations of an earthquake had struck her. Her aftershocks lasted a long time. I waited sitting back on my knees until she returned to near normal. I leaned forward, probed with my throbbing shaft until I found her opening, then fell forward driving my staff deep into her well-lubricated canal, fell to her body, and my lips to hers.

We moaned together.

Her channel was full. Her willing flesh surrounded my cock.

I rose onto my forearms pulled my dick almost out of her snatch and slammed back into her. Over and over I plunged in and out.

Gabby climaxed again and again, as I slide back and forth in her canal with the power of a wrecking ball.

My body slapped hers on each downward and inward plunge. It took longer than I thought possible but the ecstasy of her vaginal walls along the length of my rod brought me closer and closer to the wonder of an ejaculation. I passed the point of no return, and I exploded spurting rope after rope of jiscum into the condom. Damn, I didn't want to come so soon.

She clamped her pussy muscles around my cock to hold me in place. My ancillary spasms continued as small amounts of my semen escaped from me slowly shrinking cock.

Spent and delirious from joy, I fell beside her body breathing heavily.

After a long time, Gabby said, "That's the best fuck I've ever had. You didn't rape me you made love to me. I only wish I knew who you were so we could continue again. I love the way you eased me into wanting you to fuck me and then I loved the way your cock sent me into seventh heaven. Are you going to tell me who you are?"


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