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Game Night Pt. 03

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The third game and someone deflowered.
13.5k words

Part 3 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/01/2016
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Sorry this took so long. Life, eh. Thank you for all the feedback. Please vote and comment. Hope you enjoy.


"Put me DOWN!" Sarah screamed, her voice shrill even in light of the chaos going on around them.

Owen had her arms pinned to her sides, his arm wrapped over hers. She flailed and kicked and continued to scream as the others laughed.

"Owen Miles!" Sarah yelled again.

Owen looked at Sarah, her reddish blonde hair - braided in pigtails - burning in the noonday sun. Freckles dotted her face, but they always did in the summertime. And they were everywhere. Well, everywhere he could see. Little spots were cast like stars over her legs, her arms, her chest above her bathing suit. But, his favorite were the ones that dotted across her nose and beneath her eyes.

He wanted to kiss them all. One by one. Or maybe a long swipe of his tongue.

It was the summer of their Junior year, mere months from their final year of High School.

Sarah flopped against him trying to break free of his hold as he neared the edge of the pool. "Owen put me down!" She kicked her feet.

Owen wanted to hold on longer. God, how he loved the feeling of her skin against his. Her midriff pressed against his stomach. It made him think very hungry thoughts.

"Down?" He whispered darkly.

Sarah's eyes shot open. "No. I didn't mea-" Her scream pierced the air as Owen tossed her into the pool. She burst through the surface her face a twist of anger barely contained in her tiny frame.

"OWENNNN!!!" She screamed until her face was beet red. "I did not want to get wet!"

"Sorry," Owen winked, "I have that effect."

She screamed unintelligibly at him and slammed her hands into the water over and over.

"Owen?" Katerina called to him from the lounge chair where she'd been tanning. She smiled as she walked toward him. "Owen?" She leaned in to kiss him but turned her head at the last second, stopping with her mouth by his cheek. "Owen?"

Owen Miles opened his eyes though he didn't remember going to sleep.

"Are you okay?" Katerina hovered over him but there was no smile on her face.

Owen rubbed his head. "I had the wildest dream." He put his hand down by his sides and found that he was naked. "Wha-" Looking around he saw that everyone was naked. Well, almost. Samantha had on sheer stockings which covered her from toe to mid-thigh.

Samantha smiled at him. "Hey there handsome."

In a flash it all came back. The games they had played, the things they had done. "Jessica?" He asked.

"Shhhh-" Rachel had Jessica's head in her lap. "She took a surprise nap just moments after you fell." Rachel licked her lips. "Damn, stud, that ring must be magic."

Owen blushed even as he swelled with pride. "It put me out, too." He said modestly.

"We like to think of that as a team effort." Samantha kissed his cheek. "Sounds better that way."

"Probably truer." Owen admitted.

Jessica groaned in Rachel's lap her eyes fluttering before opening. "Wha-"

"Shhh." Rachel smoothed Jessica's brow with her hand. "What happened?"

Jessica nodded lightly.

"Well, Owen took you from behind and apparently did such a good job that you blacked out." Rachel smiled. "Are you okay?"

Again, Jessica nodded.

"Good." Rachel's smile turned mischievous. "Then I can do this!" She put her hand between Jessica's legs and dipped her fingers into the girl's still dripping slit. She lifted her hand, Owen's cum standing out boldly on her finger, and slipped it between her lips. "Mmmmm." She purred.

Jessica spasmed as an aftershock went through her. "God! I can feel it moving in me, dripping from me." She worked her thighs together. "How much did he cum in me?"

"We don't know for sure." Katerina replied.

"But we're thinking infinite." Samantha giggled.

"Yep, definitely all of it." Sarah added.

Jessica's cheeks burned. "I can't believe I blacked out."

"Don't feel too bad." Sarah consoled her.

"Yeah," Katerina cuddled close to the girl, her breasts pressed against Jessica's side, "He-Man over there blacked out, too."

"You did?" Jessica's eyes grew wide.

Owen nodded as heat colored his cheeks.

"Well, at least I had company then." Jessica smiled. She shook off her concerned friends and stretched her body until her back popped. Ruffling her hair with her hands she began to look more awake, more returned. She looked around the room with purpose. "What's the next game?"

Owen laughed first.

"Okay." Katerina got everyone's attention. "Now, that Jessica is no longer leaking Owen's cum down her leg, we can begin the next game."

"You mean after you sucked it out." Jessica replied easily.

They had returned from a group trip to the bathroom which Owen had not been invited to and resumed their seats in the circle.

Katerina smiled but didn't respond to Jessica's comment. "This next game was suggested by Rachel and apparently I'm the guest star." Katerina did a stage bow.

"What's the game?" Samantha asked.

Rachel spoke over Katerina's antics. "I call it, Pet the Kitty." Rachel giggled. "It won't do anything to help reduce the tension in the room but I think, at this point, that there is only one way to reduce that." She eyed Owen. "But, we will have to wait our turn."

"What are the rules?"

"Think of it like a tournament." Rachel informed. "Each round two people will pair off and the first one to make the other one cum, wins. You will go in turns; sixty seconds a piece. If neither of you cum in that time there is a final round where you will sixty-nine until someone cums. You can only use your mouth, tongue, and hands - no penetration - until the championship round." Rachel jumped up and down. "Oh, and if your name has the sound 'cat' in it, you have to wear something special."

Katerina scowled. "You did that on purpose."

"Uh-huh." Rachel nodded enthusiastically. "Because I wanted to."

"What happens to the losers this time?" Jessica asked.

Rachel tapped her chin thoughtfully before jumping up and down. "The losers have to get their picture taken being petted by the winner while wearing Kat's special outfit."

"I'm intrigued." Sarah said happily. "Now, you said we could only use our mouth, tongue, and hands until the championship round. What changes in the championship?"

"I'm glad you asked." Rachel said excitedly. "In the championship round anything goes until somebody blows." She clapped her hands. "I love when I can end on a rhyme."

"So, somebody is going to get pounded." Jessica laughed. Her eyes shot wide. "It's not going to be me, is it?" She looked at Owen. "I don't think I could last a second against him and that bar."

"That good?" Rachel asked greedily.

Jessica nodded slowly.

Rachel looked at the half-mast erection between his legs. The hunger in her eyes brought new life to the pierced length. "I think someone is waking up." She purred.

"I think he likes you." Samantha cooed, stroking her finger against the side of his erection.

"I like him, too." Rachel whispered. "Maybe we should get to know each other better." She met Owen's gaze.

"I think so, too." Owen replied huskily.

"Too bad we have this game, first." She pouted. "Oh, well." She reached out and stroked his chest. "Save a dance for me?"

"Always." Owen replied.

"Hey!" Katerina stomped over. "You." She pointed at Rachel. "Let's get on with it. Let's see this outfit."

Rachel smiled. "You'll like this." She whispered to Owen. "Matter of fact, you can help."

"I'm going to need help!" Katerina exclaimed.

"You could do it yourself, but you're going to have help." Rachel replied happily.

"You're enjoying this too much." Katerina complained.

"No such thing."

Owen leaned close to his sister, her brunette hair a fresh breeze of fruit scented shampoo. "Don't worry," he whispered, "I'll make it up to you."

Katerina shivered against him. "Promise?"

"Anything you want." His smile was genuine and warm.

Katerina continued to follow along as, in her mind, she was cast back to the time she first heard those words from him.

Field trip day had come at last and by some miracle Katerina's class was on a trip with her big brother's class. Owen was in fifth grade and Katerina was having a hard go in fourth. She had lost her front tooth the summer before school and she was self-conscious. She didn't smile often and in class she barely spoke.

When she climbed on the bus and saw her brother sitting with his friends, she smiled; toothless gap and all.

She'd wanted to sit with Owen, made a huge deal of it, but the teachers remained firm that the classes needed to be separated. She had pouted and tears filled her eyes but the teachers remained unmoved.

The trees outside were turning to the embers of orange, yellow, and red as Fall staked its claim on the world. The bus trundled along crumbled back roads with pot holes like gaping mouths with sharp, chipped, or broken teeth. The "civilized" roadways shattered to gravel as the mecca of downtown changed to the unbroken vista of rural America. As the destination neared, stonework vanished altogether leaving the black rubber tires to the whims of dusty dirt roads no more than glorified footpaths.

An Indian village Katerina couldn't pronounce in fourth grade and couldn't remember in her current stage of life.

They filed from the bus and, keeping the classes separated, made their way to an oral story presentation of the legends of this particular tribe. Buffalo snorted in pens on the periphery of the campgrounds and the whole area smelled of BO and animal crap. She crinkled her little nose beneath her wide brown eyes and tried to focus on the story instead of the itchy grass against her legs. The khaki shorts she wore proved to provide very little, as her mother had warned her, in the way of protection from the elements.

Cause grass is an element. Geez, mom.

While the orator went on and on about the moon, coyote, the buffalo, and the Great Spirit, Katerina's eyes searched the crowd looking for that familiar spill of brown hair messy and spiky with gel. There were too many people and she began to worry that she would never find him. A silly prospect considering they had ridden the bus together but what little kid has that kind of logic?

Hands clamped over her eyes and she tensed for a moment before the familiar scent of him registered.

"Owen." She guessed and the hands fell away.

"Shhh." Owen whispered. "I could see you looking around."

"Yeah, I guess I got scared."

"It's ok. We're in this together."

He sat by her through the show and he snuck into her class group as they made their way around the large teepee in the center. All around shelves and booths held rows of "authentic" Native American crafts and almost realistic weapons that could be purchased.

In a roofed picnic area with a concrete floor a rotund kid with greasy jet black hair and a Megadeath t-shirt blew through a thin tube and launched a long bone dart into the buttock of a class mate. He screamed and pulled the needle from his body. Cries of "me next" filled the air and Katerina wanted to smack her hand against her forehead.

"Come on, Kat."

"Meow." She said in her tiny voice, the joke relatively new at this point. Her small fingers wove against his and they rejoined her class.

Suddenly she locked up against him, her knuckles turning white as she gripped his hand. Her cheeks burned as Owen smacked at her hand.

"Ow, Katerina. You squeezed too hard." He rubbed his hand before looking up at her with a scowl on his face. His look faded as the tears flowed down her cheeks. "What's wrong?"

Katerina covered her face with her hands and sobbed quietly, her shoulders moving up and down. She refused to look at Owen or to speak.

Confused, Owen looked all around until he heard a dripping sound. He looked down and found a circle of darker soil between her dust kissed pink shoes.

"Shhhhh." He pulled her close. "Katerina, it's okay."

She shook against him as her shame overwhelmed her.

"It's okay." He stepped free of her and pulled his hoodie off. He wrapped it around her waist and tied a knot with the arms. The red hoodie dwarfed her in size covering the dark spot of her shorts easily. "See?" He pulled her hands from her face. "No one will know."

"I'm sorry." Katerina sobbed.

"No need to be sorry." He gave her a hug. "It's okay." He tilted her face up and brushed her tears away. "When we get home, we'll play a game and forget all about this."

"Promise?" She'd asked and her 's' whistled where her tooth was missing.

"Anything you want."

On the bus ride home they'd sat together. The teachers saw him sitting in her seat but none of them said anything. Katerina sat close to him and as he looked out the window she had looked at him. It was the first time she realized that her brother would do anything for her.

"Katerina?" Owen prodded.

She shook her head. "What?" Her voice was sleepy.

"I just asked you what you thought of your outfit?" Rachel replied.

"What outfit?" Katerina looked around until she noticed that Rachel had two items in her hands.

"That?!" She asked.

Rachel nodded jubilantly.

"You expect me to wear that?!" Katerina exclaimed loudly.

"That's the size of it." Owen muttered.

"And you're on board with this?!" Katerina tapped her toes. "You're going to put it on me?"

"In." Rachel corrected.

"What?" Katerina asked, distracted.

"This piece," Rachel held up one hand, "actually goes in you."

Katerina's mouth dropped open in shock.

Rachel laughed.

Owen . . . well, Owen suddenly felt hungry again. "Ready, sis?"

"Ready, sis?" Owen asked his voice warm and strong beyond it's ten years. He held his hand out for hers as he stood up from the bus seat.

Katerina looked up at him through her lashes and spill of brunette hair. She nodded and placed her tiny hand in his. Her cheeks burned as she stood hoping that the red fabric covered her accident. As they walked together she kept waiting, expecting someone, anyone, to point and laugh. No one did. As they walked up to the house she kept her eyes on he brother and he turned and smiled at her.

"See, Kat, I told you it would be okay."

She nodded again. "I love you, Owen." She mumbled. "Thank you for being my brother."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

The next day Owen wore the hoodie even though Katerina was pretty sure it hadn't been washed. She couldn't explain it, but it felt to her like Owen saying, "I accept all of you."

Katerina groaned as Owen set to work. She'd never experienced this before and the strange mix of pain and pleasure, lust and embarrassment twisted her, amped her up, left her panting even as she blushed.

"I think she likes it." Rachel whispered. "And I've got to say, watching you work is fucking hot."

"AH! OH!" Katerina groaned. "Fuck! That feels good."

"Damn." Rachel hisses. "Can you do me next?"

"Why? You want to black out?" Owen winked at her.

Rachel chewed her lip and kicked her hip out to the side. "Anytime. Anywhere."

Katerina wiggled her hips from side-to-side trying to get Owen's attention.

"Missing me, sis?" Owen asked hotly.

"I'm going to make it a point to never miss you again." Katerina promised.

"Now, this one." Rachel held out the other piece.

Owen took the item and, with great care, placed it on Katerina. "Alright, Kat, ready to rejoin the group?"

"Meow." Katerina replied on reflex. Her face twisted into a scowl. "You planned that didn't you?"


"Leave her alone." Owen warned the group of boys lead by that fucking cunt of a bully Elijah "Eli" Lyman.

All told there were four in the group but Eli and his I-can't-believe-it's-not-stage-3-diabetes body were the driving force of the antagonization.

"Shut it, fag." Eli's voice was nasally and brought to mind broad things; rivers, highways, buildings. "T-this b-bitch," his stutter got him out of so many jambs because people felt sorry for the POS, "is going to l-learn."

"Eli, I'm telling you-" Owen tried again.

"Oooh!" Eli jeered, pointing his fat fucking finger right at Owen's face. "F-fago is going to d-defend t-the d-d-d-delicate flower." He choked out.

"No." Owen replied smoothly. "She," He flashed Jessica a smile, "doesn't need a hero." He turned his attention back to Eli. "You do."

"I've got plenty of h-h-heroes." Eli bumped fists with his friends. "N-n-now, step aside."

Owen held up his hands. "Okay." Owen backed away. "I've got twenty on Jessica." Owen laughed. "Go Team!"

Jessica, feeling amply fluffed, sashayed over to Owen. "I like you." She smiled before putting her cowgirl hat on his head. "I'll be back for this." She winked at him. Her red hair spilled around her shoulders like fire as she turned to face the group. She widened her stance with one foot in front, one foot turned out in the rear. She was silent as she looked at them.

"Get her!" Eli shouted before rushing the lone girl.

Owen's heart skipped in his chest as she watched the crushing wave of flesh surge toward Jessica Smith. His male instincts screamed at him to help her, but he kept himself planted. He knew Jessica didn't need him, but if she did . . .

Jessica dodged the first punch, spinning low to sweep the attacker from his feet. He landed with an explosive curse. The second punch she employed an elbow-block before palm thrusting into his nose. Blood cascaded down his face as he stumbled to get away from her. The third grabbed her from behind, locking his arms around hers.

Owen was about to get up when he saw the smile on her face.

Jessica leaned forward before snapping her head back slamming her skull into her attacker's face. Suddenly she was free and she grabbed the collar of his shirt and slammed her fist into his cheek repeatedly until he, too, was on the ground nursing wounds.

Eli stood alone. He'd stopped in his rush, hoping his friends would contain her and he could finish her.

Jessica looked at Eli, returned to her widened stance and waited.

"You b-b-bitch!" Something dropped into his hand and a flash of silver later the blade was free of it's case. Eli's focus was singular. He only saw the fierce redhead in front of him.

Owen drove his fist into Eli's gut. The fat fucker never saw him coming. The blade dropped from his hand and Owen kicked it out of reach. He returned to his seat. "All yours." He tipped the brim of her hat at her.

Jessica rushed Eli and though he tried to keep his hands up to block her attacks by the end he was bloody, coughing, and would have a black eye for days.

Satisfied with her work Jessica walked over to Owen, tilted up his head, and kissed him on the mouth. It was a chaste kiss, one that said, thanks for honoring my strength. She pulled the hat from his head and went on about her day her hips swinging for his benefit.

Unbeknownst to Eli and his friends, Owen knew how often Jessica trained in her martial art. He also knew where she placed in her competitions. She was fifteenth in the world, sixteen year old division.

"Jessica!" Samantha hissed.

Jessica looked over at the blonde. "I"m sorry, lost in a daydream." She blinked her eyes trying to perk up. "What's up?"

Samantha looked up into those green eyes. "Does this feel different to you?"

Jessica knew what the girl meant. They had all prepared for this night as a kind of gift for Owen. Simple enough, really. Show up, play a couple of games, then give way to whatever he might want to do with each of them or all together. Two games down and something had changed. She knew they were all feeling it, too. "Yeah. It does."

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