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Game of Marriage

Story Info
Boy gets repercussions of sleeping with a married woman.
11.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 05/17/2023
Created 08/01/2022
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Game of Marriage

I have put this under the gay category, it involves a cheating husband and wife and some offensive words so if that is a problem for you then don't read ahead.

Otherwise have fun!

Thank you to Dougslair for editing the story!

The New Job

"So, Darren, why do you want this job?" Darren's interviewer asked.

Darren was sat on the other side of this woman's desk, wearing a black suit he only bought a few days ago specifically for this interview.

Since finishing school, Darren has spent the last year not doing a lot and just fooling around with friends and his now ex-girlfriend. When his Ex went to the university and broke up with him, it was a bit of a wakeup call to Darren to get serious about his life.

Now he was 19, he decided to try and get a career started, so he managed to get this interview with a sales company. Darren was nervous before the interview, when he saw the woman interviewing his nervousness doubled!

She was a stunning older woman. Darren couldn't figure out her age but he would take a guess of around 40. She was tall, long dark hair, brown eyes and she was wearing a black pencil skirt and a buttoned blouse that hugged her figure, really showing off the curves of her arse and her obviously big tits!

Darren considered himself confident with women, since his girlfriend left him, he has slept with a lot of women. But the surprise of this sexy older woman threw him off.

Stuttering, Darren finally managed to answer the question.

"Well, erm Miss Bates."

"Actually it's Mrs. Bates." The woman replied staring at him, her brown eyes burning into Darren and making him even more nervous.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Bates. I want this job as I am young and eager to work hard and start to build my career." Darren told her.

"Hmmm," She said from the other side of the desk, reading Darren's CV, "You have pretty much zero experience. I'm not sure this will work."

Darren panicked, but taking a few deep breaths, he composed himself and brought back his confident side.

"Mrs. Bates, I know that I don't have the experience. But I'm young and hungry, I will work harder than anyone to prove that I have what it takes. If you give me this opportunity, you won't be disappointed."

Mrs. Bates remained silent, her face not giving away any of her emotions as she stared at Darren who was trying to stop himself from sweating with nervousness.

"Come in Monday, you can have a week trial and see if you last." Mrs. Bates said.

"Thank you so much!" Darren said, wanting to jump with joy!

"I'll see you Monday." Mrs Bates said extending her hand and shaking Darren's.

When he got back to his car he was smiling uncontrollably and instantly called his parents to give them the good news!

All he had to do was complete the week trial and he could be starting his career.

Over A Week Later

This was it. It was Friday and Darren was going in for his meeting with Mrs Bates about how his trial went, and if they would be keeping him.

He was happy with his work this week, he made sure to be the first one in and the last one to leave every day. He hammered the phones, and although he wasn't the greatest salesman, he knew he had potential. So, he was feeling confident going into the meeting.

"Darren, take a seat." Mrs Bates said.

She didn't make too many appearances around the desks of most of the workers and kept herself in her big office. Being the owner of the company, she was probably paying people to check everyone for her.

Yet every time that Darren saw her, she was dressed in tight, pencil skirts and blouses which turned him on every time.

"Thank you, Mrs. Bates." Darren said, learning quickly to always be polite and respectful to this scary woman.

In the room were two other managers, one that was Darren's direct manager and one that was a manager of another team but had spent time training Darren.

"So, I have been given very good feedback about your first week." Mrs Bates said.

Thank God! Darren thought to himself, letting out a smile.

"That is great to hear, I really want to do well and become an asset in this company." Darren said back.

"Well," Mrs Bates continued, "If you keep up this hard work, then you will do well."

Then he saw it, the first time he has ever seen this woman smile! Her eyes were looking at his, and Darren managed to smile back at this beautiful woman.

He shook hands and thanked the others and then finished for the day. Driving home, Darren called his friends and agreed they were going out drinking tonight to celebrate!

After congratulations from his mum and dad, Darren was finally in the pub with five of his mates getting as drunk as he wanted.

"Well lads, now I have a proper income. It's time to get spending!" He laughed out loud, buying a round of drinks.

That night was a little bit of a blur after that. They ended up staying out until 4am, and Darren actually ended up back at a 23-year-old girl's house and fucking her while her mum and dad were in the other room. And he knew they were not quiet!

In the morning, Darren did his best to leave their house quietly, after getting the girl's number.

When he was in the taxi home, Darren couldn't stop smiling.

I have a good paid job with a great future, I just fucked a beautiful girl, life can't get much better than this!

The Beginning

6 months later

Darren has been excelling at work, he works more hours than anyone in the office but has the billing to make it worth it. He was earning a lot of money, more than he knew what to do with.

In fact, he was already given a raise just for his hard work!

In the recent few weeks, he noted Mrs Bates talking to him more. Normally she wouldn't even say "hi" to him, but every now and again she would come and check in on him and would even give him advice on his work.

Darren was the youngest in the office by at least 15 years so he assumed she was helping guide the young new employee, which he appreciated.

Truth be told, Darren spent nearly every night wanking whilst thinking of his boss, Mrs. Bates and imagining what she would be like on her knees under his desk with his hard cock in her mouth.

Although he still slept with a different woman nearly every weekend, his thoughts were constantly filled with his boss.

One day, he was at his desk when Mrs Bates walked over and said to him, "Darren, will you come to my office?"

"Of course." He replied and quickly followed behind, staring at her curves as he walked.

Once they were in the room, she closed the door and took her seat on the other side of the desk.

"So, Darren, how are you finding it here?" She asked which made Darren nervous.

"I'm really enjoying it." He told her, hoping to come off as confident.

After a brief pause, she smiled and said, "Well, I think you are doing great Darren, I am very impressed with your work ethic and am very happy with how you are progressing."

I wave of relief washed over Darren as he replied, "Thank you so much Mrs Bates."

"It is my pleasure; I am going to want you to work closer with me in the future. I am going to have some hands on training with you." She said with a smile.

The idea of the owner of the company training him made Darren excited, hoping that this would help his progress in his career.

When Darren got home later, he told his parents who then took him out to a restaurant to celebrate.

"I am so proud of you son." Darren's father said, "You have really turned it around and I couldn't be happier for you."

"Me too." His mother said going across the table and giving him a hug.

The next few months Darren worked as hard as ever, every day he would go and give Mrs Bates a report of his work and she slowly got friendlier and friendlier with him. She was becoming less the scary woman he was afraid of and more of a mentor. Darren couldn't believe his luck and couldn't be happier.

Due to his big work load lately, he has had to cut down on his socialising and has not had sex for nearly two months now! Not that that stopped him from wanking every night still picturing his boss.

The Christmas Party

Darren had been at the company for nearly a year now and the annual Christmas party was already getting lively.

He had drunk a good number of beers and was chatting and dancing with nearly everyone in the company.

Being the youngest employee, the other staff members saw him as the young and fun stud and were enjoying partying with him.

Then, Mrs Bates arrived at the party. Everyone was surprised because she was not one to join in these social events and kept herself to herself most of the time. However, now she seemed to be enjoying herself. Darren even saw her drinking a glass of wine or two.

She was dressed in a tight, blue dress, and after a few beers, Darren struggled to keep his erection down whilst staring at her. Every now and again he would accidentally make eye contact and she would smile back.

Her smiles were sending thoughts through Darren's head... dangerous thoughts.

Does she want me? Being the main one.

Around 10pm, Darren had enough confidence from the alcohol to go and start a conversation with her.

"Mrs Bates! It's great to see you here!" He said going in for a hug, something he would never be brave enough to do when sober.

"Darren, gotten to the bar a few times I see?" She said with a slight laugh.

"Oh, yes, sorry about that." Darren said, realising he might have read the situation wrong.

"Do not apologise, it's nice to see you like this." She said with a smile.

Maybe I didn't read this wrong?

"No husband tonight?" Darren asked.

Mrs Bates never spoke of her husband, Darren sometimes questioned if she was even married. If it wasn't for the ring on her finger, he might think she had made him up.

"Not tonight. He has his own Christmas party to attend to." She said.

"That's his loss," Darren said, and then feeling more confident, "You look amazing by the way."

She paused for a minute, making Darren panic that he had just crossed a line. That was until she smiled, brushed a slight bit of hair from her face and said back, "Thank you Darren, I have seen you staring at me."

"Well, who wouldn't stare at you when you're looking like that." Darren said before covering his mouth with a hand, not meaning to be so flirty with the owner of the company.

"Don't worry Darren, having a young and good lucking boy such as yourself compliment me is nice." she said. Then, her right hand ever so lightly stroked down Darren's arm. Sending shivers down his body, his cock was fully hard, which Mrs Bates easily spotted when she looked down, back up and said, "Oh, is that because of me?"

He panicked, not wanting to risk his job! He stuttered slightly unable to get any words out of his mouth.

Then Mrs Bates leaned in and whispered with her mouth an inch from his ear, "I hope it's because of me."

Fuuuuuckkkk! Darren thought, she is flirting with me!

Suddenly, knowing that she was flirting back, his confidence came back as well.

Whispering, Darren said to his boss.

"What can I say, I find a sexy, strong woman very desirable."

Mrs Bates smiled, leaned in once more and whispered in his ear, "Wait here for 10 minutes, the come out the front."

Darren didn't get a chance to reply before Mrs Bates turned around and left the bar.

Is this really happening? He thought to himself, I know she married, but she's so hot. I want this!

Waiting 10 minutes as she told him, Darren then slowly walked out of the bar and out the front.

Once the cold air hit him, he looked to the side and saw Mrs Bates standing by an open car door, smiling at him. Not wasting any time, Darren rushed over.

"Get in." She said firmly.

"Haven't you been drinking?" Darren asked, not wanting to get in a car with a drunk driver.

"I was on non-alcoholic wine, I don't drink whilst with work colleagues." She said.

He didn't need any more encouragement and got into the passenger side of the car. Mrs Bates got in and closed her door and started driving.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, Darren glancing across at the woman he has thought about for nearly a year, knowing he was about to finally fuck her.

"Show me what we are working with." She said firmly.

"What do you mean?" Darren asked confused.

"Show me your cock." She ordered.

"Okay." Darren replied, undoing his belt and trousers and pulling them down.

Suddenly his 6inch hard cock was out and on show for his boss.

Without saying a word, Darren watched as Mrs Bates's hand went across and grabbed onto his hard cock.

Is this really happening? He thought.

She gripped onto it, moving her hand up and down a couple of times before returning her hand back to the steering wheel.

"That should do." She said.

Darren didn't know whether to put his cock away or not, so he left it out as she had not said otherwise.

The rest of the drive was in silence, Darren constantly looking across as the sexy older women he was about to have sex with.

Then she pulled up into a drive of a huge house! She clearly had a lot of money as the house was very modern and large enough to fit a few families.

"You should put that away before we go in." Mrs Bates told him.

"Okay." He replied, pulling his trousers back up.

He watched her leaving the car, staring at her arse the entire time. When her door shut, Darren quickly followed her down the drive and into the big house.

"Follow me." She said, not even looking at him, which weirdly seemed to turn Darren on more.

Normally when he fucked a girl, it was on a night out and she would do anything that he told her. He has never been with a strong woman before but the idea excited him.

Darren followed a few steps behind his boss as she led him into her bedroom. He saw a few photos on the walls of friends and one that he assumed was her husband.

He had short brown hair and looked to be very muscular. He had a bit of guilt as he saw the man whose wife he was about to have sex with, but that guilt quickly left when he heard Mrs Bates shout from the bedroom.

"Get in here now!"

In a heartbeat, he was in her room. There was a huge bed with grey bedsheets, everything looked very expensive.

Mrs Bates was sitting on a leather chair and pouring herself a glass of wine.

"Take your clothes off." She said from the chair.

Quickly undressing completely, Darren now found himself standing completely naked in front of his boss, not believing his luck.

"Nice, very nice." She said.

Darren didn't know what to do, he stood completely still as Mrs Bates was sitting with her legs crossed and sipped her wine.

Slowly, Mrs Bates uncrossed her legs and Darren marvelled as she kept them spread wide open on the chair, putting in clear view the black thong that she was wearing.

Fuck she's so hot!

"Come here." She ordered.

Still not speaking, Darren started to walk towards the beautiful older woman.

"No." She shouted, "Crawl."

Darren has never experienced this, but he was loving every second! Getting onto his knees on the soft grey carpet, he crawled towards his bosses' spread legs.

When he reached her, he had to fight the urge to get straight to her pussy.

"Take my thong off." She ordered.

Raising his hands, Darren wrapped his fingers around her thong and slowly began to pull them down.

This is it. My dreams are about to come true!

Ever so slowly, he pulled the thong off of his boss, past her high heels and when he looked back at her spread legs, Mrs Bates smooth and perfect pussy was in front of his face.

"Look at me." She whispered seductively.

Looking at her, staring into her deep brown eyes, she whispered again.

"No one will find out about this. Do you understand?"

"Yes." Darren said.

"Good boy." She whispered, leaning forward and lightly gripping her right hand onto Darren's hair.

She didn't pull hard, but hard enough to guide Darren's face towards her pussy. As he got closer and closer, he could see how wet she was, her glistening pussy just waiting for him.

Extending his tongue, Darren got his first taste of his boss's sweet pussy.

"Mmmmm." He moaned as he instinctively began to move his tongue around her pussy lips, teasing her clit and tasting her as much as he could.

Mrs Bates breathing got a little heavier at the tongue touching her, teasing her.

Darren worked all around her clit, knowing how to please a women. After her breathing got heavier and heavier, he finally and slowly ran his wet tongue along her throbbing clit.

"Mmmmm that's better." She moaned, both of her hands gripping onto his hair and pushing him deeper into her pussy.

Darren was in heaven, not having any action in so long and now getting the woman he has been obsessing with for months!

He massaged her clit with his tongue as he brought his hand up, tracing his index finger around her soaking wet lips, he slowly pushed it deep inside of her, fingering his sexy boss.

"Fuuuckk good boy!" She moaned above him.

Darren quickly started to finger her faster and faster whilst flicking his tongue along her clit, being able to tell that she was getting closer to cumming. Normally he would stop and take the opportunity to fuck her whilst she was at her horniest, but something about this woman made him want to do whatever she wanted.

He felt her grip on his head tighten and she moaned out.

"Fuck yes! Make me cum!!"

Her pussy clenched around his finger, her legs tensed up and her smooth thighs pressed against Darren's head as she began to scream out in pleasure with the orgasm he was giving her.

"Fuuuuuccckk!!" She moaned jerking forward from each wave of orgasm.

After she had finished, her grip, still in his hair, pulled Darren's head back. He was smiling at her from his knees when she spoke in a firm tone.

"Go and lie on the bed now."

Not speaking, Darren jumped onto the bed and lay on his back.

He watched as Mrs Bates effortlessly pulled her dress off, standing in front of him in just a black bra. She quickly unhooked it and as it dropped to the ground, he stared at his bosses amazing body. She was tanned and toned all over, her tits were big and stood up and looked amazing. She was by far the sexiest woman Darren has ever been with.

He watched as she silently walked over to the bed, putting a leg on either side of his body and sat just over his cock. So close to finally fucking the woman of his dreams.

Mrs Bates grabbed onto his cock and rubbed the head up and down her soaking wet pussy.

"How long have you wanted to fuck me?" She asked looking down at him.

Without hesitating he replied.

"Since I first saw you in my interview."

Not saying a word, still gripping onto his cock, Mrs Bates slowly lowered herself onto him.

Her pussy seeming to wrap around his hard cock as she edged lower and lower until she was sat with his cock fully inside of her.

"Mmmmmm I love this young cock." She moaned out.

Staying perfectly still with his cock balls deep inside of her, Darren raised his hands and grabbed onto both of her perfect tits.

But Mrs Bates quickly grabbed his wrists and pushed them off.

"You don't touch unless I let you!" She ordered.

"Fuuckk!" Darren moaned, loving this dominant side.

Slowly, she began to grind forward and backwards on his cock, keeping him fully inside of her as she rubbed herself against his body.

"You like that?" She moaned.

"I love it, you're so tight." Darren moaned.


Mrs Bates palm struck across Darren's face shocking him.


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