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Gameshow Ch. 09

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Howie finds heaven.
3.8k words

Part 9 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 02/16/2004
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Howie was ready for the next game. So far this had been the best day of his life. When it started, he had been embarrassed about being naked in public. But now, this had been so much fun that he could care less.

Nancy, on the other hand, didn't know what to think. She had been so sure that she knew God's plan. Now nothing was going the way she expected. She still couldn't believe that Howie had put his penis in her mouth. More than that, she couldn't believe what she had offerred to do if he hadn't. It was one thing to be made to do something against one's will. It was quite another to beg to be allowed to do those things.

As they walked, Nancy continued to argue with herself. It wasn't her fault that she had begged to do those terrible things. They would have been better than what actually happened. Or would they. Nancy had been scared that Howie would cum in her mouth, and he hadn't. Was God punishing her for thinking she had known his plan? Was He testing her to see if she could go through with what she had started. Nancy honestly didn't know, but she was afraid that if God was testing her, she was failing Him badly.

Finally, as they reached the end of the path, Nancy resolved to simply try to accept whatever happened. She would not pretend to know God's plan or purpose, she would simply try to accept it. The problem was that she knew what the remaining penalties were. Even if she used Bill Clinton's definition of sex to excuse what she had just done, there was no semantic way out of the next one. Nancy honestly couldn't come to grips with what she would do if she lost another game. She simply lifted a last desperate prayer that she wouldn't.

When they got to the end of the path, the players saw another large banked oval track. However, this one was at least a quarter mile long and covered with asphalt. Across one straightaway was an obvious finish line and sitting on the track were two go-carts. Bink handed each player a helmet and explained the game.

This was simply a go-cart race. Each player did 5 laps and whoever finished first won. The only exception was that if a crash disabled a vehicle, the driver who was determined to have caused the crash would be disqualified.

Both players strapped themselves into their carts and waited for the signal to start. Bink moved to the starting line and picked up a green flag. He waved the flag and both carts took off.

Neither player considered themselves any kind of expert here, but both had driven go-carts as kids. Nancy and Howie both just drove as fast as they could. The first lap was basically even and both drivers looked for any advantage. Laps two and three were also basically even as neither driver could get an edge. As the fourth lap started, Nancy was becoming desperate. She knew what she had to lose on this race. The first half of the lap stayed even. Then on the third turn, Nancy took a chance and floored it all the way through the curve. It was hard to control, but she managed to get a slight lead.

As the players crossed the line to start the fifth lap, Nancy was directly in front of Howie. All she had to do was hang onto her lead. Both players came out of turn two with Nancy still in front. As they sped down the back straightaway, Howie just couldn't make up any distance. They were reaching turn 3 and Howie realized that he was only going to get one chance.

The drivers came out of turn 3 and headed into turn 4. Howie pulled all the way to the outside to try to pass. Nancy saw him drift out and pulled out as well so she could cut him off. That was what Howie had been waiting for. As soon as Nancy started to drift outside, he floored his cart and quickly pulled all the way to the inside. When the drivers went through turn 4, Howie shot underneath Nancy and took the lead. By the time Nancy could even react, Howie was crossing the finish line and Bink was waving the checkered flag.

Howie brought his cart to a stop and jumped out. He threw his helmet into the air and started yelling and jumping around. A minute later he realized how silly that looked naked, but he honestly just didn't care.

Nancy's car came to a rest. She just sat there. There was no way this could have happened. Nancy prayed for this to all be a bad dream and that she would wake up. But nothing happened. Finally, Nancy unbuckled her belt and got out. She just dropped her helmet onto the ground and slowly walked off the track. As soon she was off the track, Bink led the two of them back to the yard. Howie was right up with Bink. Nancy lagged behind. She just couldn't come to grips with this. What did God want from her, and what did he want her to do?

As Nancy thought about it, she realized that her questioning God might be the problem. Perhaps it wasn't for her to know what God wanted from her. Maybe she was just supposed to deal with the situation and trust God to see that it came out all right in the end. Nancy would try. But she didn't know how she was supposed to relax and let Howie put his penis inside her. It had been one thing to put it in her mouth, but to have actual sex was another matter. Still, God must want her to go through with this. If He didn't, He wouldn't have allowed it to happen. Well, His will be done.

Howie and Bink arrived at the yard, and Nancy showed up a few seconds later. When they were all there, Carol announced that Howie had won game 16. The entire audience stood and cheered. Nancy couldn't believe it. Why were these people so excited to see Howie stick his penis into her? She couldn't understand it. But, in all honesty, that didn't matter. It was going to happen whether she understood it or not.

Bink led Howie and Nancy over to the stand. Bink had Thing 1 bring that gymnastics horse back out. Nancy started to cringe, but Bink just told her to relax. He told Nancy she had two options. "If you can be cooperative and allow Howie to fuck you nicely, you just bend over the horse and wait for him to stick it in you. If you're going to be difficult about this, then we strap you back to the horse as we did before. It's your choice. Do you want to bend over, or do you want assistance?"

Nancy sobbed a little and knew she had no real choice. She didn't want to be tied up again. Also, she had promised to see this through no matter what. Slowly, Nancy walked over to the horse and bent herself over it. Bink told her to spread her legs to give Howie easy access to the equipment, so Nancy moved her legs as far apart as she could. Then she just stood there, bent over, waiting to see what would happen next.

Howie moved behind Nancy. He almost couldn't believe that he was going to get to fuck her. She was gorgeous. He'd never been able to get a girl that pretty to even look at him in real life. This was going to be great.

Nancy felt Howie grab her butt. He was moving against her. She felt his erect penis search for her entrance. He had found her hole and was trying to push in. She was so scared and so dry, that it hurt as he tried to get in. Then she felt Howie pull back.

Howie had tried to get into Nancy, but she was so dry it was almost impossible. He could have just forced his way in, but he had no desire to hurt her like that. Howie stepped back and reached under Nancy. He found her clit and started to rub it. Soon, Nancy was shaking a little. He put his other hand to her pussy and felt her starting to get wet. Now she was ready but he wasn't. Nancy was wet, but Howie had lost his erection while he worked on her. Between being in public and all the other pressures of the situation, Howie was having trouble getting hard again. He was absolutely thrilled. Howie had seen the game before and he knew what the rules were in this situation.

Nancy felt Howie pull away from her. She wasn't sure what was going on. Was he quitting. Was he going to be really nice and not make her do this. Oh NO! He was reaching under her and finding her clit. He was starting to rub it. Nancy tried to ignore it, but she just couldn't. Howie had a really nice touch and she started to feel herself tremble. Her vagina was getting wet. Nancy tried not to enjoy it, but she just couldn't control her body. She realized that her vagina was now ready to be entered, and Howie would be in there momentarily.

Nothing happened. Nancy expected to feel Howie entering her, but he wasn't there. Then she felt him push against her, and she could feel that is penis wasn't hard anymore. Maybe he wouldn't be able to do it. She looked over her shoulder and Howie was stepping back. In a strange way she almost felt sorry for him. This had to be horribly humiliating for him. Surely the men in the stand would all laugh at the poor guy. So why wasn't Howie upset. He actually had a huge grin on his face. Even the crowd seemed to be enjoying this. Nancy had no idea what was going on.

The person who did know was Carol Blondy. This was the part of her job she truly hated. It had started about 6 months earlier. Originally Carol had been hired to look pretty and announce the games. Then that incident with the airline pilot had occurred. The guy had won his 9th game and had won the right to screw that stupid school teacher he was playing against. The teacher hadn't wanted to be fucked and they had to restrain her. By the time they got her tied up and ready, she was crying her eyes out. The crying had gotten to that idiot and he hadn't been able to get it up. It had take almost a half an hour to get that bimbo calmed down enough to where the schmuck could get it up and stick it to her. After the game, Vic and Bink had called Carol over and told her that they could not allow that to ever happen again.

Carol had agreed with them that it messed up the game. It was the solution that she didn't like. The men told her that if some guy was having trouble getting it up, Carol was to go over and help him. Carol wasn't exactly sure what they meant by that, but they had spelled it out. She was to go over to the guy and suck his dick until he was rock hard. That way the game wouldn't be delayed, and the crowd would even enjoy the incident. Carol was actually struck speechless for a moment. Then she told both Vic and Bink in no uncertain terms that she was not giving a blowjob to every guy who was too scared to stick it to his opponent.

Vic smiled at Carol and told her that he understood. She certainly didn't have to do that if she didn't want to. He would have payroll make out a final check for her, and he hoped she didn't have any trouble finding another job. Carol asked him what the Hell he was talking about and Vic told her that this was a new part of her job description. If she didn't like it she was welcome to resign and they would find someone else to replace her.

Carol was at a loss. This job paid more than any gig she had ever had. Also, she had just made a down payment on a big new home in Florida. If she lost this job, she would lose her house. Carol told Vic he was a bastard but agreed that she would do it. Vic told her that she could be as pissed about it as she wanted to be, but when she was performing out there, she better look like she was having the time of her life. Carol just sighed and said that she understood.

It was about a month later, that the situation arose again. This time the male player was a postal worker and he was a little older than most of their other contestants. By the time he won the ninth game, he was either too nervous or too exhausted to perform. Either way, Carol had to go help him. The crowd had gone nuts when they saw her kneel in front of the guy and start blowing him. She had hated it, but she smiled and laughed like sucking his dick was the most fun she'd had all year. It certainly hadn't taken her long to get the guy up and going.

Since then, word had gotten around. It looked like guys actually tried to lose their hard-ons just so they could get sucked by Carol. The crowd was also into it. They had begun to cheer every time Carol was needed. It had reached the point now that Carol ended up sucking on some guy at least every other game. She absolutely hated it, but she went through with it anyway. There was no way she was losing this job.

So, here she was again. Carol knew what she was supposed to do. She walked down from her platform and over to Howie. Kneeling down in front of him, she gave Howie a big smile and then wrapped her lips around his dick. As soon as she started sucking, Howie reached down and grabbed those huge boobs of hers. That, of course, was the other problem. Everytime Carol sucked some guy, he would pull her big tits out of her top and start flopping them around in front of the audience. In fact, that part had become so popular, that Vic had ordered that once her boobs were exposed, Carol was not allowed to put them away for the rest of the game. Also, while they were out, Bink could play with them anytime he felt like it. Carol loathed the slimy little host, even more than she hated sucking all those dicks. If it wasn't for how much this gig paid, Carol would have told Vic to take his job and shove it. But it did pay that well, so Carol just kept her feelings to herself and sucked when required.

Howie was in heaven. The gorgeous Carol Blondy was sucking his dick. It was the most incredible feeling. Howie had to feel those huge tits. He reached into her top and scooped them out. Howie wasn't sure if they were real or not, but they sure felt real. Between squeezing those huge boobs, and what Carol's mouth was doing down below, Howie was rock hard in less than a minute.

It was almost disappointing. Having his dick sucked by Carol was incredible, but she had to stop. His dick was hard and it had other things to do. He moved back behind Nancy. Howie nudged his cock up against her. She was still wet. Howie pulled back a moment, then he plunged in deep.

Nancy couldn't believe what was happening. When Howie had gone soft, that incredibly stacked blonde woman had walked over to him. Then she had gotten down and put his penis in her mouth. What was more, she acted like she enjoyed it! Was that possible? Well, Howie was certainly enjoying it. Nancy could see the silly grin on his face. She could also see that is penis was getting very hard. Then Carol stopped sucking on Howie, and Nancy watched him walk behind her.

When Howie walked behind her, Nancy lost sight of him. Bent over that horse, she really couldn't look directly back. But she still knew what was coming. Howie still had a full minute to have his penis inside her. Why was she allowing that? Then there was no time to think. Nancy felt Howie's penis pushing against her opening. It found her hole and pulled back for a moment. Then it plunged all the way inside her.

Nancy had never had anything that big in there. She tried not to react, but she couldn't help shrieking as it went in. Lord how far was that thing going. Then Howie was pulling out. He was almost completely out of her, when he slammed it all the way back in. God, Nancy couldn't believe how far that penis was going into her. Then Howie was pumping into her for all he was worth. That huge thing kept pistoning in and out. Nancy was feeling things in places she didn't know could be reached. The most awful part was that it really felt good.

Then it stopped. Howie had stuck his penis in as far as he could and just stopped moving. Nancy wondered why he had stopped, and some part of her was disappointed that he had. Then Bink was in front of her with his mike, asking her how it felt.

Howie couldn't believe how good it felt. Nancy's pussy was incredibly tight. He got all the way in. Then he stopped for a moment just to enjoy the feeling and then he just started screwing that incredible pussy. Howie felt he had just gotten started, when Bink tapped him on the shoulder. He told Howie that half his time was up and he needed to interview Nancy. If Howie wanted to, he could just stay inside her while Bink spoke to Nancy. Howie just nodded and stuck his dick in as deep as he could. Then he just waited there while Bink went to talk to Nancy. It was hard to hold still, but Howie had no problem staying in that pussy as long as they would let him.

Nancy couldn't believe that Bink wanted to talk to her while Howie still had his penis stuck in her vagina. But there he was, asking her how she felt about Howie screwing her. Nancy lifted her head up and screamed at him that it was disgusting to make her have sex in public like this. Bink then asked her if she liked feeling Howie deep insider her. Nancy started to yell back at him, but then she hesitated. Lying was a sin. What she was having to do was awful, but it didn't change that. Nancy sighed and then told Bink the truth. She hated having this done to her in public, but Howie's penis did feel nice inside her.

Bink waited a moment and then asked Nancy if she was ready for Howie to start screwing again. Nancy started to answer, but then Howie's big penis twitched inside her. It startled her and took her breath away for a moment. Bink had to laugh as he saw Nancy react. A moment later, Nancy told Bink to have Howie start screwing her again and get it over with. Then she laid her head back down and waited to feel Howie pounding her again. What really bothered her, though, was that same small part of her was looking forward to it.

A moment later, Nancy felt the penis pull out of her vagina. Then it began to pound in and out of it. God it was humiliating but it felt so good. Then Howie was pulling completely out of her. Nancy could feel her vagina gaping open for a moment, before it closed back up. Nancy was so relieved that it was over, so why did she feel kind of empty as well.

Howie waited patiently while Bink spoke to Nancy. He was in no hurry for Bink to finish. It felt so good to just stand there, with his dick deep inside Nancy. He tried not to move, but he couldn't stop his dick from twitching in there a couple of times. He almost laughed when he saw Nancy's reaction to the last vibration. Finally, Bink walked back to him and told him to go at it. Howie pulled his dick back all the way to the entrance. Then he started fucking that pussy as hard as he could. Man that felt good. Then Bink was telling him his time was up. Howie was really disappointed, but there were better things to come. He pulled out of Nancy with an audible 'pop' and stepped back. When he moved away, both Howie and the entire audience could see Nancy's poor pounded pussy gaping open for a moment. Then the little hole closed up and was out of sight again.

Nancy stood up from the horse and the crowd applauded. She still couldn't believe what this crowd clapped for. Now they were cheering Howie for ramming into her vagina. Well at least it was over. Nancy had survived. The part that really bothered her wasn't what had been done to her. It was that it had felt so good. Nancy was having a lot of trouble coming to grips with the fact that when Howie pulled out of her, for just a moment, she was disappointed. Just then Bink announced game 17 and Nancy shuddered. Nancy knew what the penalty was for the next loss, and she had a feeling that was not going to feel nearly as nice.

Howie couldn't wait for the next event. Nancy's pussy had been wonderful. He could only imagine what her ass would feel like. One more win and he would actually find out. As soon as Bink announced the next game he dashed for the path. He was actually at the path before Bink and Nancy reached him. Howie waited for Bink to start down the path. Then he and Nancy followed him. Howie was grinning from ear to ear the whole way down the path. Nancy on the other hand, quivered the whole way. She could also imagine what that huge penis would feel like stuffed up her anus. Nancy had no desire to see if reality would live up to her imagination.

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lazyhobolazyhoboalmost 12 years ago
In response to anon about stupid comment.

To be fair, a lot of children, whether born into religious or just strict households, or in similar cases, children learning faith for the first time from someone who was raised in it. Are told things "Sex is bad" and for a young person, the knowledge hard printed into her being "Sex is bad" add in that she only ever had sex one time, which would have hurt considering it was the loss of her virginity. It's not unusual that someone like that would just naturally assume that it didn't feel good.

But this wasn't "Sex is bad so it just doesn't feel good" her complaint was that she was feeling good in that situation, with a complete stranger and she didn't understand. It was non consensual, she didn't want to feel good, yet she was. That's what is was about.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
A smart girl could not be that stupid.

She is a religious student and the Bible has much about sex and yet the writer claim she has no idea why people would enjoy it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
Nice suck scene !

Having Carol suck Howie was a brilliant twist! It sure made my dick come out of my pants and get long and hard really fast! I could easily imagine myself in Howie's place with Carol's lips sliding up and down my now very hard and long dick! Way to go!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago

Don't stop the story. I lovd the other series and this one is even better. I am married, happily :.) (really I am). Anyway, your story is great, humiliation is such a relative term!! I have been married for over 15 years and still she is embarrased if I walk in on her naked. But that still turns me on! Anyawy, dont stop, your writing is very good and your storyline is fantastic.!!. And please dont stop until you finish this one!!!!!

KnickersKnickersabout 20 years ago

Wow, you took my suggestion on board! :) Thanks for making Carol a little more... proactive. Hope Bink enjoys himself.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago

These series are great! The only bad thing is the waiting!! But if that's the price for such a great series, it's very welcome.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago

great story keep them cumming

AnonymousAnonymousabout 20 years ago
love the entire series!

This entire series has been great! Incredibly erotic and very well written, given the implausible plot. Keep them coming, and coming and coming......

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