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Get Ready for Fireworks

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Change into yukatas at Asuna's, then fireworks at the beach.
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It was summer in Oceanview, and the day of the big fireworks show was fast approaching. I was pretty excited actually. When I lived in Japan, we always used to go to see the fireworks show on Zaimokuza beach near my house or Katase Shirahama near my Aunt Sachi's place. It's a big thing, and tons of people come down from Tokyo just to watch. Fireworks make it feel like summer.

Kazuo and the boys in the Japanese Student Union got everything ready, so all we had to do was show up. I'd ordered some colorful yukatas and a bunch of accessories for me, Satomi and Asuna to wear. Asuna lives closest to the beach, so we met at her place. Asuna is a bit younger, but she tries to act adult around us, and she's been a good friend to me.

She answered the door, but she was all in a kerfuffle. It's not like she's ditsy or anything, but she is a bit excitable, especially when some big event is about to start. I heard voices, so curious, I walked over into their living room, and set down some of my things on the coffee table. There was a girl and guy sitting at the table in the dining room.

"Sandra... and Craig," Asuna explained. I'd encountered Craig once before, the time he walked in on me when I was getting out of their shower. I could tell that he remembered me too—the 'naked girl.' Craig is a handsome devil; I'll give him that. He is tall with a sharp nose and toothy grin, like he knows women like him. I try not to get taken in by guys like that, but despite myself, I was getting a bit excited.

Before I could say hi though, Asuna dragged me off down the hall to her room. Satomi was there, wide-eyed with a big smile, anxious to see the yukatas I'd brought. I got them out, and showed them. Asuna's was bright red, and Satomi was yellow and orange.

"Wow! Beautiful," they oohed and aah-ed. Mine was indigo, but seeing their reaction made me wish I'd got something more colorful. I'm going to have to make myself up really nice to compete. Fortunately, I'd brought my make-up kit with me.

A bit giddy, I stripped down to my undies. Satomi looked at me strange, but I ignored her, and ended up taking off my bra and panties as well, getting a little thrill from stripping naked.

"What are you doing?" Satomi whined. She's kind of cute when she's angry though, so we don't take her so seriously.

"You're not planning on wearing underwear under your yukata, are you?" I asked. "You'll end up with panty lines."

Asuna stripped down to her undies, and looked down at her yukata, mulling it over.

"I'm going to wear underwear," Satomi poo-pooed my idea.

"They never wore underwear in the old days," I countered.

"Shhh," Asuna warned, motioning for me to keep my voice down. Craig and Sandra had gone silent, so maybe they were listening. I guess I was aware I was being a bit naughty, but like I said, I was feeling a bit loopy what with all these people here.

"Underwear is a western invention," I whispered. "It didn't arrive in Japan until the Taisho era." Both my boyfriend, Ryosuke, and the girl who'd sold me the yukatas, my friend, Miori in Tokyo had told me that, so I am pretty sure it is true. Asuna looked at me, a bit doubtful. She is more of a good girl, but she does look up to me, and is often willing to follow my lead. She ended up taking off her bra and panties, and quickly pulled on the red yukata.

Still naked, I pulled out a pair of tabi (white split-toe socks) and zori (fancy sandals that women wear with kimonos).

"Wow!" Asuna exclaimed. "Just like the Maiko wear!"

I pulled on the tabi, and stepped into the zori. I stood up, and modeled them for Asuna and Satomi.

"You look silly," Satomi chided. "Hurry up, and put on your yukata for heaven's sake."

I stuck my lips out in a pout, not really wanting to get dressed. I was kind of enjoying lounging around naked. I don't always get to do this with my friends.

"There's just one more thing I want to do first," I told her. I pulled out a comb and some elastic bands from my bag. "I want to do my hair in a matomekami style." Matomekami is the way women do their hair up in a little bun when they wear kimonos. It shows off your neck. In Japan, the neck is considered one of the most sensual parts of a woman's body.

Asuna bent forward peering at my hair ornaments.

"Wooow! Where'd you get these?"

"From Miori. Pretty nice, huh?" I looked around her room, but I couldn't see any mirrors. "Do you have a mirror here somewhere?"

"There's one in the bathroom," Asuna replied. I knew she wanted me to get dressed, but just for fun, I tiptoed over to the door, and peeked out into the hall.

"Oh, don't you dare!" Satomi hissed. I was just teasing actually, but now that she was making such a big deal, I was tempted to go out into the hall naked. Craig had already seen me naked once before, and the rest of us were girls, so it didn't seem that weird at the time. I listened at the door for a moment. It sounded like Sandra and Craig were still in the dining room around the corner.

"It's just across the hall," I noted, trying to get up my nerve. "I'll be right back." I took a deep breath, and dashed across to the bathroom. My whole body was tingling now from the excitement. A bit embarrassed, I closed the door behind me. In the mirror, I did look kind of indecent. I was so excited my nipples were sticking up. Maybe I shouldn't have come over here naked, but it was pretty thrilling, sneaking around with Craig here. I washed my face, and then scooted back to Asuna's room to grab my backpack. Asuna was dressed, and Satomi had pulled on her yukata over her panties.

"Will you get dressed?" Satomi hissed at me in her cute voice. I just smiled, and ran back to the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I washed my shoulders and stuff, and dabbed a bit of white foundation on my face and neck. I really wanted to look my best today.

I had no idea how the fireworks would go, but I could hardly wait. Should I tell Ryosuke I'm commando? He'd probably get all excited. If only I could get Satomi and Asuna to shed their undies, it wouldn't be just me. That would be so great if the three of us went that way.

I gathered up my hair into a bun, and tried to hold it with one of the elastics. I couldn't get it to stay though, so I needed some help. Through the door, I could hear Sandra's voice out in the hall.

"Wow! You girls look great! Where are you going?" she asked.

"To a fireworks show on the beach," Asuna replied. "Do you want to join us?"

"No, we've got something planned, but thanks for asking."

What could be so important that they'd pass up on the chance to see fireworks? Sandra and Craig weren't planning on shagging, were they? It had been a while since Ryosuke and I... well, you know... so I kind of had sex on the brain.

Anyway, I opened the door a crack, and whispered,

"Asuna, could you come in here, and help me with my hair?"

Sandra was right there. Asuna got up, and came over, and when she opened the door to come in, Sandra saw that I was nude. I tried to close the door behind Asuna, but Sandra held it open.

"What's going on over here?" she asked, curious.

"I'm just trying to do my hair," I blushed. Asuna took a hold of my hair, and we got it rolled up into a ball. We slid the comb in, and with a little bit of coaxing got it to stay. Sandra seemed fascinated.

"You know what you look like?" she said. "One of those Geisha girls."

Asuna and I both giggled.

"Or more like a Maiko," Asuna corrected. Maiko are the younger geisha in training. I squatted down, and pulled out an uchiwa, a Japanese fan. I fanned my face, and gazed over at them demurely doing my best impression of a Maiko. Sandra broke out laughing.

Suddenly though, Craig stuck his head round the corner. He must have heard us giggling, and came to see. I glanced around the bathroom for something to cover up with, but my yukata was still back in Asuna's room. Craig licked his lips, grinning away, obviously delighted to catch me naked again.

"Um... uh...," I stammered, pointing him out to Sandra. She turned, and started hitting him.

"Hey! Hey! No peeking!" she yelled, chasing him off into the living room. I felt embarrassed of course, but more than that, I was getting all horny. Asuna made a frowny face. Suddenly, I got an idea.

"Where's my purse?" I asked.

"What purse?"

"The little round one that goes with my yukata."

"I don't know. Maybe it's in my room," she suggested. She ran off to look, but I was pretty sure I'd left it in their living room. Getting all excited now, I came out into the hall, breathing a bit faster. I ended up going all the way out to the living room, and peeked around the corner. Sandra and Craig were back at the dining room table, bickering. Sandra didn't seem angry at me. I wonder if I can push this a little further.

"Did I leave my purse out here?" I called out. Sandra got up to look for my bag. Craig went into the kitchen, but soon he appeared in the other doorway right across from where I was standing. I knew he could see me, standing here naked. I felt embarrassed of course, but my body was all tingly. I covered my pussy with my fan, but then finally spotted my bag on the coffee table.

"Oh there it is," I noted pointing it out to Sandra with the fan. Craig seemed fascinated by my pussy, although he also ogled my breasts. I hadn't originally intended to flash him exactly, but here I was standing here naked, blushing under his gaze.

Sandra still couldn't see my purse, so I finally walked straight out into the middle of the living room—buck naked.

"Oh, Emi, don't! Someone might see!" Sandra cried out, pointing to their huge floor to ceiling windows looking out into the courtyard. She was right of course. Craig was having a fit, making all kinds of funny faces. I bent over to pick up my bag. I was so excited I was quivering all over.

"Sorry. Here it is," I said holding it up to show Sandra. There did seem to be some people outside, so I quickly dashed back to the hall. Asuna came out of her room, gawking at me, scandalized.

"Where'd you find that?" she gasped.

"It was in the living room," I blushed. She gave me a dirty look, but I thought I detected the hint of a smile. I guess it was kind of bad flashing Craig like that, but he certainly didn't mind. Sandra probably thinks this is some weird Japanese thing. At least she didn't yell at me.

"Anyway, let's get dressed, and get going," I said. I kind of knew I shouldn't push things, and did my best to settle back down.

Anyway, once Satomi, Asuna and I were all dressed and ready, we said goodbye to Sandra and Craig. Craig looked like the cat that had swallowed the canary.

"Have a good time!" he called after us. We waved goodbye, and headed out all dressed up in our colorful yukatas.

Out on the street, a lot of people turned to look at us as we walked by. I guess they weren't used to seeing girls in yukatas in the States. I felt kind of happy though, looking forward to seeing Ryosuke and the fireworks.

There were already some people at the beach when we arrived. Young Yuuki, the girl from the shopping mall, was there looking terribly cute in her pink yukata with Takuya and Hiro, the two boys who live in Satomi's dorm. The boys Kazuo, Tetsu and Mark from the JSU were busy setting up. The girls Yuriko and Noriko showed up also in yukata, but there was no sign of Ryosuke. Maybe he was still at work.

The sun went down, and it started getting dark. A lot of Japanese and Americans showed up, people I didn't know. We laid out a ground sheet on the sand, and sat down waiting for the show to start. Yuriko sat right in front of us, and seemed to be saving a place for Kazuo. I guess the two of them are going out. Takuya, the tall bespectacled boy from Osaka, was clowning around.

"One time I tried to spook my younger brother by setting off some fireworks. I lit it, but nothing was happening, so I went to take a closer look, and it went off in my face!"

We all laughed. It sounded like something Takuya would do.

Finally, Kazuo came back, and the show started. Tetsu and Mark went out in a small boat, and set off the fireworks over the ocean. You would see these white dots arcing up from the sea, and then they would explode in a flurry of sparks, and fan out. They looked like the fireworks you see in Japan.

Finally, Ryosuke showed up. He smiled when he saw me, came, and sat down next to me. Yuuki was looking over at him curiously. Takuya looked a bit jealous. I'd told Takuya I have a boyfriend, but I guess they'd never met before.

With Ryosuke here, I felt safer. We were sitting on a beach blanket that Asuna brought. I leaned back, and relaxed, gazing up at the sky. Kazuo kept glancing back at my legs. Oh shoot! I forgot. I'm not wearing any undies. Without intending to, I'd been flashing him my pussy.

Kazuo is the leader of the JSU, and good at that, but he's kind of a strange guy, always on the lookout for some angle. He's usually polite to me, but now that he'd realized I was pantiless, he got this goofy look on his face. Ryosuke was right next to me, and Yuriko next to Kazuo, but that didn't seem to stop Kazuo from sneaking peeks at my pussy. I hadn't meant to flash him of course, but all this attention was getting me wet. I could feel my love juices oozing out onto my inner thighs. Oh dear. I guess I shouldn't be showing him this. He did seem plenty aroused.

I sat up, and brushed the sand off my hands. To get away from Kazuo, I nodded to Ryosuke, and then stood up, and went over to where Yuuki was sitting.

"What's wrong?" she whispered as I sat down. I shook my head, not wanting to say out loud with so many people around. I finally leaned over, and whispered in her ear.

"Are you wearing panties?"

Her face kind of went white, but she shook her head no. I didn't explain, but I didn't really need to. She looked over at Kazuo, who was still gazing over this way. I guess I'd got him all excited.

Soon, the first part of the show finished, and they took a break to set up for the second half. We girls all headed off to the ladies room. They were all talking about the show, but I was still worrying about Kazuo. My hello kitty was tingling away, and just wouldn't stop. I sidled up next to Yuriko, Kazuo's true love, and asked her next.

"Are you wearing any panties?"

She opened her eyes wide, and gave me the weirdest look. Satomi overheard, and rushed to reassure her.

"Emi's been on about this all day."

"Well?" I asked, curious. Yuriko looked flustered, and fanned her face, not saying anything. "Can I take that as a no?" I persisted.

"Why are you so interested?" she asked defensively.

"Well, Asuna's not, and Yuuki's not, and I'm not, so I was just curious; that's all. I think Satomi must be the only one."

Satomi pouted out her cute little lips, offended.

"Satomi, will you take yours off if Yuriko is commando too?" I teased.

"Emi!" she scowled storming off. I don't know why she needs to make such a show of being angry. I did feel a bit of regret at being caught by Kazuo, but it was kind of fun, running around like this. Most people probably have no idea.

Unfortunately, Yuriko changed the subject unwilling to join in my game.

"A lot of people here today, huh?"

Soon it was time for the show to start again. Satomi, Yuuki and Yuriko all headed back, but I was still helping Asuna fix her hair.

"That's a beautiful yukata you got," I said.

"Yeah, thanks. That was really nice of you to get it for me."

"My pleasure." I got an idea. "Um, do you think I could try it on?"


"Your yukata. I just want to see how it looks."

Asuna got that doubtful look again, but eventually, nodded.

"I guess."

The washroom was a rough cement block hut. The door was held open by a stopper, and we were standing just inside by the mirrors and sinks. We both glanced back at the door wondering if it was safe to change right here. It was pretty dark outside and all we could see were the trees surrounding the hut. I slowly undid my belt, and pulled my yukata open.

"I guess it's safe," I said trying to reassure her. She looked pretty worried, but she undid her own belt. I took my yukata off, folded it, and set it down on the counter, getting all excited to be naked. The cool night air was giving me goosebumps. Asuna peered over at me shyly, took hers off too, and handed it to me. Asuna, young as she is, has quite the body on her. Her skin was white all the way down to her thighs which had a little bit of a tan. Her breasts aren't large, but they are definitely perky. She covered her pussy and breasts with her hands obviously embarrassed. She kind of blinked nervously as I looked her up and down.

I was about to pull her yukata on, when we heard a noise, like the cracking of twigs coming from outside the door. I froze, and Asuna looked even more afraid.

"What was that?" I whispered. I cautiously sallied over to the door, holding Asuna's yukata in front of me, and peered out into the dark woods. I couldn't see anything at first, so I stuck my head right out the door, and glanced down the path. There was someone coming this way, but then I realized it was Ryosuke.

"Oh it's just Ryosuke," I whispered back to Asuna. She smiled meekly. Ryosuke was her cousin. I was so glad it was him. Just for fun, I stepped out the door to greet him. I held Asuna's yukata in front of my pussy, but I was completely naked otherwise.

"Ho ho ho," he laughed. "Isn't this a pleasant surprise?"

"What are you doing out here?" I asked.

"I came to look for you." He put his arms around me, and I gave him a kiss. He pushed the yukata away, so he could take a look at my pussy. He reached down, cupping my rear, pulling me into him. It felt nice, but I had to stop him.

"Asuna's here," I warned nodding towards the washroom. He leaned over, and peeked in the door.

"Wow! What are you doing?" he said when he saw her naked. She did look quite the sight with her tan lines and cute little bare bottom.

"Get out of here! This is the girl's washroom!" she shouted.

"OK, OK. Sorry," he bowed. I thought he was going to leave, but at the last minute, he grabbed Asuna's red yukata from me, and made off with it probably thinking it was mine.

"Hey! Bring that back!" I shouted. Asuna was all in a panic. "Here. Pull on mine, and go after him," I suggested. She looked at me, obviously freaking, but I gestured for her to hurry up. She pulled on my yukata, and ran outside following. I just sort of stood here my heart pounding in my chest. I really hadn't expected Ryosuke to take Asuna's yukata like that. I mean, he's done things like this before, but usually he's a good boy around her. I guess my coming out onto the path naked had got him all excited.

I kept rubbing my chin, but I was getting more and more excited standing here naked in the cool air. I stood huddled in the door, but I couldn't see what was happening. I peeked outside. I could hear the fireworks going off, but couldn't see Asuna nor Ryosuke. Drat! I'm missing the show too. Hurry up, Ryosuke, and bring the yukata back!

Outside the woods looked so dark and still. Maybe I can just nip out, and take a peek—see what's going on. I looked back at the mirrors confirming that I was indeed stark naked. I felt even more anxious now that I had nothing to cover up with. Still, I wanted to see what was going on, so I edged forward, peering out this way and that. I couldn't see anyone, so ever so slowly, I started out along the path. I still couldn't hear Ryosuke nor Asuna, but the fireworks sounded closer.

Before I knew it, I was right on the edge of the clearing that led to the highway or to the beach. I could see Yuuki and all them sitting down on the beach watching the fireworks. Surely Ryosuke wouldn't go that way. I peered back up towards the parking lot, but that looked pretty quiet. I ended up going all the way out into the clearing, intending to just dash out, and take a quick peek to see if Ryosuke and Asuna were there.


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