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Gotham in Distress

Story Info
Batman and Batgirl face a mysterious threat.
6.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/06/2021
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Author's note: This is a parody involving many characters from the DC universe, but is a story of its own design and in no way relates to any current canon storylines. Thank you and enjoy!




"Just throw her on the floor," she heard before falling to the ground with a harsh thump.

"She should be waking up by now. Try giving her a little nudge."

A sharp pain flared up in Selena Kyle's side from the not so subtle nudge her captor gave her with his boot.

Where the hell am I she thought. Last thing she remembered was climbing back into her apartment before she started feeling dizzy and everything went dark. These guys don't know who they're messing with she mused.

"Leave her alone boys," chimed a seductive voice. "She's far too precious to damage."

Selena knew that voice even with a cloudy head. She stumbled to her upwards and planted her heel clad feet in a battle ready stance. In front of her stood her true captor, clad in nothing but vines which covered her ample breasts and mid section. Leaves and bright flowers adorned her hair her eyes were a striking green.

"Hello, Ivy," Catwoman purred. "You could have just invited me politely. I've always got a little time for Gotham's terrors."

Poison Ivy smiled.

"I know you too well little kitty, but I have a job opportunity for you."

"If it pays well, I'm in."

Ivy leaned towards Selena and gently ran her hands over her leather clad body. She bit her lip and hummed seductively.

"I want you to help me set a trap for the Batman. We're going to take him and his friends out of our way for good!"

Catwoman recoiled. "You're delusional Ivy! I'm not taking part in another half assed scheme to bring down the Bat. It's suicide or another ticket to Arkham."

"Have a little faith my feline friend. We've got help this time. Lot's of it."

"No! Sounds like you have all the help you need already and I don't much like a crowd."

Selena spun on her heel and moved for the exit. As she reached for the door several vines came to life and struck towards her. She ducked and leapt to dodge them and launched into a low roll away from the threat. Her cat-like reflexes kicked in and she quickly flipped back behind Ivy, then leapt for the nearby window. But it was too late.


Thorned vines ensnared all four of her limbs and brought her face to face with her attacker.

"No no no, little kitty," she murmured. "You'll do what I want."

"The fuck I will! Selena spat.

"If you don't...your identity will be revealed to all of Gotham...Miss Kyle. See how far you get once Penguin and Two Face find out who you really are," Ivy threatened with a mischievous grin.

She held up several pictures that were damning evidence. Catwoman's head went limp and she exhaled slowly.

"What do you want me to do?"

Ivy laughed and her eyes glowed with excitement in a terrifying way.

"You're going to be the bait my love."


Chapter 1: Darkest Knight


She ducked under the mugger's fist and slammed her fist into his ribs with a crunch.

"Ahhh," he shouted in agony.

Batgirl swung around behind the criminal and threw him down to the alley floor and clasped a pair of batcuffs on him.

"You're done for!" Batgirl told him triumphantly. "Hope you like the food at GCPD."

"Fuck you, creep."

She cracked her fist against his cheek for good measure before dragging him to the street. She opened a channel on her comlink to GCPD.

"I've got another one for you guys. You can pick him up on the corner of 5th and Main street," she told the Gotham City Police dispatcher.

"Roger that. Thanks again for the assist. We're spread thin tonight."

Just as she was about to respond, her comlink chirped with an incoming priority message. Batgirl opened it to see Batman's cowled face in the holographic display.

"Hey Bruce, what's the emergency?"

"Barbara, I need you to meet me at the Gotham Clocktower right away. We've got a situation."

Her eyes widened beneath her cowl, but she nodded in consent before closing her comlink.

It had been years since Barbara had joined Batman in his crusade to save the city and calls like this were common, but something about Bruce's demeanor was unnerving. Of course, Bruce was always very intense and determined. It was basically his trademark outside of the Batsuit.

Batgirl jumped on her Batcycle and revved it to life. She struck off west towards the clocktower at incredible speed, weaving around traffic and reaching her destination in minutes. She grappled her way to the top and found her trusted leader and companion looking out over the city.

"What took you so long?" Batman said sternly.

"I kept catching all the lights," she responded jokingly.

Batman turned to her and opened up his holographic map of the city. Always straight to the point.

"We've got reports of multiple attacks around the city. It seems that Black Mask has taken over the Ace chemical plant and his goons have taken hostages. On the other hand, there's been several mysterious robberies across the city. Three jewelry stores have been hit already"

"Any idea what our Masked friend is trying to do? Barbara asked.

"That's for you to find out. His syndicate is barricaded in there and GCPD has given up trying to get it. Your dad will need your help."

"I take it you'll be hunting the jewel thief then?"

"Exactly. Gordon says there hasn't been any trace left behind to follow. I have some suspicions."

Batgirl took a deep breath. Catwoman.

"Keep in contact. Something about all this doesn't seem right, Bruce."

Ever the conversationalist, Batman nodded silently and jumped off the rooftop and activated his glider. Batgirl quickly repelled down to her bike and sped off to the industrial district. Barbara may have been apart of the team for awhile now, but she never got tired of the exhilaration she felt when she was on the job. It definitely beat working in the library, she often thought. Her body buzzed as she raced through Gotham and she couldn't help but notice the tingling growing between her legs. The vibration of the engine might have been to blame, but she thought it was more than that. As much as she cared about helping her city and its people, Barbara could not deny that the adrenaline and action made her awfully horny some days. Just a side effect of the constant threat of death, she mused.

She pulled up to the police barricade at the Ace chemical plant's entrance and immediately walked up to her father, Commissioner Jim Gordon. She was striking in her black armored suit with its yellow bat symbol on the chest and yellow gauntlets and boots. Her cape was short and just barely dropped below her butt and her auburn hair fell loose out the back of her cowl.

"What's the situation, commissioner?" she asked.

Jim turned to her. "Glad you're here. Black Mask and his crew are held up inside and have taken hostages. We have no idea what they're doing in there, but it can't be good.

"Keep your men on the perimeter. I'm going in to stop them," she said firmly. "Shouldn't take long."

"Good luck Batgirl!"

Barbara nodded and leapt back on her bike. She gunned the engine a raced through the facility gates, taking two guards by surprise. She jumped off and catapulted herself at one of the thugs, knocking him unconscious with her momentum. She rolled into a prone stance and launched herself at the remaining guard. She easily dodged his amateur swings and she dispatched him with a volley of quick strikes to his body and a roundhouse kick to the head.

Now I just need a way in, she thought.

She spotted a damaged window a couple stories above her and used her grapple gun to climb to it and enter the building. She activated her sonar detection device and used it to locate those inside.

"Hmm, nobody is on the top floors. They must be on the factory floors underground."

She quickly made her way to the lower levels while activating her comlink.


"How may I be of service, Miss Gordon?"

"I need you to use one of the Wayne satellites to scan this building for intruders and mark them on my map."

"Of course," Alfred responded in his cheerful English accent.

Her map slowly began to update, but she only saw a small cluster of heat signatures on the processing floor. Where the fuck did they all go?

Batgirl wasted no time and reached the processing center without detection and found a concealed ledge looking over the plant. She activated her sonar once again and the blue glass lenses slid over her eyes, casting the whole massive room in blue. She immediately saw the cluster of men below her, but they seemed far too few.

Irregardless, she dropped down amidst them and struck quickly. Three of the men opened fire with their submachine guns, but Batgirl detonated a smoke pellet and moved quickly to disarm her foes. She kicked out her long leg and tripped one and used another's weight to throw him into his friend. She flipped forward and wrapped her legs around her remaining enemy's neck, choking him. He gasped for air and she released him, but quickly slammed him to the ground with a short heeled boot.

"Where are the rest of your friends...and your boss?" she demanded.

The thug just laughed.

"Where?!" She yelled again.

"You're too laaate," he chimed. "The big ole bat is probably already in our grip! Hahaha!!"

Batgirl soun around and rushed for the exit, while trying to connect to Bruce's comm as well.

"Bruce! Bruce! Don't follow the trail you're investigating! It's a trap! Mask isn't..."

A cloud of dust was blown into her face from an unseen source. Barbara coughed and swatted at the hazy stars appearing in front of her, but it was to no avail. Her legs gave out from her and she found herself crashing to the floor.

Her consciousness faded.


Chapter 2: The Demon's Daughter


The Caped Crusader stood alone in the middle of yet another jewelry store and searched for any clues as to what game the thieves were playing. Everything he'd come across since leaving the clocktower had been wrong. Every jewelry store he had investigated had clearly been broken into, but nothing was missing. It's as if someone had broken in just to prove they could. He didn't like it.

"Finally catching on, eh, Batman?" purred a voice from above him.

He knew it!

"Selena! What are you getting at with all this?" he demanded.

His adversary dropped from the rafters and landed in front of him with cat-like grace. Catwoman rose to her full height and approached Batman, tracing her sharp claws along his chest as she moved around him.

"Can't a girl get out and have a little fun?"

"Not like this, Selena. You're up to something."

"Well well well. Always so suspicious," she purred into his ear seductively. "I just wanted to get your attention, love."

Batman grabbed Selena by the shoulders and pinned her up against the wall. "Wanted my attention for what?"

Catwoman leaned her head forward as best she could and managed to press her lips to Batman's. He loosened his grip a little and allowed their kiss to deepen.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Batman broke off the kiss and answered the call on his wrist comlink.

"Bruce...the trail...investigating! It's...Mask isn't..."

Batman listened to the broken up message in bewilderment before the link went dead.

"Batgirl, do you copy? Your message was garbled. Repeat. I didn't understand you!"

"Sounds like the little Bat has run into some trouble," Selena hummed. "Shame, shame, shaaame."

Batman grabbed her again.

"Where are they taking her?!"

"Oh don't you worry, they'll take great care of her. Anyway, I think you'll have plenty of entertainment yourself."

"Selena! You have to tell me!"

"Now why would she do a thing like that" came a voice from behind him.

Still keeping a grip on Selena, Batman turned to appraise his new guest. She strode into the small shop wearing leather pants, jacket, and knee high boots, as well as had a curved sword belted to her back. Her long dark brunette hair fell loosely over her shoulders and tumbled over her large breasts. Talia Al Ghul made fists with her gloved hands as she moved closer.


"Why so surprised, Batman? Did you think I wouldn't come visit again?"

"What business does the League of Shadows have in Gotham tonight, Talia?"

"I'm not here on behalf of the League, my love," Talia stated. 'I'm here for you."

"Talia, this is madness. You're causing chaos all over the city just to get to me?"

"Don't flatter yourself, Batman," Selena chimed in. "There's more at stake here than the Demon's daughter getting dicked down by the Gotham Knight."

Talia's eyes flashed in anger, but Catwoman wasted no time in taking advantage of the opening. She twisted Batman's wrist and propelled herself up the wall with a sharp heel. She flipped over the Bat and and struck a blow to his knee before rotating away from his reach. Talia leapt into action and launched a flurry of attacks with her sword. Batman parried each attack deftly with his gauntlets and dove backwards. He fired a Batarang at Talia and aimed his grapple gun at the ceiling. It was time to leave.

He reached the roof, but felt a crushing blow to his head and turned to find Catwoman standing next to the skylight.

"Not so fast."

Catwoman lashed her whip around his neck and yanked him foward. He landed with a thud, but tried to recover his footing. He managed to land an uppercut on Selena, knocking her to the ground. She quickly flipped upright and slashed with her claws, then struck a two-footed kick to Batman's chest. He moved with the attack, dampening its effect, and counterattacked, but another attacker joined the fray.

The Dark Knight found himself fending off furious attacks from two foes from two separate angles. He was gaining the upper hand until Talia threw a flurry of throwing stars at Batman, which gave Catwoman the time she needed to coil her whip around his ankle. She pulled his feet out from under him and Tali's sword went straight to Batman's throat.

"It's over, Batman!" Talia said calmly.

"Isn't this delicious. The Bat beaten by a couple of women. Vicki Vale should have a blast writing about this," said Selena.

"It's far from over," retorted Batman.

"Not if you want your partner to live, my love."

"Talia, no."

Talia smiled in response. "You'll be coming with me if you want her returned unharmed. Well, mostly unharmed."

He knew he had no choice. Whoever Talia was working with had the upper hand. He had no choice.

"Fine. What do you want from me?"

Talia leaned in and spoke into his ear softly. "I want all of you, Bruce."

Catwoman stared on with envy and hate. She turned and leapt from the rooftop. She needed to report back to Ivy.

Talia lead Batman to a Church on Bleake Island and into the abandoned basement.

"What are we doing here?" He prodded.

Talia stayed silent and walked up to a nondescript bookshelf in the corner, her hips swaying with each step. She grasped a small gargoyle figurine and turned it clockwise.

Suddenly, a rush of air shot through the room and a section of wall slid inward, revealing a short passageway.

"Come along, Bruce. Welcome to the Demon's lair."

They passed through an arched doorway and came upon a small, circular antechamber with three doors. Talia led them through the left most door, which opened to a large dark room. Bruce couldn't see anything, despite his love for the dark, but he could here his new companion rustling about.

"Get comfortable Bruce. There's no need for capes and cowls in here."

Bruce clenched his fist in frustration, but knew she was right. He wasn't going anywhere just yet. He removed his cape and cowl and sat in a chaise lounger he had stumbled on.

Several candles suddenly burst into flame, casting the room in a dim light. The room was a rectangle with a large canopied bed across from the door and Bruce sitting between them. Talia stood in front of the bed in her tight leather pants, but had removed her boots and jacket. Her black tank top barely concealed her large tits and despite his anger, Bruce couldn't resist becoming aroused. His armor was restrictive and his growing dick was starting to press uncomfortably against it. Talia padded over and straddled him, leaning in for a deep kiss as she squeezed his muscular shoulders. She found the release button on his armor and slowly removed each piece. Bruce wrapped his naked arms around Talia and pulled her closer, but hesitated before getting too close.

"You want to let yourself go, Bruce. You know you want me. Let go and let your body enjoy mine," Talia whispered.

She unbuckled Bruce's utility belt and pushed his armored pants off his body, casting his boots to the side as well. She kissed up his bare leg and approached his brief covered midsection. Bruce's arousal couldn't be hidden anymore and he knew it. His cock had become painfully hard and he was struggling to maintain his self control.

Talia leaned over his reclined figure again. "Let go of your control Bruce...and hold onto these instead." As she said this, she removed her top, letting her tits spill into view.

She placed his hands over her boobs and Bruce squeezed them firmly. He massaged them with vigor and pulled Talia to him for a furious kiss. Talia grabbed his hard dick and massaged it through his briefs. She kissed his neck, sucking and biting her way down his chest. Talia then hooked her nimble fingers around his briefs and pulled them off in a smooth motion. Bruce's cock sprung free and twitched up and down in beat with his rapid heartrate.

"I see that some of your body refuses to obey you," Talia stated with a grin.

"I...want you," Bruce said slowly.

In response, Talia bent over and licked the underside of his substantial cock. She swirled her tongue around the head, covering it with her saliva. The daughter of the Demon's Head engulfed the Dark Knight's dick with ferocious intensity. Her earlier fights with Bruce had massively increased her infatuation with him and she could no longer control her lust. She slid his entire length into her mouth, causing her to gag over and over as his cock moved down her throat.

"Ohhhh, Talia!!"

She quickened her pace and sucked harder, watching Bruce's eyes roll into the back of his head in pleasure. She wouldn't even stop for air; she would rather suffocate than release his rock hard dick before she was ready. Her tongue slathered him with more and more saliva and she sucked as hard as she could before letting his penis exit her mouth with a pop.

Bruce pulled her legs around his waist and flipped on top of her, mashing his lips to hers in a hard kiss. His tongue slid between her luscious red lips and he twisted her nipple hard.

"Ohhh fuuuck yessss," she moaned into his mouth.

Bruce tore her pants off roughly, exposing her toned legs and sopping wet pussy. Her trimmed pubic hair was slick with her juices. He pushed two fingers into her sweet sex and hooked them to rub her g-spot intensely.

"Uuhhgnnn. Ohh yesss. Don't fucking stop Bruce. Harder. Faster. HARDER" she cried.

Talia's hips bucked as she reached orgasm and she yelled out frantically. Bruce could feel her pussy twitching and spasming powerfully around his fingers.

Bruce picked Talia up and she wrapped her legs around him happily. He sauntered them over to the bed and plopped them both on the soft bed, pinning her beneath him. They kissed roughly, nibbling each other's lips and moaning into each other's mouths.

Bruce pinned Talia's arms above her head and penetrated her warm and tight pussy with his cock. Talia squeezed her eyes shut at the invasion, but moaned pleasurably. Bruce thrust into her incredibly wet pussy with slow but hard strokes.


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