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How I Ended Up Owning Sluts Pt. 08

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Cindy discovers a new fetish.
6.2k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/13/2022
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How I Ended Up Owning Sluts

Part Eight

Cindy discovers a new fetish

When we woke up we headed for the shower and I helped tend to her bleeding by cleaning her up and putting a soothing Antibiotic ointment on her rear hole.

"Honey, you must be more careful during anal sex, at least when I have you bent over, I can see if any damage might occur. You went at it and didn't even make sure it was lined up straight before you went for it whole hog."

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Yes, I did immensely."

"So did I so shush up. I did it because I wanted to."

"I guess I'll buy the kids more gifts if this is the result."

She turned around and pushed me back and gave me a stare.

"Do you think this was because you spent some money on a laptop? If you do, then you're a fool mister."

"Then explain to me."

"Not only did you get her what she needed to accel, you cared enough to get involved and learn about her, hell you even called her teachers to find out. That's why I fucked you stupid, and apparently, it's still having its effect."

"I'd do that for any of the kids, you know that."

"But when is the last time you dove into an issue with the kids so deeply on your own? You normally wait and expect me to bring you problems and difficulties when it comes to them."

"Oh, my love that's not because I don't care or couldn't be bothered, it's mostly because I don't understand their lives and the world they live in."

"I don't care about all of that, and you know it, parents just stumble on through no matter how silly they end up looking, but you really got involved, tried to completely understand what was going on, and did what you could to help. That's why I fucked you like I never fucked anyone in my life. Now don't ruin it by saying anything else except for that you enjoyed it."

"Not only did I enjoy it, but I will also remember it for the rest of my life, and the way that you soothingly sucked my cock after that abrasive fucking was the most incredible thing. I know I picked the right woman."

"Like you had a lot of women to pick from at the time."

"Well yeah, I had scores of women vying for my attentions. I had to start a totally new black book just to keep track of them all."

"Keep it up buddy and see how long it is until you get treated that well again."

"Ok, ok, you win lover. I'm going to grab something to wear and go downstairs before I dig a hole I can't get out of."

"See that, all those other women were wrong, and I was right."

"What other women?"

"The ones you were dating back then. They said you weren't too bright but I had hopes for you."

"I'm not even going to answer that."

"See, getting smarter by the minute. I'll be down in a minute or two, just make sure the place is still in shape down there."

"Will do my sweets."

I pulled on a T-Shirt and headed downstairs to find Casey sitting on the couch with her legs pulled up to her chest wearing a T and panties, watching the other children. I sat down on the other end of the couch with a beer and turned on the TV.

"Well, looking for more sports after the marathon you guys just finished?"

"We both made it across the finish line, and that's all that counts."

"Do either of you need the paramedics to be called?"

"We're not that old you smart ass."

"Just saying you know."

"You'll get yours someday little girl."

"OK, you're not THAT old."

"Keep it up Case and you'll find yourself thrown in that pool out there."

"You'd have to catch me first, and I'm confident I can out run you."

"You're just like your mom. It was a conversation like this that made me decide to come downstairs."

"Well, thank you for the compliment."

"What about helping me make dinner for everyone?"

"I already made all of us dinner but if you want help for you and Mom, I'm game."

"Well, thank you for taking care of them, that was very nice of you."

"Ah, it was nothing."

"Well then, I'll wait and see if your mom wants to go out for dinner tonight. Are you free to watch over the hoards."

"Absolutely, would Annette be coming over as well?"

"I'll text her and find out."

As I was texting, I saw Casey looking at my cock which was peeking out the way I was sitting. I wasn't going to embarrass the girl, but it was something I needed to discuss with Cindy next time we were alone for sure. I made like I got up to find the paper and when seated, took a different pose. Cindy joined us shortly afterwards and sat next to me.

"Well, what about dinner?"

"Well, super girl over there already fed the masses, it's just me and you babe. Want to eat in or should we go out?"

"I'm up to go out to eat if you are."

"I already texted Annette and she's free if we want to go."

"Should I find a place, or do you have some ideas?"

"Dear, I always have some ideas."

"Oh, don't I know that."

"I haven't heard you complaining lately."

"And you won't sweetheart."

"Then I'll go and see what arrangements I can make on short notice."

I left the living room for my home office to set up a night for us, leaving Case and Cindy on the couch.

"Mom, Can I have a slumber party next week?"

"How many girls are you talking about?"

"Just me and four friends from school. We haven't gotten together this summer and I'd like to see them."

"Well, I have an idea about that."

"And what is that?"

"Why don't you go and ask your father if it's OK. If he's good with it, so am I."

"My father...Oh you mean Rusty."

"Yes, I mean Rusty. Look Casey, he is doing everything a father is supposed to do and more. He doesn't ask anything in return for taking care of us and takes an interest in our lives and wants. Believe me, not all families are lucky enough to have someone like that."

"Yes, and I'm very grateful to him for that."

"Have you told him that?"

"Well, no, I didn't think we had that type of relationship."

"The type where you say thank you, or the type where you show him the same amount of love he shows you? Which type Casey?"

"You're right Mom when it comes to that I've been pretty lousy. I can't explain why, it's just I never thought of him like a dad before, but maybe I should."

"I'm happy you see that honey; he really does love you guys."

"And I love him too."

"Has he ever heard that from you?"

"No mom, he hasn't. I Just don't want to come off weird the first time I say something like that."

"Then wait until you feel it in the moment before you say it, and it won't be weird at all. You say it to me all the time."

"Yeah, but I've always said that to you."

"Trust me, if it you mean it, it won't sound weird."

"OK mom, I'll give it a try. By the way, Kimi is having a problem online."

"What's wrong?"

"Well, with this new laptop she's able to open ten pages at a time and has them all working at the same time. I don't know how anybody does that but she's using up all the bandwidth and it slows down and she gets upset when that happens."

"I can tell you how to solve that easily."

"Yeah, how?"

"He's in his office, knock and tell him what the problem is. I'm confident he will attend to it quickly."

"Really, I never went to Rusty with any problems before, I always came to you."

"Well, maybe things should change around here and stop treating him like the guy who just pays for everything and start treating him like a father and member of our family as he has with us. Sound like the proper thing to do Casey?"

"You're right mom. I didn't know he felt that way."

"He doesn't Casey, I do. And it doesn't make me feel good that I see my children just taking advantage of someone's love and kindness. The rest of the kids will follow your lead, so it's up to you to set an example for them."

"Your right mom, we haven't really included him in our family although he has for us."

"Then go ask him about the internet problem."

"Ok, Mom I will."

I had just gotten off my home laptop when I heard a knock at the door. It was Casey standing there.

"Yes Case, come on in. What can I do for you?"

"Well, your gift was such a hit, it caused another problem."

"Have a seat and tell me what you're talking about please?"

"The laptop, you know Kimi can do much more on it than on her old tablet."

"Well, that kind of was the idea?"

"Since she started with it, she keeps opening more and more things at the same time and while one is doing what she wants it to, she's on another page doing something else."

"That sounds great, why is that a problem?"

"If you want to see one unhappy little girl, just watch when she bumps up against the limits of the WI-FI. That cute smile disappears really quickly."

"Well, I can have the bandwidth doubled tomorrow morning, that's not a problem. Is that all?"

"Yeah, can we talk for a moment, just me and you?"

"Of course, Case, what's on your mind."

"Well, I've been a bit of a shit lately, and I want to make it up to you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, We, no, I've been treating you like you're just the guy who pays the bills here, and that's not the case at all. I do love you, and I hope you know that."

"Yes, I know that Case, but it sure feels good to hear it every once in a while."

"Well, I love you. I love you like the father we never really had. Coming here with you has been the best thing in our lives and aI want you to know that I realize that."

"Well thank you very much Case, and I do love you like my own daughter."

"You'd better cause I'm not going anywhere."

"OK, understood Kiddo, I mean young lady."

We got up and hugged each other and she quietly said:

"I Love you Rusty, I mean Dad."

"Back at ya."

We walked back into the living room with an arm around each other's waist and I saw Cindy smiling as she pretended to pay attention to the TV.

"But if you buy a shotgun when I start dating the deal's off.

"Case, I already own a shotgun, and other firearms."

"Really, how much more don't I know about you?"

"Tons, there are tons of things you don't know."

"Yeah, well don't think I'm going to let up on you. Someone has to keep the elderly on their toes."

"Yeah, you keep up with that old thing. You'll wish you had my experience someday."

"Nah, I'll just call you if I need it."

"Get away from me smart ass."

I went to sit down next to Cindy and Case sat down next to Kimi on the floor. It wasn't long before Kimi walked up to me and hugged me.

"Thank you for fixing the internet for me Rusty."

"You are very welcome you special girl."

She quickly went and sat down next to Casey, and Casey gave me a smile letting me know she was serious about treating me differently from here on. I Just turned to Cindy and asked one question.

"I guess I have to thank for all of this?"

"For what, All I explained to Casey was if she was truly an adult now, she should be adult emotionally as well as physically, and should show appreciation and feelings where necessary."

"Well then you do a damn good job raising children."

"I know that, did you ever have any doubt?"

"No, but I'm glad we have the clan we have, and these kids are all you Cindy."

"They come from good stock on their mother's side, you know."

"Sexy stock too."

"Oh you, wasn't this afternoon enough to tie you over for a little while?"

"A little while is over and how I want more."

"You're going to overuse that thing until it falls off."

"Want a way to be out on the injured reserve list."

"I'm game big man, but you're going to have to feed me first."

I've made reservations for dinner, but if you need something in your mouth right now..."

"Settle down there boy, let me recover just a bit more. My jaw is sore."

"Exercise baby, exercise."

I looked over and I saw Casey smirking while helping Kimi on her laptop.

"You know she's listening to every word we say."

"She's doing more than listening."

What do you mean?"

"Later honey, not right here or right now."

"Let's go up and get ready for dinner. Case, we're going to go get dressed. You got everything down here?"

"Yep, everything A-OK.

"Great, be back in a few, Annette is on her way over."

We went up to the bedroom and Cindy found a wrap around dress laying on the bed with a strappy pair of five-inch heels next to it.

"When did you have time to do this?"

"My secrets are my own babe."

While examining the dress she noticed the inside hook was removed, leaving only the belt and her constantly adjusting it to keep it closed."

"Well, it's apparent you plan for this to fall open during the night?"

"Fall open, pulled open, doesn't matter to me how it gets that way."

"Why don't I just put on the heels and make up and be done with it altogether?"

"Are you offering me that choice?"

"No, I know better than to ask you to make a decision like that, I'd never wear clothes."

"And where is the problem with that?"

"You just settle down. Once I put that dress on it doesn't come open even a bit until you feed me, buddy."

"Does that mean I should fuck you right now?"

"No, it doesn't you horny bastard."

"Ah, but it would make dinner all that much better. I could concentrate on the meal instead of thinking about how to get you out of that thing."

"Well then, you're just going to have to suffer a bit then."

"The things I have to put up with from you."

"Keep it up and you'll really be saying that Mister."

"Alright, I give in...for now."

We got dressed and Cindy looked stunning to say the leash, she even added a garter belt and stockings to my outfit, although she knew not to grab panties or a bra.

"Well have to walk slow, these heels have a lot of altitude in them and sometimes hard to walk in."

"As long as you can fuck in them, I'll walk as slow as you want."

"Oh honey, I can fuck on stilts."

"OK then, another thing to out on my list of things to try."

"Your incorrigible."

"Thank you dear."

We came back down, and Casey was standing just inside the door with Annette and they were giggling with each other. Annette came up and gave me a hug and kiss on the cheek before walking over to Cindy. She ran one finger down from her neck to her cleavage.

"Ah, a wrap around, keep an eye out."

"What do you mean Annette?"

"With his hands, ten seconds that you're not looking, he'll have that belt gone."

"Yeah, he already removed the inside hook."

"That sounds So Rusty."

"Was he always like this?"

"I'm pretty sure since birth."

"We'll have to talk sometime."

"As long as he isn't there, he won't like me telling his secrets."

"Well, that's the reason I want to talk."

"Call me anytime, we'll have drinks by the pool or something."

"Sounds good to me."

"Hey, no discussing my trade secrets."

"Do you still think you can control what women talk about? You poor misguided man."

"What is this, I'm made fun of everywhere I turn."

"And you think you haven't earned it, oh come on."

"OK, we need to get out of here."

"He's trying to save himself, make him sweat a bit more."

"Annette, why do I still talk to you?"

"You love it, and you know it, so don't give me that crap. You two go have a good time, Casey and I have some girl talk to do."

"Annette, remember ages and situations please."

"No problem, Cindy, I've got you covered."

We left and got in the car and as I opened the door for her to get in, she made sure she uncovered her legs and garter belt through the front opening in the dress. I went to get in the other side and her tits were on complete display as well.

"Look, don't touch...and don't have an accident along the way."

"Yes Ma'am."

We went to a nice restaurant my friend owns and had one of his best tables. The chef came out to describe the specials and we had five-star service the entire meal. We ate great food at our leisure and enjoyed it to the most.

"Well, I have to say I'm surprised."

"At what?"

"You didn't try to rape me or strip me the entire time we were here."

"Stripping you and raping you comes later. I thought you deserved a real night at a good place with good food."

"Well, I should fuck you until you cock is sore more often."

"Just as you didn't do that over the laptop, I didn't do this because of the way you fucked me, although you can try to prove me wrong any time you feel like it."

"Then what is this about."

"It's about me loving you. It's about me loving my family that you brought to me. It's about me being really happy for once in my life."

"Look at that, you are more than just a sexual deviate."

"Now, don't go selling me short."

"Oh, I know better than that sweetheart."

"Let's have desert then I can see if I can work those calories off you."

"OK, you have a deal."

We had our desert and coffee and relaxed while the waiter took my card to pay. I could see the contentment in her eyes, and I was just as so. As we got up to leave, she asked me where we were going next.

"I'm not sure yet, I have a few ideas in mind."

"Can we go to that park on Lincoln Avenue?"

"Do you mean Runners Park."

"Yeah, that's the one."

"Why do you want to go there?"

"You're not the only one who has ideas."

"Runners Park it is."

As soon as we exited the restaurant, she handed me her belt and took her dress off.

"What, I was going to end up like this anyhow, I Just beat you to the punch."

"I'll follow your lead."

Standing next to the convertible, she threw her dress and belt into the back seat and waited for me to open her door for her, which I did. She had this look on her face unlike any I had seen before, but it was a happy excited look and I figured I would just go along with her and see what she had in mind.

We were driving down the back street to the park, her naked and rubbing her pussy when the red lights went on behind us. I figured there was no way even to try and explain what was happening, so I just got out my license and insurance waiting for him to come up to my door, but he walked up to the passenger's door to get the best view of her while he talked to me.

"May I see your license and insurance please."

"Yes sir, it's all right here."

When he extended his hand to accept them, he put it level and in front of Cindy's tits rather than the normal outstretched arm. I could see Cindy noticed it also. He put my stuff on his clipboard and made like he was reading, but he was staring straight down at her pussy. Being very observant, Cindy spread her legs even wider than before and looked at him with a smile. It was obvious that she was trying to handle him, and that he wasn't foreign to the idea.

"You really should wear some clothes when your out on the street."

She put one finger in her garter belt and pulled it away from her body.

"It's not like I'm not wearing anything Sir."

"I'm not saying I don't like your choice in apparel ma'am."

Then she blew me out of the water with her next action and remark. She put her elbow back up on the top of the door and let her hand fall to where it rubbed the front of his pants along the way.

"Is there any way I can help to convince you this was just an accident?"

Before he could answer, she was ever so slowly pulling his zipper down and pulling him closer to the car.

"Well ma'am, you didn't commit any felonies or anything."

That quickly she had his cock out and in her mouth, slowly giving him a seductive blow job. I was astonished to say the least, but my cock got hard just watching her. She slurped and licked his cock so convincingly he closed his eyes and just stood there enjoying the entire thing. It wasn't long until she had him ready to give her his cum, so she pulled him out, bent her chin to her chest to look at her tits and sprayed his entire load over her tits, nipples and even some on her chin. Then quickly took him back in her mouth to clean him up. When she was done the teasing conversation continued.


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