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I Bet It Could Pt. 02

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Husband and wife plan the next step, but there's a surprise.
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Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/09/2019
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WARNING: You might not be the right audience for this story.

I originally wrote this to share only with my wife, however I thought maybe someone else would appreciate the very slow approach that she and I are taking to exploring this fantasy. If you're looking for some immediate, hot sex scenes you'll be disappointed. There is some sex, especially in Part 3, but it only makes sense (given my wife's shyness) after Part 1 and 2 happen.

I'd enjoy reading your comments, but if this slow approach is not your thing then probably move on.


A few weeks had passed since our night at the hotel bar, and since then Keith had been in contact with Danielle every couple of days. He worked as a traveling corporate trainer, coming from the West coast on a regular basis to work for a company headquartered near us. In his text messages he had been asking if she would be willing to meet with him again. So far, she had been noncommittal. And she still hadn't told him that she was married. We both felt a bit guilty about that.

So far, Danielle had been sharing her text conversations with me, so I was up on the story. But she was getting more and more uncomfortable about continuing to mislead him. Tonight is Saturday. He'll be traveling back to our area tomorrow night and he's anxious to see her again.

"We have a chance to meet him tomorrow night, and I want to, but only if you do too. Oh, and we have to tell him, that we're married." she told me as we were cleaning up after dinner.

"If you want to do this, you need to tell him beforehand—like tonight." was my reply. "I don't want a big surprise for him in public, that may not go well."

We both thought it would be best to meet in the same place. She texted him and he agreed to the meeting place, but he still didn't know her secret.

"You need to tell him tonight, so he has some time to consider what he's getting into." I told her.

"What he's getting into? What about what I'm getting into, or what we're getting into? We need to figure this whole thing out. I really shouldn't have sent that last text to him." she said clearly regretting agreeing to meet him.

"So, what's the best way to get let him know?" I wondered out loud.

"I should just text him and say that I have something he needs to know, and then I'll call him and tell him while we're on the phone."

I was on-board with that idea, but first suggested we work out what, exactly, she planned on doing tomorrow night. I had a concern.

"He's going to want to know. This all started as a night of flirting, and we agreed to some boundaries, but we need to figure out what the new boundaries are." I told her.

"Ummmm..." was her reply as she looked at the floor.

Not sure how to interpret that, I just asked, "You did stick with our boundaries, right?"

Danielle stayed quiet and kept her eyes on my shoes.

"Not exactly." she finally whispered.

"What the F?" it had been weeks and I was only now learning something had changed? I was starting to see red. Starting to see red, but I couldn't tell exactly what I was feeling. I did know that I wanted to get the whole story before anything else happened.

"Out with it, now." I ordered.

"Well you went out to the car while we were dancing to the slow songs. He was much more comfortable then and we danced close. He had his arms all around me and he felt nice and I could tell he was getting turned on...I was too. The other group, the loud ones, ended up switching the jukebox to more up-beat music and he told me it was too loud for him and then he asked me if I wanted to go to his room. I knew you were waiting, so I told him I'd walk him to his door but then would have to say goodnight." she was still talking to my shoes.

"When we got to his room he asked me if he could kiss me goodnight and I said 'okay'. That part you know," she glanced at me for the first time then, although sheepishly, hoping I'd agree, and then quickly looked back to the floor.

"Uh huh, you told me you kissed, but in the lobby not in his room."

"We were in the hall when we kissed, but anyway... He opened his door and just kind of pulled me in. Not rough, really gently. And I just went with it. I'm sorry, I should have told you but I thought you'd be upset." she looked up again.

"I am upset. But mainly because you didn't tell me. This isn't how we're supposed to be. We're supposed to be better than this. I wanted you to have a good time, but you can't lie to me. That's not us." the angry part was starting to come out and so I started to walk away, then stopped.

"Then what?" I asked harshly as I turned back to her.

"We kissed, like I told you." she replied but I could tell there was more.

"And...?" I was having to pull this out of her.

"He kind of ran his hands all over me. I don't know, I was just in another place. It was like everything was brand new and I didn't know how to react." she was starting to talk more quickly now. I just watched her and listened.

"He was very gentle, but I was completely wrapped up in him for those few minutes." She looked up again hoping to catch a glimpse of understanding in my face.

I stared right back into her eyes and told her, "Tell me everything."

She continued, "We kissed for a while and he was touching me everywhere. He was holding me close to him and I could tell he was getting hard. Then I started to touch him through his pants. He was hard. I was wearing that short skirt, and the panties you gave me."

"I remember."

"He used his hand on me." I couldn't tell now if the emotion I heard in her voice was quiet regret, or dreamlike excitement. "And he got me off. While we stood there, in the doorway."

She got quiet at that point and looked up at me again—clearly in some pain.

"And then? Look, you need to come clean here. No more bullshit."

"That was it. I came to my senses, then. I realized you were waiting for me and I just got out of there quick. That's when I came out to the car and found you."

"That's it?" I asked skeptically.

"That's it. I promise. I'm so sorry I didn't tell you before. I wasn't sure what you would say."

To be honest, I wasn't sure what I should say.

"It's just I got caught up in the whole thing. It...I don't know...I'm sorry. I should have told you and I've felt terrible. I wanted to tell you the next day, but I was afraid of how you would react."

"I gotta say I am kind of angry about the whole thing," I started. "I think if you had been up-front about it, I probably would have been okay. So, that's what I'm mad about...I think." I was pretty sure that's how I felt, but I was truly confused.

"Please," I kept talking, "no more lies. We need to trust each other. And, now I'm really thinking twice about tomorrow night."

She looked up at me again, "I know. I get it. I'm really sorry." She came closer to me and put her arms around me. "I've got the best husband, and I should have believed in you all along." And she buried her face in my chest.

We stood there for a while saying nothing, and I finally pulled her away. She was quietly looking in my eyes, waiting for my reaction.

I had made up my mind in those few minutes, so I started the talking. "You need to tell him about us tonight." She nodded quietly. "But first, you need to tell me, what you want out of the second meeting. I guess I was thinking something like what already happened with him, but that's already happened. So now I'm lost."

"I want him to meet you." I was stunned when I heard this. "I want him to meet you and for you two to talk. Look, he's really nice, but I want him to know I already have the best guy in the world." She was still looking me straight in the eyes, but I had to turn away at that last statement.

"I'll call Keith tonight, but I want you to talk to him too."

That took me by surprise. What was I supposed to say to him? Now, it was me back on my heels.

"If you guys are okay with meeting tomorrow, then we'll go. If either one of you are not okay with it, the deal is off." she finished.

Something caught my attention in her last comment. "The deal? What's the deal?"

All of a sudden, she stood up straight, she was the voice of authority. And she said right to my face, "I want to see what it would be like to be with you both tomorrow night. Together, in his hotel room."

Okay, now my senses were really overloaded. My jaw dropped. Is this my Danielle who really just said that?

"Uhhhh," was all I could get to come out of my mouth.

"If you're okay with that?" she was sheepish again, but there was a hint of a naughty smile.

"This is a one-time deal." she continued. "Once and only once. After that no more conversations with him, and no more meeting with him. I'll make sure that he knows that too."

"And you're doing this...why?" I stammered. My brain was still fuzzy from what she was saying.

"Because I want to. And, because I know you've wanted me to try something like this, and I think I'm going to be okay with it. With him and you. That is, if you're okay with it. If you're not, then let's stop. This is it. Once and done. But it's up to you. You have to decide." she wasn't asking as much as commanding me to make a decision.

I was thinking on my feet. I really hadn't expected this, maybe I had wanted something like this. But I didn't think it would be like this. Danielle had made up her mind but was still asking my permission. I paused for what felt like five minutes. I was frozen. Finally, I spoke.

"Okay," was all I said.

We were quiet for a few more minutes and she came up and wrapped her arms around me again. When I finally broke the silence, "We still need to work out the rules, and you...err...we need to call him."

"Okay," she asked, "what are the rules?"

"First he needs to be totally in the loop on this. I guess we'll cover that with him tonight?" I started. "Then, I'm worried about pregnancy and diseases. I don't know how we address that other than condoms. So, condoms all around."

She was nodding, so I continued.

"And, if at any point, either one of us isn't totally comfortable then it ends. No questions, no retribution. We shake hands with Keith and then walk away forever."

She agreed.

"Oh, and no guy on guy stuff." I added.

She chuckled at me, "I know. Not your thing."

I was running out of rules, "What am I missing?" I asked.

She just looked at me, then put her head back on my chest wrapping her arms around my shoulders. "Nothing. You're not missing anything honey." and she looked up and kissed me deeply.

I have to admit, at some point during the conversation, I had started to get pretty hard. That kiss was all it took, and so I grabbed her from behind and pulled her even closer. This was like some otherworldly experience. She reached to my front and felt my hard-on through my pants. I wanted her then like never before. But couldn't stop myself from pulling back and asking her a question.

"What if he's bigger than me? Is he bigger than me?" I blurted out. I don't think I'm small, but average sized.

"I don't know, I don't think so. You don't have anything to worry down here", and she smiled reassuringly and gave my crotch a squeeze.

"I know, I guess. I don't know. What if he's really small?" I started to grin a bit at that question.

"Look, I want to do this. You want to do this. We'll find out if Keith wants to do this. I don't think the size thing is going to make a difference." she replied. Then added, "Why are you guys so hung up on that?" And before I could think of anything to say she added, "Don't answer that."

We had a phone call to make, and I didn't want to put that off.

"Call him now, let's come clean." I said.

She grabbed her cell phone and texted him. He replied right away, so she called his number. They made some small talk for a few minutes, and then she told him that she wanted to tell him something important. She paused for a moment and then said, "I'd like to see you again tomorrow night but I want you to know that I have a husband." I couldn't hear his side of the conversation, but she stayed quiet for a minute and finally said, "No, it's not like that. It's different." And then she got quiet again.

"He's okay, or I guess we're okay with what happened." she said. "Yes, I told him. I've never done anything like this, and I'm sorry I misled you before, but I wanted to let you know before we met again."

She got quiet, listening again and finally said, "Well...he can tell you himself, he's right here." She looked at me and then handed me the phone after saying, "You two should talk."

I took the phone from her and my mind went blank. My mouth was totally dry as I said, "Hi, Keith, my name is Tim."

The line was silent.

Then I heard, "You're really her husband?"

"Yeah, I really am."

"Shit man. I didn't...I mean...when I met her...I was..." he was floundering.

"Look," I interrupted, "we honestly don't know what we're doing here. All I can tell you is that I wanted her to feel single, and young, and desirable, and so we did that at the bar. I was there the whole time...well almost the whole time, to make sure everything was cool. She told me the whole story." I looked up at her at this point, and she nodded. "I don't think either of us expected anything to happen, but it did, and we're both okay with it." She looked relieved.

"But...I mean, shit...dude." was his only reply.

"We weren't trying to mess with anyone," I explained, "we just wanted to have some fun. It's all okay. I hope."

"So, you're going to let her meet me again tomorrow night?" he asked.

"Well, you two need to talk some more, but we were thinking that the three of us should meet. Maybe in the bar again and talk over a beer."

Keith got quiet again, finally asking "So you're going to come along?"

"Danielle and I are together, we're a team. So, yeah, we're going to meet you together. You two should really talk at this point.", and I handed the phone back to Danielle.

"Hi." she said and got quiet for a minute. "No nothing like that. We've, he's not still on the phone."

I have to admit it was a bit frustrating hearing only her side of the conversation again, but after she hung up, she told me how it went.

"He's okay with meeting us, but I think he's a little freaked out. I told him we'll meet at the bar and have a drink and just talk" she told me after they hung up.

"Just talk?" I asked. "So, you didn't tell him your real plan?"

"I don't know if he'll want to, he was kind of freaking out. Let's just plan on going and talking with him, okay? Look, I don't even know if he's going to show up." she finished.

That night we finalized our plans. She had me help her pick out an outfit for tomorrow. This time I once again suggested the crotchless panties, which don't think surprised her. She planned on wearing a cute short black dress and some heels that made her legs look great. Simple and sexy.

Our kids are teenagers, and so it being Saturday, we of course were in bed before they were. Once under the sheets she pulled up close to me. While she was rubbing my chest she confessed, "Look, I don't know if I'm 100% sure about this."

"Same here." I said.

"So, let's just go and talk to him. Let's see what you think, and if it's not okay, if you're not okay, then let's just walk away." As she spoke her hand was moving down my stomach and finally to my upper thigh. She was having an effect on me.

"I'm okay with the plan," I said. And she pulled the sheets back, scooted down, and started to kiss my stomach. Her hand now starting to rub my balls and the base of my cock.

"I'm not sure about Keith," she said as she slowly moved her head down my stomach, "but I am sure about you." With that she pulled the head of my now engorged cock into her mouth. She took her time, and she made it clear that I was to remain quiet and passive. She was in charge tonight. I tried to flip her over, or even take off her tee shirt. But she was having none of that.

She ran her tongue along the length of my member, popping the head in her mouth, then out, then in, then back to the tongue along the length for what seemed like forever. She was definitely teasing me.

She had my balls in her mouth, when I finally had to ask, "Is that what you want to do to Keith?"

She stopped. "Oh no," I thought. But then she said.

"Maybe..." and she smiled, licking me up and down.

That was probably the best head I've gotten in my life. Danielle is not a cum-in-my-mouth kind of gal, and that didn't happen tonight, but she was definitely on a mission to get me off. I held out for as long as I could, but she finally resorted to a combination of deep throating me for a few seconds, and then sucking the hell out of my head. I tapped her out, and then shot a load that probably hit the ceiling. She continued to stroke me as I came down from an amazing orgasm.

After she finished, she crawled back up to lay side by side. She kissed me on the neck a few times and said, "Nobody else gets that kind of treatment."

I fell asleep with her in my arms wondering if that was going to be true after tomorrow.

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26thNC26thNCalmost 2 years ago

Cuck pissed, but let’s whore continue with rugged black dildo.

EasypeterEasypeterabout 3 years ago
Talk to me

Loved the story ! He asked her to talk to him! Tell it all !! Love the way you left the story open for another adventure with the husband and wife with more guys . Could be hubby gets a taste ??

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchalmost 5 years ago
Anonymous of 03 11. I understand.... Great comment

Totally original, simple, and often apt !!

OnethirdOnethirdalmost 5 years ago
Step 2-ish

Another nice slow step. Some of these commenters- they’re either impatient and just want a 500 word yank, or the plot concept offends their delicate sensibilities. So many nuts on this site are like that. I look forward to part 3; keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
all I ask

from a story is credibility .. characters who are given motives and who behave accordingly within the story's reality. This story ticks the boxes.

One quibble though. I winced at the remark about "Is he bigger than me?" I had to agree with the wife on this. I'm sure some guys worry about the size thing, but, really?

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