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In the Name of Nude Day, a Big Orgy

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Virginal couple accidentally stumbles upon a sexual orgy.
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Young couple stumbles upon an orgy, while thinking it was something else.


This is a true story. Any comparisons to anyone alive or dead is purely coincidental. The characters in this story, mainly, Julie and Rob, are real people. Nothing in this story is fictional or contrived. The events of this story is just as it happened in a small, mid-western town, somewhere in the United States.

Julie, a young, pretty blonde with a shapely body had been dating Rob, since high school. They attended their prom together, where they had their first kiss and not much else than that, being that she was a good girl and he was a shyly respectful boy. Nonetheless, even back then, as sexually immature as they obviously were, with that one, first spark of a kiss, something happened that ignited their feelings for one another.

"Oh, Rob," said Julie looking at him with moonlit stars in her eyes. "As if our lips were plugged into a wall socket, did you feel that connection?"

"I sure did, Julie," said Rob staring at his Prom date with love in his heart and lust in his eyes.

"We were meant to be together, Rob," said Julie taking his hand and clutching it to her breasts.

So shyly innocent, an old fashioned daughter that any father would be proud to have, Rob was the first and only boy Julie's ever kissed. Even though they've been dating now for more than four years, they've never seen one another naked or so much as seen any part of one another's body, other than their arms, legs, neck, and face without clothes, of course. Their fifth Nude Day together, a giant leap forward for them in the realm of sex, sexuality, and nudity, they jointly decided, with much cajoling from Rob, this is the year that they planned to strip naked on National Nude Day. Going from the modesty spectrum of sexuality to the exhibitionism and voyeurism side of being nude in public, finally, they, as well as everyone else, were going to see one another without their clothes. A daring plan before their impending wedding, wanting to do something so sexually reckless and erotically provocative, they were ready to take the naked Nude Day plunge.

"I can't wait to see you naked, Julie," said Rob already undressing her with his eyes and looking at her, as if she was sitting there naked.

"And I can't wait to see you without your clothes, Rob," she Julie blushing, as if she was a bride on her Honeymoon.

Both so very religious and devoted to God and family, they haven't done more than French kiss one another, while excitingly groping each other through their clothes. Sticking to their commitment, they made a pledge to abstain from sex, until after they were married, a five year pledge that has been nearly impossible to keep at times, but they've nearly done it. Even after being married, swearing only to have sexual intercourse in an effort to have children, the long wait to finish college, marry, and consummate their marriage on their Honeymoon bed was excruciatingly long and agonizingly frustrating.

"I've been dreaming of that day, when I'll be holding your baby, Rob," said Julie giving her paramour a hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"Me, too," said Rob not so much thinking about holding babies but thinking more about holding her naked body in bed, while humping her pussy.

What he wanted to say was, 'I can't wait for that day to feel my cock inside your hand, your mouth, and your pussy.' Only, he didn't dare talk to her in that vulgar way. Knowing how innocent Julie was, forget about swallowing, he knew she'd never even suck his cock without his help, guidance, persuasion, and after saying lots of prayers. Even though she was beautiful, even though he loved her, and even though she was well worth the wait to bed her, he wondered now what kind of sex life he'd have with someone so purely virginal and sexually innocent. He was a man with sexual needs and she was a woman of God, a saint, Saint Julie.

So as not to be separated, they even attended the same Bible college and worked part-time at the same company downtown. As if they were already married, other than having sex, with their dorm rooms just one floor apart, they saw one another every morning, before class, during the day for lunch, and every night, before bed. Inseparably devoted, they were in love. Inseparably dedicated to their mutually inspired mission in life of God and family, with one another's life partner already found, knowing how much better their sexual intimacy would be, when they did finally make love, speaking more for Julie, of course, they really didn't mind waiting to have sex.

As part of her daily diatribe, Julie openly criticized the promiscuity of Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Kim Kardashian, Britney Spears, and Jennifer Lopez, et al, celebrities who influence young people detrimentally, when showing their bad behavior in public with drugs, alcohol, and sex. At 22-years-old, Julie was still a good girl, a virgin, which is why she refused to sleep with Rob or live in an apartment with him, until after they were married. Always a step out of touch, when everyone their age were already having sex with multiple partners from the time they were still in high school, Julie and Rob stayed true to one another and promised to abstain from having sex, until after they were married. Instead of having sex, especially during those difficult horny times, they prayed, they drank a little wine, watched movies, and/or indulged in dark chocolate.

"Dear God, give me the strength to save my purity for my wedding night with Rob," said Julie on her knees with her hands tightly pressed together, "before I gain ten pounds from eating so much dark chocolate."

"Dear God, if I don't have sex with Julie's hot body soon, I'll die," said Rob, while masturbating in his room, "or I'll become an alcoholic from drinking so much wine."

Without even knowing them, when describing their unselfish love for one another, a more compelling, albeit a more boring love story than Cleopatra and Mark Antony, Lancelot and Guinevere, and Romeo and Juliet, their love story brings tears to the eyes of those, who have been deflowered, fucked over, and cast away, too soon in life's sea of sex filled lust and love. Oh, the shame of it all. Now too bitter to completely trust again, the past of all those who have had sex too soon, no doubt, will get in the way of their falling in love again in the future. Those who have given away their virginity too soon and to the wrong people, now used and abused, so much like second hand, wrinkled and soiled clothes, they could never know the pure love that Julie and Rob have for one another and will always have for one another, for as long as they shall live. Fearing walking through life with Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter tattooed on their foreheads, instead they walked with the shine of God's light in their virginal eyes.

With other couples their age already having experienced multiple sexual partners, with other couples their age already into perverse sexual acts, and with other couples their age, reading porn daily, I mean, of course, erotic literature on Literotica, Julie and Rob were lucky to have found one another so soon in life. Nonetheless, no doubt, their self-sacrificing abstention from sex was pure folly and lunacy to those, who don't subscribe from abstaining from sex and who know that Julie and Rob are still virgins. Without adding God and religion to the mix, few understood how anyone could abstain from having sex with the one, special person of their desire? Unnatural to abstain from sex, even animals in the wild have sex, not to mention Nuns and Priests.

Yet, easy for them, most times, not to have sex, when there were other more important things to preoccupy their minds, such as school and religion, most days they didn't miss not having sex in their lives. Before giving away their most precious possessions, their virginity, they wanted to make sure that they were with the right person, their life partner. How else to guarantee their sole commitment, until after the wedding, by abstaining from naked, sweaty physical contact? No matter, everyone who didn't abstain from sex questioned how anyone can not intimately and sexually touch and pleasure their true love? Solid in their love for one another and in God, keeping their virginity intact was all the more reason to wait, until they were naked and in bed on their Honeymoon. Those who have sex and who are sexual can never understand someone abstaining from sex. The meaning of virgins to them are virgin olive oil, Virgin Airlines, virgin wines, Virgin Records, and/or Virgin Mobile, but never virgin people.

More than being a good girl, Julie was a nice person. Being that Saint Julie was her snide nickname given to her by those women envious of her, typically cheerleaders, who'd have sex with anyone, any time, butter would melt in her mouth. Too good to be true, when not attending school and studying, she volunteered at the homeless shelter during every holiday and at the nursing home on Saturdays, where her grandmother was once a resident, before she passed. After her college classes, spending her free time helping to teach English at the library to those, who wanted to pass the citizenship exam, she taught the Bible on Sunday to those students of the Bible.

To save some money for her modest wedding, she worked as a Barista at Starbucks. Because Julie was so nice, warm, and friendly to her customers, she earned the most tips, and, in the way they do in a casino with the table game attendants, even though she had to split what she made with the other counter employees, she didn't mind. A phenomenon that had to be seen to be believed, when there was no one standing in the other lines for coffee, customers were happy to line up to wait in her line to be waited on by Julie. Starting everyone's day with a smile and a warm welcome, she was every man's and some woman's dream girl.

Wishing she'd open her door naked, suddenly appear in her bra and panty, or just stand in the doorway wearing a towel that suddenly fell, as so many of his other female customers do, the mailman loved whenever he had to interact with her with a special delivery envelope.

"She's my hottest customer," said the mailman to his postal co-workers, "and I look forward to seeing her. I only wish I could see her every day. I only wish I could have sex with her. I'd do anything to see her naked, to fuck her, and for her to suck me."

Wishing she'd open her door naked, suddenly appear in her bra and panty, or just stand in the doorway wearing a towel that suddenly fell, as so many of his other female customers do, the UPS man thought she was hot, too. No matter how big it was or how much it weighed, he'd happily carry, whatever package she had to deliver up the two flights of stairs to her apartment without complaint.

"She's my hottest customer," said the UPS man to his UPS co-workers, "and I look forward to seeing her, whenever I deliver a package to her house. I only wish I could see her every day. I only wish I could have sex with her. I'd do anything to see her naked, to fuck her, and for her to suck me."

Missing only a diamond studded tiara, her hair stylist, Antonio, treated her, as if she were a fairy princess getting ready for the ball. As if he were having a sexual affair with her hair, he spent extra time to make her hair look perfect. He listened to and remembered every word she said, as if her voice was coming from an Angel from Heaven above.

"Shall I book you another appointment next week, Julie? I just love doing your hair?"

"Next week? No, I won't need another appointment for a month."

"I love her," said the hair stylist to his co-workers. "I wish I could do her hair every day, while she was naked. I wish I could do her hair, while she was sucking my cock."

In the way that he treated her, never allowing her to wait more than a moment in his waiting room to see him, and even willing to make a house call should she be too sick to come to see him, her doctor thought she was his one-of-a-kind, perfect patient. He was always excited, whenever he saw her scheduled to see him.

"I always have an erection, when examining her nearly nude body in her dressing gown," he said admitting his unprofessional, sexual transgressions to his golfing buddies. "Not wanting anything to happen to her perfect breasts, I take extra time examining her breasts for lumps, if you know what I mean," he said winking to his friends, while holding up his hands chest high and opening and closing them. "She has a beautiful set of knockers, the best tits I've ever seen."

Obviously wishing she'd request gas to have her teeth cleaned, her dentist, no doubt, wished he could look beneath her short skirt at her bikini clad pussy and peer down her blouse and bra to see her ample breasts. He confessed to his friends that his sexual fantasy was touching, feeling, and fondling her anesthetized body. No doubt wishing to go, where no dentist should ever touch, feel, and fondle a patient, her dentist asked if she'd be his advertisement model because her smile was so bright, so white, and so perfect.

"As if my fingers are my condom covered cock, I love touching her full, red lips with my gloved fingers," he'd tell his closest friends. "I dream of her uttering the words from her lips, I love you, Doctor. You're the best dentist. I imagine kissing and kissing those same full, red lips that confessed her love for me. Then, when I'm horny and feel the need to masturbate, I masturbate over her sucking my cock."

The only people, who didn't like Julie, were women, of course, those clicky women she grew up with and who were always jealous of her. Attending Bible college, she had thoughts of becoming a Nun, if it wasn't for having to sacrifice the love of Rob to serve God. As if she was a real, live, blonde, virginal version of Snow White, everyone loved her, especially, animals, children, and even the elderly. Birds, squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, raccoons, even an occasional deer would linger by her back patio door to watch her through the glass.

"I love you, Julie," said neighborhood children she passed by on the street. "You're so beautiful."

Even elderly strangers loved her from afar.

"I'd love to fuck her up the ass, after she blows me," said Jim, an old man sitting on a park bench with his buddy, Walter, as she walked by them.

"No longer able to cut the mustard, I can still lick the jar. I'd love to lick her pussy," replied his friend. "She has the best ass I've ever seen in all my 81-years on this planet," he said nodding his head. "Let's hope she goes to the Nude Day Orgy Event."

Rob was just as nice, too. He'd stop to help anyone needing a hand with a flat tire or in need of a ride. Even grouchy old, Mr. Jennings from the hardware store, who didn't like anyone, not even his own wife and children, especially his wife and children, liked Rob. Working together in the family business, his wife, Mrs. Jennings, was jealous that her husband paid more attention to Rob than he did to her, whenever Rob shopped in their store. Being that he was so very handsome, good, nice, and kind, from Sue Ellen, a big bloomer girl, to Mary Beth, the town slut, to Miss Anderson, the town drunk, to Mrs. Morrison, the town cougar, every woman in town, whether married or single, had a crush on Rob.

"I'd love him to lick my pussy," said Sue Ellen, the big bloomer girl.

"I'd love to suck his cock, cum in my mouth, and all over my face," said Marty Beth, the town slut.

"I'd love to get drunk with him, have him strip me naked, and then have his wicked way with my naked body," said Miss Anderson, the town drunk.

"I'd be his fantasy, older woman," said Mrs. Morrison, the town cougar. "He could pretend that I'm Mimi Rogers and he's Tom Cruise, or that I'm Demi Moore, and he's Ashton Kutcher, or that I'm Jennifer Lopez, and he's that 24-year-old, boy toy dancer that she fucks and sucks."

Attending the same Bible college with his beloved girlfriend, no doubt, Rob would have become a priest, had it not been for his love for Julie. Instead, Rob and Julie swore, once they finished college and were married, they'd travel overseas to Africa to answer their calling in devoting their lives as missionaries to help those less fortunate. Way better than George and Mary Bailey, in It's A Wonderful Life, better than Marie and Donnie Osmond, a better man than Forrest Gump, in Forrest Gump, and a better woman than Dorothy Gale, in the Wizard of Oz, there weren't two better, more wholesome people on the entire planet than Rob and Julie. Now, with college graduation behind them, they planned for a wedding at the end of September but first, wanting to live life by doing something uncharacteristically daring, they were intent on stripping naked on July 14th, in celebration of Nude Day.

Yet, alas, something was amiss that day. Something was not right. Unbeknownst to them, perhaps there was something in the air, when they devised their Nude Day stripping plan. Finally tired of conforming and doing what was expected of them, they wanted to do something wicked for the first time in their lives, before they tied the matrimony knot that bound them together forever.

Not wanting to become old fuddy-duddies without having done something recklessly impulsive, they wanted to live life. They wanted to have a story to tell their children and their grandchildren later in life about how they publicly stripped naked on Nude Day. With some convincing, much persuading, a good deal of cajoling, a lot of begging, and plenty of praying, and with his assurance that he'd never let go of her hand, Julie agreed to strip off her clothes for Nude Day and walk around with him in public naked.

Naked, naked, naked, Nude Day would be a double dose of daring, sexual excitement for Rob to finally to see the woman of his dreams naked. Naked, naked, naked, not only would Rob see Julie naked but also everyone in their small town would see Julie naked, too. Naked, naked, naked, he couldn't believe she agreed to remove all her clothes. Naked, naked, naked, he couldn't believe he was going to be naked in front of Julie. Naked, naked, naked, he couldn't wait for Nude Day.

For a woman, who dressed and undressed in the bathroom with the light off, even when home alone, being nude in public was a first, big step in embracing a soon-to-be married life of sexual contact and intimate, amorous relations, exclusively with her husband, of course, the only man who'd ever touch her sexually in her life. As far as she and Rob knew, the Nude Day event was to break the Guinness Book World's Record of having the most naked people at the same time and in the same place. As far as Julie knew, hidden within and sheltered by thousands of other women, just like her, otherwise embarrassed to be naked in public by herself, she was safe from harm within the huge crowd of naked people. As far as Rob knew, with nothing that he could do about their wandering eyes, excited that so many men would see her naked, at the very least, he'd make sure that the love of his life was safe from harm and from the horny hands of other men, by never letting go of her sweet, little hand.

So as not to lose their clothes, those attending the Nude Day event stripped off their clothes in their cars and walked the quarter mile to the field naked and in their bare feet. As they were walking within smaller crowds of people, the walk to the field was more embarrassing than they'd feel being just another naked body within the crowd of thousands. Having to negotiate the pebbles that littered their way, they wouldn't be deemed naked, unless they were shoeless, too. After having made the commitment to strip off their clothes, Rob and Julie didn't want to be disqualified from not being counted as being naked because of a foot ware technicality. Besides, why should they care who saw them naked? In just a few weeks after their upcoming wedding, they were heading to Africa to become missionaries to help the poor, the sick, and the hungry. Merely being without their clothes now was just a prelude to what they were to face as missionaries in poverty stricken Africa.

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