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Inheritance Ch. 00(i)


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He made me count them as he delivered them, and between spanks he would stroke my bum, and things." Elizabeth grinned cheekily.

Jane couldn't help but wonder at how much detail her mother was going into. She was slightly scandalised but fascinated by the life that was being revealed to her. "So how did it go from there...?"

"I struggled against him, I could feel him under me as I rubbed back and to across his lap, and of course with daddy holding my hands tight while he was spanking me, the feeling of being under his control was delicious. My spanking finished with a good fuck."

Jane smiled at her mother's use of the four letter word, she couldn't ever recall her saying it before.

"After that," Elizabeth went on, "I started giving him reasons to spank me, and every time it ended in good, hot, sweaty sex. Daddy started setting rules and I broke them. The spankings and paddlings got harder and harder.

"I suppose the thing is when I surrendered myself to daddy - let him control me and run my life -- our relationship reached a depth few people ever know. It's about trust and love, I trust him to make decisions and be the boss, and he shows his love by indulging my behaviour."

"Do you do spanking all the time?" Jane wanted to know.

"Not all of the time, but enough to keep us both satisfied." Elizabeth stretched as she spoke and once again Jane looked at her mother and the picture was complete - her mother wasn't just the neat and tidy, prim looking housewife and mother she had grown up with. But she was also a deeply sensual person with a hearty sex drive. Jane was also revising her opinions of her father, in the light of what she was learning.

"What do you mean about this showing you that daddy loves you?"

"I guess it's because I'm a demanding woman, no matter how much I get, I want more. And the more I want - daddy gives it to me. He looks after me, constantly, caring for me -- I do things for him of course, but every time we do something together, it's us telling each other we love each other." There was no mistaking the passion in Elizabeth's voice when she said that, and Jane could see it in her eyes.

"Does daddy still love me -- after everything I've done, I mean?" Jane asked almost plaintively

Elizabeth reached around her daughter's shoulder and hugged her tightly, "Of course he does, my lovely girl, of course he does."

Jane curled up next to her mother and the two of them lay there for a while without speaking, until not long before tea time, Elizabeth leaned over and kissed her daughter on her head. Having done that she got up, re-arranged her clothing and left to make tea. Jane continued to lie there thinking over what they'd talked about and what had happened recently and after a while she came to a decision - just in time for her mother to call her for the evening meal.

Over the next day or so Jane thought about her decision, turning it over in her mind. On the Friday afternoon she went to see her father in his office. John smiled on seeing Jane, having her back at home and more like the daughter that they knew made him happy, knowing that she carried his heir, made him happier still.

"Hallo lovely girl."

"Hello daddy."

"Is everything ok?" John turned his chair to face her.

Jane sat on the small couch in her father's office, she tugged at the hem of her skirt, pulling it down her thigh. "You know you told me I would have to decide a punishment if I chose to stay at home?"

John turned his chair to face her and removed his reading glasses, "Yes. Have you decided then?"

"Yes. Yes I have." Jane screwed her courage up. "I'd like a spanking please? Like mummy."

John wasn't sure it would be exactly like the spanking's he gave to Elizabeth, but he nodded. "Okay."

Jane realised she had been holding her breath, and released it quietly.

"The next question is when? And how many?" Her father asked her.

Jane's face fell, "How many? How many spanks?" she asked. John nodded. "Well how many do you give to mummy?"

John sat back in his chair, "Your mum, well, your mum is a special case. I don't think you should try and match what she does. How about ten strokes -- er -- spanks with my hand?"

Jane caught her lip between her teeth and thought about it, John couldn't help but feel that it made his daughter look incredibly cute. "Would that be enough -- ten -- to be "the punishment"?" She asked.

"I think so," John told her, "As it's your first time, yes it would."

"So when?"

"What about now?" John asked.

In her mind Jane had thought that this might be a possibility, but faced with it now, she swallowed hard, but if she was going to do this she was going it now. "Okay."

Nodding John stood up and moved over to his sofa. Jane hovered, not sure where to stand or kneel or bend. He indicated where she should lie over his knee. "Are you comfortable?" he asked her. He was particularly concerned that her tummy was settled in place.

He realised that Jane had worked herself up to this and she had chosen the punishment, "Now. This is a punishment -- for you behaving like a hooligan. Once it is done, it's done.

"I am going to spank you ten times, after each one you need to say 'thank you daddy, that's one. Or two, or whatever', then you ask for another. Is that clear?"

"Yes sir."

He reached down to lift her skirt up and found that his daughter was not wearing underwear. Her bottom was, he had to admit, pert -- a delightfully upside down heart-shape, and very tactile.

"No knickers, Jane?" He asked, mildly surprised.

"Mummy said you normally spank her bare bottom_", she told him.

"And you thought you'd do the same?"

"Yes sir."

"Ok." John smiled to himself, Jane really had thought about this. He shook his head slightly bemused and gently placed his hand between Jane's shoulder blades and held her head forwards while raising his right hand.

SMACK! The sound of his hand hitting her skin was loud in the small office, and Jane's head flicked up but she kept the squeal that was struggling to escape, behind her teeth before she said "Thank you daddy, that was one, may I have another?" John watched this with some pride. While he had not struck Jane with his full strength, he had not been gentle. And Jane's right cheek now bore the reddening shape of his hand.

SMACK! "Thank you daddy. That was two, may I have another?" John was genuinely not enjoying this. It was a duty as much as anything but he noticed with a detached part of his mind that Jane's bottom was more rounded and slightly fleshier than Elizabeth's.

SMACK! The other cheek now, "Thank you daddy, that was three, may I have another?" Was that a bit rushed? John shook his head, and continued at his own measured pace.

SMACK! "Thank you daddy, that was four, may I have another?"

SMACK! "Thank you daddy, that was five, may I have another?" Without noticing it, John gently caressed the now reddened cheeks beneath his hand. So far Jane had borne it all with fortitude and control.

SMACK! "Thank you daddy, that was six, may I have another?" Jane noticed her father's hand resting on and gently -- softly - stroking her bum. She also noticed what seemed to be a swelling beneath her. Strangely, neither thing struck her as odd, she was not repulsed in any way_

SMACK! "Thank you daddy, that was seven, may I have another?" Jane thought about how she had recognised her mother's sexuality, and she was comfortable with that. Now she reasoned_

SMACK! "Thank you daddy, that was eight, may I have another?" Jane's bottom was red on both cheeks, hot to the touch. Now, she reasoned that her father was used to doing this in a more openly sexual way, so why would he not react in a fitting manner?

SMACK! "Thank you daddy, that was nine, may I have another?" She reminded herself, she had asked him to do it, and he was doing it for her. Apart from a stinging bottom, and she was sure it would smart for a while, she didn't feel threatened by him. She knew he was simply doing his duty as her father, and at that point -- after all that had happened, Jane never had never felt closer to her father.

SMACK! "Thank you daddy, that was ten, may I have another?"

"No my lovely girl, that will be enough."

"Thank you daddy." As she got up, and after she had re-arranged her skirt, Jane leaned forwards and hugged her father, "I really mean that, thank you." And she kissed him on the forehead and left to go to her room.

John was a little surprised by the intensity of the hug and the kiss afterwards, but he laughed as he called after her through the open door. "And don't do it again!"

Jane closed the door of her room behind her. Kneeling on the bed she reached behind her and lifted her skirt. Her cheeks stung, and felt hot when she gently caressed them with her fingers. It was strange, she recognised the pain she was feeling, but there was a thrill, a frisson of excitement about it. She felt no shame for her punishment, after all she had chosen it.

It had been a rite, though Jane wouldn't describe it, or even think of it that way for several years. By enduring her spanking - she reasoned - she had proved herself worthy to return to her family, she had proved her repentance to her father. That realisation surprised her, in that it had only been a few weeks since she had woken up to find him next to her bed and she had been filled with hatred for him. Now she realised how loved she was by both her mother and her father and she smiled inwardly as she recalled her father's erection, pressing up under her growing belly. The remembrance as she lay there, might have been the reason why her fingers now trailed across her full pussy lips.

There was a knock on her door. Elizabeth called her to eat. Once again Jane re-arranged her skirt and running her fingers through her hair she went to tea. As she sat down Jane felt the softness of the chair upholstery against her bare skin, which still stung -- and she wondered what her parents might say if they knew she was knickerless again. Knowing what she knew now, she told herself, probably nothing. Parents eh? Who knew?

The next couple of days passed quickly, there was a lot to do with the business, and Jane and Elizabeth went with John to look at the new house. It would not be long before it was ready, days rather than weeks. The extensions to the original building were crawling with tradesmen -- painters and plasterers, electricians and fitters of all sorts - being finished off and Jane gasped at the scale of the place. All of the rooms in the original house had been generous, and John's architect had continued with that theme. Her parent's bed room alone was bigger than the flat she and Pete had had.

John smiled at their faces, satisfied that his vision was coming to fruition. It was good to see it coming together. He himself had grown up in a small terraced house, but this place would have room, room to move and be in. It would be his corporate headquarters as well as his home. There would be an indoor pool, and the house's old ballroom had been preserved. The rooms were all on a sufficiently grand scale. John was particularly pleased with what they had done with the kitchen.

Back at the current family home Jane found herself horny again but far more able to deal with it. As she worked herself to orgasm her mind kept returning to the spanking. Her father was away but the next day after his return Jane went to see him.


"Yes, lovely girl?"

"Will you dominate me?"

John coughed, "I'm sorry Jane?"

"Will you spank me daddy, like you do mummy?"

"Well! I -- er _ "

"Please daddy, since you spanked me the other day, I have been thinking about it a lot. An awful lot. I can't stop thinking about it. I love the idea. You don't have to do much_"

"JANE! Wait!" John spoke loudly. Jane stopped her plaintive request.

"Well! There's a lot to be taken into consideration -- the baby for example. And your mother should be part of this discussion as well."

Jane pressed herself to her father's side, "Pleeeeease daddy? Pleeeeeease think about it." She had her 'little girl' voice going now.

"Well why not?" Elizabeth asked him.

John looked at her, trying to form an answer. They were lying in bed together, naked after a bout of gentle love-making. "I don't know!" he said, his strong hands caressing her shoulder. "Part of me is okay with it, but the other part says it's not right."

"Of course it's not right! To anyone looking in from the outside, it's all sorts of wrong, John. Except that it's purely about control, and the odd paddling, if it goes any further than that we'll have to see. Though it's ironic that Jane's getting into this when that is what drove her away from us in the first place."

This was a new twist. Before, when it had just been himself and Elizabeth, John had found spanking and paddling to be sufficient. But, if he was honest with himself, recently he had realised that that wasn't enough, Elizabeth was wanting more. And adding Jane to the equation was going to push the envelope completely -- his knowledge, his awareness, and their resources.

The next day John made some appointments in London -- reasoning that he might as well mix business with pleasure. After a morning of business John booked into his hotel and spent the afternoon in the area of London known as Soho.

As he walked along past the brightly lit, loud music-blasting revue bars and cinemas, and the dark, garish purple and pink painted cellar bars with topless, bored hostesses and over-priced "bubbly", he consulted a business card in his hand, checking street names. The surroundings -- sleazy, garish, even a little threatening -- didn't matter, they were not what he was there for. At last he found the place he was looking for.

A bored looking woman looked up from a tabloid crossword as he entered the 'book' shop. Tall with a loose perm to her dyed black hair, she looked at him with tired eyes.

"You alright love?" She asked, John's confidence as he entered was not like most of her customers, who normally sidled or slunk into the shop, hunched and furtive, most of them avoiding eye-contact where they could.

"Yes, thank you." he told her, John told her the name of the man who had recommended the shop. "He said you'd have some books I could buy."

"What sort of thing was you wanting?" She was intrigued.

"Well_" John looked at the woman.

"Sandra," she told him.

"Well, Sandra, I need some books on bondage."

"What was you looking for then? Was it just wank books or was it something specific?"

"Wank books?!" John smiled at the term, "To be honest Sandra, I'm not sure - what have you got?"

"Weeellll," Sandra told him launching into a bizarre soliloquy, "We've got light bondage, heavy bondage, fetish bondage, bondage with punishment, bondage without; light spanking, heavy spanking, paddles, canes, switches, floggers, and tawses. Rope play, pain play, candle wax, electrodes, slavery, masters, servants, pony girls, dog girls, moo girls, golden showers, scat, rubber, leather, vinyl and bubble wrap!"

The woman stopped with a slight verbal flourish and John was impressed by her performance. "Thank you," he told her, resisting an urge to applaud, "Bubble wrap, you say?"

Sandra nodded.

"That's something that would never have occurred to me." John told her, "However I need some books about submission and bondage, and light punishment. Did you say something about ropes?"

"Rope play?" John nodded, Sandra went on, "Most of our stuff is wank books, we don't really do, like 'text books'. But I've got a couple of things that might do you."

John left the shop with a small black plastic bag and walked back to his hotel.

That night John read, and read and read. Sandra had been right, they weren't text books, far from it. However their value was in the detail contained in the stories. Some of the books were fairly mild but some were considerably stronger. As he read them -- and studied them - John was very aware that some of the pictures with erections and penetrative sex would contravene the Obscene Publications Act. It was a very rarely enforced Act, but if the police caught him, they could make things difficult for him. After a couple of hours study he took a piece of paper from the hotel desk jotter and a pen. Many of the books were full of lurid explicit pictures, men beating women and women punishing men. That was not what interested him, John was looking at the details, at the handcuffs and the wrist restraints, the whips, crops, floggers and switches, the clamps and dildos, the vibrators and butt plugs, the pillories, tables and apparatuses that the people in the books were using. There was much that was new and a revelation to him, but other things were just variations which he could use.

Considering the subject matter -- and some of the pictures - many men might have masturbated at some point, but John Porter was learning -- applying himself to understanding what he wanted to do, and how it could work. In a way he found that as exciting as other things.

Then there was 'the lifestyle' -- a term John considered a little silly, but he noted the controlling aspect of domination, which up to now he had only explored on a low level. He would need to do more, be more involved in Jane and Elizabeth's lives, make more decisions. This was something that he wasn't sure he could do, but, he realised, it was the logical extension of what they were doing, and if, as it seemed to be, it was what his beloved women wanted, so he would do it. And at least in the near future anyway, there would be less need to be secretive about it, with Jane involved.

The next day John made his way back to the shop. Sandra greeting him more enthusiastically -- especially when John handed her a piece of paper.

"What can you get me off this list?" Just as Sandra was about to answer, the door behind her opened and a dark-haired man entered.

"John?" The man asked, offering his hand, "Little Tony said you might call in. I'm Raymond."

"Ah! Yes, good morning."

Raymond took the list from Sandra, reading it carefully, before leading John towards the open doorway. "Step into my office, John."

The little office was crowded with a desk, a couple of chairs, a lot of boxes and an over-full filing cabinet. Raymond shifted a couple of box files and some folders off a chair so John could sit down. John took the proffered drink and sat.

"Little Tony said I should look after you, sorry I wasn't here yesterday, I was at a photo-shoot."

"You write some of these magazines?" John asked him.

"I wouldn't say 'write'," Raymond laughed, "But, yes, we do create our own."

Taking a drink from his own glass, he looked at John. "Your list. Are you setting up a dungeon?"

John thought about it for a moment, "Yes, I could see how you'd think that. I think of it more of a play-room."

"Intimate?" John looked at Raymond in query. "Is it just you and a partner? Or will more people have access to it."

"Intimate." John told him, "A very select group."

Looking at the list again Raymond told him, "Some of the furniture, I can get for you but it will take a while and there'll be some costs involved."

"That's not an issue as long as the quality is there." John told him.

"Oh, it'll all be good quality John, I can guarantee that. Hard woods, or white pine -- that's quite popular at the moment - and well made. Silk ropes, lined leather and it'll be good leather, none of that cardboard bonded stuff. But there may be a problem."

John Porter looked at him carefully, Raymond saw the look and backed up immediately, "No! No! I'm not trying to rip you off or anything -- please John, don't think that. I'm trading honestly. So much of my business associates are the dirty mac brigade, it's a pleasure to do proper business with someone like yourself. The problem's my end but I'll sort it, you'll get your stuff." He waved at the list on the table, "Don't worry, I'll look after you."

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