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Inheritance Ch. 00(i)


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John watched him carefully before pulling a bundle of notes from his pocket, "How much?"

Raymond quoted him a price. It was fair, from what John could see, but while you could take the man out of the scrap yard, you never quite got the scrap yard out of the man. The haggle started and in the end both men agreed and shook on the deal.

"Here's half of that upfront." John placed the money on the desk, Raymond grabbed it quickly - confirming John's growing suspicions - but didn't count it. The two men shook hands again.

Happier John sat back in his chair. "Now Ray, can I call you Ray?" Raymond nodded, "Tell me about this problem?"

Raymond looked at John surprised.

"What is it the bank? Cash flow or something else?" John asked. "I wouldn't normally ask another business man so intimate a question, but because I appear to have found someone who I can deal with in such a sensitive area and I want to make sure my supplier is secure, it would make me happy if I could assist in a way that was mutually beneficial to us both."

For the next hour Ray and John talked about the ins and outs of the sex shop, the industry and the business side of it all. Well, Ray talked and John listened, asking the occasional question, but only to clarify a point and encourage the man opposite to say more. Ray explained that the shop was on a short lease, and that things were very much hand to mouth. It was after all, the standard business model for the sex trade. Cash was always short, and cash flow crucial to keeping going, but that was the way it went.

"The 'wank' material - as you put it - is not my thing you understand Ray, but I have to ask, does sex really sell?"

"It can do John, people are always after smut, and porn, but to be honest things are changing. It's funny you know, the obscenity laws are becoming more relaxed -- I've seen sex scenes on the telly that are heavier than some of the stuff we used to sell. And there are more people like yourself coming along."

John raised an eyebrow quizzically. Ray smiled, "Since some of the magazines started with their 'I confess' stories, real life has begun to imitate art."

"I confess?" John looked Ray quizzically.

"You know_? In the magazines? You don't do you?" John shook his head.

Ray smiled, "They're stories that appear in the top shelf mags, you know in the news agents? Up high out of reach of the kids on the top shelf." John nodded his understanding.

"They're supposed to be stories of what people get up to -- how I shagged two waitresses one night, or how my land-lady came onto me one night and she used me like an old jack-boot. That sort of thing.

"Very few of the stories are real -- most of them come from staff writers, but because of them, among other things, people want to do more in their own bedrooms. I'm shifting more kinky gear, dildos and paddles to couples than I ever was. There's a growing fetish 'scene' as well -- off the back of punk rock, people wearing rubber and the like in dedicated clubs. The number of clubs is growing too."

John nodded, thoughtfully. "And how do you see yourself exploiting this Ray?"

"That's the thing isn't it?" Ray told him. "To be honest Soho is getting "nice", it used to be vicious and seedy, a dangerous place. Then it got all glitzy and while there's life in the old dog yet, since Paul Raymond closed down it's more of a tourist attraction than the beating heart of the sex industry. And it's being 'developed', modernised - so much, you wouldn't recognise the old place. But it means that the clientele have changed and I need to find a way to start selling good quality gear such as you're buying, I can't sell it from here, I need a new angle for this. But let me ask you - why are you interested?"

"It's the way I like to do things, my business principles, if you like. I don't like to involve banks if I can help it, and I do like to protect my suppliers -- I wouldn't be giving you money, it would be an investment on my part."

John stood, handing Ray a business card. "You'll need this to get in touch when my order is ready. If you get your idea worked out, give me a call. We'll see what we can work out."

As he was leaving John saw something on one of the shelves, picking it up and turning it over in his hands. Sandra saw him and pantomimed lifting something up to her neck. Ray nodded. John thought for a moment, then picked up a second one. He reached into his pocket for money but Ray waved him still.

"Consider them a gift!" He said and pressed them into John's hands. The two men shook hands.

"Thank you very much, Ray, see you soon."

John's journey back from London to Northamptonshire was a thoughtful one. There was a brochure for that year's new Jaguar XJS on the table in front of him, but it went unlooked at as the train rattled through the suburban sprawl of the great city taking him back to a picturesque house in a beautiful rural village. And there was the irony. He was going home to the classic image of a British family -- wife, daughter, a warm welcome at home. But after his mission to seamy, seedy Soho, John wondered how it would ever be the same. What would their life become if, as Elizabeth was suggesting, they included Jane?

It was however what they wanted. And that was, after all, what John was about. It was all for his beloved Elizabeth, it was always for Elizabeth, which he did not resent in any way, shape or form. Everything he did, everything he had achieved, was for his wife and Jane.


John pinched the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. Jane was a huge complication. The nature of his games with Elizabeth was such that he was very nervous of involving Jane in case they crossed over a line into the taboo. John's had been a hard upbringing in North London, and despite many of his 'connections' it had also been a very strict one. His father had been a church warden, a loudly religious man, and John had grown up with a strong moral streak.

Meeting Elizabeth had seduced him away from religion. Her vivacity, her energetic spirit -- her delicious little arse - had led him deeper and deeper into her sexual adventures. The first years of their relationship had been a whirl for the two young lovers. They had explored many things - oral sex, anal sex and light bondage, before they had arrived at what he could now call BDSM. While much of what they enjoyed would be frowned upon at that time (yes, even during the 'swinging sixties') the young lovers explored only what could be achieved by two people. There was much they were simply not interested in.

Ethics and taboos weren't currently an issue though. John had learned much from his intense examination of Ray's 'books' - bondage and BDSM didn't have to include sex. People enjoyed it for what it was, and that was how he envisioned Jane's involvement. But there was still a lot he needed to have worked out before he began.

Picking up his car at Northampton station John drove through the dark country lanes, across the rolling countryside and soon he was parking in front of his house. It was a nice house, though not as nice as the one they would soon be moving to. Inside he received a warm welcome from his daughter and a warmer welcome from his wife. His entrance to the house was a middle class idyll, as he swapped his shoes for slippers, and the family sat down to eat at the dining room table. He could feel the irony crowding in on him, the classic image of a British family against the desires of his wife and his daughter. How many other families along the streets of the village lived similar double lives with twisted secrets?

After eating, the three of them moved to the sitting room where they enjoyed some television. John noticed how much Jane's baby bump appeared to have grown just in the four days he had been in London. Elizabeth and Jane filled him in on what had happened while he had been away and he in his turn told them about his trip, though he skated lightly over his conversations with Ray and Sandra. He ended his day in his office catching up on the phone messages -- all recorded by Jane in neatly written notes - planning his next day.

After he had done this he put the light of in his office and went upstairs.

Elizabeth was waiting as he knew she would be -- naked, she knelt on the bed, waiting for his arrival.

John stood at the foot of the bed, regarding her as he took his tie off, undid his shirt collar, and removed his cuff-links. "Have you been a good wife while I was away?" He asked her, it was a game they often played after he had been away. But this time was different, he had learned things, read and seen things. There was much he did not intend to use just yet. It would be best, he had decided, to trickle what he had learned out to his family. It was a trick, he would reveal just enough at the time to make it ... interesting. He would not con his wife or his daughter, his plan was to stay one step ahead of them in showing them new things, but only with their mutual pleasure in mind. It was not John Porter's way of doing things, to use something like that to put himself in a position of power -- at least not with family.

Elizabeth's eyes glittered in the dimmed lights of the bed-room as he took his tie and brought her wrists together behind her back. Once they were tied, and Elizabeth knelt there bound and vulnerable, and loving it, he slipped his braces off, and stepped out of his trousers. Sitting on the bed he indicated his hard cock sticking up from his thighs, "You know what to do."

Elizabeth edged forwards on the bed, leaning forwards, her hands up in the air behind her. She nuzzled her husband's prick before licking it up and down. She leaned further down between his thighs and suckled on his balls and mouthed her way up his erection before swallowing as much as she could into her mouth.

John lay back on the bed and opened his thighs, "Now Elizabeth! When I come, you're to swallow it all, miss nothing."

Elizabeth paused in her work, "Yes John." She dropped her head back down and recommenced licking and sucking.

There was a loud SMACK, "That's Master John!" He told her, his hand left a red mark on his wife's left bottom cheek, but this time there was more noise than power in the blow. Another woman might have jumped or squealed but not Elizabeth Porter, she kept sucking and licking away at her husband's erection, urging him closer to his orgasm with her educated tongue.

John smiled as she looked up and bobbed her head in acknowledgment, "Yes Master." Then she lowered her head again and wiggled her bottom inviting him to do it again.

John felt his hardness growing as she sucked and gobbled his hard cock, lifting her shoulders up Elizabeth steadied herself, opened her throat and lower her head down, allowing John's cock to slide into it.

John groaned at the exquisite sensations enveloping him as Elizabeth fucked him with her throat. "Oh yes! That's so good, love, I'm getting close."

Elizabeth was a skilled fellatrice and she lifted her head - as much as to get her breath as to build John's orgasm, her eyes shone, and there was nothing but love in the looks that passed between the two of them. Her breath recovered, she lowered herself again and started to suckle, first one ball and then the other. As she licked one she suddenly felt it lift.

Elizabeth sat up, and swiftly moved her mouth to the head of John's cock, allowing it to slip in past her lips and lie on her tongue. At this point she would usually have used her hands to masturbate John to his climax, but because they were tied behind her that was not an option. Instead using just the motion of her head she used her lips to wank her master's cock.

It did not take long. Four days of abstinence, with all sorts of lascivious and licentious things to read, and with Elizabeth's efforts with her skilled mouth John shot gout after gout of jism down her throat. She drank it down, allowing just the merest dribble to slip off her lip.

John had nothing to do then but punish his mischievous wife, bending her over the edge of the bed, her shoulders pushed forwards so she pressed her front into the covers. Ten heavy spanks, alternating one on one cheek the next on the other. Elizabeth's bottom glowed from the spanking and John stood up to admire his handy work. His hand prints showed quite clearly in a couple of places but despite this, and only he would have seen this, Elizabeth was totally switched on. Little things like the tiny movements of her bottom, or the way she lay with her head turned to one side all painted a picture of one excited wife.

John moved between Elizabeth's legs, her sex was soaking wet with her excitement, pressing his cock to her pussy lips he entered her easily. Recalling a scene in one of the books he had looked at he took a hold of Elizabeth's hair in his left hand and pulled her head up. Still aware of his newness to some of this he did not pull too hard, just enough to make her back arch and draw a hiss of pleasure from Elizabeth.

"Yessssssss Master!" She said as he fucked her hard.

And it was a fuck, John's need had been partly quenched by Elizabeth's blowjob, but it had also increased and now he pounded his wife's pussy mercilessly. She was delighted, and when John drew her shoulders up and turned her head so he could kiss her, his wife kissed him back ferociously, their tongues twisting and writhing in each other's mouths. He didn't last long with these new twists to their love-making and once again shot his seed deep inside his wife.

The two collapsed on the bed, and Elizabeth snuggled backwards into her husband, who undid the tie around her wrists.

Elizabeth turned and kissed John, deeply, lovingly.

As they slid under the sheets to go to sleep Elizabeth looked at John and said, "Well if that is the result of your trip -- you're going to London more often!"

And a satisfied John wrapped his arms around his wife, her lithe body delightfully nude, pressed against him, and he drifted off to sleep his head full of plans and thoughts about the day to come.

And what a day it was! John spent nearly all of it on site at the new house, going over the finishing touches. Returning home he was able to announce to Elizabeth and Jane that he would be receiving the keys to the new house in a week's time.

The next day, Friday, John took the Elizabeth and Jane to look at the new house. They both "ooohed" and "aaaahed" at the spaces, which were largely complete now. After they had toured the house and the grounds John led them into the partly furnished sitting room.

Elizabeth had spent a lot of time on the furnishings already and would spend much more time as the rest arrived and she tweaked it round, re-arranging things until she was satisfied. Jane on the other hand, was just in awe of the way the old house had been transformed to make the newer bigger dwelling.

"This is our new house, and we are going to be moving in from a week on Monday. But with the new house there are going to be some changes in our lives.

"Jane -- you have asked me to treat you the same way that I treat mummy? Well from Monday that will begin. There will be differences between you but from Monday you will both address me as Master John. I shall not force you to be naked in the house, at the moment there are too many comings and goings for that, but when we are private you will both wear these." And he handed them each a small bag.

Elizabeth took out a red collar that fitted her neck beautifully. The buckle and pin were brass and there were four 'd' rings sewn around the edge and her name engraved on a brass plate.

Jane's was black and wider, and when she put it on the buckle and rings were nickel steel and her name was engraved on a steel plate.

Both women immediately put the collars on and quickly looked at each other before turning their gazes back to John. Elizabeth grinned in her impish manner, while Jane was filled with a sense of rightness. "Now! I am still learning about all of this," John told them, "So the list of rules will be gradually added to, I will learn and you will learn, and if you don't learn you will be punished. And speaking of which there will be some equipment arriving soon to help me do that. So? Right! We have a lot to do, time to go."

The next week was a flurry. Packing personal belongings for the move, while still maintaining the functions of an office, saw everyone in the 'old' house frequently reaching round other people to get what they needed. Jane found herself having to take a rest every so often due to her condition, and when she did Elizabeth was standing by to pick up anything that she couldn't do. John moved through the whole process like a large, very busy ghost. He lifted, and carried boxes, as well as picking up calls and supervising the four young men with a van who arrived to move boxes between the houses.

Several nights they all collapsed amidst the disarray that was their sitting room eating take-away food. And several times they each caught the others looking, just looking, not speaking, just each regarding the others.

Elizabeth looked at Jane as they started this new phase of their lives. The pregnancy was having a wonderful effect on her daughter, she was blossoming, starting to put some weight on her bust and her hips, it was giving her figure a better shape. Not that she wasn't a good-looking girl to begin with but she where previously she had been very girlish to look at, now she was becoming a woman. Elizabeth was a little jealous, even after having Jane, she had retained her lithe, perky figure, Jane was becoming the kind of woman that had curves in all the right places, and the looks to go with it.

Jane on the other hand was feeling loved and happy for the changes that were taking place in their lives, it felt for her like the family as closer even as it was going through the upheaval of moving. She loved how close she now felt to her mother and her father.

John's thoughts echoed both of the others. He looked at Jane and as Elizabeth had thought realized some days earlier, his daughter was now a woman, and it surprised him that it seemed to have happened in just the last few weeks. When he looked at her he saw himself in her but also a lot of her mother, a growing sensuality and a vivacious sexuality. He smiled at himself at the thought that it was that sexuality that had led them to where they were now, and the inner smile became rueful as he wondered where it might yet take them.

Three weeks after moving in to the new house -- Jane's bump was becoming quite marked, but she was quite happy working away, when the phone rang.

She knocked on her father's office door, "Daddy! A man called Raymond says "the stuff is ready for delivery. He left a number for you to ring him."

John rang him as soon as Jane had left his office.

An hour or so later, John walked into the kitchen at the new house where Elizabeth and Jane were having a cup of tea. He smiled broadly at them. "I have some workmen coming on Thursday -- nothing major, but it would probably be best if you two took off for the day. You've both worked hard the last few weeks, let me treat you to a shopping trip in London or something."

The announcement was a surprise to both women but Elizabeth recovered quickly, beaming at her husband, "A spa day! Or maybe we can go get you some new clothes. And some stuff for the baby." She looked at her daughter, who nodded vigorously (well aware that some of her clothes were getting a little snug with the coming baby).

Ray and his two assistants turned up as the driver took Elizabeth and Jane off for the day.

After the first tea had been drunk the 'boys' - James and Francis -- two young, strapping oxen of men -- had begun to unload the Transit Luton van. John showed them where it was to be installed, after he and Ray had discussed the layout of the play room.

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