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Injured Ch. 01 - Can Brother Heal Them?


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"It's more likely you have a tissue injury than a broken leg," Curtis said.

Both girls had on short skirts so he was able to view most of their legs. He said, "I don't see any signs of a break. A broken leg would hurt a lot. A pulled or strained muscle would only hurt if you were using that muscle. Are you in severe pain right now?"

Both answered, "No."

"Tell me if this hurts."

In a clinical manner, Curtis ran both hands up and down Molly's right leg. He applied moderate pressure. She squealed when he touched her upper thigh. He did the same thing for the other leg. She didn't react this time.

He repeated the test on his sister and got the same result.

He said, "You are not reacting like someone with a broken leg. I believe the sudden movement of the fall strained your groin muscles. If you haven't torn the muscle, you be fine with time and rest. Take it easy for a couple of weeks."

"Weeks! No!" his sister screamed. "We're playing for the state championship next Friday!"

Molly was also agitated. "We can't miss the game. Can't you do something?"

"The standard treatment for a pulled groin is rest, ice, compression, and elevation. It won't heal if you don't take time off. The other treatments are to limit swelling. You should ice the injured area for 20 minutes three times a day. Wrap your thigh when you're not icing your leg and stay off the leg as much as you can. When you lie down, have your feet slightly higher than your chest."

He added, "The idea is to let your body heal itself. This process works, but it will take weeks, not days."

Crystal turned to her brother and said, "Is there any medicine or treatment that could speed up the healing process?"

"Medicine? No. Take aspirin as needed for the pain. We could try sports massage. It aids the healing process by removing the knots and kinks in the muscle and stimulating blood flow."

"Yes!" Crystal said excitedly. "And you been studying sports massage. You could help us. Please help us, brother."

Molly joined in the pleading saying, "Please! Please! Please!"

"Are you sure? You will have to do as I tell you, like bed rest for the rest of today and, how shall I put this, it is an intimate process. I'll be touching and seeing parts of you, you might not be comfortable revealing to me. You might be more comfortable seeing someone else."

"Oh!" Molly exclaimed. She was concerned about exposing herself to her former next-door neighbor and her sister's current boyfriend.

"We don't have any cash. Dad works hard, but money is tight at home. You're our only option," Crystal said. She looked at her friend and said, "Molly, we have to do it! It won't be that bad. It's just your leg."

Curtis said, "I wanted you to know it might be more. I have to go where the injury is. I'll be touching your thigh. But maybe your hip, your stomach or your butt. Will that be okay?"

Crystal saw her shy friend was concerned. She looked at her and said harshly, "It's no different than going to the doctor."

Molly was nervous, but she was tired of Crystal treating her as a frightened little girl. She pushed back and said, "I'm fine with it. How about you? Are you comfortable having your brother touching you?"

Crystal didn't like her courage being questioned. She immediately responded, "Yes."

Curtis said, "All right then, I'll treat you. It's bed rest for today and tomorrow. You may have to miss school on Monday. We'll see how things go. I'll help you ice your leg now."

"Tom," Curtis said, "can you get us some ice?"

"Yes," Tom said and then he went downstairs.

Curtis addressed his patients, "I'll count on you doing the icing. Every day, three times a day for twenty minutes. I'll stop by daily to check on you and massage your pulled groins."

Crystal said. "Ice three times a day. No problem. And tomorrow's Sunday. I won't leave the bed."

Tom returned with plastic bags full of ice. He said, "I grabbed a couple of Ace bandages to hold the ice in place."

"Great," Curtis said.

He flipped Molly's skirt up to apply the ice pack. Then he coughed and blushed. He was embarrassed because he saw her dark pubic hair protruding from her underwear. Tom saw it too and stared. Molly had no idea. She was thinking about being able to play in the big game and had forgotten about her skimpy underwear and her hairy vagina.

Curtis worked quickly and then re-positioned her dress. He exercised more care when he applied the ice pack to his sister's leg. He only pushed up her skirt as much as needed. He exposed her thigh, but not her crotch.

Curtis checked his watch and said, "Stay. Rest. I'll drive you two home in twenty minutes." He looked at his sister and asked, "Where does Mom think you are?"

"The library," Crystal said with a shoulder shrug.

"What are you going to tell your folks?" Curtis asked directing the question to both girls.

The girls looked at one another. Molly offered, "We could say we got hurt at practice or slipped in the shower?"

"No," Crystal said. "Let's not involve the coach. We'll say I was talking my head off. We were laughing and didn't notice the sidewalk was wet and we slipped."

"Everyone that knows you will believe that story," Curtis teased.


Curtis said to his mother, "I was driving and I happened to see these two limping so I stopped and brought them home." Curtis was explaining why he had brought Molly and Crystal home. He added, "They have pulled a muscle and need ice and rest."

"Should I take them to the doctor?" Mother Sullivan asked.

"No, that's not necessary. After dinner put them to bed and have them take it easy tomorrow. I'll stop by tomorrow afternoon and check on them."



At 3:00 p.m., Curtis drove over to see his sister.

He said hello to everyone at the house and then head upstairs. He knocked and entered after his sister called out, "Come in."

Crystal was lying in bed listening to music. She had a pillow under her right foot. She was wearing a simple tee shirt and cutoff jeans that extended down to the middle of her thighs. Molly was right beside her on the double bed. She had on a loose fitting, colorful patterned maxi dress with spaghetti straps. They both were barefoot.

"Thanks for coming," Crystal said. She gave him a genuine smile. "I knew I'd be bored out of my mind cooped up here alone. The moms agreed to let us have a sleep-over. We both feel better. We've rested all day and iced twice today."

"Good," he said. "Normally, I have to wait a minimum of 48 hours before working on an athlete with a pulled groin. I can't do anything until the inflammation and swelling have dissipated. If the muscle is torn, the damage will be so severe, I'll have to wait a week or two to treat you. Let's see where we stand.

"I need to examine your legs and hips. Crystal, can you lose the shorts and Molly, maybe pull the dress up?"

Crystal stood and took off her shorts. Then she got back on the bed. Molly was slower to expose her body. She felt awkward. Crystal was not nervous. She was willing to do what it took to be able to play again. She supported herself on her elbows so she could watch everything her brother did.

He could tell Molly was uncomfortable, so he began with his sister. He sat beside her and scanned both legs. Again he ran both hands the length of her legs applying moderate pressure. She winced when he rubbed her upper right thigh.

"I don't see any bruising and inflammation," he said. "The swelling is minimal. That's good."

"Please pull your feet up to your butt. Knees up," he directed. Then he sat on the bed by her feet. He explained, "I'm checking your hip and thigh muscles. They are the ones you use to run and kick a soccer ball.

"Crystal, keep your feet together and spread your knees as far as you can comfortably go. Don't force it."

His sister followed his instructions and unknowingly gave her brother a serious beaver shot. The crotch of her panties was drawn tight over her pussy. Her black pubs were visible through her white panties.

Curtis noticed and stared. His mind screamed, "That's so hot!" It was immediately followed by, "Dude, that's your sister!". Still, his eyes lingered.

Crystal saw him studying her. Not knowing exactly where he was looking, she innocently asked, "Is something wrong?"

His first thought was "Yes. Me. Your brother is perving you". Instead, he said, "No. just examining everything." His statement was proven false by a swelling in his pants.

Curtis shook his head, re-focused himself and said, "When you do this butterfly stretch, is this as far as you normally spread your legs?"

"No. My muscles are tight."

He placed his hands on her splayed knees and told her, "Don't strain yourself, but try and close your knees." He provided resistance.

She attempted to close her legs and immediately cried out, "Ouch! My thigh!"

"Okay stop."

"Show me where it hurt."

She pointed to a spot on her inner right thigh. He placed his fingers there and said, "I can feel a knot." He grabbed a marker from his travel bag and put an "X" on the spot.

He looked her in the eye and said, "I'll work on that area and work to improve your flexibility. We can start today."

The bastard's eyes drifted back to her crotch. He again had to force himself to look away.

He glanced at Molly. She was sitting on the bed, her dress gathered to mid-thigh. He smiled at the bashful teenager. "Let's see how you are. I'm afraid you have to lift the dress higher."

"Why don't you take it off?" Crystal teased her shy friend.

"Because I'm not wearing a bra," Molly accidentally confessed. The dress had a square neckline and ruffles of material along the bust-line. The extra material compensated for her lack of boobage and hide the fact that she was braless.

"That's not necessary," Curtis said gently. "Can you lift your hips and bring it to your waist?"

She did so. Curtis saw her full brief panties. They were light blue and covered her from her thigh to her belly button. He thought only matronly old women worn panties like that. It caused him to ask, "Are you on your period?"

"No," Molly answered sharply as if accused of a crime.

Crystal laughed. "She's a fan of granny panties. Sad, huh?"

Curtis was stunned. He said honestly, "I've never seen them except when a girlfriend was on the rag and she was afraid she might mess up her good underwear."

Molly was embarrassed and covered her face.

Curtis felt bad and said, "I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or embarrass you. It could change my treatment regime if you are having your menses."

Crystal had been telling Molly that she was out of step with her choice of underwear. She wore them because they were comfortable. Molly began to re-think her choice. She didn't want to be viewed as odd or old fashioned by men.

Curtis's opinion mattered to her. She still covered her face, but worked up the nerve to ask, "So the girls you've dated don't wear panties like this?"

"No. They wear what you had on yesterday. Bikini underwear."

Molly uncovered her face and gave him a small smile thanking him for the information. He smiled back and said, "Shall we begin?"

She nodded.

Curtis slid over and visually examined her legs and then he did his hand test. She winced when he pressed high on the inside of her right leg.

"Sorry. Can you bring you knees up and spread your legs for me?"

She complied. Her pubic hair remained hidden under her gigantic underwear.

She volunteered, "My leg feels tight. I normally open up wider."

"Good to know," Curtis said. "Now bring them together as I hold your knees apart."

He watched her pretty face as she squeezed her legs together. She cried out, "Ow. Ow. Ow."

"Enough," he said. "Was the pain here?" He placed a finger on the tender spot he located in the earlier exam. She nodded.

He marked it. It was very high on her leg.

Curtis climbed off the bed and went to his travel bag. He pulled out towels, oil, and a washable, waterproof bed pad.

"Who wants to be first?" he asked.

"Do her," his sister answered.

"Lift up your butt, Molly and let me get this mat under you. The oil tends to get everywhere and it's difficult to wash out. This will protect the bed and sheets. That's a nice dress. If you're worried about anything you're wearing, you should take it off.

"I can drape you with towels or Crystal can lend you something."

"I'm keeping my panties," Molly said defiantly. "This is one of my favorite dresses. I'd hate to ruin it."

Crystal said, "Let me give you a shirt to change into." Crystal got up gingerly and pulled out an old, white tee shirt from her dresser. Molly climbed out of bed. Crystal tossed her friend the shirt and said, "Put this on."

Curtis stepped out into the hall. Molly removed her dress and slipped on the soft tee shirt.

"Okay," Crystal called out and her brother returned to the room.

The old cotton shirt hugged Molly's lithe body. Her small pointy boobs, hard nipples, and large areolas were clearly visible, but no one said anything. Crystal hung up her friend's dress as Molly positioned herself on the pad. She rolled the bottom of the shirt up exposing her panties fully.

Curtis poured oil on his hands and explained his actions as he began.

"First, I'll do some long, light stroke on your upper leg. I'll start at the knee and push up towards the heart. This increases the blood flow which is one of our goals."

He did this for about five minutes. His strokes ended with his fingertips in the crease where her leg joined her torso. Oil from his fingers got on her briefs. She was shocked that he touched her so close to her vagina.

"Next, I'll loosen your leg muscles by kneading them." He moved so he was perpendicular to her leg. He put one hand on top and one on the bottom. He worked his hands in opposite directions, pulling with one and pushing with the other. He did this for five minutes.

"You have multiple muscles in your legs. I want to break them apart so they all can work freely." He moved up and down her thigh pushing and pulling on the muscles. He noticed she was uncomfortable and scooted away from him when his hand brushed against her groin.

"Molly, I'm sorry I'm getting so close to your privates. Unfortunately, most of your problem seems to be with your pectineus muscle. This is the muscle that connects the pubic bone to the top of your thigh bone."

He placed his hand on the uppermost section of her inner thigh. "Right here."

"Oh!" she said startled.

"Yeah. Sorry."

He glanced up at her face and noticed that her nipples were hard and poking up against the soft fabric of her shirt. She had fat nipples like her sister.

"That was the preliminary work. Now we get down to business," he said with a laugh. "I'm going to work on the knot you have in your muscle. You may have heard of a deep muscle massage."

He put his thumb on the spot he had marked with an "X". Slowly with increasing pressure, he worked his way down. He moved his hand in a circle. When he encountered a bump or knot, he massaged it and tried to erase it.

"Oh!", she groaned in pain as he worked out the kinks. She began to sweat.

"I know. It hurts. We're making progress. Close your eyes and breathe deeply," he said.

She did as he suggested. It did help.

Curtis worked in wider and wider circles. He was so focused on massaging the tissue that he accidentally bumped into her pussy. He was so surprised and embarrassed that he had touched her sex that he continued to move his hand and this time, he bumped into her clit.

"Oh!" Molly groaned in surprise as a pleasurable electric charge radiated off her nub.

"Sorry," Curtis said nervously. He straightened up and said, "Let's finish with a cool down rub and then do some stretching. He repeated the opening move, the full thigh rubs and then put her through a number of stretching exercises to end the session.

At the end, Molly felt good. She was stretched and relaxed. Her legs were splayed. Curtis looked down and saw a wet spot on her light blue panties. He closed her legs respectfully. He stood and said, "Crystal, I'm thirsty. I'll get everyone a drink and we can start in a few minutes."

Curtis chatted with his mother for a few minutes and then returned upstairs with water for everyone.

He and Crystal drank some water. She said, "Molly is taking a shower to get the oil off her body."

Done the hall, Molly used the toilet and got undressed. She discovered the wet spot on her panties. "Oh God! How embarrassing," she said to herself. "Curtis knows I got aroused by all the touching". She showered and wondering "How am I going to face him".

"Ready to start?" Crystal asked. She was anxious to get started. Anxious to be healed and praying she could play in the big game.

"Sure. Plop yourself down on the pad."

She lay down. She pulled her shirt up and exposed her panty-clad pussy like her friend had. She looked down at herself and giggled, "Oops! My girl fur is visible through my panties."

"You're eighteen. A woman. You have boobs and other lady bits. I understand. We'll have to stay calm and carry on," Curtis said with a smile.

He was glad she could laugh about it. They would be in close contact; a good attitude would be needed for them to get through the next couple of days.

Curtis poured some oil on his hand and began lightly stroking her thigh.

"That tickles except for where it hurts."

He continued to rub her leg always moving towards her heart. His fingertips bumped into her crotch.

She laughed and said, "Boys usually have to buy me a couple of drinks before they get to third base."

Curtis guffawed. "You're something, little sister. Now time for the kneading."

He shifted his position and pulled and pushed on her leg muscles.

"Ouch! That's no fun."

"Sorry. It's going to get worse before it gets better."

He continued to knead her thigh for another five minutes. Then he said, "Please spread your legs for me?"

"None of my dates has ever asked me so politely," she said and laughed. She spread her legs as wide as she comfortable could.

"Does your mother know what you do with boys?" he teased.

She answered, "Does our mother know you're banging Misty?" she raised an accusing eyebrow. Then she explained how she knew about them, "Sisters talk. Best friends share."

He surrendered and said, "Why don't we just focus on getting you ready for the game."

He knelt between her legs. "Time for the deep tissue massage." He drove his thumb in deep exactly where her leg hurt the most. He might not have been as gentle as he was with Molly.

"Fuck!" she cursed him. She sat up and slapped him across the arm and said, "That hurts."

He ceased digging into her leg and said, "I'll stop if that's what you want."

She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Then she said, "No. Continue no matter how much I bitch and complain. Let's do it. I'll fight like the dickens to stop myself from kicking you in the balls every time you make me scream."

The both laughed. He went back to work. After a bit, he changed over to the deep circular movements.

Molly returned wearing her long dress. She sat in the corner. She couldn't look Curtis in the eye. He too was uneasy about what had happened. He kept his focus on Crystal. He worked on her strained muscle in silence for a good ten minutes. After his accident with Molly, he was more careful and didn't have a pussy touching incident with his sister.

"Time to stretch," he announced. He put her through the required exercises and then said, "That enough for today. No school tomorrow. Rest. Eat healthily and one more ice session before bed.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Ten thirty in the morning work for you? I have to be at work after lunch."

Molly nodded and Crystal said, "Yes."


Curtis went downstairs. He had a beer with his dad and watched the ballgame. He stayed for dinner. It was good to catch up with everyone.

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