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Injured Ch. 01 - Can Brother Heal Them?


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He rolled into his place around eight. Drank some and watched TV. His mind kept replaying images of Molly with her pubes straying out of her underwear and of the wet spot on her panties. There were also visions of his sister's firm thighs and of her black bush showing through her white panties. He got hard.

Curtis grabbed the soiled panties Misty had left him. He sniffed them as he beat off. Afterward, he was disappointed at himself because as he jacked off, he thought of three women: his sister, his girlfriend and his girlfriend's sister.



Monday, Curtis slept late, but he got to his mother's house by 10:30. The family was gone. The injured teenagers were watching television in the family room. Crystal let him in and asked, "Coffee?"

"Yes." he was a little hungover. The caffeine would do him good.

He watched her as she poured him a cup. He realized she was braless. Both girls were. They had on sleeping tee shirts and he supposed panties and nothing else. His sister caught him looking at her wobbling breasts and said angrily,

"Geeze! They're boobs. You act like you've never been around a girl before. We're sleeping. Then we had breakfast and iced our legs. Were we suppose to get dress, only to undress for you?"

"No. Everything's fine. You're right."

"Oh, I know the problem," Crystal said teasingly, but in a cruel manner. "Misty is in Greece and our boy is horny. He's not getting any." The girls laughed at his expense.

"Har har," he said. "Upstairs," he ordered.

The girls continued to laugh as they went upstairs. He followed. He closed the door in case the family returned. Then he unpacked his travel bag and spread out the pad. He asked, "Molly, are you ready?"

Instead of answering, she pulled up her shirt exposing her underwear and hopped on the bed. She was wearing bikini style panties. She had trimmed her chestnut colored pubs. Her bush was still thick and curly, but it didn't billow out of her underwear.

Curtis poured oil on his hands. He smiled and said honestly, "Cute panties."

Molly smiled. She was pleased by his compliment. She answered, "Thanks."

Curtis started the warm up strokes. His fingers gently rubbed her legs and occasionally crashing into her pink panties. He went through the same regiment. Kneading the muscles, the deep tissue massage and then working on the bumps and knots in her legs.

"Molly, I feel less resistance and fewer knots in your thigh. I'm going to move up and work on the pectineus muscle."

He put his hand at the juncture of her leg and torso. He rubbed it gently and then more forcefully. He expanded the area he touched. He traveled up and down the crease and out onto her thigh and over her towards her vagina. She worried as his fingers moved towards her slit. She breathed a sigh of relief when he moved away from her pussy.

He then put her through the cool down rubs and stretches. At the end, he said, "I see progress, Molly. I'm sorry I got so much oil on your new panties."

He turned to his sister who had been observing them and said, "How about a five-minute break and then we began?"


He shook out his arms, took a bathroom break and drank some water. Chrystal sat beside her friend and asked, "How do you feel?"

"Pretty good," Molly answered. She added, "Although he was getting close to my . . ." She was too shy to say the word.

"Your pussy! Your vagina!" Crystal yelled. "Don't be embarrassed. You have one. I have one. Half the people in the world have one. God! Grow up."

Curtis returned and said, "What was all the shouting about?"

"I was reminding Molly that you told us this was an intimate process and to get over it." She gave her friend a forceful stare.

"She's in a bad mood," Molly explained. "She called Steve, the guy that invited her to the bubble party. She's upset because he didn't remember who she was and then referred to her as the high school kid that got hurt."

Crystal was still steaming about it. She said, "Kid? Who's he calling a kid? I'm eighteen!"

"Okay, Crystal. Calm down. You shouldn't take your disappointments out on others. Get on the mat," he said harshly.

Crystal didn't like being reprimanded. She exchanged places with Molly and flopped down forcefully on the bed. It made her tits bounce around. Her brother noticed and unconsciously, licked his lips. He thought, "My sister can be a pain in the ass, but she has a nice pair".

The atmosphere in the room was tense. Crystal's foul mood permeated the room. No one talked except when they had to. Curtis went about his business in a professional way.

As he packed his bag, he said, "You both have a chance to be ready for Friday's game. I called your coach this morning and told him about your injuries and our regimen. He understands. He doesn't want to set back your recovery by having you attend practice. So tomorrow, go to school and come home. I'll meet you at four for our next session.

"Continue with the icing."

The girls nodded.



Curtis had an uneventful shift at the university's training room. There were the usual people and the usual issues. It gave him time to think about yesterday's session with the girls. He wasn't happy with how it went. He decided to do something so the atmosphere would be more pleasant next time.

He arrived a little after four o'clock ready to establish a warm, friendly atmosphere. His mother was out shopping. Dad was at work. They young ones were outside playing. They had the house to themselves. Crystal answered the door and said, "Hi."

"Hello, sister!" Curtis stepped into her and embraced her enthusiastically. He kissed her on both cheeks.

"Wow! That's some welcome," Crystal said and she actually blushed.

The big, strong man went to Molly, scooped her up in his arms and twirled her about. He planted a big kiss right on her lips. The teenager's eye popped wide open in surprise. He stayed engaged. She enjoyed his kiss, closed her eyes and returned it. She was breathless when it ended.

Curtis set her down and smiled at her. The girls looked at him wondering what was going on. He said, "Studies tell us that stress slows down the healing process. I thought our last session had a bad vibe. I want us to be happy people with positive attitude. I hope I set a better mood for our time together."

"You have. I'm sorry about last time," Crystal said. "I was bitchy."

Molly said concerned, "Won't my sister be upset that you've kissed us?"

"No," Curtis said confidently. "The night before she left, after we had made love, she asked me not to stray. I agreed. but I'm allowed to fool around with all the women of Cheltingham Way."

The girls thought that was odd. It showed on their faces.

"Remember Mom yelling 'Don't stray off Cheltingham Way'. I promised not to cheat on Misty. Not to stray of CheltinghamWay."

They still gave him a queer look. He gave up and said, "It was cute. Misty thought it was funny. Whatever. Let's get started."

Everyone went to Crystal's room. The injured girls peeled off their shorts. Both had on cute bikini underwear. Curtis got out his stuff and laid out the waterproof pad. Molly stretched out on it. Crystal sat on the other side of the bed, cross-legged.

Curtis lubed up his hands and said, "Molly, I've noticed you've been tense and uncomfortable at times when I touch you. I can't not touch you, but I hope to distract you today and alleviate the stress you feel.

"I thought today we'd talk. I saw a women's magazine at the grocery store last night. It boosted of articles about 'What do men really want?' and 'What do men find sexy?'. So today as I massage you, ask me anything you want to know about boys."

"This could be fun," Crystal said.

Curtis began the sports massage. He looked up at Molly as his hands slid towards her sex and asked, "First question."

Molly felt under the gun. She wasn't prepared for this. She blurted out one of the topics he'd mentioned. "What do men want?"

Curtis' hands were at the top of his stroke. He reached up and tapped her panty-covered pussy with his index finger and said, "This. Guys want sex."

Both girls were flabbergasted. He calmly said, "Molly, you've been dreading that I'd touch your pussy. Now you don't have to anymore. I've touched it and no one died."

Curtis continued his warm up rub while chatting. "Guys, think about sex a lot. They'd have sex anytime, anywhere, with anyone, if they could. There's a reason prostitutes exist. Men are not above paying for sex. It is one of our primal drives, like the desire to eat.

"Luckily, men can control themselves. Maybe it's the effect of other primal drives. We also want to be respected. To live honorably. We fear social rejection and vengeance for bad behavior."

He continued his soliloquy as he moved through the other stages of the workout.

"Men, like women, seek pleasure. The joy of sex can be compared to the good feelings one experiences when intoxicated. Both are fun. Just as most people learn that being a fall down drunk who wakes up with a horrible hangover isn't good, so men learn that the best sex is with a willing and loving partner.

"The guys you are dating may not have evolved that far yet. They may still be in the 'grab her boob and pinch her ass' stage. Obviously, you should avoid those meatheads. You have to wait for them to grow up and get smart enough to realize what a treasure it would be to be with you in a loving, respectful relationship."

"Were you a meathead?" his sister asked. She didn't ask to be mean.

"Yes. All guys are idiots. We kiss a girl and like it, so then we try to kiss as many girls as we can. We don't care about any of them. We aren't sensitive to their feelings. We can be extremely selfish. Keep that in mind before you fall for any guy.

"Now, of course, you too might be in that "I want to explore" mode. Go ahead kiss all the boys. Fool around. Have some fun. There's no harm as long as you're honest with your partners. The trouble is, most dudes won't be honest with you. They want this so bad . . ."

Curtis paused and doubled tapped Molly's pussy with a finger. The contact shocked her, but less so. Then he continued, "Most guys want sex so much they will lie to you to get in your pants."

"Molly, I touched you again on purpose. I have to work on your pectineus muscle now. I am likely to touch you again."

"I understand. Do what you have to do."

Curtis went back to work. He occasionally brushed against her sex. She didn't tense up and freak out this day.

Molly asked, "Does it hurt a lot the first time?"

Curtis chuckled and then said, "Sorry. I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at how unfair having sex is. For men, it never hurts. For women, it can. The worst case is that you give yourself to some meathead. The guy has to take the time to prepare you for sex. Some bozo will screw you without sufficient foreplay. You must be wet.

"If you're wet and ready usually it doesn't hurt or is only a little uncomfortable. Remember your body is built to have sex. However, some girls are so anxious and scared they can't relax, can't get wet and penetration is difficult and painful.

"The term "pop your cherry" is misleading. Breaking, stretching or slipping pass your hymen is not usually traumatic. Am I right, Crystal?"

His sister gave him a blank look. Curtis waited for her to respond and then realized why she hadn't.

"I'm sorry, Sis. From the way you talked the other day, I assumed you'd done it. Hey, it's a good thing to wait for the right guy. Don't be fooled by all the talk at school. Not as many people are doing it or doing it as frequently as you think."

Curtis moved into the last phase. "You both are smart to wait. As I've said, most guys your age are meatheads. And don't overlook contraception when you are ready. Don't budge when I guy says, and they will say, 'I don't like condoms. It doesn't feel as good.' Stand up for yourself and tell them, 'Tough titty. No glove. No love.'

"You're the one who could get pregnant and risks catching some nasty STD. If he tries to talk you into going bareback, he's a player. Kick him to the curb. If he's a good guy and really cares about you, he won't pressure you."

"There. All done. I think that went well. Crystal, do you in five?"

She nodded. Curtis stood and stretched. He went outside to clear his head, got a drink and was ready to do the next round.

Crystal was lying in bed waiting for him. Molly sat in the corner in a chair. She postponed her shower to hear more from Curtis.

Curtis poured oil on his hands. He reached out to playfully touch his sister's pussy like he had done to Molly.

"Don't." she objected, but she cried out too late. He patted her pussy.

He felt bad and questioned his plan. He said, "Am I taking too many liberties with you? I thought it would relax you if we address the elephant in the room."

"I yelled because getting the oil out of our underwear is a bitch. I had to throw one pair away because I couldn't get them clean. You're right. We've been fearful of you touching us. Doing it. Getting it over with does reduce my stress."

Curtis was relieved. He was glad to be proven right. He began with the light strokes on his sister's thigh. He said, "So what's the next question?"

Crystal asked, "What is an orgasm like?"

"In a word wonderful. Pure pleasure. Like nothing else. If you had one you'd know. You feel this tension building up inside you. Your heart races, you breathe rapidly. Then the damn bursts and a wave of pleasure radiate throughout your body. Many people spasm and stop breathing for a bit. I always ram my dick inside the girl as hard and deep as I can and hold it there as I shoot off.

"Sometimes the girl's pussy pulsates. She has involuntary muscle contraction around her vagina that I can feel them with my cock.

"You don't have to have intercourse to come. In fact, most women don't orgasm by just screwing. More than 50% of women need direct clitoral stimulation to climax. Another reason foreplay is so important. And why you need to pick a considerate lover, not some macho meathead who is only looking out for his own pleasure."

Curtis had been working through the program as he talked. He finished the deep tissue massages high up on his sister's thigh. Occasionally, he had brushed against or leaned on her pussy. She rolled with it, no flinching, no complaining or sharp intakes of breath. He was pleased it no longer upset her. Her acceptance allowed him to do a better job.

"Have you never masturbated to a climax?" Curtis asked incredulously.

Molly shook her head "no". Crystal said, "Mom caught me touching myself. She smacked my hand and told me 'Good girls don't do that'."

Curtis laughed and said, "That wouldn't have stopped me. I might have stopped if she'd cut off both my hands!"

That comment made the girls snort. The three of them laughed hard. When he recovered, Curtis massaged his sister again.

When she could speak, Molly asked, "Are we pretty?"

That made his heart hurt. Tears well up in his eyes. Curtis stopped what he was doing. He pulled Crystal up and dragged her over to Molly. When he got there, he said, "Stand up." He wrapped his strong arms around both girls. He embraced them tenderly. He just held them for a long while.

Then he said, "I'm so sorry you had to ask. You two are beautiful and you should be told that every day."

Molly felt unconditional love and acceptance in his embrace. Still, she had her doubts. She said, "But I have no boobs."

Curtis sat them down on the edge of the bed and said, "They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder which is another way of saying people like what they like. People are allowed their preferences. Some guys like blondes or girls with long legs or big boobs. Maybe you like guys that are taller than you or have broad shoulders. Nothing wrong with that.

"But don't let someone's preference diminish you. Real beauty is so much more than having a pretty face or a curvy body, it's about having a kind heart and a loving soul. Meatheads won't understand that, but a decent guy, a real man will.

"Have you heard the song lyric "Do I love you because you're beautiful or are you beautiful because I love you?". I take that to mean the right person, your soulmate, will think you're beautiful so why would we care what others, the meatheads think. If they can't see you are beautiful, move on. Forget them. They aren't worthy of you.

"I've dated girls with big boobs and some with magnificence, perfectly shaped tits. Misty has small breasts and I love them because I love her. What I louse a guy must be to walk away from either of you just because of your bra size! Who needs a loser like that in their life?"

Curtis knelt and looked at the two young women and said, "Some people like one thing and some like another. You can't make everyone happy and you'll make yourself miserable trying. If I had one piece of advice for you, I'd say confidence is what makes a girl beautiful. Feel the way you want to be seen; wear your confidence."

By this time the girls had tears streaming down their faces. They hugged Curtis.

He finished the workout and left.



Wednesday, the girls went to school and then came home for a session with Curtis instead of practicing. He found the door unlock when he came at 4:30 p.m. A note on the door told him they were waiting for him in Crystal's bedroom.

He climbed the stairs and found them. They were sitting on the bed talking. They stopped as soon as he entered. Crystal went to him. She kissed him on the lips and said, "Hi." Molly did the same. He smiled and said, "Hello to you."

The young ladies were wearing long sleeping tees. From the movement he detected under the material and from what he could see through the light colored shirts, he knew they were braless. He unpacked his travel kit and said, "You two are in a good mood. Why don't we get started?"

"Sure," Molly said. She pulled the tee up to her belly button. She stood beside the bed. Curtis's eyes instantly went to her naked pussy. She wasn't wearing any underwear. The girls giggled seeing the expression on his face.

Crystal said, "We're tired of you getting oil all over our underwear. It's a bitch getting it out. So we have decided not to wear any." She lifted her gown and flashed her brother. He saw her black bush.


Molly said, "You were very kind to us yesterday telling us we are beautiful. I understand your point that beauty is more than skin-deep and that beauty is as beauty does. But that didn't completely address the question. Woman are judged on their looks.

"If I were a saint and had a wonderful personality, in a perfect world those attributes would matter more than the size of my nose or my boobs, but we don't live in that world. I still need to know. Am I pretty? And you need enough information to answer the query so I'm not holding back."

Molly took a deep breath. This was difficult for her but it was also very important that she have the question answered. She pulled the long tee shirt over her head. Crystal also pulled her gown over her head. They had talked about doing this and had agreed to do it jointly.

Both young women stood nude in front of Curtis. Molly said, "This is me. Am I pretty?"

Curtis was flabbergasted. He was tempted to smile at the lovely nude teenagers. He held back because they were so serious. He looked at his sister, who was displaying her ample, round tits and an appealing hour-glass figure supported by muscular legs. Molly was slimmer with a banana body type. Her chestnut pubic hair was as thick as the hair on her head and both were accented with red highlights.

He studied the body part that concerned Molly the most, her small breasts. They were petite swells of pale flesh with large pink tips. She had hard, fat nipples that jutted forth from bigger than average areolas. Cute was an appropriate description.

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