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Inside the Beast Ch. 03

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Peter and Trudi's post-war adventures.
7.6k words

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/08/2021
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This is another chapter of my attempt at erotic historical fiction. I appreciate the positive comments on the first two chapters of this story. This chapter moves the story into the more recent past. To tell the story as I imagined it, I will have to use two voices: Peter and his daughter Erika. I think this chapter will make more sense if you have already read the first and second chapters of "In the Beast."

The history described in his story is generally accurate although, of course, the characters and specific events described are fictitious. Some real institutions and people are mentioned but, insofar as the author knows and except as described above, none of them ever did the things ascribed to them in this story. Any similarities between any of the characters in this story and any real persons, living or dead, are unintended and completely coincidental.

I encourage comments on this story, both favorable and unfavorable. Thank you for reading.



Our daughter Erika graduated from college in the spring of 1968. By mid-summer, she was living with Paul Schroeder in Tubingen where Paul was working on a degree in biochemistry. Her honors degree in economics notwithstanding, Erika didn't know what she wanted to do, other than be with Paul. Trudi and I were not troubled. Erika was a bright young woman and would find a career that suited her. Paul was an admirable young man and we had known his mother Heidi since 1944. Paul's younger sister Anna was also attending university in Tubingen. My impression was that Erika and Anna grew into very close friends.

By 1970, Paul had graduated from Tubingen and was doing post-graduate work in Heidelberg. Erika had, of course, gone to Heidelberg with him. Thanks to a large contribution from Trudi's mother Jenna, Trudi, Jenna, and I now owned our company, which Trudi and I ran. We had persuaded Erika to come to work for us. Primarily, she did due diligence on firms in West Germany, Switzerland, and Austria that we might match with US investors or customers. Erika knew how to read business records critically and she had a gift for teasing accurate information out of the mostly middled-aged men who managed the firms.

In June 1970, I had the unique pleasure of "walking down the aisle," completely naked, with my beautiful naked daughter on my arm to "give her away" to Paul, the naked man waiting to marry her. The wedding was held at the spa outside of Frankfurt owned by Paul's parents, Heidi, and Rolf, so it could be a nude wedding. Everyone attending the wedding had to go nude.

Disrobing was, of course, no problem at all for Erika, Trudi, or me, or for anyone in Paul's family. The nudity requirement stated in the invitations did nothing to deter attendance by Erika's and Paul's German friends. It did limit the American friends Erika invited.

Erika had been involved in a quasi-official nudist group at college. However, her closest friend from college, Trisha Warner, was not a nudist and had, Erika told me, always treated Erika's preference for being naked and her pleasure at being seen naked, as an eccentricity or worse. I was surprised when Erika told me that Trisha and Anna would be her bridesmaids.

I began to wonder whether Erika and Paul had waived the nudity requirement for Trisha at the clothed dinner Heidi and Rolf hosted for the wedding party at a nearby restaurant the night before the wedding. Rolf, who had consumed a bit more than he probably should have, stood at one point during the dinner and proposed a toast "to tomorrow, when we will be in the sunshine without these clothes and will see the exposed beauty of our American guest." That Rolf meant Trisha was clear from the fact he was looking directly at her. Trisha's face turned bright red and she buried it in her hands.

I did not see Trisha the next day until we were ready to begin the procession from the spa's bar/restaurant along a runner laid on the grass to the "alter" (the wedding was conducted by a local government official). Anna stood, naked and beautiful with her all-over tan, a bouquet in her hands being her only covering. Trisha stood next to her, obviously nervous. Trisha provided further evidence for my belief that all women look better nude than clothed. The small patches of very pale skin that highlighted her breasts, pubes, and ass were, well, erotic.

The procession began with Rolf escorting the nude mothers of the bride and groom to their seats. My wife Trudi, at 53, was still the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Heidi, at 50, had gained some weight since we'd met her during the war; but was still a sexy woman.

Anna took Trisha's hand and led her between the nude guests to stand opposite Paul and his best man. As I escorted Erika up "the aisle," I looked at the four nude young people standing waiting for her. I thought that this was how a marriage should begin, completely open and exposed amidst equally nude friends. Although our marriage had lasted 25 years and counting, Trudi and I had been married fully clothed by an annoyed Army chaplain in an office at a US Army Air Force base in 1945.

The reception was also held, of course, at the spa. With Heidi and Rolf's help, we had hired a band willing to perform in the nude and had laid a temporary dance floor within easy walking distance of the bar. Watching Erika and Paul take the first dance, I thought how much easier it must be for Erika to dance nude than in a bulky wedding dress. In, I guess, a small break from tradition, Trudi and I, and Heidi and Rolf, had the second dance. Holding Trudi's bare body tightly against mine, I mused over all we had done since I first met Trudi, with our OSS case officer, in 1942. Trudi broke my reverie by grabbing my bare ass with both hands and kissing me fiercely on the lips.

Although Erika was, and is, every bit as beautiful as her mother, dancing nude with my daughter seemed somehow wrong. Still, it would have been an affront to her had I refused to dance with Erika. When the time came, I tried to keep some distance between our bodies. Erika was having none of that. She put an arm around my bare back and pulled herself against me, pressing her breasts against my chest and her neatly trimmed bush against my dick. "It's ok Dad," Erika said, "we've always lived by slightly different rules." I glanced to where her new husband was standing with one arm around his sister and the other around my wife. All three were smiling and nodding.

As much as I could, I tried to forget that Erika was my daughter and just enjoy a dance with a beautiful nude young woman in my arms. That didn't work.

As I watched Trudi dance with Paul, I was surprised by the intense desire I still felt for the woman with whom I had spent almost every day of the last twenty-eight years. I attributed that, in part, to the fact that I was looking Trudi's perfectly shaped and very alluring bare ass.

I thought that Trudi and Paul would be the last solo dance before the floor was opened to all the guests. However, Anna spoke to the lead singer who told everyone there would be one more "featured" dance. Anna came to me, took my hand, and led me onto the floor. I put my hand on Anna's bare back. She reached back and moved it onto her bare ass. I thought that my wife and daughter had held onto me tight when I had danced with them, but those were nothing compared to how Anna pressed herself into me. This time, I had no trepidation about dancing nude with a stunningly beautiful nude young woman. Anna and I rubbed against each other and I think Anna took pride in the fact that I was partially erect when we finished.

I walked off the dance floor to where Trudi held a stein for me. "Peter," Trudi said, "you realize that Anna wants your body."

"Absurd," I replied. "I'm more than 30 years older than her. There are many fit, desirable young men from whom she can have her choice."

Trudi reached down and wrapped a hand around my still somewhat firm dick. "Those young men you speak of do not have this," Trudi said. "I know how wonderful it feels when that is inside me. Anna wants to share that pleasure."

I wanted to end that subject immediately, however, Heidi walked up. In a teasing tone, she said, "Peter, I think my daughter wants to feel the sensations I enjoyed at Tegernsee during the war." This was making me uncomfortable. I became more so when I realized that Anna was standing nearby, within hearing distance, looking at me with a smile.

On a somewhat less troubling note, I also had the pleasure of dancing with Erika's friend Trisha. Trudi and I had met Trisha several times before and she had come to the wedding by herself, so it was natural, I suppose, that she would gravitate to Trudi and me. Trisha was also a lovely young woman who, due to her tan lines, drew more male attention, I think, than any of the other beautiful women at the wedding. We kept some distance as we started the dance although we drew closer as it went on. When the song ended, Trisha's breasts were against my chest and our chins were touching. "Going naked," Trisha said, "is nicer than I thought it would be. A lot nicer. I should have accepted Erika's invitations to get naked with her and her other friends when we were in college."


Paul and I honeymooned on the Mediterranean coast of France, including some time at a then unofficial nude beach which just a few years later became the Cap d'Agde naturist city. It was a short honeymoon because Paul needed to return to his post-graduate work in Heidelberg.

Two years after our wedding, I thought life could not be any better. I loved Paul and loved living in Heidelberg. My job with Mom and Dad's company let me travel around central Europe at company expense, but I was never more than a few hours from Paul by train. Paul was scheduled to receive his doctorate at the end of the year. Anna had gotten her degree at Tubingen and was going to start on her master's at Yale that fall. I suspected Anna had chosen Yale because New Haven was not far from Mom and Dad's place in Greenwich. Anna had confessed to me that she desired my father. I understood that. After Paul, Dad was the sexiest man I had ever met too. Knowing Mom, I was sure she would be happy to share.

The Marktplatz was, in summertime, tourist central for Heidelberg. Paul and I usually avoided it. However, that day, we were nearby and thought it would be fun to have lunch at one of the over-priced cafes. Back then, I didn't pay as much attention to the news as I should have. I did not know until later than Andreas Baader, Ulrike Meinhof, and others had been arrested a couple of days before.

Paul and I had just sat down at an outdoor table when Paul saw a friend on the other side of the square. He got up and started walking towards the friend, near the vendor's stalls set up around the outside of the church. I was looking at the menu when I heard what sounded like a very loud firecracker. Immediately after that, I heard screams. I spun around towards the square. There was still smoke in the air. One of the vendor stalls was now pieces of wood and torn shirts strewn around the square. Paul was lying on the ground, not moving.


Trudi and I typically spent from mid-June to the end of July in Europe. It was always a mix of business trip and vacation. We had boarded our flight at Kennedy blissfully ignorant of any trouble. It wasn't until we landed in Frankfurt and were met outside customs by a very distraught Heidi that we knew what had happened.

We drove with Heidi straight to Erika's and Paul's apartment in Heidelberg. Anna was already there. She embraced Trudi and me as soon as we walked in. It was obvious she had been crying. She told us that a doctor had given Erika something to put her to sleep. We could think of nothing to do but wait until Erika woke up. That gave me time to think about what you are supposed to say to your daughter when her husband has just been killed by a pipe bomb. I still don't know that answer to that.


It is stating the obvious to say that losing Paul was the worst thing, by far, that ever happened to me. I was both depressed and furious. I was distracted, short-tempered, and constantly focused on trivial details. In short, I was a mess.

Paul's father, Rolf, had passed the year before, a result, we thought, of his time in the Wehrmacht during the war. We had a closed-casket funeral and buried Paul next to his father. Heidi, my mother-in-law, was disoriented from losing her husband and her son within a year. I was in my own world of pain and could not break out to help her. When the funeral was over, I wanted nothing so badly as to leave Germany. I left Heidi with Anna and went home to Connecticut with Mom and Dad.

Back home, I spent a lot of time with my grandmother Jenna. Jenna had spent the Hitler years in the US, but she had many friends who died in the Soviet occupation of Berlin, fighting in Russia, and in the Nazi's death camps. At her suggestion I found, with Mom and Dad's help, a brilliant psychologist in the City. Over several months, I got some of my life back. A large part would always be buried in Hesse with Paul, but she helped me move forward.

Anna had decided after Paul died not to go to Yale. At first, I thought she was taking care of Heidi, which seemed very drab for someone with Anna's intelligence and personality. However, Anna soon told me that Heidi had needed an institution. Apparently, losing her son so soon after losing her husband was more than Heidi could handle. Anna sold the spa to create funds for Heidi's care and took a job in Munich. Anna was uncharacteristically vague about what the job was.

By the start of 1973, I had recovered enough to go back to work. I was still living at home. Mom's rule that we couldn't wear clothes in the house, and the all-weather pool my parents had installed, made home comfortable. However, I was now ready to get back into the world.

One of my early work trips took me to Munich. Naturally, I called Anna. Anna sounded like she was healing also. When we met in person, she seemed to be the Anna of old.

Our initial reunion was, of course, in a beer hall. We updated each other about our lives. I was surprised when Anna said she was working as a clerk in a federal government office. She was grossly overqualified to be a clerk. I said as much. Anna laughed. "Yes," she said, "my primary job is boring. But you of all people may appreciate my part-time job. I work tomorrow night. Why don't you come and see me?"

Anna told me that her parttime job was as a waitress in a bar. I didn't see what was so special about that, but Anna was a dear friend, so I humored her. Anna told me to arrive around 21:00. The bar was a windowless building a few blocks east of the Isar River. The interior was larger than the exterior suggested and quite warm, almost too warm. There was nothing special about the bar's interior and the recorded oompah music that was playing didn't help my mood.

I took a table. Anna came to wait on me in a dress meant to replicate a dirndl. Anna read my thoughts. "Don't form a judgment yet," she said. "Wait about twenty minutes." I sipped my beer thinking Anna was really going to have to do something special to impress me.

Anna was one of four waitresses. While Anna was undoubtedly the most beautiful of the waitresses, I think most men would have thought all four were attractive.

At the bottom of the hour, the canned music stopped. The four waitresses scurried onto a low stage at one end of the room. A male voice on the PA said that the bar was pleased to present the most beautiful servers in all of Bavaria. Music started again and the women started sort of dancing, although their movements were limited by the small stage. A few bars into the song, the four women grabbed the hems of their dresses and whipped them over their heads in unison. Anna and the other three women were nude under their dresses. They danced nude until the song ended then came off the stage and went back to serving customers, still nude.

Anna came back to my table. "Are you liking my job better now?" she asked.

"Where do I apply?" I replied, mostly joking. "What is the program?"

"We strip off at 21:30, serve nude for half an hour. Then we dress again and work until we strip off again at 23:30. The bar closes at :30 so, depending on how the customers are behaving, we may stay nude the rest of our shift."

Of course, I had seen Anna nude many times before, but I had never really looked at her. I did that night. She had firm breasts with upturned nipples that were perfectly proportioned to her body; a flat stomach; smooth, firm thighs; and, between her thighs, an alluring mound covered with closely trimmed blonde hair. The money pouch she wore over her left hip had an erotic effect, accentuating her nudity. When she turned to walk to the bar, I realized Anna had a really cute ass.

My attitude to the bar improved. I was disappointed at 22:00 when Anna got dressed. I realized I was looking forward to seeing her strip again in an hour and a half. The bar was filling up. I thought about how exciting it would be to strip at the front of the room and walk around nude among the clothed customers. I envied Anna.

The bar crowd was a mix of younger businessmen and university students. A group whom I took to be students at the table next to me got into a loud discussion about Nixon and Vietnam. While their voices were raised, they weren't arguing. All seemed to agree that both Nixon and the war were the beginnings of a new fascism. When Anna and the other waitresses stripped the second time, they stayed nude until the bar closed. I found my eyes following Anna's beautiful form around the now crowded bar.

It was a Friday night, and I did not have to be anywhere Saturday, so I stayed until closing. It was January, so they let me wait inside while Anna dressed and helped close. Anna asked me to come back to her apartment. I insisted on ordering a cab. It was cold outside, and Mom and Dad paid me well.

Inside Anna's apartment, I blurted without thinking, "Anna, I never realized until tonight how hot you look naked."

Anna smiled at me. "Thank you," she said. "Would you like to see it again?" I nodded. Anna stripped naked in her sitting room. She raised her arms over her head, thrusting her hips forward slightly, and asked, "still like what you see?" I nodded again. Anna's smile widened. "Come on sister-in-law," she said, "I've not seen you in some time. I didn't get to watch you walking around naked all night. Get those clothes off."

I was surprised at how eager I was to strip for Anna. Once I was nude, I posed for her with my legs somewhat apart and my arms straight out from my shoulders. I wanted Anna to see every bit of me. Anna looked at me for a couple of minutes before she said, "Erika, you are exquisite!"

Anna came close to me. We looked in each other's eyes. Then, we hugged. Anna put both hands on my ass and I grabbed hers. Our bare breasts pressed against each other. Anna's nipples, and mine, were erect. After a moment, we kissed. Our tongues found each other. I stroked Anna's tight ass with both hands.

I was getting aroused. After what seemed a long time, Anna let go of my ass and took a slight step backwards. She put a hand between my thighs and ran a finger over my outer lips. Then, her finger found my clit. I was wet. As Anna's finger went inside me, she smiled and said, "you naughty girl." I put a hand between Anna's legs and slid my finger into her cunt. Anna was wet too. I pulled my finger out, brought my hand to my mouth, and sucked Anna's fluid off my finger.

Anna took my hand and led me to her bedroom. We lay on our sides on her bed facing each other. We kissed and finger fucked. Anna shifted position so she was lying on her side with her face in front of my mound and hers in front of my face. Anna lifted my thigh, put her head between my legs, and began eating me. I had never gone down on a woman before. I was anxious that I didn't know how. I lifted Anna's thigh and brought my face to her cunt. I'd never been that close to another woman's vagina before and was surprised at how attractive Anna's looked. I probed gently with my tongue. Anna had a unique, exciting taste. I began imitating what Anna's mouth and tongue were doing to me.

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