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Internet Tone Police

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Something had to be done.
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"Could you please come to bed already? I was hoping we could have some quality time tonight." his girlfriend Meg asked him wearing her white see-through nightie. The one she used when she was in a special mood. Chuck didn't notice what she was wearing but promised to come soon.

Four hours later like on so many other nights he was still surfing on the Internet. And when at last he guiltily tiptoed into their bed she was already fast asleep. He felt a little bad about letting her down like that but at least he had been particularly witty in the comments he had posted that night. When the morning came and Chuck woke up she was already gone. After all, she was the one who still had a job.

Chuck knew he should be looking for a new job for himself but nothing seemed to interest him. And so it happened that various internet discussions took the most of his day yet again. When Meg returned she could easily see that nothing productive had happened during the day. The laundry bin was full, there was no food for them and when she looked at Chuck at his computer she could see that he probably hadn't even showered at all.

She had had enough. But when she confronted Chuck about it all everything just escalated into a big fight. In his opinion, she didn't understand him at all. Being without of job was very stressful for him and her bitching about it did not help. So what if he hadn't done any of the chores? There would be plenty of time tomorrow. In the end, it was Meg who had to apologize for being so insensitive about it, and for the rest of the evening, they minded their own business.

That night when the bedtime was up Chuck did go to bed with her. But to his surprise, she was not in the mood for sex. He did not press on the issue and soon she just turned her back to him and in minutes was breathing heavily. Dosing off for the night.

Chuck had slept late in the morning and wasn't that tired yet. So he decided to get back up and on to his computer. He pulled up one of his favorite sites and started reading through. It was a site for erotic literature and there was a huge pile of categories from which to choose.

Since Meg had turned him down he was getting hornier with every minute he spent reading the stories. Then one of the stories hit his nerve big time. It revolved around a man and a woman who happened to have an office fling. Nothing that special in that but the woman happened to be married.

It got Chuck all agitated and he immediately went back to the story enraged that he hadn't been warned about this turn of events. But there it was. The specifically indicated that there would be infidelity in the story. Still, it annoyed the hell out of him. He should have stopped reading there but some part of him wanted to know how it would end.

It was not that badly written. The imminent sex of the main couple did excite him. But then when it finally happened there was one of the biggest cliches of the erotic literature included.

"How stupid can these writers be?" thought Chuck extremely irritated by the fact that once more the leading male just happened to have a huge penis. And naturally, he was a much better lover than her actual husband was.

After he had finished the story he was just appalled. The woman had divorced in the end and there had been no compensation whatsoever for the cheated man. Angrily Chuck rated the story with the lowest score regretting only that he was not able to give the story less than zero points. But even this wasn't enough. He also wrote a long ranting comment about what part of the story was not plausible and at the end of his comments he nosily pointed out that there had been several typos and grammatical errors in it.

He was thinking about all the twists in the story and assured himself that if he would ever write a story it would be so much better. How the cheated man would get his revenge and how the woman would suffer for her mischievous life choices. With these things running through his mind, his thoughts took an even more sinister turn.

Meg had turned him down for sex that night. This was not that uncommon nowadays but when they had started their relationship that never happened. Was it possible that she was getting some attention from somewhere else than Chuck? No, that could not be. She had always been the perfect loyal girlfriend and it was not in her character to do anything disrespectful.

On the other hand, she most definitely had the looks. So there must be plenty of guys she runs into who will at least flirt with her. He was getting more and more miserable following that line of thoughts and decided that he would read one more story before going to sleep. And he chose one from the same writer that had written the previous one. Maybe some other story from that guy would not be that pathetic.


The ongoing Friday night was torture for Chuck. Meg had gone out with her girlfriend and for the whole evening, he tormented himself with images of her maybe talking to some strange men or even dancing with someone at some darkened dancefloor.

Luckily he did have his computer and it was not all bad. At least he had the apartment for himself to watch some porn. Looking at the male pornstars fucking the gorgeously slutty female pornstars made him super hard. Hand in his pants he was edging himself when he heard the front door.

Was it already Meg? He had expected her to return much later at night and was completely off guard with his penis in his hand.

"Hi, honey. What a night!" his girlfriend greeted him. He was a little disappointed that his good masturbation session had been interrupted but he also wanted to hear why she was home so early.

When he asked her about it she was first somewhat reluctant to tell him but then obliged,

"Fine, I tell you but you will have to promise me you won't get too angry about it."

Chuck was not at all sure how he could promise that since he didn't know in advance what could it be but nodded to her anyway and she continued,

"Well, it's Christine. She was just extra annoying tonight."

As she was one of Meg's oldest friends Chuck also knew Christine relatively well. Annoying was an understatement of that woman. But on the other hand, she did have the most spectacular tits he had ever seen so he thought with amusement that she was not all bad.

Meg went on and quite soon it was clear why she had said that Chuck could not get too angry,

"Right from the start of our evening, she was bitching me about you and how you are unemployed at the moment. And even when I told her to drop the topic she kept wondering how can I put up with you and pay for all our bills."

"That bitch!" exclaimed Chuck.

"Right. And then there was more." Meg continued and she too sounded angry while explaining, "For some reason, after we had eaten our dinner, she thought that it would be funny to take me to a place called Zebra Club. I did not know anything about it in advance so I trusted her to find a nice place for us."

Chuck had a vague idea where this was going. He had read about such places on the Internet but it was a surprise to him that there was a place like that in their town. But if there was, Christine was just the type of girl who would know about it. He continued to listen to her with discontent as she told more,

"Only when we got there she told me that the place is famous for white women meeting black men. And if I'm to believe Christine, women who are already in a relationship or even married are extremely popular there! So I felt like she had tricked me into there."

With horror, Chuck demanded to know more of what had happened.

"Well, that was pretty much it. I did finish my first drink but when she wanted us to go to the dancefloor and was drunkenly explaining how the black men would have far bigger penises than what I am used to I left her there and returned home. So now you see why my evening was ended short."

In his mind, Chuck was screaming, "That bitch, that fucking bitch, that fucking stupid bitch!"

For some reason, he was also angry at Meg for going into such a place. Had it really been an accident? Maybe she did know in advance what the Zebra Club was about and wanted to check it out. But no, she had been honest with him and returned early. There was no reason not to believe her story. Still, he was angry and sulked. How embarrassing would it have been if she had run into someone they knew in there?

"That bitch has a lot of nerve. That's like far too rude from her," he managed to say to her between his gritted teeth. Then he turned his attention to the last part of her story,

"But why bring up the cock size? Have you said to her something about my cock?" he asked Meg accousingly.

"What? No! That is not the point at all. I would never comment anything about your penis to other people. That's way too private to discuss with anyone. Besides penis size has to be the most overrated part of sexuality." she hastily answered him seeing that he was getting angrier by the minute.

"Whatever," blurted Chuck. In his mind, he was wondering if maybe Meg had said something to Christine. Maybe not today but maybe earlier. Something like,

"Oh he's such a nice man, well I wish his cock would be bigger but other than that he is so great!" and they would have giggled naughtily on top of her comment.

He felt insecure and hurt and Meg could see it. She was a little lost on what had gone wrong as she considered that she had done everything right. With a final effort, she tried to fix his mood,

"You know honey that I love your penis. And if you must know a big cock can be just uncomfortable and many times just too much."

As soon as she said it she could see that it was not the right way to go. But there was nothing she could do to help it now that she had said it.

"Oh yeah? So I guess David was hung like a horse?" he asked her bitterly.

David was her ex-boyfriend and the only other guy Meg had ever slept with. Meekly she confirmed it,

"Well like I told you these things are a personal matter and I don't like to talk about it. But yes he had an above-average penis regarding the size. But I am far more satisfied by you and your dick than I ever was with him. Please, let's just forget about it all, and let's get to bed so that I can show you exactly what I mean!"

This time they finally managed to do it. They made out and Chuck did his best to make sure that she was enjoying it. He went down on her and when the time was right he penetrated her in a missionary position. With slow pushes, he made love to her. She held him tight and moaned in his ear. It did not last very long as Chuck had been edging himself with the porn for most of the night but in the end, they came together. Then he kissed her one final time before turning his body next to her.

Soon he could hear her steady breathing but for him, the sleep would not come. He was thinking about his six-inch cock and the sad fact that if David was the biggest she had ever had then that would mean he was the smallest. That was if he could trust her and she had only slept with the two of them.

Was she really happy with his size? Or was it so that she settled to it because he could not give more? And had she faked her orgasm just a moment ago just to make him feel better? Albeit six inches was more than a decent size in Chuck's mind it wasn't nearly enough. After all, he had read about foot-long monsters in the stories.

He also thought about Christine and his anger returned. That bitch. If she only wasn't so goddamn sexy. She had stayed at the Club when Meg had left her so was she now somewhere getting her brains fucked out by some big black stud? The thought both annoyed and aroused him. Frustrated by all this Chuck smacked his pillow into a better form and rolled over trying to relax into sleep.


The weeks went by and Chuck's unemployment situation did not get any better. His time was dominated by his computer and the erotic literature site was one of his most visited pages. There he had found a whole new purpose.

He scanned through various stories about open relationships, swingers, interracial sex and even cuckolding. What a bile of filth those were. Why would people spend their time writing and reading such degenerate stories? He rated them all as low as possible and if he was especially triggered then he wrote disapproving comments and sometimes even sent private negative feedback to the writers.

There were some writers he especially loathed and just seeing a new post from one of them would ruin his mood. He would comment that he had given zero points without even reading since he already knew that the writer could only write rubbish. Quite often he still read them through just to see what was wrong with them.

He had also learned that by manipulating his browser history data he was able to punch in an anonymous low rating for the same story multiple times. Needless to say, he spent a lot of time trying to get the overall ratings of the stories he hated as low as possible.

A constant pain in his ass was one particular category of stories called "Adorable Girlfriends". He could not find anything adorable in most of the women under that section as it was just flooded with various cuckolding stories. In his opinion the women there were hopeless size queens and manipulating whores who deserved nothing good in their lives. If the name of the category was some sort of a pun it was completely lost on Chuck.

"Wrong category. This should be under fetish stories," he whined in many of his comments. Sometimes he also wrote that they should at least change the name of the category because it was just wrong to have it like that. He did not comprehend that the name of the category could hurt him only if he let it do that.

Since he had never posted a story of his own he also did not understand that the cuckolding stories, despite their low ratings, were extremely popular. Quite often they were the most read stories of the writers there.

This time he had found a particularly ugly story where a married man's boss was fucking his wife behind his back. Even though there were plenty of clues about what was going on the cheated husband just did not get it. It was just unrealistic that someone could be so stupid and Chuck did not approve a story like that. The boss was taking her dancing and on holiday trips and it was painfully obvious to everyone else than her husband that he was fucking her.

In the end, it was hinted that maybe the husband knew it all along and just didn't mind. That couldn't be so. Chuck refused to believe willing cuckolds could exist. That someone would be so level with his or her feelings that an intimate relationship could indulge the cuckolding kink. He absolutely refused to believe it.

All this eventually led him to think that was it possible that he was already a cuckold himself. He knew that Meg's ex-boyfriend had a larger cock than what he had and even though she had told him she did not miss it it was hard for Chuck to trust her. If he would have some particularly large-breasted ex-girlfriend he would certainly be thinking of her from time to time.

Then there was the bitch Christine. Meg told him that she had promised to see her again as long as Christine promised not to speak ill of Chuck. But maybe Christine was still trying to get Meg to find herself a lover. Maybe they had downloaded a Tinder for her and together they would skim through the suitable manly candidates. Or maybe Christine would recommend some of her ex fuckboys to Meg. Someone whom she would know to have a gigantic cock.

In the stories Chuck read from the Internet the working places were quite often the venue where something happened. Maybe something was going on there. Meg had never said anything about it but Chuck knew her boss was a handsome man. Taller than him and much more successful. Just like in the stories. So maybe he wanted to get Meg into his bed. Maybe Meg wanted that also.

Or worse yet maybe they were already doing it. Meg had been working late on quite many evenings lately. Perhaps there wasn't any big project. Perhaps she was just sucking her boss's huge cock every day when the others had left the office. And didn't she mention something about some upcoming business trip? So getting his dick sucked every day was no longer enough for Meg's boss but now he was going to fuck her also.

"Oh god please don't let it be so" Chuck was thinking and he decided that he had to know for sure.


Autumn leaves were dropping on top of Chuck's car and he watched some of them catching the wind and flying by. He had been sitting in his car for quite some time. He didn't know it yet but soon his patience would be rewarded. There was no evidence yet but the sad fact was that day by day he was getting more assured that something fishy was going on with Meg. He could not remember when was the last time they had had sex together and most of the time around him she seemed somewhat silent and sad.

Time and time again she had refused to admit to him that his dick was too small. But Chuck had gotten an idea from one of the stories and had mail-ordered a 9-inch thick dildo. His idea was to include it into his and Meg's bedroom play and then if she would be all excited about it he would have been right about her all along.

The dildo was very expensive and surprisingly realistic with a layer of elastic rubber representing the skin of a real cock. He wondered how it was even possible to make a dildo that would look and feel so real. When the package arrived he was alone and the first thing that he did was to compare the dildo with his cock. It was much bigger.

It was painful to think that some women were getting that much cock into their pussies and liking it. Even more painful it would be if Meg was one of those. But when he had introduced the toy to Meg her reaction had been a disaster. She wanted to have nothing to do with the dildo and told him it was far too large and that he should have discussed it with her first.

But maybe she had just seen through his ploy. Maybe she secretly wanted it. So Chuck left it casually in their bedroom drawer and checked daily if it had been used. So far nothing had happened and that is why he had decided to continue with his other line of investigation. He was going to tail on Meg's boss.

Thinking about the dildo in the drawer, he was almost ready to quit for the day but then Meg's boss arrived. Strolling confidently into his favorite lunch place. And this time Meg was with him. Chuck had seen him eating there at the same restaurant many times with various employees and customers but now finally he was there with her.

Her boss politely held the door open for her and Chuck guessed that he wanted Meg to go first. So that he could feast on her ass with his eyes. She was wearing a snug-fitting business skirt and a short blazer that looked good on her. The outfit made Chuck also look at her womanly behind as she walked in. The view from the car to the restaurant's glass wall, and then all the way to the table where they sat, was excellent.

They ate some chicken and even though nothing that extraordinary happened Chuck thought that there probably was some footplay under the table which he was unable to see. Like maybe Meg was slowly pushing her high-heeled shoe against his calf. He looked like a man who could fuck Meg senseless and Chuck imagined how they would look if he would be giving it to her doggy style. He knew Meg made these cutest of moans when she was dicked down especially well and he was certain that her boss enjoyed those sounds a lot.

At the end of their lunch, nothing had happened. Chuck was somewhat perplexed as he had been sure there would be a small kiss or some other tell-tale that they were doing it. However right when they walked out of the restaurant something did happen. Something awful.


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