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Jacuzzi Ch. 01

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Exposure in a Jacuzzi.
10.8k words

Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 09/27/2022
Created 01/29/2015
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My name is Jeffery Jackson, a school teacher as is my wife, Janice Jackson - nice alliteration, but unintentional. We live in a small town about twenty miles from Buffalo, New York where I teach history and Jan is in elementary education. We are both in our early 40's and find ourselves alone for the first time in almost twenty years since both of our children are off to college. We may go bankrupt with their expenses, but their absence had certainly made the house bigger and removed some of the limitations that parenthood brings. Parents are supposed to be role models for their children, but, sometimes, being an exemplary model of moral rectitude is quite restrictive. This is not to say that we intend to head a hedonistic life now that they are out of the house, but a bit of self-indulgent is quite appealing.

This is particularly true of my wife Jan, because one of her favorite sports is to enjoy a bit of exhibitionism. She is short, only about 5' 1", and weighs a little over 100 lbs. She still has a very nice figure which she has worked hard to maintain and she gets pleasure from showing it off. She has been limited to the usual exposure when getting out of a car, trying on shoes, not quite shutting the curtain when trying on clothes, etc. However, she has always wanted to make the revelation more personal - deliberately showing something to someone in such a way that she knows that it can be seen. It turned out that she achieved her goal and a great deal more than she ever could have expected.

We have a large recreation room downstairs with table shuffleboard and a pool table which the kids and we have enjoyed. In addition, we have a very nice, eight-person Jacuzzi, one that has given us much decorous pleasure for years. Needless to say, the kids and their friends tended to monopolize the area on the weekends. We and our friends managed to share it at times, but it was awkward. However, now that the kids are away at college, the adults can enjoy the premises without feeling that they are in the way.

We have three couples with whom we are quite friendly and we will often have a light dinner and, afterwards, spend an hour or so playing games. Other times they just come over just for conversation or the games - very informal. Then, before they are ready to go home, we will all change into bathing suits and relax, sitting in the hot, bubbling water of the Jacuzzi, enjoying friendly conversation. Of course, we visit our friend's homes also, but a combination of our entertainment facilities and the Jacuzzi made our home almost like a club - which we like - and they come over frequently.

In any case, with the Jacuzzi a pattern developed in that one couple, Lois and Tim Jastim, that is older (around 60), would stay in the water for a half-hour or so and get out, change and go home. There was no need to get out with them - after years of friendship no formality was needed so they just let themselves out. The second couple, Susan and Doug Chambers, usually followed not long after - waiting, of course, for the guest room to be free for changing. Marianne and Bryan Curry, the third couple and the one of most importance here, tended to hang on till we were all water-logged.

They were a nice couple that we had known for some years. Marianne, a teacher at Jan's school, was rather prime and proper and never responded to, or for that matter, even seemed to be aware of things like double entendre or sexual references. She was thin and with no real sex appeal. Actually, she always wore conservative "teacher-type" clothes which effectively removed any salacious thoughts about her. However, she had a very out-going and good-natured personality which made her pleasant to be with. She also was very talkative, filling any awkward gaps in the conversation, a quality that is very useful. She and Jan had been friends for fifteen years, talking every day over lunch at the school cafeteria and, frequently relaxing together after the students were gone. In general, she was just a nice person to be around. However, you just didn't think of sex when you thought of Marianne. She was, however, proof that sex appeal isn't everything.

Bryan was very different. He rarely talked unless directly spoken to. He was a heavy machine operator and could expound forever on the virtues of different models of front loaders, back hoes, bulldozers, etc., but since those topics rarely entered into our conversations, he didn't say much. He hardly was an Adonis, but his outside work kept in in good shape, certainly better than the rest of us men.

For Jan, however, Bryan's greatest attraction was the attention he paid to her. His eyes always seemed to be on her. If she were wearing a skirt and crossed her legs, those eyes were always on her legs. If she bent over while wearing a low cut blouse, you could be sure that he would be trying to see her bra - or more. He wasn't too obvious, but Jan was very aware of his interest and enjoyed the attention. Logically, if she were going to expose herself to anyone in our group, it would be he.

When you think of it, nothing had really changed with the kids gone. It was still the same house, our friends were the same people and the kids were rarely around when we all went into the Jacuzzi. Jan certainly could have discreetly exposed herself to Bryan, or anyone else, even if the kids had been home upstairs - or even in the game room for that matter. She didn't intend to strip for him! It just was a sense of freedom, a changed feeling of being a woman, not just a mother. Many women change, often for no real reason, when they become mothers - they circumscribe their own behavior according to their vision of how a "MOTHER" should act and, sometimes, they become almost asexual. They stay that way as the kids grow up, stultifying their own sexual desires and, frequently, that of their husband. However, when the nest is finally empty there is a freedom from those self-imposed restrictions, and some women are able to recapture those desires and start over. So, for Jan, it was more a psychological change, but it was real, nonetheless.

In any case, I knew that she wanted to engage in some more explicit form of exhibitionism, a desire that she had bottled up for 20+ years. This craving of hers was no secret between us and she talked quite frankly about how the idea aroused her. This didn't mean that she intended to go out and buy a bunch of new, slut-like clothes to display herself - that kind of clothing would have embarrassed her anyway. No, all she needed was a bit of creative carelessness - which began in the Jacuzzi.

Jan always wore a crocheted flesh-colored bikini bathing suit in the Jacuzzi. Actually, it was rather conservative except for the loose weave that looked as if you could see through. However, the suit, bra and pants, was lined so nothing showed. She had said a number of times that she would like to remove the lining, but that would be too blatant for both her pubic hair and nipples would be clearly visible. I had the lights on a dimmer so that when we were in the water, I would have them quite low so having no lining would be fine - but she couldn't show anything anyway. When someone entered or left the Jacuzzi I would brighten the lights, but then things would be too obvious without the lining. However, Jan found a way.

I had changed into my bathing suit and was preparing to go downstairs to the Jacuzzi when Jan called, "Wait a minute. I want to show you something." She came out of the bathroom wearing her regular suit and looking perfectly normal. However, she stopped in front of me and said, "Watch," as she bent over. The bra of the crocheted suit fastened around her back and was held up by a tie behind her neck which was quite effective in keeping it in place. However, Jan had fastened the neck tie very loosely and, as she bent over, the cups dropped away, completely exposing two bare breasts, their nipples turgid with arousal. "How does that look?"

"Gods, Bryan's eyes will pop out! Be careful, he'll want to grab them right in front of everybody!"

"Does it look too obvious? I don't want anyone else, especially Marianne, to notice. She would be horrified - and scandalized."

"No, I think that your back will be toward everyone else and the tie looks perfectly normal when you are standing straight up. The side will be toward Marianne, but I don't think that too much will show. No, if it feels like fun, go for it!"

The Jacuzzi is sunk into a low deck with its rim about ten inches above the surface. The rim is broad at one corner and the proper way to get in is to step up onto that corner, move down to a molded-in step, then onto the seat and, finally, onto the floor of the Jacuzzi. No one did it that way. Instead, they would stand on the deck above the seat, turn sideways, lean over, hold on to the rim and reach one leg down the 18 inches to the seat. Then, the other leg would be brought in and they would step down onto the Jacuzzi floor. Really, quite easy. Getting out required the reverse but was considerably harder, particularly for people with short legs - like Jan. Occasionally, she would get up on the seat, reach one leg up over the rim onto the deck and be stuck. There was nothing to pull against to haul her back leg up over the rim and the front leg was too far over to pull it back. She would be stuck, balancing there, until one of the men, usually Bryan, came to her aid and help her over or back! We all found that to be quite amusing but, ultimately, it turned out to be quite significant.

Interestingly enough, when it was just the two of us, she would almost always use the steps. One day I asked about her seemingly illogical behavior and got exactly the answer I expected. "Oh, I would have to climb over Bryan or Marianne to get to the steps when they are here, so it's just easier to climb out over the rim." Then, seeing my skeptical look, grinned, "Ok, I get out that way because I like them looking at me. It feels sexy to be stuck there, bent over with my legs wide open. And I like being helped over with a hand on my bottom!" This was very mild exhibitionism, and, now, she was planning to be more aggressive.

People are creatures of habit and just as students in a classroom almost always take the same seats, we regularly sat the in the same places in the Jacuzzi. I sat next to Marianne in one section; Bryan sat to her left beside Jan in the next. Doug sat to Jan's left beside Susan in the third and Tim and Lois in the fourth section with Lois to my right. This habit was perfect for Jan for she knew that the seat next to Bryan would be open when she got in.

I left her in the bedroom and went down to the Jacuzzi. Bryan was already there, and Marianne came shortly after, followed first by Lois and Tim and then Susan and Doug. Each hung up their robes and towels and worked themselves into their regular seats. Jan finally came, took off her robe and prepared to fit herself into the remaining empty seat. The lights were still turned up, of course, but the loosened bra tie looked as it always did. In any case, everyone was talking and paying no particular attention to a suit that they had seen many times. I, of course, was watching intently while pretending not to do so.

Jan turned sideways toward Bryan and leaned way down to touch the Jacuzzi rim as she tentatively moved her left leg down toward the seat. From the rear there nothing unusual, but, since I was watching for it, I saw a stunned expression cross Bryan's face, and I knew that he was looking at my wife's bare tits. His eyes flicked upwards to Jan's face and returned immediately to his totally unexpected view. It didn't last long as Jan didn't prolong her move into the water but it was certainly long enough to heat up two people, he from what he was seeing and she from what she knew she was showing.

I quickly lowered the lights just in case the bra hadn't returned to full coverage and I noticed later that she had redone the bra tie so that it wouldn't accidentally reveal anything if she bent over toward anyone else. It appeared from my perspective that her plan had worked to perfection and, I assumed, the show was over for the evening. It turned out that I was underestimating my wife's exhibitionism.

After the two other couples left, the four of us talked for another half-hour or so and Jan finally announced, "I'm getting water-logged. I think that I'll get out." As usually happened with her short legs, she needed help to get up and out of the Jacuzzi and, also as usual, Bryan provided that help. However, rather than boosting her out by pushing upward on her hip as was customary, he quickly got all the way out himself and reached down to pulled her up. I'm sure that he was hoping that he would get another view of her tits from that angle but, if so, he was disappointed. Her bra was fastened firmly in place and the boobs were quite chastely concealed.

Marianne, being taller (about 5' 7"), had no trouble getting herself out and I followed. (I wouldn't have minded helping Susan get out but I always sat between Marianne and Lois, neither of any interest!) Jan and Bryan dried off and moved away so that Marianne and I could get our towels off of the rack. Marianne and I were talking about something innocuous as we toweled off while the other two put on their robes. They were about five feet or so away, Jan with her back to us, and I thought I heard her say something about a wet bathing suit. I didn't think anything of it at the time, but she had just taken the next step.

The three of them left, Marianne and Bryan to the guest room, Jan upstairs, while I closed down the Jacuzzi. When I got upstairs to the bedroom, I was surprised to see Jan still wearing her robe rather than having changed. I looked at her, starting to ask why she wasn't dressing when she said, with a very large grin, "What do you think of this?" With that, she pulled her robe open, showing me her bare tits!

"When we finished drying off, I put my robe on, reached up and untied my bra string. Then, I just reached behind me and unfastened the bra and took it off! I sort of half- whispered, 'I hate the feel of a wet bathing suit, don't you?' I looked right at him with both tits right out in the open before I closed my robe! Damn, that was exciting!"

Before I could say anything - and I probably was speechless, anyway - we heard Marianne and Bryan coming up the stairs, so she quickly slipped into a caftan and went out to meet them. I hurriedly dressed and joined them, eager to say goodnight and hear Jan's story. However, Marianne is one of those people who just cannot just leave. As usual, one thing led to another and then to another and another and another. This was nothing new - goodbye was always a difficult word for her and we stood there for a good fifteen minutes before we could finally ease her out of the door.

"Good god, I didn't think that she would ever stop talking tonight. Now, what the hell happened? You were just going to let him get an 'accidental' peek at your tits and, somehow, you decided to just show them. How did you have the nerve? What did he do?" I genuinely was shocked - not negatively at all, just surprised that a woman who's exhibitionism had been limited to a quick flash now and then could have deliberately exposed herself so brazenly.

"Yeah, that's all I intended to do. I don't know if you could tell, but having my bra loose worked perfectly. The cups dropped down and I could feel that both boobs were hanging out bare. I didn't look directly at him since I presumably didn't know that I was showing. I don't think that he was fooled, however, for when sat down next to him, he leaned over, put his hand over and squeezed my leg and whispered, 'Beautiful!' I guess that I should have acted puzzled of something and pretended not to know what he meant, but I just replied, 'Thank you.'

"It really felt sexy showing my breasts like that, but acknowledging that I had done it deliberately made it even better. Best of all, though, was his reaction - a whispered comment and a surreptitious hand on my leg that turned it from a simple flash of boob to a shared moment of sinful intimacy. Then, to make it more interesting, he kept his hand on my leg, actually my thigh, just letting it rest there. That felt pleasantly improper and illicit since it was carefully concealed under the water.

"When it was time to get out, I was tempted to loosen my bra again, but I was afraid that Marianne might notice, so, regretfully, I decided that I had better not. Then, while we were drying off, I got an idea. We had to move away so that you and Marianne could get to the towels and your robes. I deliberately turned so that my back was to you as I put my robe on and, as I told you, took my bra off and showed Bryan my tits! And this was no flash! My robe was completely open as I said that about not liking a wet bathing suit and I didn't close it for at least thirty seconds. I don't know I got the nerve to do it, but I did. I still hardly believe it - I showed off my bare tits!"

"I still don't believe it! Here I was talking about his eyes popping out if you flashed your tits at him but, wow, this should have blown his mind! I'm surprised that he didn't try to feel them - maybe he would have if Marianne and I hadn't been right there. Now that would really be something!"

"Now, hold on! I don't want to go that far! It's one thing to let him see me; it's another to think of letting him touch me." Then, grinning, "Of course, I never had even fantasized doing what I did - and his hand did feel good on my leg. Maybe it would feel good on my tit! Seriously, though, this really made me hot. You know, it seems funny, but knowing that you and Marianne were behind me really added something. Made it sexier somehow. Doing something illicit or improper with my husband and his wife standing right there! Getting away with something I guess."

"Well, whatever the reason, I'm sure that he enjoyed the view, particularly since it wasn't just an accidental quick glimpse. Man, what must have been going through his mind as we stood there in the hall waiting for Marianne to run down. He can't help but wonder about everything, especially whether you'll do it again. He'll be eager to come over again and go into the Jacuzzi and see what happens. Gods, wouldn't Marianne be shocked?"

"Good heavens, she might have a heart attack! I'll bet that they never would come over here again. That's the only thing that I feel bad about. She's so straight-laced and I'm sure that she never could conceive as to why I enjoyed showing my tits to Bryan - or why he would want to see them. I really love her and honestly don't like to do something behind her back, yet, as I said, knowing that she was behind me made it more exciting. I don't know."

"Well, if you do anything in the future, you had better be very careful." I paused for a few moments, and added, "I wonder if they're having sex tonight? Marianne may have a passionate husband tonight!"

"Now there's a wild thought! You know, I just can't picture Marianne being involved in sex. I know that's foolish, but she just seems so disinterested in such things. We've talked for years and I don't remember anything she said about their personal - well, sexual - relationship. Still, you never know. Who would think that a 43 year old mother of two college-aged children would deliberately show her bare tits to another man and really enjoy it?"

As you can imagine, Jan's exposure was a topic of conversation frequently for several days and occasionally after that. It certainly was a subject leading up to some excellent sex with various fantasies providing fuel. Certainly, thinking about it fired her up more than anything in years. She was much more uninhibited in general, often leaving off her panties and/or bra just for the feeling even when she wasn't going to reveal anything. Part of this freedom came from having the children out of the house, particularly our daughter Joan, but mostly it came from actually having done something audacious. And, as is almost always the case, having done something so adventurous and daring, her appetite had been whetted for more. There never was a question about whether she wanted to do it again - just how she could do it safely.

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