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All Comments on 'Jayne's Story'

by tonyjosie1

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sherlock40sherlock40over 17 years ago
Can't say I enjoyed the story at all

It was a well written story about a woman betraying her husband's love for her. You had her chose to break any vow she made to her husband for a few moments of pleasure. I know that some people who read these stories find that very erotic, but it didn't do anything for me. I suspect others won't find it erotic either. It wasn't a mistake she made, it was a choice. She chose to stab her husband in the back. Oh well, I am sure that in the other story, he broke his vows to her and they will "somehow" come out better than before. Another "adultery helped our marriage" story bullcrap.

JoesephusJoesephusover 17 years ago
This story is well written and...

it's not over yet!!!!! We don't know what the husband did or how he responded. All we know is that the wife cheated and is a very good liar. The author's touch about finding the condom shows more of her nature than just the cheating.

Then there was fucking Hans while she told her husband she loved him. The one redeeming factor was that she realized that to do that was sick. I think that probably ended the affair.

I find it interesting that she's aware of the flaws in her character that have led her to this point. She even knows how wrong she is. Her decision not to tell her husband can be justified. Frankly, in the case of a single slip, keeping it quiet is what even Dr. Laura recommends and I don't know anyone tougher on cheaters than she is. Still, this wasn't a one time slip was it. She asked him back and she fucked him in her house, at least it wasn't in his bed.

The husband sounds like he deserves better than this woman. I found it interesting that since she was now a cheater, she wondered if her husband was cheating. It's the way the mind of a person like that works.

I'm disappointed that so many have slammed the story before it's finished. This is being told from the woman's POV, and all we know about the husband is that he's willing to play his cards close to his vest. He found evidence of a condom and he didn’t rush to confront her, but there's no evidence he was prepared to accept her being unfaithful either.

This story can go either way. I believe in consequences for cheating. It doesn't always happen in real life. Sometimes the cheater gets away with cheating. I don't like it, and I suppose it's one reason I like the idea of God. Even if a cheater never gets caught on Earth there's still a price to be paid.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 17 years ago
I actually liked the story!

First, feedback to previous comments. Talk about projections! The wife says she knew she was doing something wrong, yet she was doing it anyways. She said she “screwed up”, which in my book is not the same as the blanket, frequently self serving: “I made a mistake”. I actually liked the way the narrator told the story of that woman. It was simple (a plus), but it was not dumb. She was honest with herself and with us, which meant - no excuses; a lot of confusion; no pretension to better than she is). All of that DOES NOT make her a good wife or even a good person! In general, the NARRATION was at least two levels above the norm in similar stories. May I suggest to my fellow posters a tool which I find very useful. It helps to make a distinction between the character, which could be morally despicable and the narrator who could speak through ‘the voice’ of the character or not). The narrator (like a professional photographer) should be viewed by a different set of tools from the object which he/she portrays. You can describe a sage with broken English and in a boring way, and you can describe a monster in a dramatic; suspenseful way with a lot of interesting details etc.

Personally, I find that the narrator allows this woman’s character (I wish I knew the gender of the author) to voice in simple and poignant way some of the deep flaws in human nature. Us, wishing them away, by cursing the messenger (in this case the author) will not change the fact that people do give in to wrong doing, even as they know (at some level) that what they are doing is wrong. I did not get the impression that the narrator was justifying or showing the woman in a particularly pleasant way. Show me please how you think she was described as sympathetic. True, she was not described as a monster. Which IMO helped the story not to turn into the regular cartoons we usually get here for stories. A very appealing literary tool the narrator uses here in the woman’s voice is IRONY. She keeps bluffing herself about the “soft sex”, and we can see how she is just trying not to feel too bad with this silly title she keeps repeating as a mantra. That’s sympathetic? She is weak, which makes her human, and if you want to say that that’s what you mean by sympathetic, than all good authors portray sympathetic characters in their stories - even their worst characters. As far as the wife’s ‘knowledge of what she is doing’ goes, my constant claim is that those who claim it have turned this knowledge into some kind of ABSTRACT. The fact is that unless they are sociopaths or suffering from some character disorder, once they really SEE in a concrete way (even with friends) the devastation of a breakup due to cheating it frequently works as a deterrent. And of course the second point which she does not know is –all that she may not be fully aware of: namely, underlying feelings of resentment anger etc. All this baggage which they may be acting on could not be even aimed at their current spouse. They could be settling old scores with all kinds of Exes…

My wish is, as another poster put it, not to turn the story into another: “cheating helped our marriage”. It rarely does.

I am looking forward to the rest. Of the story. In the meantime I will look back into your previous stories.

Alvaron53Alvaron53over 17 years ago
Nicely written

Nice, tight writing. I enjoyed the woman's point of view on her infidelty as she questioned her own morality and came up with no good answers. Well-told and well done.

Thank you for an excellent story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
DR. Kolkore

She said she “screwed up”, which in my book is not the same as the blanket, frequently self serving: “I made a mistake”. Quoted by KolKore. What book did you get that definition from? Was Bill Clinton the author. A screw up is a mistake, the same as a blowjob is sex. You're in depth psycoanalysis of the woman is interesting to say the least. Where did you come up with all of that information? I think it is your imagination, and not in the story. What this woman did in effect was to embezzle from Wally. She took something that belonged to him and knowingly gave it to another man. That should be a crime, and it's a crime that only the victim suffers.

Double standard? Where in the hell in this story is there a double standard? If there is, it's only in the mind of the cheater. She is trying to justify to herself the unjustifiable. To the author, I give you any score at all for your writting ability. I don't normally read this kind of story. I will not hold you to blame for my taste in reading material. I am sorry for using your forum to comment on the comments of others.

Orion623Orion623over 17 years ago
Good Story

Prior to writing this comment I read 'John's Story'. Briefly, John is a Math professor at the same University as Jayne. They had a sexual relationship a year or two before Jayne married Walter. John's Story details a one night stand he and Jayne have around the 4th of July during Jayne's 5th year of marriage to Walter.

Jayne's Story concerns her one-nighter with Hans, also during her 5th year of marriage to Walter. It is hard to tell if John came before or after her Hans fling. Perhaps it doesn't matter since she seems to have had two aduterous affairs signifying an attitude change towards fidelity.

The story line is really interesting. I hope this tale doesn't take a similar direction to the authors other stories which entail the husband becoming a willing cuckold.

rlg99rlg99over 17 years ago
Good Story

This was a well written story and I'm not going to beat up on the author. That being said the wife stating I Screwed Up is a understatement. One time is a screw up but how many times the first day and then after the party with no condom ( Her idea not his).That's not a screw up ,It's Adultry. I look forward to more of your stories.


AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Jayne becomes a slut?

At the end of this story you state "a related tale called John's Story that was posted a few weeks ago." I read John's Story where Jayne cheats on Walter by having a one night stand with John, a math professor. According to John's Story her one night stand occurred one year after marrying Walter whereas in this story she fucks Hans five years into the marriage.

Perhaps her statement "I screwed up" refers to her fall from being a honest and faithful wife to a slut. Joesephus noted that she was aware of her failings due to her affair with Hans and therefore she will not stray again. I think that your next story will be "Walter's Story" where he finds out how his wife slowly becomes a slut.

Jayne has gone from an one night stand with an old boyfriend (John) to being fucked in her co-worker's apartment to inviting her lover back to her home to fuck her while talking to her husband on the phone. Of course, while she is saying to herself not to do it she does everything to make it happen without any sign of guilt. Jayne's willingness to lie without batting an eye shows how determined she is to keep her extramartial affairs from Walter. She seems to have no remorse about her actions only concerns about being caught.

One of the reasons which keeps honorable people from cheating on their spouses is the fact that they would have to tell them the truth at some point and they know the harm that would cause their spouse.

Anyway - that's my theory. Thanks for an outstanding story!


KublaiKhanIIIKublaiKhanIIIover 17 years ago
"Soft Sex!" LOL

I've read that almost 40% of married women have sex outside of their marriages. I didn't do that in my first marriage, and I've been married to a wonderful man for the past five years and wouldn't want to do anything to hurt him or put our marriage at risk – I mean, things couldn't have been better for us. He makes a lot of money, three times what I do, not that I'm doing badly. I'm a full professor with an endowed chair in the biology department at our University– it's a well known school and the biggest employer in town. We're as happy as two 40 some year olds can be, living well in a gated community on a golf course with lots of good friends, we still love doing things together, including loving. Everything is – or at least was – perfect.

I screwed up.


Didn't do THAT during her first marriage, she said. Ok,,, She's now in her 40's....

In "John's story" John (old boyfriend) and Walter (Jayne's current boyfriend) have both fucked her. There are likely others, too. John fucked her BEFORE she married Walter; and John fucked her AFTER she's married to Walter, the traveling businessman... That's bee established....

(Any person who has fucked two others has a very high chance of having fucked more than THOSE TWO and only those two. Statistically speaking. She's a professor, so she knows some statistics. The reverse is also true: those who have never fucked more than one person, they've NEVER fucked more than THAT PERSON!)

This is her SECOND marriage, again, with her having not cheated in her first. So in this one, she's compensating herself and doing it very nicely, too.

"Soft sex"?

Fucking a man other than your husband, BOTH while he was on the phone with you and when he's not but was thousands of miles away --- while trying hard to control your laborious breathing --- leaving used condoms and wrapers all over, from guest room to doorsteps, is now called "soft sex",,,???

Thank God she has ENOUGH sense NOT to fuck Hans or John or any other man ON HER MARITAL BED! THAT would be really, really, really evil, y'know! It'd be so much worse, so much more evil than FUCKING WHILE TALKING TO YOUR HUSBAND ON THE PHONE! LOL!!!

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 17 years ago
A good cheating wife story(s)

Well, we know she had a one-night stand with John and two days of nearly solid fucking with Hans. What we don't know yet is, how many more men has she screwed since she married Walter? She's not a whore; at least no mention of money in trade, but she is a slut. She talks quite a few times about the money her husband makes and she seems to appreciate it more than him.

I personally believe the husband already knows what she is up to since he hired a PI to track her while away. The PI may have quite a folder by now.

I think the shit will hit the fan soon. She will be sitting outside the gate.

KOLKOREKOLKOREover 17 years ago
Speaking of screw up,

Dear Anon,

Reg. ‘Mistake’ vs. ‘Screw up’, what do you want me to put in my comments? YOUR views, which I assume you are convinced, are god sent truth? I thought it was obvious, but I guess it isn’t, at least not to all. MY OPINION IS (happy now?) that people USE (as oppose to the lexical definitions) “it was a mistake” more in connection with an effort to take away responsibility; as if it is not related to them; a blink on their screen. “Screw up”, especially “I screwed up” is USED (in my opinion again) much more to indicate something that you take blame for.

Speaking of who read what, have you read MY comments before you posted yours? If you have, you clearly have not absorbed much. I had only one quite obvious point which related directly to the text (as in what’s “in the story”). I simply claimed that all through the story the woman does not justify her own actions. The other two points were MY VIEWS: 1. Even as people think or say that they know that what they do is wrong, they probably don’t fully absorb it (I explained more in my comments) 2. Trying to find WHY people do bad things is not the same as JUSTIFYING them. Excluding my opinions, what exactly did I say that was in the story that you claim was not?

Reg. the fictitious degree you gave me, I am blushing, you are just too kind!

p.s. I agree with you on one point. Maybe you should read other type of stories, some thing less upsetting or simpler.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
I loved this story

The adultress, her thoughts, and of course; having sex without a condom that time made this story supersexy. I also like your descriptions of her later guilt and worry about being caught. I would love to read that she got pregnant, managed to make hubby believe the baby was his though she knew otherwise, and also read about her thoghts and worries or her secret being discovered as her lovechild grew to adulthood.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
pure sillyness

written by a woman or a man who wants to be a woman.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Not my cup of tea.

It doesn't mater how you slice it or down play it, cheating is cheating and a slut is a slut. You may be able to get away with fucking Hans on this occasion without your husband finding out. Now that you tasted the forbidden fruits, it's only a matter of time before you slip again. These things tend to come back and bite you in the ass. Cheers.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

doesnt indicate being faithful. TK U MLJ LV NV

Tim413413Tim413413over 9 years ago
Written in a very interesting style.

Also, technically strong - very few errors. Jayne was probably correct that John had an affair. Will they both keep their secrets? Only TJ1 will tell us. (Not even the shadow knows.)

Tim413413Tim413413over 9 years ago
My goof.

Jayne's husband was Wally. I don't know why I would want to read about John.

christmas_apechristmas_apeover 8 years ago
a sexcellent mistake.

a sexcellent mistake. thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Well written. My only complaint is with Literotica. When it’s listed as a two part series on your page, readers expect a conclusion to the story. Too often, I get hooked on a story that initially listed it was a two or three part story only to find out later that multiple chapters are in the works. That should be be clear to the reader before engaging the story.

That said, you are a talented writer.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Very close

to one that happened in my own life, it details how things like this happen. Often almost not intended. My own mature mate, off to school, alone. Then a party, alcohol, young people smoking pot, a contact high. Add in a much younger professor, showing interest, a mature wife enjoys the attention. Things happen the weakness of the flesh get involved. For a solid couple like us, a quick confession would be best. Sure, a period of upset, but not that difficult to understand the situation, and to realize she would never even see that male again. She did, finally, but only after six months. That long period of time hurt the worst.

But this tale explains it all very well, and in truth, when a relationship is solid, it's survivable.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
But if she writes chapter 2

The slut must psy the price of her cheating willingly... and I was once advised by one commentor, that only women are allowed to cheat on their husbands, especially on this site, because expecting justice, makes one a heartltss troll bastard... I was infor ed that is why justice is a woman who is blindfolded in order to not see any consequences and to pla e a" butchers thumb" on the scale's balance.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

She got screwed and now she has screwed up. Hope Sally isn't dumb enough to believe her. BTB!

thunderfoot1959thunderfoot1959about 5 years ago

I hope someone will write the next chapter - or chapters - that will move the story forward and put it in context. If it has already been done, would someone here point to the saga and, if they want to be especially helpful, point the progression in which one should read the saga?


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

she needs to be found out...divorced

silentsoundsilentsoundover 2 years ago

Hohoho. Happy Ho-lidays!

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