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Jen and Mike Ch. 03

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Jesse meets Jenny.
7.8k words

Part 3 of the 26 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/17/2014
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This story is a homage to another current Literotica author Xleglover who has developed these 2 characters in another category. For the full history of Mike and Jen please go to the loving wives category and read He fucked my girl, All in my head, Making it work and Consequences. All of his stories are excellent but those four in that order tie into the first part of this story somewhat. I have taken the characters in a slight different direction into an alternate universe that it is now 18 years in the future and the have a daughter who will through circumstances discover all about her parents past. He was kind enough to give me permission for the use of his characters as long as I let Everyone know this is an alternate reality to the one his stories take place in. I have taken the story in a complete different direction.


Jen was resting on the sofa in her living room after experiencing one of her best orgasms in many a year. It was so incredible it made her sad and a little angry that she had given up the her old life The one that enabled her to have these kind of orgasms. Angry at her husband for making her give up "the Game."

Then she brought herself back to reality and admitted to herself that she had no reason or right to be angry with Mike. He had given her a wonderful life and a beautiful daughter. He had allowed her early on in their relationship and marriage to experience things most women only dream of.

Her thoughts then turned to the 2 people on the TV screen that were with her, Her best friend Allie and her now husband Scott. They hadn't been married when that steamy night in Vegas had taken place and it actually was Scott's first time with Allie.

Allie was Jens friend all the way back to college, she was her party partner before Mike came around. The two of them would go through guys and compare notes on cock size, stamina, size of their loads and such. It was quite common for them to share guys but it never was at the same time before that night. They had also never been together and always made a point of telling any of the guys they were fucking not to go there. So many of them had tried while screwing Jen to get her to fantasize about her larger breasted friend. It just never clicked for either of them until Scott and Vegas.

She and Allie had gotten together two more times since then, the first being in Vegas again. It was part of a foursome that Mike had sat on the sidelines and watched. Jenny had been especially cruel to Mike that night too. Making Mike really feel what it was like to be a cuckold. While sitting in a chair on the sidelines he was forced to watch Jenny and Allie lick each other's pussies till they came. Then he had to watch his wife fuck one of the men while she kept tossing insults in his direction.

"Look how much bigger he is then you Mike," she said. "I'm going to be so loose when he's finished your little dick is just going to fall out of my pussy" The comments kept coming until looking Mike right in the eye she told her lover to fill her pussy.

"Won't your husband get pissed if I cum in you" He asked while thrusting in and out of Jenny's shaved snatch. "Fuck him, she said I don't really give a shit what he thinks. It's my pussy not his. He will never really own this pussy with his half sized dick" Jenny screamed.

She shuddered then as she felt his jizz filling her up while at the same time looking at her husband. Mike just sat there having cum in his shorts watching. He looked excited and hurt at the same time, a cuckolds dream.

Jenny even finished off the night by taking Allie's guy's load in her mouth and making Mike swallow some of it. All in all it had been a great experience for her and him, even though she had to reassure him as usual after the fact that she loved him.

She hadn't seen Allie or Scott since their wedding or rather she should say since their honeymoon. That was the third and last time her and Allie had been together and it was so off the charts that it seemed the fitting way to finish off the game her and Mike were playing.

Mike being the conflicted man that he was hated Scott. Mainly because he was everything physically Mike wasn't, and had no trouble being an asshole about that.

Even after the Vegas video incident if their paths would cross Scott would always cajole Mike by suggesting he and Jenny put on a show for him. The other side of him kept wanting Jenny to fuck the guy again. That way he could have that hurt while excited combination that he so desperately craved. Even Mike admitted to Jenny later on that the Vegas video was the highlight of their playing the game. That is until the wedding/honeymoon of Scott and Allie.

The suggestion had actually come from Mike in the form of his third wish. Jenny had given him three wishes which she would fulfill. Then they would stop playing "The Game"

Mike's wish was that alongside the traditional wedding present, Jenny would give herself to the two of them as a second wedding present. She would agree to be used entirely for their pleasure on their honeymoon. There would be no checking in with Mike each day like Jenny was supposed to do when she was out of town with a lover. Another rule by the way which she casually broke every now and then. She would be entirely in the company of the one man who pushed Mike's buttons the most and his new wife, her best friend.

It was two weeks of non-stop orgasms for Jenny and two weeks of gut wrenching hell for Mike. A two week microcosm of the entire game wrapped in one neat little package.

Jenny never told Mike after the fact but she had fallen in love with Scott on that trip and also inconceivably to her fallen in love with her best friend too. They had actually tried to convince her over the course of the last days of the honeymoon to leave Mike and move in with them. Scott was even willing to marry Jenny too and live a polygamist lifestyle with two wives.

She was so tempted because these two people knew how keep her cumming non stop. For a person addicted to orgasms it was paradise. If Scott's cock wasn't inside her pounding her pussy raw, his wife's tongue would be licking his jizz from her hole. Using Allie's tongue become a favorite way for her to come. It felt so soothing after Scott would wreck her pussy with his 10 inch monster.

Jenny also discovered on this trip how much she loved eating a man's semen from another girls freshly fucked pussy. She must have eaten every load that Scott shot into Allie over the course of the two weeks. The three of them even joked that if they kept Jenny around they would never have to use birth control. She was so ravenous in getting every last drop out of her friends slit that she would dig non stop in there with her tongue. Allie would always come a second time from Jenny sucking her pussy dry.

Allie also gave her the job of making sure that Scott always woke up with his cock in a mouth each day. She would get up each day before him, get between his knees and gently suck him till he was hard. Scott would usually open his eyes then and look lovingly over at his wife and then down at Jenny.

"Oh shit Jenny suck my cock. I can never ever get tired of your mouth on me. Oh my god keep going,,, here it comes. Drink it bitch drink your morning shake," Scott would say as she sucked the sperm from his balls. She would then Lean over to Allie and kiss her with Scott's cum in her mouth to start her day.

She also discovered the pleasure of a strap on from both sides during that trip. She enjoyed both using one and having one used on her. She'll never forget when she saw Allie walk in the bedroom wearing it for the first time.

"Now my dirty Jenny, I'm going to fuck you sore like my husband does," Allie told her.

Then she slid it slowly inside Jenny's pussy taking her time about it. This way the two of them could see it disappear an inch at a time. When she thinks about it now, that might have been when she realized she was in love with Allie too. She also took her turn in using it on Allie and the two of them used it constantly during the trip. Whenever Scott would need a break from the two nymphs attacking him all the time, they would just fuck each other.

At the beginning of the second week Scott and Allie started double penetrating Jenny fairly regularly. This was another first for her too because she had never allowed anyone to take her anally. She took to getting fucked in the ass so well that even now to this day she will sometimes use one of her toys on her ass while she fingers her pussy.

After she started taking it in the ass they all had a laugh about Mike. Scott suggested that he and Allie hold Mike down while Jenny fuck his ass. They thought being the big ass cuckold he was he might enjoy that as the ultimate humiliation. It planted a seed though in Jenny's head that she has never seemed to get rid of either. One regret she did have about this time was the fact that she had no video of that time with them for her to look at and relive. It was on her laptop when it crashed and was not backed up. She knew that Allie and Scott had video but she decided to let it go and not ask them to send it to her.

She never shared anything about the anal sex with Mike though because he would have looked at it as another betrayal on her part. He would have taken the position of "Why with them and not with me." He would have gotten over it as usual but it didn't seem worth telling him because "The Game" was over after this. He also never discovered how tempted she was to just leave him and move in with them. She also did not tell him that she was now in love with both Scott and Allie.

She let it all go the day she came home. The departure from them wasn't easy, there were tears from both the women because Allie also had fallen in love with Jenny. She told them when leaving that it was probably best if they went their separate ways for now and didn't see each other for sometime.

Soon after Allie and Scott moved to the west coast. Although they have spoken sometimes through the last eighteen years they never found the time to get together again.

Allie would sometimes call and try and get Jenny to come out and play but it was always Jen who responded.

"I love you Allie and would love to see the two of you again. But Mike is my husband and we have Jesse now," Jen would tell her. "We have stuck to the decision to give up "The Game" and its working out for the three of us."

Allie would always try and tempt her by re-hashing some of the intense sex the three of them had shared. She would try and tease her by saying things like, "Come on, don't you miss licking Scott's cum form my pussy even just a little bit? Wouldn't you like to feel me sliding in your ass with our toy while Scott is working your pussy?"

Jen to her credit had always been able to keep her resolve once SHE had decided to do something. So she would good heartedly scold her, "Jeez Allie you know I miss those things but I have Jesse now and I can't be thinking like that. She needs her mommy here not off licking your snatch while Scott reams my cunt."

After awhile Allie seemed to get the message and the calls and emails became less frequent. They still stayed in touch but much less than before. Jen still in her heart felt like she loved both Allie and Scott but had let those feelings fade over time.

At this moment in time though she missed them both immensely, more than she had in many a year. Maybe because she could feel the old her, Jenny wanting to come out and play.

Some people say timing is everything, others call it fate or kismet. It turns out at that very moment when Jen was feeling Jenny coming out, Allie was picking up the phone in California. She had decided to give Jen a call because her and Scott's wedding anniversary was coming in the next couple weeks and she was missing her old friend and lover

When Jen saw the caller id on her phone she was floored, how could this be a coincidence she asked herself.

She answered the phone and for whatever reason said as throaty and sultry as she could, "Andrews residence may I help you."

Allie heard this and laughed to herself and thought Hmm that's a difference response then I have heard in many years so she threw out a line.

"Um yes I'm looking for Jenny Andrews is she there?

"You must mean Jen Andrews, there is no Jenny here," Jen replied still using as sexy a voice as she could.

"That's funny because you sound like Jenny, you know the Andrews who couldn't live with out a big cock fucking her wet hole all the time? I know Jen and she never sounds like you right now." Allie said while giggling.

She didn't want to get her hopes up but she had a feeling something had changed since she last spoke with Jen. She was being playful on the phone and she hadn't heard that in years from her best friend.

Jen couldn't keep a straight face and burst out laughing .

"I can't believe you called today," she said to Allie. "I was actually thinking about you a few minutes ago, you and Scott."

"Oh, and who was doing the thinking over there the soccer mom or the slut?" Allie questioned.

"Well considering I'm sitting here talking to you with my shorts thrown across the room and my pussy naked to the world I will let you take a guess." Jenny answered chuckling.

"Jenny! Jenny! OMG its you, I can't believe you are there, especially considering why I called"

"Whoa slow down there miss beautiful big tits, don't get your panties in a bunch if you are even wearing any. I'm still Jen but you happened to call in a Jenny moment," She said while smiling on the phone.

While she was saying this her free hand had found its way down to he pussy and she started lightly stroking the lips.

"A Jenny moment? Hmmm been having a lot of these moments?" Allie asked. She could hear the difference in her friends voice and it made her smile. Her and Scott still missed the one person who could rock both their worlds and keep going and going. Jenny was the energizer bunny of sex and they never believed they would ever see her again.

"Every now and then especially when I happen to pull out a certain video your husband made in Vegas when I first tasted your sweet pussy lips" She said. It definitely came out breathy because she had now inserted one finger into her pussy and was casually sliding it in and out of herself.

"Holy Shit Jen, are you playing with yourself over there while you are talking to me?" Allie asked allowing herself to get into the moment.

"Maaayybeeee," She sighed. "Like I said I was thinking about you and Scott a few minutes ago, I never expected to hear your voice too."

"Hmmm well since I'm lucky enough to have gotten you in this Jenny moment, what exactly are you doing right now?"

"Not much, I just have a finger in my pussy baby. I wish it was yours, actually I wish it was your tongue. No I take that back again, I wish you had our special friend strapped on and you were pushing it all the way inside my cunt." Jenny answered while slowly moving her hand.

"Do you know how many times I have wanted to hear you say that to me again?" Allie said. She too was now rubbing herself.

"Hold on a second sweetie let me open my shorts too." Allie said softly to her long lost lover. "We can imagine being together playing with my hubby. Do you miss Scott's cock Jenny?" calling her by her slut name. The name that she always used when she had her cum face on.

"Jesus Christ you don't know how much I miss that beautiful piece of meat. If the two of you were here with me right now I would let both of you have me any way you wanted," Jenny said as her breath started rising.

Allie added, " I think we would start out with my pussy being full of Scotts yummy cum. You do remember how much he used to cum in us don't you Jenny?" Using the name again to reemphasize who she was talking with.

"Oh yeah baby, and I remember how addicted I was to eating all of that hot yummy cum from your beautiful pussy the last time we were together. I would love to taste that right now," She moaned. Then she moaned a little louder and started shaking, she shook so hard she even dropped the phone.

Allie on the other side of the country had her hand in her pussy frigging herself madly too. She started cumming at the familiar sound of her best friends orgasm, bringing back memories of some of the hottest sex she had ever known. She heard the phone drop and heard Jenny start to cool down.

"Sooooo," she said into the phone again when she was sure Jenny had picked up the phone.

She asked hesitantly knowing how people come to their senses after a cum,

"Is this Jen or Jenny now after that earth splitting orgasm it sounds like you had over there.?"

Jen was a bundle of emotions at the moment. She felt confused but alive for the first time in years. She didn't think she had let the genie completely out of the bottle yet but it sure was leaking severely.

With a touch of hesitation on her own part she added softly "Its Jenny, Lover." Jenny was happy Allie had called. She thought it might help her completely get back what she was missing in her life now.

"So nice to hear your voice again roomie," Calling her that because they had been college roommates. "I am guessing there's lots we can talk about, so where should we start," Allie chuckled over the phone.

"Let me start by asking if you guys are playing "The Game?" again."

No but I definitely am thinking of getting some kind of action and you know me, I wont out rightly cheat on Mike" Jenny said "I think I will have a talk with him tonight, when we are in bed"

"How long have you been wanting to get fucked again?" Allie said.

"Its funny you should ask that and call today. We were sitting there in the kitchen this morning and I was thinking of Jesse's nineteenth birthday coming up. I got kind of reminiscent of years ago and I just blurted out to Mike, Do you ever miss Jenny?"

"It was the first time either of us had brought her up since the year Jesse was born." Jenny added.

"Speaking of your little angel, Did she grow up as pretty as mom?," Allie asked her.

"Of course she did," Jenny answered with a friendly arrogance, "and she got a bonus too, she has boobs like yours maybe a little bigger."

"Wow she must be fighting the boys off with a stick and keeping you and bubble boy busy watching out for her." Allie teased.

"You would think that but no, she has had a few boyfriends but nothing serious. She doesn't seem to accept to many of them chasing after her. She seems fairly picky in that respect" Jenny said.

"So she hasn't inherited that side of Jenny? You don't think she's in the backseat of some guys car giving him home plate? Do you think she's still a virgin?"

"I'm not sure but if I had to bet on it I would say she has some had some fun. I do think she is still pure white in that respect. I haven't had THE talk with her and it might be overkill at this point, she is eighteen after all. Maybe I should sit her down and see how her love life is and if she has any questions" Jenny said.

"Just what the kid needs right now a mom with a renewed case of itchy pussy asking her about her sex life. You sure you don't want to know just so you can perv off your kids sex life vicariously" Allie said with a laugh.

"Jeez Allie eighteen years and you are still the same, I don't know who had the dirtier mind me or you when we were younger," Jenny laughed right back at her.

"Seems like you aren't denying what I just said my pretty pussy," Allie said while giggling.

"Oh Shut up damn you and tell me why you called today, it sure as shit wasn't to talk about my daughters sex life," Jenny said back while also giggling.

"Funny you should ask, it definitely was to ask about your sex life. I seem to have gotten my answer too. You need us Jenny, me and Scott. You need us to help you feel alive again. I'm not saying we want to get as heavy as the two weeks we spent on the honeymoon but maybe a visit every now and then." She said throwing the bait out there.

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