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Jenna in Dambran Ch. 01

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Jenna is imprisoned and branded on the island of Dambran
2.6k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 01/16/2014
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Dambran is an island of the coast of Africa just to the north of Madagascar. Unlike Madagascar which was colonized by the French, Dambran was colonised by the British. While British rule over the island ended in 1962,its legacy was still seen in Dambran. English was the language spoken on the island and only half of the population were native Africans, the other half was made up of Europeans and Indians whose ancestors arrived during British rule. British administrators and civil servants that left in 1962 were replaced by British tourists who flocked to island in droves, drawn to the island's palm lined beaches and warm climate. One of these tourists was 22 year old Jenna Norman.

Jenna Norman was from London and had just completed her Bachelor's degree in Sociology. She had been looking forward to a holiday in the tropics and chose Dambran due to the fact it was cheap and that there was a direct flight available from London Heathrow. Dambran seemed like a nice place to unwind before she returned to uni to begin a masters degree.

The flight from London to Dambran was delayed for a few hours, Jenna didn't mind, she could already picture herself lying under a coconut tree in a bikini on a beach sipping a drink. The delay however made Jenna very thirsty and she drank a lot of water on the flight as well as some cola and some wine.

The flight touched down in Dambran 12 hours later. Jenna felt the heat as she got out of the plane. She took of her jacket and wondered why she had worn jeans with sneakers and socks rather than shorts and flip flops. Jenna collected her luggage and headed towards Customs. The line at customs was massive, it seemed like two hundred people were queuing at one bench. Jenna decided to wait before queuing, she bought a burger from the airport McDonald's and relaxed at a lounge. She left her bags on the lounge as she got up to go to the toilet. Nothing could happen to the bags, and they'll only be there for a few minutes, she thought.After an hour Jenna went to the customs bench, the line had gone. Jenna was quickly frisked and she was allowed to move to the area where baggage was checked. Jenna handed her carry on bag to a tall bearded black officer. He said nothing while he searched her bag. The officer then motioned for Jenna to open her suitcase.

"Do I have to open it?" asked Jenna.

"Yes," grunted the officer.

Jenna opened her suitcase. The officer looked through it. Jenna was annoyed that her carefully packed suitcase was being ransacked by this officer. The officer then opened the side compartment of the suitcase.

"Well, well, well," said the officer with a smirk on his face.

"What," replied Jenna.

The officer held up a small bag with white powder inside it. He moved the bag close to Jenna's eyes. Jenna looked shocked and terrified.

"That isn't mine," she whispered nervously.

"Follow me," said the officer.

The officer lead Jenna into what looked like a school science lab. He opened the bag and took a small sample of the powder. He added a liquid into the sample. The sample turned blue almost straight away. The officer's smile widened as he turned to Jenna.

"Cocaine," he said.

"What no way I didn't pack that, no, no no!" screamed Jenna hysterically.

The officer took Jenna's passport,handcuffed and motioned her to sit on the floor. He left the room locking the door behind him. Around fifteen minutes later he returned this time with an older looking white man, who was dressed in the same customs uniform as the black officer.

"Jenna Louise Norman, that is your real name right?"

"Yes," replied Jenna.

"This is your real passport is it, Miss Norman."

"Yes it is."

"Well Miss Norman you have been caught red handed trying to bring drugs into Dambran."

"It isn't mine, They were planted on me."

"Silence girl!" roared the officer as he slapped Jenna. "You were caught with the drugs, don't make excuses, In my capacity as the legal officer of the Customs Agency of Dambran, I sentence you to a term of four years imprisonment at the North Haywood Prison For Women."

"Sentence me!" cried Jenna. "You aren't a judge, and I haven't even been charged yet, let alone gone to trial". You can't do that. I demand a lawyer and to talk to the British embassy."

"Silence girl!" roared the officer again giving Jenna an even harder slap. "You have no right to talk to a customs officer like that, As for a lawyer and a trial, why do you need either?, you were caught with drugs, we don't need to waste time and money going to court. Your embassy will be notified soon but there's nothing they can do."

The two officers grabbed Jenna by the arms and moved her out of the airport building and into a paddy wagon. The wagon traveled for an hour before making an abrupt stop. Jenna thought that they had arrived at the destination and that she would be asked to get out of the van.

"Well I guess it starts now," muttered Jenna under her breath.

Jenna, however had to wait in the paddy wagon. It seemed like an eternity but eventually a female guard opened the paddy wagon doors, before she could get out of her own accord she was dragged out by the female guard. It took a little for her eyes to get used to the light of day after being in a dark paddy wagon, but after they adjusted she saw that she was on a dusty driveway. In front of her was a large building. She had no time to get her bearings as the guard dragged her into the building. She was dragged into a room where a two guards, one male and the other female were chatting at a desk. At the sight of Jenna, both stopped talking and looked at her. The guard that dragged her in left Jenna in the hands of the other two guards.

"Miss Jenna Norman, I am Mrs Johnson, the warden of North Haywood you are now a prisoner of the North Haywood Prison for women, you will obey any order that is given by me or the guards of this facility, is that understood?" asked the female guard.

"Yes." replied Jenna.

"That's yes ma'am to you girl!" yelled Johnson as she pulled Jenna's ponytail.

"Sorry Ma'am," squawked Jenna.

"We are going to start your processing into prison, if you do not co operate with us, you will by punished and by punished I mean you will be caned or whipped, is that clear girl?" barked Johnson.

"Yes Ma'am."

"Take off all your jewelry, and give them to the officer," said Johnson, gesturing towards the male guard.

Jenna took off her wrist watch, earrings, rings and her necklace and gave them to the male guard. "Wow,Thousand pounds" he muttered She watched with a stab of annoyance as the male guard casually tossed her precious and rare earrings into a cardboard box.

"Now take off your top," said Johnson.

"What, no you cant make me do that," replied Jenna.

"Take it off now or it will be thirty lashes and I mean that," barked Johnson.

Reluctantly Jenna took her pink T shirt off. She handed it to the guard who muttered "Twenty pounds" Johnson nodded her head in agreement.

"Now the shoes girl, and quickly," Johnson said.

Jenna unlaced her sneakers and handed them to the guard "Ten, fifteen pounds" he muttered to Johnson who again nodded her head.

"Jeans now."

Jenna unbuckled her jean belt and took it out of her jeans. She handed it over to the guard who this time said nothing and just tossed it into the cardboard box. She then undid the button and the fly of the jeans and handed it to the guard. Jenna was down to her black bra and panties and her white socks.


Jenna quickly took off her socks and handed them to the guard. The lino floors felt cold to Jenna's bare feet. This was not missed to Johnson and the other guard.

"Don' worry girlie you be warm real soon" said the guard in his thick Dambrani accent.

"Bra." said Johnson.

Jenna slowly undid the straps on her bra revealing her average sized breasts and her light brown areola and nipples She handed it to guard with her left hand, her right hand was protecting what little dignity Jenna had left.

"Hands by your sides girl!" yelled Johnson. "And get those knickers off now."

She pulled down her panties, her dark black, barely trimmed bush now coming into view. Now completely naked both Johnson and the male guard stared at her. Jenna felt the urge to cover her pussy and breasts with her arms. Johnson seemed to read her mind.

"Hands by your sides."

"Yes Ma'am."

"Alright now let down your hair," said Johnson.

Jenna took out her ponytail and gave her hair tie to the guard. The guard gave his leering smile as Jenna's jet black hair cascaded down her shoulders and her back. Jenna was led out of that room and into another room which reminded her of a doctors office, with its small hospital like bed in the corner of the room. Jenna wasn't a fan of women in prison films but she knew what was going to happen.

"Bend over on the bed and spread yer legs" said the male guard as he put on a pair of rubber gloves.

Jenna did as she was told and and bent over on the bed. The guard pulled her butt cheeks apart and put lube on her asshole and on his glove. Jenna felt the finger go up her butt, she groaned as the finger went deeper into her anus. The guard kept his finger in her anus for about two minutes before pulling it out.

"Shes clean," he said.

"Lay down on your back the bed," ordered Johnson.

Jenna obediently did so. The guard then separated her legs again and placed lube all over her pussy as well as his fingers. He then shoved them into her pussy. Jenna again moaned. "Quiet," snapped Johnson. The guard continued to probe her pussy. He took far longer to search her pussy than her asshole. Finally he pulled his finger out of her pussy.

"Prepare to shave her, Matthew," said Johnson.

The guard took out an electric shaver. He gave a leering smile to Jenna as he moved closer. Both him and Johnson looked excited.

"Stay down bitch!" said Johnson, pushing Jenna down onto the bed.

The guard turned the shaver on just above her pubic hair. As he began to shave, Jenna began to cry. Unlike many girls she never shaved her pubic hair. To her they were a symbol of her womanhood. Johnson sneered at Jenna as the tears began to flow. The guard was efficient and in a few minutes Jenna's pussy was completely bald.

"Not bad," said Johnson approvingly as she looked at Jenna's pussy. "Alright prepare to brand her," she barked.

Jenna started to panic as she heard the word "brand".Johnson grabbed a handful of Jenna's hair and began to drag her by it to another room. Jenna began to yelp in as Johnson's hold on her hair became painful. Jenna was then pushed on to another desk. Near the desk the brands were heating over a fireplace. The male guard restrained Jenna's hands and feet to the legs of the desk.

"Her prisoner ID is '11632'Matthew," said Johnson.

The male guard picked up a long iron brand. Seeing what was going to happen, Jenna began to panic and fidget in her restraints. Both Johnson and the guard,Matthew started to laugh. Jenna screamed as Matthew plunged the brand into her left butt cheek. She fidgeted and thrashed around even more, but to no avail. The brand on her butt cheek read "NHWP" the initials for "North Haywood Women's Prison". Matthew branded each number of Jenna's prisoner ID individually on her right butt cheek. After the number 2 in her ID was branded on to her butt cheek, she was taken to have her mugshots taken. Four photos were taken of Jenna, two of Jenna's face, breasts and pussy and two of her back and butt.

"Alright girl yer going to your cell," said the guard.

"Hang on don't I get my clothes back, or some clothes?" asked Jenna.

"No girl, inmates don' get clothes, you go buck naked here, until you get released, if you in here for life you don ever wear clothes again, infact if we catch ya wearing clothes, any clothes you get fifty lashes," laughed the guard.

The guard escorted the naked Jenna through the prison. Jenna saw the inmates in their cells. Some of the inmates were white, the others were black, there were a few brown inmates as well. Some of them didn't look much older than eighteen, there were some women whom Jenna thought were older than sixty. They were all naked and barefoot and had shaved pussies. Some of them were hunched in a corner trying to shield their private parts, others didn't care who saw them. Some of them stared at Jenna as she walked past. Finally the guard spotted a suitable cell for Jenna.

"This one only has two, in yer go," he said, pushing Jenna in.

The cell was about 12 feet by 12 feet, it was painted black, in the right corner was a small toilet. In the left corner of the cell was three mattresses. On two of the mattresses there were two inmates lying on them. The one lying on the mattress on the left was white and had short blonde hair. She looked like she was in her forties, she was skinny but had fairly large breasts which were showing a hint of sag. The one on the mattress in the middle was brown, short and skinny. She looked much younger around Jenna's age. Both women were naked, their feet a dark black color from the dust on the ground. Jenna nervously headed towards them. The small brown woman smiled at her. Jenna sat down on the mattress to the right. At first Jenna didn't look at them. The brown woman then moved towards her.

"What is your name?" the brown woman asked.


"Hello Jenna, I'm Priya and this is Sue," she said gesturing towards the other inmate.

"Nice to meet you," said Jenna her voice now shaking as her eyes filled with tears.

"Don't worry about it, you'll get used to life here. Speaking of life at least your not here for life. At least you'll get to wear clothes some day. I miss having a pair of shoes on my feet and wearing a nice dress" said Sue.

Jenna seemed to cheer up, but before she knew it she was sobbing onto Priya's shoulder. Priya stroked Jenna's hair and put her arms around her. Jenna told Priya about how she was imprisoned after a student protest turned into riot in Dambran's capital Port Elizaford. In turn Jenna told her about how she had been caught at the airport with drugs that weren't hers. Their conversation was only interrupted by the guards yelling at the inmates to stop talking and to go to sleep. Jenna lied down on her back trying to get to sleep. She struggled to go to sleep, she had never slept naked before, however she knew had to get some sleep, she would have a long day tomorrow and a long four years in the prison.

To be continued...

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snakeskinsnakeskinover 9 years ago

Why not brand her pussy it would make it a lot more sexy

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