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All Comments on 'Jesus Please Forgive Me'

by StangStar06

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EngineCo1EngineCo1about 11 years ago
Praise The Lord

Another winner. I don't know how you do it.

Most people can't put three words together and make them sound good. You entertain us week after week with great words and ideas.

Talent should be recognized, and you certainly have talent. Fuck the naysayers.

So another week of thank you's.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
I just get tired of the same characters.

Week in, week out.

Sidney43Sidney43about 11 years ago

Loved this one even though it was a bit predictable. Poke, short for Pocahontas, now that one made me laugh. Fortunately no coffee being ingested at the time. Don't know where you come up with some of the stuff that appears in your stories, but you have a seriously screwed up mind and the world is the better for it.

I am not surprised that you are now a NASCAR fan since Ford has labeled the gen six car a Mustang. At least my mind can rest a bit easier than trying to go to the Ford showroom trying to find that damn two door Taurus that the salespeople kept telling me was not available. I mean really, NASCAR would not lie would they??

Danger09Danger09about 11 years ago
I found the story emotionless, tame & a bit boring

You promised us a BTB story last week--so I'm a bit annoyed that this was not only a short story-- it was not a BTB either! I thought the concept of the story was different, I thought the editing was good--but-- the characters especially John & Kim was emotionless, I don't say this because john immidiately went for divorce instead of staying married, I agreed with his reasoning, he didn't feel like having a wife as a prisoner, what I found emotionless was his lack of anger towards the wife. The wife's lack of emotion is also weird, Kim doesn't seem like your usual bat shit crazy wife, she didn't stalk him, she didn't try to force him to stay with her-- I sort of feel as if they didn't love each other & probably haven't for a very long time. Kim was still your typical brain dead gutter slut wife-- how was fucking the revern, the Deacon & the chauffeur doing gods work? Usually in your stories I feel the love radiating from the characters/ stories but in this one I felt absolutely none of that. Kim didn't even beg John to forgive her & try to feed him the usuall bullshit skeezer skanks spew when caught. You didn't even really talk about your mustang that much which is weird within itself since I've become accustomed to hearing the description of the car. This just wasn't your best work. It was ok. Although I liked the whole fake Christian thing you had going, cause I too feel a lot of these church fanatics are nothing but hypocrites, manipulative, lying, fake ass individuals so I was instantly intrigued, but I felt a bit let down-- I thought the revenge on the pastor was precious. But the story just took a nose dive after that. I wanted to know how long the wife (kim) been doing the lords work? This story was just---- not one of your best. I thought it had its amusing part(s) such as ;

Like I said, the only reason to go through that bullshit would be if you loved the woman more than life itself and couldn't see yourself living without her. In a case like that, you'd be better off keeping her because the pain of being without her would be far worse than the hassle of trying to keep tabs on her. And I'm sorry but I just don't love Kim that fucking much.

I thought the last part was funny. I don't like RAAC stories, the men in those stories comes off as a pathetic loser -- whimpish--whose willing to forgive the sluts regardless of how harsh the betrayal is, I think those type of men who " love their wives so much & can't live without them " needs therapy, obviously they don't have any self respect/ self esteem. I like some of your stories; it's a couple that has pissed me off but in most of your stories you give the men backbone & you don't allow some slut to cut the men's balls off which is I why I love your work. So I'm going to beg you to think long & hard about next weeks story. If you've ran out of things to write about --go back to your old & very loved stories like curiosity & write a follow up, I'd love to read more about nutcase Andrea --she was fun. Anyway see you next week. You still owe me a BTB.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Loved it!

Another great story even though you couldn't decide whether the preacher was named Pile or Pendergast. ; )

I've been patiently waiting for a couple of stories from you, I think maybe you need a prod to help you along with them. First off, with your love of Mustangs and talent for incorporating great songs into your stories, isn't it about time to tell us the story about Sally? Seems a perfect fit for you and this category.

And I may be the only one who cares but I'd like to know a little more about the cute young, gum popping process server.

I'll be looking forward to next week's story whatever the song or story line.

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007about 11 years ago
Good Story

Finally, a story that I like. This story was alot of fun to read... We need more like this. 5 stars

sengimaxsengimaxabout 11 years ago
Good as usual

Always enjoy your stories, as I have commented in the past, they make my week.

It's easy to criticise any story or author but most of us do not have your talent to make up and write such stories and to submit on a weekly basis !!!

Keep it going SS06, it would be a duller world without you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Thank you.

It was entertaining and we spent more time on his physical conditioning and feeding habits than we spent on the Mustang. The interesting substitute for the cheating wife sounded real good . Dear Mouse, that process server has been in a lot of a stories in the last few years. I bet she also has several black belts and can drink any male under the table......

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
You very, very carefully left out any specific mention of

Race in this story, but your cliches just had to paint a certain image in reader's minds, and did the work for you. So a good revenge story knows no racial boundries, eh? I like your work Stang, but the racial overtones, as well as the religious slander made this one kind of uncomfortable. EX: turning the preacher into a tar-baby? Really? I think you can entertain us without catering to those bigoted and biased thought processes that the world is trying to rid itself of these days. Having said that, I will share my favorite racial epithet: "God created all assholes equal...every one of them starts out pink!" I look forward to the next.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Despite commenters demands, you don't owe anybody a BTB story--or a RAAC story or any other kind of story. All you owe to yourself and your readers is to do your best. Ignore the assholes that think they can order you around and bully you into writing stories that make their little thingies twitch. You can do something they can't--write. So write--and fuck'em.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Now I get it

I thought the BTB gang was a sub-species of the human race, who looked to StangStar as their God. Now I see they only the NASCAR crowd. Still a sub-species but more easily explained.

Zed56Zed56about 11 years ago
One of Your Best

Liked this one a bunch Great read Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

You have reached the same point in your career as Styx: churning out the same old tunes over and over for an ever shrinking group of adoring and discurious people, as uninterested in saying anything new as they are in hearing it.

kelchakelchaabout 11 years ago
Get Real

Never even had a date and they agree to marry? Is this story meant to be drawn as a cartoon for heaven's sake.

For some reason, the story lacks passion. Maybe due to lack of real love from the Smith's marriage. We are sort of left sayig, 'oh well, who cares". And as usual, the wife is portrayed as brain dead.

Just for a change, how about having the poor husband trade down in the looks department when he dumps a cheating wife. That way, instead of just being mr. perfect, he can also be saint so and so.

Gave you four stars. Given your writing ability, I want more and better from you. A little more emotion please - make us bleed inside.

FD45FD45about 11 years ago

John is leering down Janie's blouse in the first act.

He pats her on the ass and is rubbing her back...unsolicited.

He carries a hard on for her constantly.

But the PREACHER is the one out of line for wanting to have sex with her...instead of know...normal. It isn't the desire which makes the pastor a pig. It is acting on it.

You leering and touching while marri...

(This post has been censored by the SS Sixth Division for the crime of Gross Competence and Making Sense Inconvieniently)

dinkymacdinkymacabout 11 years ago
Nice read!

Thanks for sharing.

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago

That was a fun lighthearted read. liked it. but what you dont know about the crusades and the preceeding 400 years of europe fighting off islamic invaders, their sacking rome twice, enslaving spain, southern italy, sicily, and attempting to invade france, read epoc french poem "song of roland" where islam is stopped from occupying france, is huge.

catphan8catphan8about 11 years ago

Another great one by SS06. I pretty much like all your stories whether they are BTB, RAAC, etc...... With that said I would like to see you do one where the husband is very intelligent. Book smart as well as street smart. Most of the husbands you create are quite clueless when it comes to everyday observations. I love the one story where the guy and his first wife were professors with hot tub. In that one the guy was highly intelligent, just not very street smart. I'd like to see you write about a husband who is both and see how you pull it off. Great work as usual my friend! 5*

ValerionValerionabout 11 years ago
Not enough stang'...

Not too bad. I enjoy 99% of your stories and this one is no exception, but I'm really looking forward to one of your 10+ page epics with a lot of character development. I also didn't care for how he wasn't in love with his wife. It didn't seem to hurt him and because of that, the beautiful woman trade up (a stang' trademark that I love) didn't have quite the taste of victory that I love. Keep em' coming though!

C_frommnC_frommnabout 11 years ago

I am just like John. I do not do Church and believe God is everywhere so where I am he is. No need to go and listen to someone tell me how to do things that any common sense person can figure out.

katranmankatranmanabout 11 years ago

You make them entertaining every week. I don't understand why so many people on here complain so much. I can't write anything remotely good and most of the complainers can't either. You can and do it week after week. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Didn't feel any emotion in this one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Liked the ending but when you take the cheating out of the equation, it comes down to John being another one of those guys that expects his wife to put everything else aside for him, while being unwilling to do the same. He's got his hobbies, but he can't give them up, while she needs to give up hers to bear him children. Religion on its own, again taking cheating out of the equation, is no different a "hobby" than running and fixing up Mustangs, as long as its kept healthy and non-toxic. Perhaps it's just an old-fashioned attitude but it's not one I'm a fan of. Marriage is a two-way street. Both sides should be giving up something, not just the husband, not just the wife. A bit like your Second Chance Woman in the previous story except not so insanely self-centered in the other direction. Marrying into a household with children means a role of something like motherhood.

Still, that's a human flaw, and it's nice to see an "average" (calling bullshit on that, with his regular routine of healthy exercise that keeps him in fighting shape despite a potato chip/soda diet. That's not average at all!) male lead character with some of those. Too many of your average guys are actually above-average and near sainthood. Keep breaking that mold. The more "flawed" a guy is, the more rational it is to get back with a cheating wife in those rare reconciliation stories you write. Nobody wants to see a saint get stuck with a stupid whore.

On a separate note, I'm giving you five stars for another quality SHORTER story. It makes your material MUCH more readable when you don't include a bunch of extraneous material to pad the story. Sure, drop a new factoid about Mustangs from your latest Mustang lover, but don't go on at length about it. An average guy doesn't really need a lot of discussion about his average lifestyle unless it relates to the story, like his side trip to the grocery store here. You seem to be catching that knack. Keep it up!

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichabout 11 years ago
A good story

Nicely done.

An interesting storyline and a story that is fast moving and smooth flowing, with a happy ending.

Thanks for the read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
A Recycle?

Seems like I've read this story before. Is this a rewrite of an old story or a new story with a generic story outline, characters and theme? I used to love StangStar, but lately...

user110user110about 11 years ago
don't just tweet a warning, homey!

tweet a link to the song too!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Something has happed to Stang's writing..

Still one of the very best on this site, but has suffered (in my estimation) significant degradation.

RePhilRePhilabout 11 years ago
Duh! Everybody knows

NASCAR is a religion. Welcome to the Church of "Our Lady of the V-8". Pull up a bucket seat strap in and get ready for a knee shaking ride. Praise The Lord and pass the Catch-Can!!

karan9876karan9876about 11 years ago
Whats wrong?

I hate to criticize a writer's work because writing is hard work and requires a lot of time and effort. But there are times when you just don't have a choice and this is one of those instances.

The standards are falling rapidly. Too Boring.

OverstarOverstarabout 11 years ago

I was entertained by the story, it did have it's funny moments. I did notice the change in name from pendergast to pile, which should have been caught. Kind of a glaring error there, guys. Not a bad story, but could have used a little more depth for the purposes of connecting more to the characters, especially Janie. Needed more polish too, and not the main character's "special" polish either. :D As always, thanks for sharing.

oscar73oscar73about 11 years ago
Short BTB

one of your shorter stories. amazing that he didn't notice a ten year crush but not a bad story.

LaneBagginsLaneBagginsabout 11 years ago
Great Job

As usual you did a good job. A lot of your deep south humor seems to be lost on some of the readers but to a real southern boy it was fantastic. I don't find your stories boring at all. Some I may not read again while others I will re-read often but always I enjoy the experience.

njlaurennjlaurenabout 11 years ago
I thought it was fun

It was kind of bloodless,but maybe that was the point,that he and kim were already dead in the water.As far as this being racist give it a rest.The choir might have been black,though we don't know,but there are plenty of all white fundy churches like that,too.And tar and feathering is as n old,old punishment that has nothing to do with 'tar babies'

As far as the ills of religion,rome was sacked several times by fellow christians fed up by corruption,the crusades were more,about financial gain then faith (ya think maybe it had to do with the spice trade and such).In the first crusade when they took jerusalem the crusaders slaughtered 50000 men,women and children,jews,christians and muslims;prior to this the church had 100000 cathars in southern france put to death in what was the prolog to the crusades,killing men,women and children,all Christians,because they didnt suck up enough to the pope (origin of a famous quote,one of the soldiers asked the cardinal leading it how to tell the good christians from the heretics,his response was kill them all and let god sort them out)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Hey shit for brains mustang tail pipe fucker Stang. WHY don`t you stop this shit and get a real job or BEST go get yourself fucked.

OOAAOOAAabout 11 years ago

Congratulations for an excellent story!

The lack of sex is substituted by fantastic plot and writing!


oldauthoroldauthorabout 11 years ago

In many ways, I found this story a definite improvement on some of Stang's latest works. Possibly because it was a shorter story, the author did not need to 'pad' the story with nonsensical drivel and unbelievable passages that made a reader scratch their heads in disbelief. Still, I have to question the sudden appearance of a tar pot and members of the congregation just "happening" to have some feathers. I think just some good old ass-beating by the members of the congregation would have been more feasilble. Also, to those readers who just HAVE to throw the race card into their comments...GROW UP! If you want racism to end, stop throwing it into each and every situation that comes up. Despite past racial injustices, most of us are trying to turn a blind eye to color and accept ALL of humanity as ONE. I would also like to commend Stang on writing his views of religion. Too often many people outwardly demonstrate just how religious they are by their church attendance and their attempts at evangelism. Some of them even attempt to force their beliefs on others by way of law and censorship. It would be nice if more expressed their views of religion like this author.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 11 years ago
Loved it

A fun read. Thanks.

kracker1966kracker1966about 11 years ago

I'm allways looking to read your latest story. Thanks for not writing about men who like giving there wives away, and if your going to bash don't do it anonymously. That is being a real #$ sh*^. Thanks for the work as all ways.

mikothebabymikothebabyabout 11 years ago
OK - I am pissed off at Stang

Fuck this shit - NASCAR is a legend of its own. I am a NASAR fan and root for #29 - always have and always will, anyone and everyone who knows me knows this. Any diot who says different is stupid. anyone who takes this for granted will see me gone

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
some "fan"

Can't even SPELL Nascar?

Besides, who gives a shit about Harvick anyway. The way that man talks to his crew, he should have his ass whipped.

Man, that miko dude has a thin skin.

RhomanovRhomanovabout 11 years ago
Small Town USA

Replaced the money with sex.

Different but not bad.

For miko ...... NASAR = National Association for Search and Rescue. They don't have a #29 :-)


TavadelphinTavadelphinalmost 11 years ago
Great read - great ride lol

A really good job on this one folks -

Some of us have met most of those characters at least once in life - they are real and unfortunately not even unique - so believe it can happen and does lol

The tar and feathers was part of the plan and the crew had it readied while the service started - no mystery there - just an assumed.

The two churches was inspired heh the 2 skanks set up shop themselves - priceless -

His EX was more gullible than stupid and might have learned a lesson but who cares - the preachers ex was another predator

FD45FD45almost 11 years ago
The three R's

' research. I pound that into my kids.

Won't touch the religious opinions. They are what they are even if they are ahistorical.

Just one question....where did the congregation get a huge tub of tar for the pastor all of a sudden?

fanfarefanfarealmost 11 years ago
divine intervention?

FD45 asks where the tub of tar appeared from

Well obviously, when John decides to 'pitch' a fit, he ain't messing around! It is a feather in John's cap that the right reverend got run out of town on a rail and is now the 'only good' reverend. Heck & Shucks, the very best reverend of all as a derelict and bum.

In atonement for his cardinal sins, Pendergast now has to bear witness to those downtrodden by a society that worships greed and to those abandoned by the Corporate State of selfishness.

Close up and personal.

krosis666krosis666almost 11 years ago

NASCAR: turn steering wheel 30degrees to the left, step on the gas, and take a 2hour nap!

IronDragonIronDragonalmost 11 years ago

Ok, I had to laugh my ass off at the Revenge in this one! Damn good stuff, Stang! Yeah, with the Divine Tar Tub of Doom showing up, I laughed even louder. My wife looked at me funny, then started reading over my shoulder. She cracked up too, and called you a "crazy mothafucka". Trust me, that's a compliment. :)

5 HUGE Stars!

hopelessly_otakuhopelessly_otakuover 10 years ago
the women in this story were dumb as.a dodo

Ok so the reverend is only human, he has sexual urges too, so why couldn't his wife see to that. Yeah and the community needed the rev so Kim was fucking him and the rev needed his chauffeur, so she was laying with him too, lol. And not to forget that catholics are against contraception, so all action was bareback, lucky no one got any disease

OldpartOldpartover 10 years ago
A true BTB story

And one of the best! In this story maybe a Burn the Bastard story. A solid 5

ariesgirlariesgirlover 10 years ago

The choir that was hired took the cake. I can hear them singing as everything went down.

I know that tar had to hurt. Back when I was younger my brothers, cousins and I were playing in some tar my grandad was burning. Some tar fell on the back of my hand and the skin melted off. I can say that pain was one of the worst thing I ever felt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
I hate

I hate say this Stang, I GAVE YOU A FIVE. One of the best stories you have wrote. It was not too long, just right.

sdc92078sdc92078over 10 years ago
Calling NASCAR and football church...

...would be an insult to NASCAR and football.

PeachyWifePeachyWifeabout 10 years ago
Great story

But even better song! I'll be checking out Concrete Blonde's music for sure.

This one made me laugh and wish I could have been a bystander. Plus I love when the kick ass process server shows up!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

Somewhat unbelievable but told in such a convincing manner. One of the most humorous stories I've read here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Lots of Branding

Mustang, IPhone, IPod. How about the vibrator? Was that also an Apple product? You know, an IVibrator? The advertising industry has got to love Stang.

LoverOfTheGameLoverOfTheGameover 9 years ago
One of the Best

This is by far one of the best stories I've read here. And truth be told, I'd have done the same thing as him.

BfreetorunBfreetorunover 9 years ago
I hate religious fanatics and all that they stand for.

Many of them are beneath contempt and closet adulterers (I had one marry into my family a long time ago). He no longer is in the family and I love his children. He still is a pompous blowhard and got a penis implant at age 84 or 85 so he could continue his very favorite activity.

I do not believe that God has anything to do with fanatics but I could be wrong, I have been wrong before. I really liked this story (except for him giving his wife the house, she should have had to go rent a hovel as she deserved).

connoisseur29connoisseur29over 9 years ago

Wonder why it is that the women process servers always pop or crack their gum? They're almost always cute little bimbo types too. Good reading and story writing, S6. Humorous and somewhat more truth than fiction about the bible pounders. Cheers!

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

but she does nothing for the story. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

LoverOfTheGame sure becouze evry body knows how there gona react under duress

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
silly fing story

your imagination is better than this kid Scotty

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

This was funny! 5*

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Another Winner Stang!

Loved it. Wish I could give you a 10 but I guess another 5 star rating will have to suffice! Thanks again and keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Hate stories that have the replacement wife before he even confronts his first wife.

tazz317tazz317about 7 years ago

ammo does not have mean bullets, knowledge is just as deadly, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

please relabel this as interracial so more decent people dont read this by accident .

thx .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
I gave you two stars.

The extra star was for burning the church down.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Hey guys!!

Did anyone on here notice that STANGStar06 loves Mustangs?! No, really! I mean, after all of these stories and not a single comment about MUSTANGS, who'd've guessed?!

We fucking get it, dude!!

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreealmost 6 years ago
Liked it.

Simple as that.

Top ratings from me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Good story

I think writers must be careful about what they writer after they burn the bitch. Like you wrote. ""Kim you're a good woman." Really? A good woman? She brought the guy she fucking into his house and was letting him advise them about their marriage. Is that a good woman? A fucking whore she is!

Other than that good story. I share your views about religion btw.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
The good wife?


The rev got what he deserved, but for the wife, self-knowledge is not sufficient punishment.

The wife needed to be burned not just singed.

SlipperySaddleBumSlipperySaddleBumover 5 years ago
NASCAR is no longer Church.

It's been polluted by greed and power hungry morons.

Great story. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

cybojicybojiover 5 years ago

On nascar. I see a lot of this in churches. Holy hypocrites. There right up there with college professors that I call intellectual idiots. Good story with a lot of truisms. Well done. 5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
He had it wrong....

You don't drive to Hell in a mustang. Mustangs go to Heaven. You drive to Hell in a Yugo.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
An amusing story but...

Let me see a guy five feet ten inches, one hundred eighty five pounds that goes on twenty mile runs, doubtful. He finds a guy fucking his wife in his house no less, but does nothing for fear of the consequences. Then has no problem with setting the guy on fire. Other than that an amusing story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
I Liked this Story

But I hope I never have to Drive a Prius .. Stangs and Camaros and Chargers are all good .. As long as they have a V-8 in them ..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Only God knows............

The best part of this story is how hard I laughed........

AlericAlericalmost 4 years ago
Funny as hell

I just couldn't stop laughing. I don't think I'd have pissed on Bobby though, just added more gas. I loved the tar and feather bit too.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
Lol. This is soo funny

Reverend Pile of Shit. Haha

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

That was one funny story. I don’t know how I’ve missed it for so long. Poor Kim ain’t the first wife to fall to a slick talking preacher man, and won’t be the last.

brian_scoobybrian_scoobyalmost 3 years ago

He he he the Epilog. Good story. A fabulously fun read! Thanks

Diecast1Diecast1almost 3 years ago

Do not like church type stories.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Pretty over the top on church stereotyping. True there are wolves in sheep's clothing out there, we were warned there would be. If anyone is fooled by them then they hold part of the blame. We were taught how to be discerning regarding evil and the men and women who operate within the folds of Satan's robes. In truth Satan's team has been working overtime while the side of G-d has has rested on past victory (yes there are a few fingers on my hand pointing back at me). If nothing else this site has opened a window into the condition of current day morals and ethics. I am very afraid.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

2 of the guys I went to High School with are Preachers .But they make sure to not to force it down you . What a great read

dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanover 2 years ago

Well, Nascar and football are a "REAL" religion, LOL

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago
A great read!

Oh, a fun and enjoyable story!

SeafoamzoneSeafoamzoneover 1 year ago

Wild Cherry Pepsi and Bananas, AND Turtle wax mixed with gas.

Fucking hilarious, and creative.

I challenge anyone to find that in any other story.

tonyneatotonyneatoover 1 year ago

Tar & Feather the Pricks !!! 5 STARS

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Such a juvenile piece of crap.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I hate the fact that there are churches like that, but the vast majority are not.

The story was typically ss06 good.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I live in the Uk and I used to go to a Baptist church when I was young. The ministers used to rail on about the evils of the ‘demon drink’. One Sunday evening, my parents and I met some friends in a pub beer garden, Dad went in to get some drinks and there were the minister and his assistants knocking back pints of the ‘demon drink’. I never went to that church, nor any other church, again.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Weird. This author's cheating wives commit adultery for the stupidest reasons. Heh maybe she is stupid enough for the slick talking Reverend, but also the Deacon and the chauffeur? Lol. Liked the Jane Foster homage / reference. And have to say Grant's RAAC solution while unorthodox seemed to really oay off for him and Maybelle. He will be enjoying those perfect blowjobs for many years. The two women starting competing churches was dumb.

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