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Judy McGuire Ch. 03: R & R

Story Info
Judy meets a married woman while on R&R.
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Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 3 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/12/2023
Created 04/27/2021
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As Judy had now become an established character in my head and used for two contest entries I decided to keep the character going and continue her adventures. For those who don't know what R&R is it stands for 'Rest & Recreation'. This follows on from Chapter 2 and starts to fill in some of the gaps and may even answer the question about Michael.


I could feel the hot African sun beating down on my back gently lulling me into sleep and as I started to drift off images of the last few days flashed into my brain. There are many things in life you should see, a newborn baby taking its first breath, the sunrise over the pagodas of Burma or flying fish skimming across the surface of the Indian Ocean are to name but a few. There are also things you should never see and watching your mother put two rounds into a man's face without batting an eyelid isn't very high on that list. This was the same woman that changed my nappies and put butter on a graze on my knee who in reality is a cold-blooded killer, that is a huge reality check. At least we got Michael back in one piece, well almost, he was pretty badly beat up and more dead than alive, but was still breathing.

When I asked that stupid 8-ball the normal question of 'is Michael alive?' it threw me into a panic when it came back with 'I don't know.' At that exact same moment, Dad had rung to say 'they' had located Michael and he was going to get him back and did I want to join the rest of the family.

Dad had a way with words that made very out of the ordinary things seem quite plain and dull, so his 'come and join us' meant that it wasn't going to be a walk in the park. Indeed it wasn't, it was more like a trek through the jungle but at least we were all together along with a few of the twins mates who decided to tag along for a laugh. I should explain I guess, James & Robert, my elder twin brother were both Parachute regiment currently attached to the SAS which was the mates they had bought along. I always knew that Dad had a military background though I had never seen him in uniform for a long time as he wore a plain suit to work. Mum was different, I think she had some form of connections to something not quite normal but exactly what it was I have never been able to establish. Whatever it was the guys seemed to know her by reputation and had no objection to her being there although it did seem strange to see her in full combat gear cradling an assault rifle like it was another of her babies.

To cut a very long story short we hit an encampment of rebels and wiped them out to a man, pulling Michael from the smouldering ruins. I then found out afterwards that the agreement to allow the raid to take place had been gained at the agreement there would be no survivors, which there weren't.

I had been trained to use many different types of weaponry and had been in life & death situations but had never been in a firefight like that. The noise, the heat, the flashes & screams drilled into my brain and despite my training, I froze, scared to death I would shoot the wrong person. At one point I came face to face with a young lad who could have been no more than 14 who was trying to lift the AK47 into position to fire at me when my mother appeared like a ghost, fired twice over my shoulder into the boy's face. Then turning to me in the same voice she used to scold me when I went out with wet hair or a skirt too short when I was a teenager. "Come along young lady, we need to focus on the task at hand."

I was starting to see my mother in a whole new light...


"Excuse me are you English and is this bed taken?"

A sweet voice bought me back to reality and rolling onto my side I looked up to see a petite young woman in her very early 20s with an anxious look on her face staring down at me. I took in the elfin face, with shining green eyes on either side of a cute button nose. Her light brown hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail and as she smiled down at me her perfect white teeth just peeked from behind naturally full lips. Broadening my view I admired her small breasts contained by two small scraps of brightly coloured material and could just make out her nipples that were vaguely showing. I let my gaze wander down her body and could see she had the most perfect triangle between the tops of her thighs and her pubic mound. The way she stood sunlight poured through the gap like a beacon drawing me to the promised land.

'Ummm I don't think that is allowed," she said blushing so cutely it was all I could do to stop myself from leaping up and ravishing her in front of all the other guests gathered around the pool. Following her gaze, I realised that when I had rolled over I had left my undone bikini top on the sun lounger revealing my naked left breast.

"Oh please excuse me," I stammered, "I hope I didn't offend?" As I gathered my top and recaptured my escaped breast, "and how did you know I was English?"

She nodded at the cheap paperback that was beside me and then she gave me that look. I had already noted her wedding ring gleaming newly on her finger but she still gave me the look. Every lesbian in the world knows that look, it's the one that married women give that says they know what you are and they are interested. Some women do it because they are bored, some because they want to relive their wild youth or for some, they are just plain curious. I don't care why they do it, for me nothing tastes sweeter than married pussy, and the ultimate music to my ears is the sound of them cumming harder than they ever have, or ever will, with a man.

My brain was working overdrive as I waved my hand at the vacant bed as I laid back down. Can't be boredom, I thought to myself, that wedding ring doesn't have a scratch on it.

"Where's your husband?" I said smiling as I stared into her emerald eyes.

She didn't reply but just glanced over to a group of men gathered around the pool bar in brightly coloured swimming shorts. From the volume of their shouts and raucous laughter, they had clearly been consuming large quantities of the local beer and I simply rolled my eyes and said in a low voice, "don't know why you women bother with men." The look on her face was a picture, suddenly there was almost a blind panic, like a young fawn caught in the lights of a car moments before its demise. Unable to resist a wicked urge inside I smiled wider like a crocodile seeing its prey and husked, "don't worry I won't bite...," leaving a long pause before, "...unless you beg me."

Now the dye was cast, as my father used to say, the next move was down to her and in an outward display of not caring I put my head down and closed my eyes. After a moment of silence, I heard the sunbed creak as she lay down and I smiled inside as I felt my pussy moisten and knew she was mine, it was simply a matter of time.

My father enjoyed fishing, which the twins loved and I hated, but I refused not to go in case they got something more than me. Most of the time from age six until just past nine I would tag along holding his hand as I dreamed of one day being a princess. A dream that was normally shattered as one of the twins would chase me with a worm until my tears would draw a gruff command from my father for them to stop. I learnt very little about fishing apart from the fact it requires a vast amount of patience and is very boring. "Let the fish come to you," my father would say softly as he wiggled the line causing the bait to jump. "Let it nibble, then bite fully before you strike, as eagerness will just leave you with an empty hook."

Those words stuck with me in my never-ending pursuit of straight pussy and this was one of those occasions. Sure enough, after a short silence, she said quietly, "Eleanor, but my friends call me Ellie."

"Judy," I said without opening my eyes, "now be a dear Ellie and do my back will you please."

Contact is always vital, doesn't matter how you engineer it, there needs to be physical contact to start breaking down the barriers. It can be as simple as grabbing a hand during a story or guiding an arm to a table, but the best form of contact is when they initiate it. This was perfect, she would feel she was in control without ever feeling threatened, and would break down the barriers of touching another woman in her own mind.

The lotion was cool on my back as she began to work up and down my spine and outwards towards my ribs I murmured softly, "it's easier if you undo it," and smiled as there was only the briefest of pauses before her tiny fingers deftly unfastened the clasp. After my shoulders, she moved demurely down to my bikini waistline and then without asking I felt the squirt of lotion on the backs of my thighs. I deliberately shifted a little to open my legs to allow her as much access as she wanted or not as the case may be. I was screaming inside for her to slide her fingers up my inner thighs and inside my soaking pussy which was aching with desire. As far as I was concerned she could finger fuck in front of everyone, such was the effect her massage was having on me.

Suddenly she tapped me lightly on my bottom and giggled, "you can do me later if you want." My God I thought to myself, is this little minx flirting with me as she went on, "my back with the lotion I mean of course."

That set the tone for the rest of the afternoon with Ellie teasing me with her almost flirtatious comments that made me wonder who was actually the fish in this exchange. I found out she was a farmer's daughter from the country and her husband Richard was a merchant banker with a swanky Chelsea apartment. As she put it, he was her escape from working from dusk till dawn on a dull farm even if she had to put up with his loud & boorish friends. By the way she talked, it was clear that she was starting to feel that perhaps she had been hasty in marrying a man 14 years her senior even though he was quite wealthy. When I teased her that at least the sex must be good she sighed as she quietly whispered how he was two pumps and a squirt type guy. In fact many nights she would satisfy herself with her own fingers after he had fallen asleep. My brain was screaming at me as I wanted to tell her how my tongue and fingers would have her never wanting to close her thighs again but instead, I just nodded sympathetically and muttered under my breath about why men didn't interest me.

"So how does it work?" Ellie said quietly and when I raised a quizzical eyebrow she whispered, "You know between two women when there is no... thingy."

I almost laughed out loud at her naivety but instead told her quietly how two women would do to each other what they wanted for themselves. How another woman would know how each touch and caress would feel and when she repeated hoarsely her question about the lack of a penis I knew she was already hooked on her desire to explore. I could sense how wet she was by the look in her eyes as I described how after I had taken my partner to heaven with my fingers and tongue I would fuck them with one of my strap ons.

She grabbed my hand and croaked, "how long?"

Knowing there were two answers to her question I stared deep into her eyes as I said, "the largest I have in 10 inches and until you pass out from pleasure." I could feel her nails dig into my flesh as she groaned under her breath, her imagination clearly running wild.

As the sun was on the wane Ellie stood and looked down at me, smiling as she said, "thank you for a most enjoyable afternoon and I hope to see you again, but now I must get some food into my drunken husband." I watched her pert cheeks jiggle in her bikini bottoms as she walked over to join her husband.

That evening I watched over dinner from my corner table how she plied her husband with yet more alcohol, occasionally glancing in my direction and smiling discretely. A loud crash broke the silence of the room as her husband fell against a table sending dishes and glasses flying everywhere as he collapsed in a drunken stupor. I moved quickly to her side along with other concerned guests and staff as she stammered her apologies. As two large waiters took hold of his comatose body I looked at Ellie and smiled at her as I inquired innocently, "is your room far?"

Ellie looked at me as she stammered, "room 342, though I doubt I will get much sleep with him snoring."

Keeping my voice neutral I looked at her and laughed softly, "well I am in room 113 on the ground floor so hopefully, I won't hear his snoring." Then turning away I signed my bill before returning to my room to see what would happen next.

My watch showed 22 minutes had passed since leaving the restaurant when I heard a timid knock on the door and opening it wide I saw a nervous looking Ellie standing there. From the look on her face, I could see she wasn't sure whether to run or enter so I turned and left her in the doorway, returning to the large double bed. Ellie followed me into the room and stood nervously, eyeing the now closed door like a trapped rabbit.

"You don't have to you know," I said breaking the silence, "you could just go back to your drunken slob of a husband and put this down to a fantasy dream." I was watching her body language as I spoke, knowing that this was the moment of decision. Seeing she had made no attempt to move I stood and in one flowing motion lifted my dress over my head and threw it in a heap in the corner of the room.

Ellie just stood and stared before blurting out, "you are naked,"

"Of course, it's far too hot to wear anything under," I said leaving out the fact that the only set of underwear I had was in the laundry along with my combat gear. The dress, bikini and flip flops I had grabbed in a hurried frenzy from the hotel shop when I had arrived and had been meaning to organise a shopping trip since.

I deliberately stood totally still allowing Ellie to make the first move, and after a moment's hesitation, she reached out and touched my left nipple. It was like an electric shock jolting through my body and she giggled like a schoolgirl as my nipples sprang to attention. Her eyes were fixed on them as she ran her finger over one and then the other, murmuring softly in appreciation of their reaction. "I think they liked me,l she said smiling and showing her pearl white teeth, then she looked down and said softly, "you are shaved." I nodded in agreement as one of my first tasks after checking in was the longest shower ever followed by the use of the free razor to remove the stubble from my legs, armpits and pubic area to make me feel feminine again.

"You can touch if you want," I said trying to make my voice more than a hoarse squeak but failing as her fingertip trailed slowly down my tummy to my pubic area. Opening my legs I allowed her free access to my body, letting her set the pace and the level of exploration. I gasped with pure pleasure as her fingertip grazed against my swollen clit and listened with a small degree of disbelief as she murmured how she had never touched another woman in this way.

Leaning forward I kissed her gently at first just letting our lips touch, but she had started to become consumed with the growing passion and returned the kiss forcefully. As our tongues danced and fenced back and forward between each other's mouths my hands roamed over her supple body divesting her of her dress. Unclipping her bra I broke our kiss to bend my head to take one of her pert nipples between my teeth, gently chewing and tugging. She had moved her hands away from my body to cradle my head, caressing my hair as I switched between breasts.

Pushing her gently back onto the bed she lifted her ass to help me slide her tiny white cotton briefs down her thighs, off her ankles and away into the far reaches of the room. Looking down I could see the tiny patch of hair on her pubic mound and positioning myself between her legs I stopped and inhaled deeply. As the heady aroma of a woman in heat filled my nostrils her hands grabbed my head and pulled me closer, urging me to use my tongue. All thoughts of cation had clearly long since been discarded as Ellie strained her thighs apart to give me the fullest access she could. Sliding my hands under her ass I took a globe in each hand and lifted her towards my eager tongue.

The moan of pure pleasure that filled the room was the sweetest sound as I licked from the bottom of her pussy lips to the very top, dragging my tongue through the folds of her flesh. Moving my head like a striking snake I varied my licks to her intimate parts, one moment my tongue probing at her tiny anal rosebud, the next my teeth tugging on her engorged clit. Sliding my hands to a comfortable position I settled on working intensely on her clit with my tongue while twisting two fingers deep inside her body seeking her g-spot. A gasp and an increased grip on my hair told me I had found my mark, and as I massaged I started to press the thumb of my other hand against her ass. Such was the fluid flowing down my fingers my well-lubricated thumb slipped easily into Ellie's ass and as I slowly finger fucked both her holes I chewed her clit with a varying degree of pressure.

Now some women just cum, others flood like I do, but some squirt and Ellie was a squirter, though I found out afterwards that was her first time. I thought she was going to pull my hair out by the roots as she strained upwards and knowing this was her moment I removed my fingers from her soaking pussy and clamped my mouth over it. My reward was immense as I felt the squirt of juices hit my throat and as I sucked and swallowed she thrashed around the bed.

Slowly Ellie subsided in her movements and her fingers relaxed in my hair as she lay on her back trying to catch her breath. "Oh my fucking God that was amazing," she gasped pulling me close so she could my face, still covered in her juices.

"Sadly the hotel shop doesn't sell strap ons so you will have to wait until next time when I will fuck you with my strap on," I said as I idly touched her clit making her jerk and twitch from the electric shocks running through her body.

Ellie said nothing but started to kiss me. Her fluttering lips kissing my neck and then downwards until her tongue reached my right nipple. As her lips fastened on it like a suckling baby I moaned loudly as my nipple hardened in her mouth. Her fingers had travelled down my body faster and I jerked as I felt her fingers caress my clit. Opening my legs wide I closed my eyes as I felt her switch her attention from right to left breast. At the same time as her mouth moved she slipped a finger deep inside my soaking pussy as far as it would go. Withdrawing it fully I felt the first finger joined by a second, both of which were plunged deep inside until I could feel her knuckles pressed against my pubic bone. Holding them deep for a moment Ellie's broke from sucking my nipple to whisper, "as I would have done to me." As her words rang in my brain I looked down to see her suck deeply in her own fingers cleaning them of my juices. Her hand moved between my legs and I felt not two but three of her fingers pushing deep into my body in firm thrusting motions. Such was my lubrication her fingers slid in and out causing the room to fill with the delicious sound of a squelching pussy.

Ellie wasn't finished with me as I felt myself being stretched as she pushed a fourth finger into me grunting softly at the effort. Her eyes met with mine as she worked her fingers in and out and I could see she wanted to ask but was too frightened to do so. "Yes, I can take your fist," I moaned with lust and with a look of joy she renewed her efforts.

It had been a while since I had been fisted but luckily her hands were small and it didn't take much effort for her to slide her had fully inside. As she worked her hand the waves of pure pleasure ran through my body one after the other. What finally sent me over the top was when she bent her head and clamped her teeth on my clit and chewed as I bucked and writhed in orgasm.


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