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Larry's Cougar Ch. 07

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Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson add a third.
2.9k words

Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/28/2013
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February 2015

Harry crossed over to the photographer. "These pictures don't leak to anyone. What goes on here doesn't either," he said softly.

"I understand," Toby said.

Tanalei came out in a toga-style dress. It had a slit down the front so the stomach could be shown.

"Tanalei, can you lay down? Harry, help her. Alright boys, take off your shirts." Harry, Alan, Eli and Louis threw their shirts off to the side.

"Why is Louis in the pictures too?" Eli asked.

"Cause he's the babies' godfather, like Uncle Jack is yours and Uncle Curt is Alan's," Madison explained. She was going to take them to Archer after the photo shoot.


"Harry, you'll be kissing the top of her stomach. You," he pointed to Alan, "come right here. Louis, yes just like that." Louis laid his head on her legs to reach the bottom of her belly. "And you, little guy, right here." Tanalei felt four pairs of lips kissing her stomach. The babies stretched, as if trying to get them off.

"Now just the hands," Toby instructed. "Okay, Mom. Stand up. We'll have just big brothers now." Kissing the babies, laughing with Tanalei with hands on the stomach. "Alright. I'm finished with the big brothers."

"Have fun at Daddy's."

"We will." They gave kisses and hugs to Harry and Louis before leaving.

"What other poses were you thinking off?" Toby asked.

"This is my favorite," Louis said. They were looking at the pictures on the computer. It was of he and Harry kissing the babies right when they pushed out. A little hand and foot were between their faces.

"I like this one," Harry pointed out. It was just of Tanalei's stomach. He and Louis had their hands on it, with her hands on top of theirs.

"What about this one?" Tanalei asked. She and Louis had their fingers laced together, showing off their swallows. Right above them were Harry's.

"Have you figured out which ones you want?"

"Not yet," Harry said. "Can you print them out? We'll make our decision in the next couple of days."


March 2015

"Hey, Paul."

"Tanalei. How are you doing?" Paul stepped away to hear better.

"I'm huge and feel like I'm carryin' two watermelons. What the hell do you think?" A pause. "Sorry. Is there any way I can talk to Harry?"

"They're on stage, Lei."

"Oh. How much longer?"

"Fifteen, thirty minutes tops. Why?"

"I'm heading to the hospital."

"Oh shit." He quickly pulled out his walkie-talkie, telling someone to get Harry at the end of the song. "The song's almost over. Hold on."

Harry was in front of him a minute later. "What's up, Paul?"

He held out the phone. "It's Lei."

"Babe, you okay?" The tour manager watched the twenty-one year-old's face turn white. "How long? It's gonna take up nearly 20 hours before we get there. Can't you cross your legs or something?" He pulled the phone away from his ear. "Sorry, sorry. Okay. I love you." He handed the phone back. "I'm gonna be a dad."

"Yes, you are. Now go finish the concert so we can go."

Harry ran back on stage.

"Everything alright, Harry?" Louis asked. Harry hugged him.

"Our girls are on the way." Blue eyes met green. "We'll meet them tomorrow." Louis stood there for a moment.

"Um, guys," Liam joined them, followed by Niall and Zayn. "Concert remember? Don't have time for a Larry moment."

Louis let out a whoop. "The babies are on the way!" he yelled into the microphone. The audience erupted in cheers. He pulled Harry away from the others, his arm around his shoulders. "By this time tomorrow, our girls will be safe in their daddies' arms."

Zayn looked at Niall. "I hope no one caught the real meaning of that statement."

Niall nodded. "Right."

Press release: "Harry Styles and Tanalei Granger are happy to announce the arrival of their daughters, Riley Grace and Darcy Noelle Styles, born on March 28, 2015. Band mate Louis Tomlinson commented 'They are absolutely gorgeous. They are a perfect mixture of Harry and Lei.' Many fans are wishing the family luck."

Harry couldn't stop staring at the bundle in his arms.

"She's an angel, Harry," his sister, Gemma, said from over his shoulder. "They both are. This is Darcy?" He nodded. "She has your lips."

Anne was frowning, looking between her phone and Riley, who was being held by her husband, Robin. "Harry," she walked over to them. Leaning down, she asked, "Why does Riley look like Louis?" She showed him the picture Jay had just sent. It was one of Louis' baby pictures. His eyes lifted to his mother's. She read the truth in his eyes. "Oh Harry," she whispered.

"Don't judge her, Mum," he said softly. Gemma hugged him from behind.

"Does he feel the same about her as you do?" He nodded. "And her feelings?" He nodded again. She wiped his face. "Is he gonna tell his family?"

"Just Jay. As far as everybody else, he's Darcy's godfather and Riley's honorary uncle."

"It's gonna tear him apart, Harry," Gemma said.

"I know, but as long as we are who we are, it has to be like this. We've talked about it."

"The ring is from both of you, isn't it?"

"He's the one who actually chose it."

Fan blog: "Did you see the pictures of Harry holding the twins? I think my ovaries just melted."


May 2015

"I don't like this, Montana," Archer said.

She threw her clothes on the bed. "Too fuckin' bad, Archer. June is my month this year, remember?"

"To be goin' back to England, though?"

"My fiancé lives there."

"And Europe? I've seen the tour schedule." He sighed. "I can't compete with all this, Tana."

"I never asked you to, Archer. Look," she sat on her bed, "I'm sorry this is hard on you."

"He's half our age! I'm petitionin' for full custody."

"The hell you are!" She stood and began pacing. "I will fight you tooth and nail on this, Archer."

"You could move to England and marry your pop star then."

"And see my kids a few times a year? Fuck that!"

"Montana, be reasonable."

"I am. You're the ass that's not. I live here. Our sons go to school here. So we spend a month abroad during the summer. Big fuckin' deal."

"Montana," he started.

"No, Archer. I'm gonna hang up now. And tell your little piece, who I know has talked you into this, that it will be a cold day in hell before she gets a dime of my money."

"Tana," he admonished.

"You don't pay child support, Archer. You put money aside for their college and pay for insurance. That's it. If she wants more money, she can get off her ass and get a fuckin' job."

"I'm recordin' this."

"Good. And I can pull out pictures and the private investigator's notes. Don't try to play hardball, Archer. I'm wearin' steel-toe stilettos and I've learned how to kick back."


June 2015

"You look wiped out, dear," Anne said when she greeted Tanalei.

"I am. Anne, these are my nieces, Gail and Dana."

"Hello, girls. I'm Harry's mum."

"Gran! Gran!" Eli yelled as he bounced around Anne.

"Hello, my boys." She hugged them tight. "I swear the two of you have grown a foot since April." She glanced down at the carriers. "And there are my precious angels. Let's go. We're meeting everyone at the restaurant. I'll hold the girls then."

Tanalei pried her eyes open when she heard Darcy and Riley begin to fuss. Hearing voices, she quickly got up to go to their room. Louis was holding Darcy, cooing down at her. Harry was in the process of changing Riley. He sat in one of the rockers when he was done.

"Do you think they're hungry? Should we wake Lei?"

"Let her sleep. They'll let us know if they're hungry," Louis answered. He took the other rocking chair.

She was able to back away without being noticed. Hurrying she got the camera and started recording before Harry began to sing Moments. Tears pricked at her eyes. The babies' eyes were wide hearing their dads' voices in person. She had a ton of videos that the guys have sent of either just Harry and Louis or the whole group talking or singing to them. But nothing compares to the real thing.

The song finished. "They're still awake, Lou."

"Their clocks must be off. You know how we get. One more song, sweetheart, then Da and Daddy have to got to bed." He began singing Nobody Knows, a Pink song they sang on X Factor. Halfway through, eyelids finally closed.

As gently as they could, they stood up and put them in the crib. Louis slid his arm around Harry's waist while Harry put his arm around Louis' shoulder. Harry kissed Louis' temple.

"They're our angels, Hazza," Louis said. "I know I can't publicly call them mine. But here are my girls."

"I know, Boo. Just as Lei's yours."

He looked up at his friend. "Have I ever thanked you?"

"For what?"

"Being my friend, loving me. Expanding my family to include two active boys and now these beautiful girls." He kissed Harry passionately.

"You need to thank Lei as well. She's the one to take a chance on us."

Tanalei slipped away unseen and crawled back into bed. Just in time.

Louis shuffled into the kitchen, plopping into a chair and laying his head on the table. Raising a hand, he snapped his fingers and pointed down. When he got no response, he lifted his head to find three women staring at him. Tanalei's eyebrow was raised and Gail was smirking while the blond just stared at him with her mouth open. He glanced down to make sure he remembered to put clothes on.

"What?" he finally asked.

"Not your peasants, Tommo," Gail said.

"I need coffee, woman. Get it." Tanalei crossed her arms, pushing her breasts up. Much to his and Harry's enjoyment, they had gotten bigger with her pregnancy. "Please, Lei," he finally begged. "We had a late night."

She sighed and got up. "You're lucky I love you, Lou. This is Dana, Gail's sister." She closed the teenager's mouth. "Dana, this is Louis."

Gail stood and passed Riley to Lou. "I'm taking a shower."

"Hello, beautiful girl," he cooed. He smiled sweetly at Tanalei when she placed a cup of coffee in front of him. She kissed the baby's forehead then his cheek before heading into the living room, where Alan and Eli were watching TV.

He noticed Dana watching him. "What?"

"She looks like you."

He choked on his coffee. "Right. She's Harry's."

She was shaking her head. "I met your mama and sisters last night. Riley has the same chin. I may be blond, but I ain't dumb."

He was at a loss for words. "I truly think this is the first time I've been speechless."

"Mark the record books," Harry said as he entered the kitchen and went for the coffee. At the table, he kissed Riley on the head before sitting down. His ankle wrapped around Louis'.

"Good morning. I'm Harry."


"Ah. Gail's sister. Lei said you just graduated high school. Have you picked which uni to go to yet?"

"University of Georgia in Athens."

"Go Dawgs!" Eli cheered when he ran into the kitchen. He kissed everyone before plopping into a chair. Alan hugged Harry and Louis and kissed Dana and Riley.

"Where's Darcy?" Harry asked.

"Right here. She decided to sleep in this morning," Tanalei said. He reached for his daughter.

"Hello, baby." She cooed up at him.

"Dana, go run Gail outta the shower and get in. Sophia and Perrie will be here in an hour."

"Right." She finished her breakfast and put the plate in the sink.

"What are your plans for today?" Louis asked.

"The girls wanna go shoppin'. Jay will be here in a bit to pick these two up." She pointed to Alan and Eli. "It seems that Phoebe and Daisy have been talkin' nonstop about them visitin'."

He playfully shot the boys a scowl. "They are your cousins, not your girlfriends."

Alan smirked at him. "Safaa's my girlfriend here."

"Don't let Zayn hear you say that," Harry said. "Where are these bits of heaven going?"

"Nowhere. They're yours for a few hours." Harry looked panicked. She kissed his lips. "Don't worry, baby. Your mama and Gemma ain't very far."

"We have a meeting this afternoon and an appointment tonight. Then we have to pack."

"I'll be back just after lunch. I have to pack for five people, Harry. The boys are goin' to Doncaster tomorrow and the babies are goin' to Holmes Chapel."

His eyes widened. "You're actually gonna leave them?"

Her eyes narrowed. "It's one night, Harry. This is the first time I'm leavin' them overnight somewhere."

"Drop it, Hazza," Louis cautioned. "Our girl will win this." He took the bottle Tanalei handed him. "Is Eleanor going with you guys?"

She grimaced. "Sophia called her. I swear, Lou, you need to break up with her. She's on my last nerve. It won't be pretty when it breaks."

He sighed. "Tanalei," he began.

"Don't throw bullshit at me, Louis. I'll play nice like I always do." She slammed a bottle in front of Harry and stormed out just as the doorbell rang.

Jay soon walked into the kitchen. "Boys, Phoebe and Daisy are in the other room with Robbie and Declan." The American boys looked at each other before getting up and putting their plates in the sink.

"You're in trouble," Eli whispered to Louis.

She waited until her adopted grandsons were gone. Turning to her son, her eyes narrowed. "What the hell did you say to Lei?"

Fan blog: "Holy ink, Directioners! There are more matching tattoos! After the birth of his daughters, Harry got his soon-to-be brother-in-law to put angels on each of his shoulders, one for Riley and one for Darcy. Recently Louis has been seen without his shirt. The SAME tattoos are on his right ribcage. On his left? A fairy tattoo that is exactly the same as Tanalei's. Though Liam, Niall and Zayn all have the same tattoo. In London, Harry and Louis treated Tanalei to a tattoo. It's an anchor on her left foot, with the kids' names. While in Copenhagen, for her 39th birthday, Tanalei got a love infinity tattoo on the inside of her left wrist. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is the same wrist that has the swallow. It has also been noticed the tattoo on the inside of her left arm. What is it, you may ask? Two teddy bears hugging. Enlarge the pic and 'Hazza' is under one and 'Boo' is under the other. Last year, while in London, a photo was taken of the back of neck. It's another infinity symbol that has a heart through it. The infinity is actually their names. Louis William, Harold Edward and Montana Rose. Directioners and Directionators have always wondered about Harry and Louis' bromance. Is this now a triangle? How long has it been going on? And what about Eleanor? It is no secret that she and Tanalei have no love for each other, unlike Tanalei with Sophia and Perrie. The three of them were seen all about London with the babies and Tanalei's sons and nieces. We are sitting on pins and needles for info."

Fan blog: "How cute are these pics, people? In Milan, some Directioners caught the 1D boys playing football with Tanalei Granger's sons, while she sat on the sidelines with her nieces, Lou and Lux. Lux was playing with the twins. Wait, what's this? She heads to the bus, parked away from the playing field. Louis points this out to Harry. A few minutes later, they follow. OMFG! The curtains are open! That's Tanalei's arm in the window! Who is that behind her? It's too dark to see. It was timed; Louis left the bus 15 minutes after that pic was taken, Harry 5 minutes later. And Tanalei? 10 minutes after that! I know it's not definite proof of a triangle, but???


July 2015

"Are you serious?" Harry and Louis watched Tanalei paced back and forth in front of their hotel window. They were currently in Madrid. "When?" She bit her lip. "That soon? No, I just have to adjust my schedule." She glanced over at them. They frowned. It was not sounding good. "She flies out of Porto on the fifteenth. I know this is big, Peter. I'm quite aware of that too. Look, I'll call you back later. Yes, I do. I'm not single anymore. 'Kay. Bye." She walked slowly to the be. Louis pulled her down between them. She wrapped an arm around each neck.

"What's up?" Louis asked.

"They want me in LA by the 20th. My script was accepted to be made into a movie."

"That's great, babe." Harry squeezed her waist. "Why do they want you there?"

"They want me to read the lead role. Jackson and Kellan are already signed on. They want Alan and Eli too."

"That is awesome. Wait. You'll have to cut your trip short." She nodded. "Damn. The mums were hoping to see the girls before you went back to the States."

"My family isn't the only ones they want."

"Who else?" Louis asked.

"Niall. They want him for one of the nephews."

Lou laid his head back against the wall. "Great for him, but it's sucking for us."

"I know. Now I'll have to steal another couple of shirts to take back with me."

They smiled. "We spray your perfume on a few of our shirts," Harry admitted.


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