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Little Packages Ch. 12


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The next night we were on the night train to Venice. Daddy thought it would be romantic, but sex in the train's tiny sleeper cabin was more awkward and funny than erotic. I also had to be quiet, so we didn't get complaints. But I was still so busy soaking him up I couldn't even complain that much.

After making me cum a bunch, I curled up next to him in the tiny bed.

"So we're going to be married in a few days," I said, running my fingers through his chest hair.

"You're running out of time to bail, Kitten," he said, trying to make a joke. I thumped him gently on his chest.

"Seeing you again and knowing we would be getting married less than a week later was the only thing keeping me sane during that ridiculous movie shoot," I said. "Although I feel bad not being as involved as I should be."

"Don't worry about it, Kitten," he said, stroking my hair. And just like that, I did stop worrying about it. He was my Daddy and I was his Kitten.

"So what happens when we get to Venice?" I asked. I was still hazy on the plans for the next few days.

"Well, our friends and dad will be arriving when we get there. We're all getting together for supper tomorrow night," he said. "We're not all hanging out together all the time, but you have to go shopping with Gillian and Soo for wedding clothes..."

"Moo hoo ha ha," I said, cackling like a supervillain. I told Gillian she didn't have to wear a dress; I didn't say anything about not torturing her with clothes shopping.

"I have also wrangled, under great protest, an evening out with Meg and her lovely...companions," Daddy said.

"Ooooooh!" I squealed. It was loud enough to earn a thump on the cabin wall, making me blush and giggle - at a much quieter volume. I was dying to finally meet Meg's fuck buddies. Watching her squirm all evening was the best wedding gift I could get.

"We also have one last-minute addition. Your boss, Susan, asked if she could attend. I didn't think you would mind. I think she wants to apologize for Prague."

"Well, it was awful, but she doesn't need to do that. It's weird she's coming here for my wedding," I said.

"Ah, she said not to freak out. She was coming to Italy on vacation with her daughter anyway and asked if she could crash."

"Well, it's not like we've invited hundreds of people. It'll be fine," I said.

"That's my good girl," he said, kissing my head. Once again, the endorphins of praise from my Daddy washed over me. Three years and his praise never once got old. I rubbed my face against his naked, hairy chest and purred.


I was looking forward to dinner and seeing everyone, even if Daddy warned me not to get too excited by the food. Tourists jam most of the restaurants in Venice, and the food is overpriced and mediocre by Italian standards. Still, Daddy managed to find a place for us all to meet that was away from the hordes and had some privacy. And if the food was substandard, it was better than anything I had in months.

Along with good food, there's nothing like being surrounded by people who love you and have missed you the last two months to get you in the right mood. After a lot of laughter and giving people the debrief on the Prague mess, I made the rounds and spoke to everyone individually.

Soo did her best to try and squeeze me to death as she was over the moon about getting to see Venice "for real," and even Gillian's jetlag and cynical veneer couldn't hide the fact that she was having fun. Although her face took a turn for the worse when I said we should go shopping for her maid of honor apparel the next day. Soo quickly agreed for her before she had a chance to come up with excuses.

"Kit, I'm not comfortable being some dress-up doll," Gillian said. "Soo has made me relax a bit..."

"A lot," she interrupted.

"But it's not like I'm comfortable parading around in a pink bridesmaid dress or anything," she said.

I looked at Soo, and even she had to admit our teasing had probably gone too far. I took Gillian by the hand and smiled at her.

"I promise you there is no pink anything in your future. We will find something kickass and comfortable for you that you'll love and can wear again, all right?" I asked.

She nodded and finally gave me the slightly bitchy smile I knew and loved.

"Yeah, all right. Thanks Kit," she said. I hugged her again and moved along the table.

Michelle and Ahmed looked relaxed. I don't think I ever realized how tightly wound they both looked all the time. Running your own business, especially wedding photography, will do a number on your chill. When I mentioned that to Michelle, she laughed.

"Honestly, Kit, it's the first vacation we've had in so long, I feel like I'm about 20 pounds lighter," she said, taking another large sip of wine. She and Ahmed had been doing serious damage to bottles of wine all evening.

"Um, but you're here shooting my wedding. That's working," I said, puzzled.

"Oh honey, shooting you and being here is far from work," Michelle said. Then she leaned over and whispered, "are you still interested in some boudoir photos?"

Lord knows I'd packed enough lingerie and was likely to buy more when I went shopping with Gillian and Soo. I also recalled a conversation on the film set when one of the actresses talked about how she didn't have a problem with nude scenes.

"I'm only going to be this young and hot for so long. Why not have photos remembering what it was like," she said.

Not that I thought I was over-the-hill at 22, but why not? If I couldn't trust Michelle....

"Ok, I said. "What the hell. Today's Monday and I'm getting married on Thursday. So when...."

"Early Wednesday morning," she said. "The temperature won't be insane, and our room's morning light is spectacular. I'll kick Ahmed out and get some wedding photos and some...naughtier pictures. Sound good?"

"Yup," I said, wondering if I'd lost my mind. The next few days were getting nuts. Daddy and I were trying to cram in some sightseeing; I had shopping with Soo and Gillian, photos with Michelle, an evening out with Meg and her partners...

Meg had shown up without them, although I learned their names - Sophie and Jean-Paul. I was about to give her shit about it when she held her hand to delay the barrage she knew was coming.

"They had a prior engagement on Lido for this evening. Besides, this was a supper for friends and celebrating you and Ben. Bringing the people I'm fucking felt tacky and a distracting," she said.

"I prefer to think of it as providing this evening's entertainment," I said, giving her a bratty look. She gave me the finger in reply, which was increasingly her response to me when she couldn't, or wouldn't, reply.

"You'll meet them tomorrow night. Be happy enough with that," she said. And I guess I would have to be. After chatting with her for a few more minutes and trying to get an idea of what she would wear, I went back to Daddy, speaking with his father. They were smiling, but it had a sad look. I knew why.

"Ah good, someone to stop us from being morose all evening," Mike said.

I knew that Daddy had been talking to his father several times a week since the funeral, checking in to make sure his dad was going ok. Mike had friends who were keeping him busy. Although he'd officially retired from work, he was doing a bunch of volunteering. Mike had even been on a few dates, although nothing had come of them. I still thought it was progress.

"I wish Helen could be here too," I said, hugging him,

"Well, she grew to dislike plane travel as she got older. A flight with some awful turbulence gave her nightmares," he said. "I think you would have faced considerable pressure to get married in Vancouver if she were still here. And I've always wanted to see some of Italy."

"Are you doing ok? I feel bad with all the wedding things going on and that we're not taking care of you more," I said. Gillian and Soo had each other and Meg had her fuckbudies. Michelle and Ahmed were together. But Mike was traveling alone.

"I'm fine, Kit," he said. "Venice is a marvelous place to wander around and see things. I'm enjoying my time here. And there's no shortage of people who will just come up and start talking. You're a bride-to-be. You worry about the hundred other things brides have to worry about, and don't worry about me."

I hugged him again. I knew he and Daddy had their rough moments over the years, but he was only ever a sweetheart to me. It was a long trip and I was glad he made it.


The next day was the day of reckoning for Gillian. To my surprise, Meg tagged along. I figured she'd be off spending time with Sophie and Jean-Paul, but she opted to join us.

"They were out partying last night and didn't get home until late," she said, sounding pissed. "So I'm not waiting for them to drag their asses out of bed. I've got a city to see, so why not tag along with you guys?"

They were cranky starting out, each for their own reasons, but Gillian and Meg managed to cheer up as the day progressed. Soo had a list of stores she'd researched and wanted to try. Of course, having the list and finding the store was something else entirely. The best directions in the world matter little in Venice, where one wrong turn will send you hopelessly off course.

Still, we found some fun stores, and while three of us managed to buy some things, we still hadn't located the elusive outfit for Gillian.

"I told you I was lost cause," she said, slightly gloomy.

And that's when whatever force exists in the universe that looks out for desperate brides and fashion-challenged lesbians stepped up. We were looking for a place that Soo swore was nearby when we saw a small boutique flying a little pride flag. We all looked at each other and then went inside. A woman a couple of years older than three of us with a blonde streak through her black hair greeted us in Italian. When we responded in our atrocious Italian, she laughed.

"English is fine," she said, with a hint of an accent. "How can I help?"

"We have a desperate bride looking for something for her equally desperate bridesmaid," Meg said.

"Congratulations! When are you getting married?" the clerk said. Except she said it to Soo and Gillian.

"Yes, when are we getting married?" Soo said to Gillian, who turned red. She was teasing, but it dawned on me that I could be attending their wedding one day, and Gillian could make me wear something horrific like a plaid bridesmaid dress. Something to keep in mind in our shopping.

"Sorry, but they're not getting married," I said, waving and bailing Gillian out before saying something she'd regret. "That would be me. Plain ol' boring heterosexual bride. But I have a lovely gay maid of honor struggling to find something to wear."

The clerk laughed and turned to Gillian. "So, what do you feel comfortable in?"

"Plaid. God, so much plaid," Soo said.

"It's comfortable and keeps me warm in Montreal," she replied.

"Unfortunately, I think something warm is the last thing you want in Venice, but I think it gives me something to start with," she said. Then she looked back at me. "Do you have a picture of your dress?"

I nodded, took out my phone, and found some pictures of my dress after a few seconds. I handed the phone to her. She spent a minute looking at the pictures, flipping back and forth, then zooming in. She nodded and handed the phone back to me.

"It's beautiful. Retro, but not overwhelmingly so. Who is the designer?"

"Me. I designed and made it."

She had a shocked look and asked for the phone back. She took another look at the photos, then shook her head. Soo, Gillian and Meg looked shocked. I didn't think making your dress was a big deal, but I guess it was judging by everyone's looks.

"Are you a wedding dress designer?" she asked.

"I just graduated from fashion school, but I'm doing mostly TV and movie costuming," I said.

"Well, if you ever want to get into designing wedding dresses, I have people who will hire you in a heartbeat. That dress is stunning," she said. Then she grabbed Gillian. "I think I have something that will work with that dress. Come with me."

They disappeared around a corner and Soo trailed behind, curious to see what miracles the clerk could achieve. I gave them space and looked around the store. Most of it wasn't my thing, but it was nicely made. I could feel Meg come up alongside me and start looking at some of the same clothing.

"It's weird I keep underestimating you," she said.

"What's that supposed to mean," I said, partly ignoring her.

"When we met, you were a cosplayer going to fashion school. And I didn't take that seriously," Meg said.

"There were a lot of reasons why you didn't take me seriously when we first met, among them that I was mostly naked and running around your best friend's house," I said.

"And you were jailbait," she said.

"I was a solid 18 months past being jailbait," I countered.

"Anyway, I never took what you did seriously. I don't know why; snobbishness probably. But you graduated from a world-class fashion school, have worked movie and TV sets, and just had a very fashion-conscious Italian woman rave about a wedding dress that you designed, made and didn't tell anyone about!" she said.

"I couldn't find one I liked, so I took bits and pieces of things I did like in other dresses and made something I liked. Besides, Ben is already spending so much on this, I didn't have the heart to go to him and say I wanted some ludicrously expensive dress," I said.

"Anyway, I'm sorry I underestimated you all these years. You are good at this," she said.

Meg and I were far past being pissed off with each other. I considered her one of my best friends. Still, it was one of the nicest things she'd ever said to me, and Meg wasn't a woman that idly gave out compliments. I smiled, turned around and hugged her. To my mild surprise, I felt her arms go around me and hug me back.

It was a nice moment. I was sorry it had to end when I heard a noise behind me. We broke the hug, turned around and there was a transformed Gillian.

It wasn't a dress, but a stunning dark linen suit. She was wearing a red camisole underneath it - not plaid, but I recognized the color in some of her clothing. She was nervous wearing it, but it looked fantastic. Soo was beaming.

"Is it ok? I don't look foolish wearing this?" Gillian asked.

I walked over to her, got her to do a little spin. When she finished, I smiled and kissed her on the cheek. I didn't want to hug her and wrinkle the suit.

"You look kick-ass. You should dress like this more often," I said.

"Told you so," Soo chipped in. "You look fantastic, baby. It's sexy and dressy."

Gillian blushed, but for once, didn't protest. If I marveled at the change between Meg and I over the years, it was stunning how much Gillian had changed since she met Soo. Yeah, she still got angry and had no tolerance when dealing with male bullshit. But around Soo she was a tame pussycat. The bitter, angry woman had changed a lot, and all of it for the better.

Love could do some bizarre things.

"All right, all right. Let's pack that up. I'm starved," Meg said. Blunt, but to the point. I realized I was starving as well. One quick purchase and we headed out looking for lunch.


We were sitting in a tapas bar, which felt like a sacrilegious thing in Venice. Daddy, Meg and I were waiting for Sophie and Jean-Paul. They were already running 45 minutes late, and Meg had texted several times and was growing increasingly frustrated.

"I hate having my time wasted or the belief that their time is more valuable than mine," she said, fuming as she stared at her phone. "I'd say it was a bloody aggravating European thing, except I've met people on this continent who can show up when they say they're going to."

Daddy and I were content to just munch on some food and let Meg fume. As much as I enjoyed teasing her about this relationship, I was starting to feel bad about it. Because I was getting married, I saw anyone in a relationship as something serious. I guess I thought the same thing about Meg and this couple instead of the more practical, reasonable thing; they were just people fucking.

Just when I thought Meg might find a way to reach through the phone and yank them through it, they breezed into the place. They came over to our table, kissed Meg on the cheek and sat down, oblivious to her rage. If nothing else, I was impressed. Neither Daddy nor I could so casually ignore a pissed-off Meg .

As for Meg, she reluctantly introduced us to her "friends." Sophie and Jean-Paul were in their mid-30s, so Meg wasn't robbing the cradle, but she did have a solid dozen years on them. They were also gorgeous. I was mildly surprised they weren't movie stars or something.

"Oh, we did some modeling when we were younger," Sophie said casually. Her English was good, with a slight accent. Europe was making me feel dumb about only knowing one language. "It's where Jean-Paul and I met. But it is such a cruel profession, so we moved on."

"And how did the three of you meet?" I asked. I used my big, manipulative eyes and completely ignored Meg's death glare.

"She hasn't told you?" Jean-Paul asked. I shook my head. "Oh, we were on the beach. She was there by herself, and we were there with some friends. She looked so....alone lying there by herself. And she is, of course, incredibly sexy..."

"Jean-Paul," I heard Meg say. He ignored her.

"So I just went over and began chatting with her. Sophie joined in, and we invited her to come out dancing with us later that evening. And that was that."

"Just like that? It sounds so easy and simple when you put it that way. She's so reserved in Canada," I said. As long as I didn't look at Meg, I could pretend I didn't know she wanted to strangle me.

"Oh no, it all flowed very naturally," Sophie said, sipping some wine. "I think we were all on the same page quickly about what we wanted. I mean, younger bisexual women are so filled with drama and demands. Meg knew what she wanted, we knew what we wanted, and everything fell in place so easily."

Jean-Paul nodded. "Such a relief. We've had some....mistakes in the past. But Meg is wonderful. Now she just needs to visit more often."

"Or, you know, you could visit me in Canada," Meg said. "It's an eight-hour plane ride, not a four-week voyage by sail." Sophie and Jean-Paul rolled their eyes at the suggestion. It was a conversation they'd had before. Meg wasn't winning them over to the idea.

It carried on like that for a few hours. I can't say they were the most engaging people I've spoken to. They asked a few questions about our wedding and pried Daddy for any embarrassing details or photos about Meg when she was younger, but he didn't bite. They were baffled that we didn't drink and, after a while, seemed content to talk to Meg in French and ignore us altogether.

They then apologized and said they had another engagement back on Lido, which I interpreted as a party with more exciting people. I figured there was no way Meg would go back with them, but after a heated conversation in French, she came back to us and looked almost embarrassed but said she was heading back with them for the evening.

As we walked towards the ferry that would take them to Lido, Sophie and Jean-Paul held hands and walked in front of us. Meg, Ben and I were walking behind them.

"So, what was the big deal about meeting them?" Ben asked. "They're very French, but they seem fine."

Meg huffed and lowered her head.

"I hate being hypocritical. Which, for a lawyer, is a little rich, but I hate it. But I gave the two of you no end of crap when you first started dating because of the age gap. I didn't think it would work. I was wrong, obviously. But here I am, involved in a very unconventional relationship with these two. And yes, they are very...French, as you say. But they're kind of a little..."

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