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Little Packages Ch. 12


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"Overindulged?" I asked, trying not to sound unkind. Meg nodded.

"Their families have money. The modeling was a lark for them. But they're not assholes about it. And, well...."

"The sex is amazing?" I offered again.

"Off the charts," Meg said, and she couldn't suppress her grin this time. "As I said, they're good people. They just needed some....structure. Discipline."

Daddy stopped walking because he began laughing so hard he had to lean against a wall. I thought it was a bit mean, but even Meg was laughing. It was good to see her finally lighten up about having a pair of lovers.

After Meg and her friends got on the boat, I took Daddy's hand as we began to wind our way to the hotel. Venice was dark, warm, ancient-looking and beautiful. I had no idea where we were going, but Daddy seemed to, and we were content just to take our time. Tomorrow night I was sleeping in Meg's room instead of my room. I didn't see sense in it, but you didn't mess with some traditions.

"Twenty bucks says they call her 'mommy,'" I said.

"No bet," Daddy said. He said it so quickly that I wondered if he had inside information, but I didn't press. Instead, I let go of his hand and began skipping around him. He laughed.

"Someone's happy," he said.

"The countdown is on, Daddy. I'll be your wife soon. No getting rid of me then!"

"No getting rid of you now, Kitten," he said, smiling. I licked out my tongue, skipping over and wrapped my arms around him. We kissed, and it was a good one. I was briefly scoping out dark alleyways and wondering if I could lure him in one when he gave me a look.

"I know you want to, Kitten. Hell, I want to. But it was your idea to wait," he said.

In one of my more brilliant and masochistic ideas, I suggested we wait until the night of our wedding to have sex again once we got to Venice. Lots of passion, and it would mean something a little extra. And by dumb luck, I would probably be ovulating again. I was mostly over the last disappointment, but I was hopeful this time would do the trick.

Which meant I wanted Daddy fully charged and ready to go. Still, I'm thinking past Kitten is a silly bitch for coming up with this plan.

"I know. It was a moment of weakness, Daddy," I said. "I'll be a good girl...until the honeymoon, of course."

"Well, I would hope so," he said, giving my ass a little swat. I giggled and retook his hand, and we walked through the Venice night.


"Come on in, Kit," Meg said. "You can't hide in the bathroom forever. We're losing the light."

I took a deep breath, looked in the bathroom mirror, and did a little twirl. Michelle insisted I bring the wedding dress to wear for some of the photos. She said it was because of the light and she wanted some natural-looking pictures before I got all done up the next day. I think she also wanted a sneak peek.

I'd played it cool with Meg yesterday, but it was a relief when the woman in that boutique gushed over the dress. I hadn't shown it to anyone at that point except for a couple of my professors at school. They gave feedback and I made the adjustments.

It was a tea-length wedding dress with a satin skirt that stopped and swirled out at my knees. The corset had lace over the top. You could get a hint of cleavage. I made it more enticing by adding lace that extended past the corset and stopped short of the neckline. It added something sexy to it.

But my favorite part was the back of the dress, which was all lace from the waist up. If it looked good from the front, it looked more than a little scandalous from behind. Throw in the vintage, retro feel and mix in some little girl into it, and it was the perfect wedding dress for me. The sprinkles on top were the cat ear tiara that I found online. I would be the perfect little girl/kitten for my Daddy on our wedding day.

I was glad Michelle asked for the photos today. At least I'd get to wear it more than once. I still had to do make-up and hair tomorrow, but I looked good for today's shoot. I walked out of the bathroom to find Michelle already taking pictures.

"Seriously, Kit. Wow," said Michelle. I blushed, which Michelle promptly took more pictures of.

"How many are you going to take?" I asked after she directed me around the room. I sat on a chair, I went out to their balcony and looked out at the canal. I sat at a desk and pretended to be writing something. It was fun and Michelle was bossing me around, so I didn't have time to think much. Plus, I knew she was warming me up by letting me parade around in my princess wedding dress.

"Lots and lots. Most of the work isn't shooting the photos; it's going through all the photos later, finding the best ones and tweaking them. Trust me, I'm paid well, and this isn't work. Relax and don't worry about it," she said.

I took her advice, until we got to the part I was worried about. She asked me to undo the corset and the dress.

"Well, this is where you start getting ready for your big night. So just imagine you're getting undressed and ready for Ben," she directed.

Well, that was no problem. One of the things that people forget about Littles like me is that we have amazing imaginations. So tuning out Michelle and imagining getting ready for Daddy was an easy fantasy to slip into. Michelle mainly kept quiet, only occasionally making me pause or wanting me to move to a different spot.

The dress came off and for the first time I found myself partly naked and being photographed. I blushed and covered my breasts as the dress pooled around my legs. Michelle didn't push or tease me; she kept smiling and taking pictures. I was only wearing my garter, stockings, panties and heels.

I would have to show them at some point, so I dropped my hands, then sat on the bed and made a show out of taking off the stockings. Finally, I was naked except for my panties and heels. I gave Michelle a questioning look.

"It's up to you, Kit," she said, taking pictures and directing me to a few different spots around the room. I was getting dangerously close to the balcony, and my exhibitionist streak kicked in.

"Oh well, what the hell," I said. I covered my breasts with my arm and walked out onto the balcony. Fortunately, the edge of the balcony wall came up to my belly button. I leaned over, still covering my breasts. Michelle snapped away. I found the edge of my panties with my free arm and slowly began to pull them down. Finally, they were dangling off one ankle, when I looked back coyly at the camera. I kicked them off and turned to face Michelle, naked except for the heels.

Michelle took more pictures, but after a couple of minutes, discretion overcame my exhibitionism. The balcony overlooked a quiet canal, so there wasn't much traffic. But much longer and some tourists in a gondola were going to see something not on the standard tour.

"So, how was that?" I asked. Michelle gave me a look like I was an idiot.

"That's possibly the sexiest thing I've ever shot, Kit. If Playboy was still a thing, I could sell those pictures to them. Ben's going to melt when he sees them," she said.

I giggled. It had been fun, and showing them to Daddy and having him fuck me silly afterwards was appealing.

"So, um, lingerie next, I guess?" I asked.

"I'm not sure we can top that, but I'm game if you are," she said.

I reached into the bag I had brought with me and pulled out something lacy. Not what I was wearing tomorrow night. That was a secret between Daddy and I, but I doubt he would complain.

"Well, we can't let that light go to waste. Let's see what happens," I said.


One of the things Meg told me as I was getting ready in her room was to pause and take things in on my wedding day. So I would remember everything. I thought it was a ludicrous thing to say. It was my wedding day. It was the most important day of my life. It would be burned into my brain for the rest of my life.

And yet, when I remember that day, so many of the memories only came back when I was looking at Ahmed and Michelle's photos. It might have been the most important day in my life, but so much of it was a blur.

When I walked out of the hotel with Meg and saw Daddy waiting for me by a gondola, my heart stopped.

He was wearing a tailored gray Italian suit and had even had a new cane for the occasion. He'd gotten his hair cut and his beard trimmed. My god, he looked amazing. Possibly the best he's ever looked in all our time together. All of my nerves vanished, but my lust kicked up several levels. I had the brief, mad urge to grab his hand and drag him back into the hotel. Everyone could wait, oh, 30 minutes or so. Maybe 20 in a pinch.

Instead, Daddy walked up to me, took my hand and kissed it.

"My God, Kitten. You've never looked more beautiful," he said. Because my panties needed to get more soaked at that moment.

In the gondola. We could totally fuck in the gondola. I bet those guys see that kind of thing all the time. Instead, Daddy took my arm and led me over to the canal's edge and helped me step into the gondola. I was dimly aware that Michelle was there taking pictures of the whole thing. I glanced over, and she had a huge smile on her face. I grinned at her.

Gondolas are weird. It's a guy pushing an odd boat through crowded canals while sometimes singing. And since we were dressed up to get married, people were taking pictures, waving and cheering us along. We both waved back, but Daddy quickly noticed that I was squirming a bit and not 100% comfortable.

"Are you ok, Kitten?" he asked. "I thought being watched by crowds would be a bit of a thrill for you."

He wasn't wrong. No sex for several days, that suit he was wearing, all the attention... I'm not sure if brides are supposed to be this horny on their wedding day, but I was revving at a high rate.

But there was one more thing that had me going. I looked over at Daddy and managed to find another shade of red to hit.

"When I was getting ready, I felt bad for not wearing my normal collar. I like wearing it because it reminds me that I belong to you, but it didn't go with the dress and nothing else felt right," I said.

"I know. That's why I sent you the pearl collar. I thought it would help, and it looks amazing on you," he said.

I blushed and ran my fingers along it for the 100th time since putting it on.

"It does help, and I love it. But by that point I'd taken other steps to get me in the right mindset," I said.

He had a concerned yet amused look on his face.

"What did you do, Kitten?"

"I put my plug in, Daddy. I'm sitting next to you in this gondola wearing a wedding dress with your collar around my neck. Oh, and I have crowds of people watching and I have a plug in my ass. I'm so horny I can't even think."

My emotions were all over the place. I felt bad, like I was making a mess out of things. I figured Daddy would scold me or make fun of me. Up ahead, I could see our friends waiting by the Palazzo Cavalli. Ahmed was waiting with his camera, and from behind, I could see Meg and Michelle, who was still taking pictures. I could feel panic start to build up.

Instead, Daddy took my face in one of his hands, and the other gently rested on my throat. I immediately felt my mind go still, the panic starting to ease.

"It's ok, Kitten. You're a nervous, excited bride on her wedding day. People are only going to see a beautiful young woman who is maybe a bit overwhelmed at the moment, which is perfectly understandable. I'm the only one who knows your other secret. I'm here with you, and I will take care of you, ok?" he said.

"Yes, Daddy," I said in a small voice. I always wanted someone to take care of me, and he would take care of me for the rest of my life, starting today.

We pulled up in front of the town hall. Gillian and Soo, Mike, Susan and her daughter, who I hadn't had a chance to talk with yet, were waiting. Sophie and Jean-Paul were standing off to the side, waiting for Meg. And Ahmed, who kept taking pictures as I hugged everyone. Meg and Michelle docked behind us and joined the party.

"My God, you look amazing," Susan said after carefully hugging me. Then she examined the dress again. "You made this, didn't you?"

I nodded. Susan shook her head.

I would have said more, but then Soo pounced on me, managing to cry, laugh and gush about how amazing I looked all at once. Soo was wearing something that had about six different colors, but still managed to work. It was madness with friends and family hugging us, and random tourists snapping pictures. Some dude came up and asked for a selfie with me until Meg pulled him aside and had a word.

"Perhaps we should go inside and get away from the hordes," Daddy said and glanced at his watch. "Plus, we're getting married in 15 minutes, so perhaps it might be good to head in."

On the steps, Daddy introduced me to Mia, the lady who had helped organize things for us in Venice. She looked to be in her 30s, but I had no idea when it came to Italian women. I mostly recall her smile was terrifyingly perfect.

"Congratulations, both of you," she said. "Kit, it's so nice to meet you finally. This wedding has been unusual. Normally it's an insane bride I'm dealing with, but instead, it's been a very calm and reasonable husband. For that alone, this has been a delight."

"Thank you?" I said, not knowing what else to say. She laughed. It was also perfect.

"Well, we've had a bit of luck, as there was a last-minute cancellation," she started to say.

"That happens?" asked Gillian.

"Oh my, yes. All the time," Mia said. "Cold feet. Some drama during a bridal shower or bachelor party. Someone misses a flight. There's always something.

"Bad news for them, good news for you. I managed to snare the judge who would marry that couple for you instead. He's a lovely man and speaks English, so there's no need for a translator. Also, you'll love the space where the ceremony takes place. Trust me. Come on, and let's get you married!"

Daddy took my hand and we all followed Mia up a winding staircase and through a maze of corridors. Finally, we stopped outside some double doors.

"Ok, as I understand, you're walking in together?" Mia asked. We nodded. I'd weighed different people giving me away - Mike or even Meg - but none of them felt right. That's when Daddy suggested just walking in together and it just seemed right.

"Ok, well, the rest of you go inside, and I'll pop out in a minute and let you know when it's time," she said. Mia opened the door and ushered everyone inside. I was so busy looking at Daddy and forgot to look at the room.

That's when I noticed not everyone had gone in. Mike lingered.

"I'll join the others in a moment, I just...." he started and then turned his head away.

"I know. I wish mom were here too," Daddy said.

He shook his head and refocused.

"I know you do. And so do I. But it's not that," Mike said, taking his son's hand. "I am so proud of you. I never say it enough because I just always assumed you knew. But this year, I realized how hard everything was for you after Beth. And for you to come back and be the man you are now. To be willing to take the plunge...I'm just very proud of you, son."

I rarely see Daddy cry these days. Early in our relationship, he did. He tried to hide it, but I knew he struggled with losing Beth. But the last time I saw him cry was at his mom's funeral. But now, he started crying and wrapped his dad up in a hug. I put my hands over my face and willed myself not to begin bawling.

Mike broke the hug and came over and took my hands.

"You can't say anything, Mike. If I'm sobbing when I walk in there with my make-up ruined and they start taking pictures, I'm going to be miffed with you later," I said.

He laughed, squeezed my hands.

"You are a light in any room you walk into. Thank you for saving my son," he said, then kissed me on the cheek. He gave my hands one last squeeze, opened the doors, and walked into the room.

I was absolutely about to lose my shit and start openly sobbing in the middle of the corridor. A handkerchief materialized, and Daddy dabbed tears away from my eyes.

"Who knew the old man had that in him?" he said, trying to joke. But I could tell he was rattled.

"Are you ok?" I asked. Focusing on him gave me a moment to collect myself.

He nodded. "Yeah. I wasn't expecting that. I knew mom not being here would hit us at some point, but that was....good. I've waited most of my life to hear that, but now is as good a time as any."

We both laughed, and that's when Mia reappeared.

"Well, it's good to see the bride and groom laughing before the big moment. Are you ready?" she asked.

We looked at each other, nodded simultaneously, and then grabbed each other's hands and walked inside.

It was a simple room. There were some classic pieces of art hanging on the wall and an ornate wooden desk at the front of the room. Everyone was sitting but turning to look as we came in. But the most outstanding feature was the balcony on the left. The glass doors were open, and a breeze ruffled some curtains.

It was perfect.

"Welcome, welcome," said an older man who looked to be in his 70s. "Come on in, and let's get things started."

All I could hear was the sound of Michelle's camera and my heels clicking on the marble floor as we walked inside.

It was a simple ceremony and lasted about 20 minutes. We got to sit for some of it, which was nice. Gillian sat to my left; Meg sat to Daddy's right. I don't recall much of what the judge had to say. I was mainly focused on not crying. I did that by holding Daddy's hand and looking at him. He looked at me, smiled and squeezed my hand. That's all I needed.

Then we had to stand and take our vows. I wish I could remember what they were. Daddy suggested early in the planning that we could write our own, but I stomped on that idea. There was no way I would remember anything, and I was either going to start to bawl, babble or both. Standard vows would be fine, thank you very much.

Then we got to a part where I knew I had to focus.

"Do you, Kit Ashley Clarke, take this man to be your husband?" the judge said.

"I do," I said, and to my surprise, started to giggle.

I also had a flash; I never had to use the last name 'Clarke' again. Among the many emotions rocketing through my body at that moment, relief was one of them.

"Do you, Benjamin George Harrison, take this woman to be your wife?"

I did a slight double-take. How did I not know his middle name? He leaned over and quickly whispered in my ear.

"Mom was a big Beatles fan," Daddy said. Then he turned back to the judge.

"I do."

"Do you have the rings?" asked the judge.

My eyes got wide for a second. Rings? What had we done with the rings?

That's when Gillian and Meg stepped up and handed the rings to us. Gillian smirked, having seen the moment of panic in my face. After everything I'd put her through, she deserved some amusement.

We'd bought the rings in Kingston back in May. It was from a local jewelry maker, which appealed to both of us instead of going to some mall chain jewelry store. I looked at Daddy's ring for the first time in months in the palm of my hand. It was gold with some Celtic knotwork that he liked. I could feel my hand start to tremble and had a brief flash of fear that I would drop the damn thing and it would roll under some floorboard, never to be seen again.

I took a deep breath, found some focus, took his hand and slid on the ring.

He smiled at me and mouthed, "good girl." Then he took my hand and slid on my ring. As soon as he touched me, I just wanted this to be over so we could be alone. Now.

Oh, and naked. Or mostly naked.

"Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss now if you wish," the judge said.

Oh, I very much wished. I jumped up in his arms and kissed him, much to the laughter and cheers from everyone there.

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